
Fate Dream Journey

The starting point of all illusions and dreams is also the ending point of all journeys. The future of humanity must be created, expanded, and protected by humans themselves... and not by impostors who lack the qualification of being 'human.' If you insist on interfering with the future of humanity, then whom can you save? Without obtaining the title of Grand Order, the 48th Master, 'Fujimaru Ritsuka,' is destined for destruction. And you cannot save anyone! As a parting gift, I bestow upon you a name: Suzuki Yuki. Singularity: -Pre-Fuyuki F -Battle of the Catalaunian Plains: Attila vs Aetius -Third Crusade: Richard I vs Saladin

AbsoluteCode · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs

[FDJ]Chapter 85: Leisure of the Early Morning

The Next Morning

After the battle, Saladin dispatched hired magus' to clean up the battlefield, erasing all traces of the fight and any lingering curses. They also managed to capture or kill eight snake familiars. Meanwhile, Suzuki's first day in this era was far from peaceful, but he did learn the true name of Assassin from the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Rider Eleanor still had matters to discuss with Saladin. Seeing Suzuki's exhausted state, she recommended that her Master take advantage of the lull after the battle to rest. After gaining preliminary information, the defensive forces in the entire valley also came up with countermeasures. All magi carried talismans to resist curses, and checkpoints were set up at regular intervals to detect magical reactions. This way, they could quickly discover any infiltrating enemy Servants.

Returning to the temporary residence, the accompanying guards had already prepared a meal of rice and grilled chicken. Even with the language Suzuki acquired from the Holy Grail War, he could only understand the general meaning, and specific terms sounded like a jumble of words to him. He could only vaguely associate them with some kind of food from the 21st century.

"Well then, I won't disturb your rest. If you need anything, please inform the guards patrolling outside. Our magus are on alert from a slightly distant location, so rest assured. We will never pry into the secrets of your magecraft," the Saladin guard seemed to have some knowledge of mysterious and occult matters, but it was useless to Suzuki since he couldn't use magecraft. The guard's additional information was unnecessary.

Once Suzuki settled down in the room, he initially wanted to collapse onto the blanket and sleep. However, he couldn't resist the enticing aroma emanating from the food on the table. He had already enjoyed a delicious meal of grilled lamb chops last night, and the exotic flavors of the 12th century had a magical allure that made it hard for newcomers to resist. Even after eating a variety of modern delicacies artificially synthesized within Chaldea, Suzuki didn't find them monotonous, especially when it came to trying something new.

Following a cautious approach, he used the detection device he carried to check the food and confirmed that it was safe to eat. Only then did he realize that there were no spoons prepared by the other party.

Realizing that eating utensils from the 12th century Middle East were not as commonly used in the future, he stared blankly at the rice and grilled chicken for a long time. His hands attempted to reach for the nonexistent items on the table but were helplessly suspended in mid-air. He remained in this state, facing the food, for over ten minutes. Suzuki instinctively tried to grab utensils from the table, even though they didn't exist.

If it were a large piece of meat like the grilled lamb chops, it would be acceptable to eat with one's hands, but for the small pieces, and especially the hot rice, it wasn't appropriate. An ordinary person would have made a clear distinction between reality and the norms of the situation within two seconds and decisively chosen to eat with their hands.

Suzuki Yuki couldn't help but laugh to himself as he realized his differences from normal humans. He felt like a machine designed with a set of working procedures, from magic circuits to desires, missions, and even eating. Would he starve without a spoon?

Having such a boring self-questioning, Suzuki finally decided to take out a medical spray can from his waist pouch, remove the cap, and forcefully twist the plastic lid into a makeshift small scoop.

Although it was challenging to eat, he didn't feel any discomfort. Surrendering to reality was surrendering, and surrendering to rules was also surrendering. For Suzuki, the latter was more important.


Meanwhile, in the city of Jerusalem.

The palace was still immersed in the tranquility of the previous night. Archer Tristan walked through a garden adorned with date trees and roses of various colors. The silver lotus flowers on the outskirts of the garden were about to bloom, which inspired Tristan to play a tune of Aphrodite, away from the battlefield. Although the palace, secluded from the frontlines, was filled with corruption that could rust swords, it perfectly suited Tristan's expectations. He never liked fighting on the frontlines.

"Don't hide. Sir, you may think that having some knowledge of magecraft can deceive the palace guards, but please don't be so arrogant as to think you can deceive my eyes." 

Tristan didn't turn around but took out his harp and paused his plucking.

In the morning light, several inconspicuous shadows in the tree's shadows reformed into human forms, and a slightly chubby middle-aged man appeared in the garden.

"Please forgive my impulsive action." The clothes worn by the middle-aged man were second only to the king's in the palace. He wore a short dagger with a ruby hilt around his waist, and his headdress concealed purple gemstones related to concealment. Even the numerous gemstone rings on his hand bore impressive magical engravings.

In comparison, the young king adorned in gold and silver appeared merely extravagant. In the eyes of someone knowledgeable about mysterious side knowledge, they could immediately discern who truly deserved the term "extravagant."

"You are..." Tristan still didn't turn around, only making a slight motion to turn his head.

The middle-aged magician immediately moved in front of Tristan, showing his empty palms and introducing himself proactively.

"Raynald of Châtillon, Duke of Antioch, a devout follower. I repeatedly repelled invasions by the Islamic people on behalf of the kingdom. As you can see, I am also a magus. My family has inherited the art for eight generations, specializing in the magic attribute of 'Shadow.' May I ask how should I address you?" Raynald voluntarily revealed his identity as a magus, seemingly showing sincerity.

"You may call me 'Archer.' I apologize, but I have no systematic knowledge of magic. If you have any inquiries regarding magic, I'm afraid I won't be able to engage in a fruitful discussion with you," Tristan replied. Through the knowledge bestowed upon him by the Holy Grail and the recent information he had gathered within the palace, Tristan understood the intricacies of the current situation. King Guy of Lusignan and Queen Sibylla did not wish to wage this battle, and Saladin, in name, also did not desire it. However, it was due to Raynald's repeated plundering of Egyptian fleets and caravans, even seizing a convoy that carried Saladin's relatives last year, which provided Saladin with a perfect justification for mobilization.

There were rumors that Saladin offered a bounty of gold that could be carried by a camel for Raynald's head.

"No, you misunderstand. The music you played for His Majesty the King yesterday evening was praised by the palace guards as something extraordinary as if it possessed a magical power that could evoke memories of a bountiful golden wheat field. I would like to invite you to my residence so that my wife and children may also have the privilege of enjoying your music."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," Tristan directly declined the invitation.

"Why not? If you are willing to grace my humble abode, I am willing to offer fine wine as a token of gratitude," Raynald tried to persuade Tristan. Since he had ascended to become a prominent figure in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, he rarely encountered refusals from others.

"You are a magus, Mr. Duke. Don't tell me you have no knowledge of the Holy Grail War or that you are completely unaware that I am an incarnation of a hero from the past." Tristan put away his harp, maintaining his humility and respect, without further pushing the displeased Duke Raynald.

"How does that matter? You are a free individual. Why can't you perform music in someone else's home? Or is it that your music can only be shared with His Majesty the King?" Raynald maintained his smile from beginning to end, a smile that made it difficult for others to associate him with malevolence.

"No, I am not free. I have a contract of servitude with Commander Richard."

"Very well..." Raynald wanted to persuade further, but Tristan turned to leave. "Please wait, Mr. Archer. Did I do something disrespectful just now? Have I offended you? I apologize."

"Duke Raynald, I know what you're planning. I advise you not to daydream. If your actions displease my Master, Richard, I will play a tune at your funeral," Tristan stated upfront. He disliked conversing with the Duke and was grateful that it was him, Tristan, who had arrived. If it were Lancelot or Gawain, who were upright and intolerant of evil, they would have swiftly dealt with the Duke.

"King Guy can do it, so why can't I? Just because of my identity as a magus? Then, may I invite my wife and children to the palace? Could you play a tune exclusively for them?" Duke Raynald questioned.

"It's not about playing or not playing," Tristan turned his head and glanced at him. "While King Guy may be a small-minded person, he is incapable of creating much turmoil. He may engage in activities that defy conventional morality, but his abilities are limited to such actions. If we truly want to mobilize the kingdom's military power, we need Queen Sibylla's consent. You, on the other hand, are different. You possess the power to drag the entire Middle East into the flames of war. I fear interacting with someone of your stature."

Comparing Duke Raynald's rise to power with King Guy, they were somewhat similar. Both relied on marrying noblewomen to gain prominent positions. However, the difference was that Raynald actively utilized his newfound power to acquire more land and authority. He didn't have the same fortune as Guy, who managed to seduce Queen Sibylla and ascend to the throne of Jerusalem. This was what he considered to be his unique trait—the exceptional talent and cunning that set him apart from others. He wasn't merely a duke who relied on others for success.

Duke Raynald's expression changed slightly. He no longer attempted to persuade Tristan, understanding that the person he faced couldn't be dealt with through simple means of coercion.

It wasn't until Tristan walked away that the Duke let out a long sigh, concealing his anger behind a smile. "Very well, just you wait! How dare a mere familiar meddle in the affairs of a magus! Soon, you will understand who the true protagonist of this era is!"

Transforming into multiple shadows, blending into the unnoticed darkness, Duke Raynald had many things to attend to. Returning to the royal city and rallying the servants within the city was just one of the incidental tasks.

The entire conversation between the two was monitored by Caster and Richard, who were stationed in the frontline camp. Caster's snakes were not only spread throughout the battlefield but also placed at surveillance points within the city of Jerusalem.

"Should I kill him, Master?" Caster straightforwardly asked his Master, who was enjoying the potato pancake dipped in mashed potatoes by his side. Caster didn't need to eat and had declined the invitation to have breakfast together earlier.

"Forget it. He's just a clown jumping around. With him around, we can provide a considerable number of cannon fodder troops and provoke Saladin's hatred," Richard replied, in a good mood as usual while enjoying his potato-related food. If asked this question at a different time, he might have had a different answer. "How is Assassin doing? She returned last night in worse condition than I expected."

"She expended a significant amount of magical energy, but she'll be fine for the time being. However, she shouldn't engage in battle for the next two days. Also, her abilities are unique. Unless necessary, it's best not to let her trigger the curse and cause trouble. It could get out of control," Caster was startled by Assassin, who was transported back last night. In an instant, the curse's power eroded the camp, resulting in several soldiers outside the tent losing their lives.

Nodding as he chewed the mashed potatoes, Richard expressed his understanding and praised, "Your medical skills are truly reliable."