
Fate Dream Journey

The starting point of all illusions and dreams is also the ending point of all journeys. The future of humanity must be created, expanded, and protected by humans themselves... and not by impostors who lack the qualification of being 'human.' If you insist on interfering with the future of humanity, then whom can you save? Without obtaining the title of Grand Order, the 48th Master, 'Fujimaru Ritsuka,' is destined for destruction. And you cannot save anyone! As a parting gift, I bestow upon you a name: Suzuki Yuki. Singularity: -Pre-Fuyuki F -Battle of the Catalaunian Plains: Attila vs Aetius -Third Crusade: Richard I vs Saladin

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111 Chs

[FDJ]Chapter 71: Conversation

24 hours had passed since Suzuki Yuki returned to Chaldea. After reviewing the information on the more than 40 individuals on the list, he gained a general understanding of the Crusades. He couldn't comprehend the fanaticism and obsession with faith from both sides of the conflict, but remembering the notable figures that emerged from the successive campaigns wasn't difficult. Following the hints, Suzuki Yuki referred to the records of the Second and Third Crusades in Chaldea's archives.

What surprised him the most was discovering the approximate information of a Servant named Richard I, registered as a Saber with speculative descriptions of Noble Phantasms and skills. Suzuki Yuki didn't recall the archives mentioning this Servant, Richard the Lionheart, who was famous worldwide. Suzuki Yuki had just seen this name on the mysteriously appearing page, but he didn't remember if Chaldea had any information on the Servants of the more than 40 individuals on that page.

Rather than dwelling on whether he had missed this information in the past or if someone had updated it in Chaldea's database, Suzuki Yuki decided to take note of it, adopting the mindset that coincidences don't exist in the world. The speculated Noble Phantasm held by Richard I convinced Suzuki Yuki that if he had encountered it even once, he would never forget it. It was a Noble Phantasm that could command multiple individuals who shared a connection in life to fight together. Based on Suzuki Yuki's knowledge of Servant intelligence, such a Noble Phantasm was unique.

Meanwhile, the negotiations between Team A's leader, Kirschtaria Wodime, and the current director, Olga Marie, had temporarily come to an end. One learned an essential piece of truth, while the other grasped the current situation. Suzuki Yuki was of vital importance, and the phantoms within the illusion did not influence the outside world.

"You've discovered the truth. Why didn't you tell me earlier? Mr. Wodime, I was on the verge of dismantling Suzuki Yuki for research to understand the reason for the inability to transfer Spiritrons," Director Olga Marie, younger but no less temperamental, crossed her fingertips, still not fully comprehending the truth described by the other party.

"First, I needed confirmation. After noticing Suzuki Yuki's anomaly, I've been trying to prevent you from harming him. Second, I didn't want to accept the truth, but upon Suzuki Yuki's return, I felt that continuing to struggle fruitlessly would only please our rational enemies. Overcoming desire with reason takes time." Kirschtaria Wodime only revealed a part of the truth. In reality, after understanding some of the truth, his initial reaction was to find a replacement for Suzuki Yuki. Unfortunately, an unknown force existed in Chaldea, establishing the constant reality as real and the illusion as constant. In other words, Kirschtaria Wodime's caution and rationality prevented him from taking any impulsive actions against Suzuki Yuki.

"I don't want to accept the truth you're telling me either."

"What I said was only a part of it. Earlier this morning, Beryl thought I was unaware and secretly went to Suzuki Yuki's room, using a powerful psychologically suggestive magecraft on him. He discovered that Suzuki Yuki retained fragmented memories of Chaldea being breached, and there was an important figure in green clothing, a magecraft professor, who played a significant role in the event. According to Suzuki Yuki's suggestions, that person emerged as the final resistance on behalf of Chaldea, with fires raging as far as the eye could see." Kirschtaria Wodime didn't expect Beryl to extract such important information, but he couldn't match that information to any of the magecraft professors in Chaldea.

Director Olga Marie listened to the additional information provided by Kirschtaria Wodime but shook her head, expressing her confusion. "I know every magecraft professor employed by Chaldea, many of whom have close ties to our Animusphere family." Olga Marie was on the verge of saying that the magecraft professors who agreed to help Chaldea were doing so out of respect for the Animusphere family's reputation. They were all reluctantly usable magus and no one could participate in the battle for Chaldea's survival. It was ridiculous to think they would make a final resistance for Chaldea. If there was room for negotiation, those who coveted their interests would surely betray them.

Not only did Olga Marie doubt Chaldea's advisors, but she also had suspicions about the selected group of Master candidates. Who had the qualifications to represent Chaldea's final resistance? Who had the ability? Who had the conviction? Olga Marie pondered these questions, realizing that she only met one of the qualification criteria herself, while the other two were unrelated to her.

"No need to rush to deny it. You just said you know them all, but is it really impossible for one of them to occasionally wear green clothes and suddenly reveal an unknown power to achieve magecraft? Suzuki Yuki couldn't have lied; this incident must have happened." Kirschtaria Wodime didn't believe it himself. He believed in inevitability, and he was certain that there was still a truth unknown to them. Everyone failed in the concentrated Spiritron transfer, except Suzuki Yuki, who successfully transferred and then returned two days later in front of everyone in the control room. Kirschtaria Wodime concluded that the incident occurred during the first failed transfer, and everything they witnessed afterward happened within the illusion, including themselves as illusory phantoms, with Suzuki Yuki being the only real existence.

The two opposing figures once again fell into silence. Kirschtaria Wodime felt that through continuous integration of the information, he was about to conclude as if standing before a blank wall, sensing the existence of a hidden door, but no matter how he searched, he couldn't find the crack. Similarly, Olga Marie had a sudden realization about the newly acquired information. The truth might be much simpler than their current speculations. With the information provided by others, Olga Marie had already pieced together the events before and after, except for the missing crucial part of the incident.

During the repair process of the Spiritron Transfer Device, despite finding no issues and making no progress, combining the information from the other party led her to guess the reason. Chaldea's Spiritron Transfer Device was not damaged; it was Chaldea itself and everyone here that were illusions. How could false things return to the correct past?

"What's your suggestion, Mr. Wodime?"

"Let's continue playing our roles as before, without harming Suzuki Yuki. Our struggle is meaningless. Let's observe Suzuki Yuki's changes. What is he going to do? Why does he exist in this illusory Chaldea?" Kirschtaria Wodime wanted to know the whole truth and also wondered if his true self was still alive. According to Suzuki Yuki's description after being influenced, Chaldea was engulfed in flames, and the chances of anyone inside surviving were slim.

"Alright." Olga Marie quickly thought of another important matter. "So, what is your speculation on why Suzuki Yuki underwent continuous Spiritron transfers? Even during the second occurrence when the device was turned off, he automatically transferred while standing near the observation lens."

"I haven't come up with a definitive explanation yet. I've assigned my companion, Ophelia, to investigate further. She possesses a high-level Mystic Eye and has made some progress. However, she's not willing to share the details at the moment."

Olga Marie pictured Ophelia in her mind, the woman with the eyepatch. She had a cold personality and ignored everyone except for Kirschtaria Wodime and a few acquaintances. Olga Marie, as the director, usually took a hands-off approach with such talented magus, maintaining more of a cooperative relationship. Her leadership skills were not sufficient for a superior role.

"Ophelia... Can we trust her?"

"Of course, as long as I am present, she can be trusted." Kirschtaria Wodime's confidence was evident in his expression. As the captain of Team A, his charm, experience, and leadership far surpassed Director Olga Marie's. "Director, haven't you realized? Given the current power dynamics in Chaldea, you can't hold on to your position as director. Your only few supports are your father's friends, such as Dr. Roman, who manages the Chaldea Medical Team. With just them, I think you'll be lucky to remain in the director's position for a year. Don't misunderstand; I have no intention of arguing with you. I am simply stating the facts."

Olga Marie's face turned pale as she was being spoken about, and she almost picked up the vase on the table to throw it. However, upon calm reflection, it was indeed true that her abilities ranked among the top among contemporary magus of her age, but reality did not set age restrictions. Just facing Kirschtaria Wodime, she was instantly threatened by his power and influence. In the context of the Suzuki Yuki incident, she was constrained and lost face. Chaldea was not lacking in geniuses, and Olga Marie had inherited her father's legacy to stabilize the initial launch of the plan. The process was bound to be full of countless difficulties, and she alone could not handle them.

"What are you trying to say?"

"It's just my speculation or hypothetical inference. Have you ever had a capable assistant by your side who could help you secure your position as the Director of Chaldea? At least someone who could make all of us in Team A reluctantly obey."

Kirschtaria Wodime's conjecture had a certain possibility, and Olga Marie nodded while recalling once again if her memory had any gaps.

"By the way, Suzuki Yuki has already left the room and is about to go to the control room. He will proceed with the next Spiritron transfer," Kirschtaria Wodime seemed to perceive his companion's information through some special magical means.

"I have already informed the guards to let Suzuki Yuki pass, and there should be no problem with him moving around in the control room."

"I hope he returns safely this time. I have a feeling that the situation he will encounter this time won't be as easily dealt with as before." Wodime didn't have high expectations for Suzuki Yuki, who nominally joined Team A. In his opinion, as a Master who couldn't control his magical abilities, Suzuki Yuki relied purely on luck... Perhaps fate chose Suzuki Yuki to exist in this special place and miraculously survive two Spiritron transfers.

"I don't think he is lacking in his role as a Master. After all, he is a high-quality weapon created through Chaldea's artificial human technology. Not being proficient in magecraft is not necessarily a flaw. His magical power and compatibility with Servants are only slightly inferior to yours."

"Let's hope so."


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