
Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Archer Emiya has reborn as his alternate self in a world of that mix fate kaleid liner and dxd what he will do in this world with his new life as a part of Rias peerage?

Raylight25 · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter 7 - Kuoh Gakuen and Occult Research Club part 3

"Emiya-kun welcome to the Occult Research Club," Rias who had just finished showering immediately greeted Shirou when she saw Shirou who had just come to meet her.

Rias then sits behind a table located at the end of the club room, accompanied by Akeno who stands next to Rias.

"Hello Rias-Senpai," Shirou said. "What's your bussines with me for calling me to here?"

"Didn't I say this morning that we will meet again," Rias said. "Besides, I told Yuto to bring you here to continue our conversation this morning."

(My conversation with her this morning is arguably unfinished, huh)

"Then what else do you want to discuss with me, senpai?" Shirou asked.

"A lot of things," Rias answered. "But first I want to introduce the members of the Occult Research Club who are part of my peerage to you, all of you introduce yourself to Emiya-kun."

"Ara ara let me first introduce myself to you Emiya-kun, my name is Himejima Akeno the vice chairman of the Occult Research Club and my position in Rias peerage is a Queen nice to meet you ufufufufu," In an elegant style Akeno introduced herself to Shirou.

"You already know me because we are in the same class Emiya-kun, but let me introduce myself again to you. My name is Kiba Yuto and my position in Rias buchou peerage is a Knight," Kiba said.

"My name is Toujo Koneko, my position is a Rook, Emiya-Senpai is nice to meet you," Koneko introduced herself with the same expressionless face as usual and she seemed not to care too much about Shirou at all.

"And I,"

"His name is Hyoudou Issei, a student in the class next to Emiya-Senpai. A super pervert who is a self-ignorant boobs lover, who has a hobby of peeping at women who are changing clothes and he is foolishly proudly dubbed himself as the embodiment of pervertnees, has a crazy ideal of becoming a Harem king and his position is a pawn, " Before Issei can finish his word Koneko had interrupted Issei when want to spoke and introduced Issei to Shirou.

"Koneko-chan!" Issei shouted while crying. "Why are you interrupting me like that! And why are all your words about me all ugly!"

"Because you really are as I said Issei-senpai," Koneko said while looking at Issei with a look that looked very condescending.

"Koneko stop badmouthing Issei!" Rias said. "And Issei stop crying! Because everything Koneko said is true! Your perverted character is bad for the Occult Research Club's reputation!"

"Alright Buchou!" Koneko and Issei said.

"Well, because everyone has introduced themselves. I will tell you some important things you need to know Emiya-kun," Rias said. "Firstly as I told you this morning Emiya-kun, I used an item to turn you into a demon race and revive you, the item name is Evil Pieces and only high-class devils like me can have it."

"Evil Pieces?" said Shirou pretending not to understand. "Is the shape is a chess piece?"

"You guess is right Emiya-kun," Rias said.

"From the way Akeno-Senpai and all members of the Occult Research Club introduced themselves while mentioning the name of the chess piece, I'm sorting all the information all of you tell to me in my head and from there with only a little conclusion I can guess everything, " Shirou said.

"You are really smart Emiya-kun," Rias said. "Just like the rumour."

"Ara ara that was right," Akeno said. "Issei-kun just looked very confused and stupid when Rias explained everything about us to him."

"Emiya-Senpai is smart," Koneko said.

"Oooi!" Issei said. "I hear the words you know!"

"Then Rias-Buchou can I see what your Evil Pieces are like?" Shirou asked.

"That's okay, but for what?" Rias answered while taking out one of her Evil Pieces and giving it to Shirou.

"I just want to see what the Evil Pieces are like," Shirou said while taking the red chess piece Rias gave him. "Only that."

Unknown to Rias, Shirou used his Structure Analysis to copy the Evil Pieces rook in his hand.

(Hmmm, my guess is right this Evil Pieces is almost equivalent to my Class Card. Anyone who makes it so genius, because it can make artifacts as complex as this) Zelretch said. (Can you make the copy Archer?)

(I can, with my current tracings ability, make a perfect copy of Evil Pieces is not difficult) Shirou said.

(That's good, because the fake Evil Pieces that you make later are important if you want to be able to cut your connection with Rias Gremory and replace it with fake connection) Zelterch said.

After completing the Structure Analysis of Rias's Evil Pieces, Shirou then returned it to Rias.

"Thank you Buchou, for showing me your Evil Pieces."

Rias then took back her Evil Pieces and put them back in her dimension pocket.

"Then can you tell me what piece you used to revive me?" Shirou asked.

"7 Pawn pieces and one Knight," Rias answered. "That makes you have the greatest potential among all members of my peerage Emiya-kun."

"That much?" Shirou said, who was truly shocked at this time with the potential for him to the point that a large number of Evil Pieces were needed to revive him.

"That's why I feel so curious about the power or what kind of Sacred Gear you have that you almost used up my Evil Piece." Rias was really curious as to what caused Shirou's potential to be so great.

"Sacred Gear?" Shirou asked while pretending he didn't know about Sacred Gear.

"God-made weapons given to humans," Rias answered. "Yuuto, Issei can show the two of you Sacred Gear?"

"Alright Buchou!" said Issei who really looked excited because he could show off his strength in front of Rias and Shirou.

"Ok Buchou," Kiba said.

Issei stretched his hand forward then raised a red Gauntlet with a green stone on the back of his hand.

While Kiba took out a sword handle without a golden yellow sword, but in an instant a black-colored sword appeared as if it was ready to suck a light at any time.

"My Sacred Gear name is Sword Birth a Sacred Gear that can create magic demonic swords accordance to my wishes! "Kiba said.

"I don't know the name of my Sacred Gear, I don't know the power either!" Issei said. "But I'm sure it strength won't be inferior to Kiba's Sacred Gear!"

Shirou did a Structural Analysis of the two Sacred Gears quickly and a moment later a perfect copy of the two Sacred Gears was already in his Unlimited Blade Works.

"That's what is called the Sacred Gear," Rias said. "Now are you understand what is Sacred Gear Emiya-kun?"

"Well, a little bit," Shirou said. "Then do Akeno-Senpai and Koneko-chan also have Sacred Gear?"

"Ara ara, I don't have a Sacred Gear," Akeno said. "But instead I'm very good at using magic."

"I don't have it either but I have strong physical strength!" Koneko said.

"Then only Kiba-san and Issei-san have the Sacred Gear?" Shirou asked.

"For now," Rias answered. "There is one more member of my peerage who has a Sacred Gear but is not here for a reason and now Emiya-kun because all my peerage members have already told us what their strengths are, can we now find out what your strengths are?"

"That's okay for me, but can you tell me how?" Shirou said.

"Imagine what you think is the most powerful in your brain," Akeno said. "Then try to bring it up on your body."

Shirou nodded his head then pretended to follow Akeno's words. And bring up his favorite weapons Kanshou and Bakuya using tracing on both hands.

(This Kanshou and Bakuya are real objects and not the imperfect imitations I usually make! Ultimate Projection really is on a different level!)

"Hmm, it's something like this?" said Shirou.

"Twin sword-shaped Sacred Gear?" Rias said. "Hmm, apparently because it's the first time you've released it, I can't really feel the power of your Sacred Gear Emiya-kun."

"To be honest, Buchou, the twin swords I took out were only one of the many weapons I could take out," Shirou said. "I can still issue weapons that are far more powerful than this, but because other weapons require a lot of energy to release them for the time being, only twin swords named Kanshou and Bakuya who are a China national treasures that I can took out. My sacred gear seems to be a storehouse of powerful weapons. "

"Whaaaat!" Shouted everyone in the club room except Koneko and Shirou.

"E-Emiya-kun do you know the name of your Sacred Gear?" Rias asked. "Because I've never heard of a Sacred Gear in the form of an armory!"

"Hmm, if according to the voice that resounds in my head the name is Gate of Babylon, the treasure and weapons possessed by Gilgamesh the first hero in human history," Shirou answered.

(Covering your Unlimited Blade Works using Gil's Gate of Babylon, your idea really good Archer) Zelretch said.

"E-Emiya-kun, do you want to say that your Sacred Gear is the Ga-Gate of Babylon in the legend?" Rias said.

"That is what the voice in my head said, his voice sounded arrogant and crazy," Shirou said. "It's not a good voice to hear."

"I-I didn't expect God to turn the Gate of Babylon into a Sacred Gear," Rias said. "This is truly a very surprising thing."

"If what Emiya-kun said is true then Emiya-kun has a Longinus-class Sacred Gear that has just been discovered," Akeno said.

"No wonder the potential of Emiya-kun is huge," Kiba said.

"Longinus-class Sacred Gear?" Said Shirou who once again acted to deceive Rias and the others. "What does it mean?"

"Longinus is the most powerful Sacred Gear class," Rias said. "There are only 13 of them in this world."

"Is that so? It seems that Buchou is not lying," Shirou said. "Because the voice in my head also speaks the same thing."

"A voice in your head?" Akeno said. "What do you mean Emiya-kun?"

"The voice in my head refers himself as Gilgamesh from Uruk," said Shirou who somehow felt a little amused having to lie to the members of the Occult Research Club. "King of the Heroes."

"Then it is true that the Sacred Gear that is in Emiya-kun's body is the Gate of Babylon," Rias said. "Because it seems Gilgamesh's spirit is trapped inside."

"Oh, yes he also said that Issei's Sacred Gear is also a Longinus," Shirou said. "If I'm not mistaken, the name is Boosted Gear."


Once again a scream echoed, inside the Occult Research Club because the thing Shirou said gave a surprise to the people in the club room.

Edited version

Author Note:a little Cliffhanger. Support me on Pa.treon.com/Raylight25