
Fate Dream Journey

The starting point of all illusions and dreams is also the ending point of all journeys. The future of humanity must be created, expanded, and protected by humans themselves... and not by impostors who lack the qualification of being 'human.' If you insist on interfering with the future of humanity, then whom can you save? Without obtaining the title of Grand Order, the 48th Master, 'Fujimaru Ritsuka,' is destined for destruction. And you cannot save anyone! As a parting gift, I bestow upon you a name: Suzuki Yuki. Singularity: -Pre-Fuyuki F -Battle of the Catalaunian Plains: Attila vs Aetius -Third Crusade: Richard I vs Saladin

AbsoluteCode · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs

[FDJ]Chapter 51: Q&A

Suzuki Yuki felt his palms sweating as he was continuously stared at by an old man with half-white hair. He shivered, sensing his interest in his clothes. Perhaps he only wanted his outfit, which could be considered a Mystic Code.

Suzuki Yuki had studied some knowledge about Roman civilization, and based on the half-page description in Chaldea's books, he knew this old magus, who radiated the remnants of the Western Roman Empire's heroism in the 5th century, was speculated to possess the classes of Lancer and Rider. However, from Suzuki Yuki's perspective, the old magus sitting not far away, watching him intently, was a perfect fit for the Caster class.

"Hey there, young one from the future, care for a cup of plum black tea?" Caster Mephistopheles, dressed as a clown, poured red tea for Suzuki Yuki and his Master, Aetius, without waiting for a response. He maintained a creepy smile and urged Suzuki Yuki to taste it. "I've added a rare poison that activates upon cooling down. Poison, oh~~~"

Suzuki Yuki looked down at the teacup forcefully placed in his hand, momentarily confused about the man's intentions. "Poison?"

"Just kidding. Suzuki Yuki? That name is really hard to pronounce. Have you future people lost the concept of humor? Even when at a loss, you should keep smiling, a smile in the face of difficulties~" Caster continued his flamboyant performance as if it would be more fitting with an accompanying band.

"Wise people never sit down and lament over their failures. They always optimistically seek ways to salvage the situation. A great playwright once said so. Look at the two of you, sitting here motionless since your defeat. Have you come up with any creative inspirations? Drink the tea first, gather the collective wisdom of more people, and perhaps you'll come up with a breakthrough idea." Caster didn't give Suzuki Yuki and Aetius a moment of peace. He hopped and skipped between the two, his words interspersed with laughter, sometimes distant and sometimes close, truly becoming annoying.

Aetius picked up the teacup and drank all the red tea in one gulp, licking his lips. "The enemy will attack again tonight. It is expected that the Hun army will launch an offensive the day after tomorrow. Caster, you'll keep watch."

"What? Me?" Caster stopped in surprise, locking eyes with Aetius. He put down the teapot and rubbed his exaggeratedly clownish cheeks with both hands, making his expression even more exaggerated and comical. "How can that be? My Master knows well about my abilities. If it weren't for the Mystic Code you gave me, Archer would have turned me into a hedgehog with her arrows long ago."

"No, I suspect Archer wasn't giving it her all. Otherwise, with the few Mystic Codes I gave you, she could have turned you into a hedgehog too." Aetius estimated the power of the Greek mythological huntress, Atalanta, who was associated with the Calydonian Boar in addition to the rain of light arrows she had already used. She likely possessed a third Noble Phantasm even stronger than the arrow rain. This was also one of the reasons Aetius controlled Assassin to prioritize killing Archer's Master. Archer's Noble Phantasm in this Holy Grail War had an excellent performance, with average basic abilities, leaving no room for criticism. Keeping her alive would only bring calamity.

However, Aetius had been unlucky. Archer, relying on her ability to act independently, found Attila before she dissipated, and Attila happened to have obtained the Holy Grail. It was like giving Attila an excellent Servant for free.

Caster was once again surprised by this revelation, expressing his shock in his unique and exaggerated manner. Suzuki Yuki couldn't understand this Servant and didn't want to understand his completely different way of thinking from normal people.

"Master, why didn't you tell me? It's too dangerous. Next time, I won't provoke that female hunter."

"I'm telling you now. But I think you'll still go and provoke her next time." Aetius followed the principle of inferring in reverse when considering Caster's way of thinking. Perhaps Caster wouldn't even hesitate to joke about matters of life and death and might even be more enthusiastic about it. "Next time, you can mock her for being greedy for golden apples. After picking three, she even picked a husband as an extra."

Suzuki Yuki knew the mythological legend of Atalanta, and he imagined that anyone who dared to mention it would be covered in arrows and hung dry on the tallest tree nearby.

Thinking of this, Suzuki Yuki couldn't help but laugh, but he quickly controlled his expression and continued drinking his tea.

"You're laughing. It seems people from any era are not resistant to jokes." Caster skipped over his situation and started humming a tune cheerfully.

"Caster, there are only you and Saber Gilles de Rais in the camp now. Mr. Gilles de Rais is injured and needs rest tonight. Only you can keep watch and deal with any sneak attacks."

Aetius' addition interrupted Mephistopheles' laughter. The latter took a few steps closer and observed his Master. "Master, you are quite humorous. Perhaps during the day, I can still dodge arrows, but at night, Archer has the absolute advantage. Going out would be no different from being blind."

"So, Caster, think with a smile about how to deal with it. Optimistically seek ways to salvage the situation. I think that's a reasonable approach."

Aetius felt a sense of nostalgia, reminiscent of his childhood arguments with his noble peers. He used to be the king of the circle, and it had been a long time since anyone could make him laugh. He began to suspect that the Servant he had summoned was truly just a clown, skilled in performing comedy and wasting magical energy on summoning explosive familiars.

Caster shrugged, gripping his hat with one hand. With a loud bang, he and his hat disappeared on the spot, not through spiritualization but through some kind of magical means.

"Alright, the annoying clown is gone. Suzuki Yuki, let's talk." Aetius returned to his usual serious tone. With a wave of his hand, five magical crystals in the room lit up. The windows automatically darkened, and the outside sounds instantly ceased, leaving the room in complete silence except for the sound of breathing.

The invisible pressure made Suzuki Yuki instinctively uncomfortable, something he hadn't felt even during his private conversation with Attila. Attila intentionally restrained herself during their one-on-one interaction, but Aetius was devoid of gentleness, even in disguise.

"Let's start with you. We've introduced before that you come from the future, the 21st century, while the current time is the 5th century, a difference of about 1,550 years. There's an organization called Chaldea, dedicated to saving humanity?"

"Yes, Chaldea Organization has been established to safeguard humanity and human history." Suzuki Yuki answered with unusual determination and firmness, unaffected by Aetius' imposing aura.

"Impressive. Humans over 1,500 years later actually have the leisure to worry about the long history of mankind being destroyed. As you can see, a massive war involving hundreds of thousands of people is currently taking place here. The number of deaths in the entire Gaul region since the issue of the throne emerged is already several hundred thousand. My arrival with Attila's forces only accelerated the increase in the death toll, with less effect than a plague or famine. When winter comes, there will still be a large number of deaths. I don't know the specifics of 'human history,' but I doubt it involves a pure-blooded royal sitting on the throne in the year 451. Did Chaldea come here to save the dying and the dead?" Aetius asked earnestly, even though he wasn't someone who cared about the lower classes. He was a ruler deeply ingrained with the ideology of aristocratic supremacy.

"No, the number of deaths in Gaul in the year 451 has nothing to do with Chaldea. If it truly affects human history, we would try to slow down the rate of death, such as distributing medicine, controlling disasters, preventing wars, and finding other ways to keep human history on the right track. As long as human history follows its predetermined trajectory, all the damage that has been caused will be repaired." Suzuki Yuki answered resolutely, his words an automatic reflex to him.

"If the number of deaths is fewer than recorded, and it affects the principles you care about, what would you do?"

"This question has not been addressed within the Chaldea organization," Suzuki Yuki pondered for a moment and finally concluded. "Based on previous practices, we would take opposite measures to rectify the situation. We would escalate the war, spread disease, create famine, and prevent the source of the anomaly to restore humanity to its correct trajectory."

As Suzuki Yuki spoke these words, he felt something was amiss. However, according to the teachings of the Chaldea institution, the conclusion he reached should be correct.

Aetius, having listened to Suzuki Yuki's explanation, couldn't help but applaud in admiration. "Have the humans of the 21st century attained such wisdom? In other words, if a demon that shouldn't exist in the originally normal human history appears, you would stop that demon and uphold justice. But if an exceptional individual who leads humanity emerges, would you eliminate that individual? Is that the principle of human order?"

"...Well, currently, the Chaldea organization has not observed such events. It is only when an inexistent power causes greater destruction that the collapse of human order occurs," Suzuki Yuki quickly explained, not understanding why the other party was giving examples that deviated from the norm.

"It's alright, don't be nervous. I previously suspected that Chaldea, as you mentioned, would be a benevolent organization in the future. Now I understand that you are an organization that safeguards order, a truly magnificent organization. If you were merely a benevolent organization, I wouldn't be interested in continuing this conversation. Tell me, why did your organization send you here? What are you trying to prevent?"

"I haven't received an official appointment. I woke up in a village near the battlefield and summoned Servants. Based on my observations over the past few days, I can conclude that the Holy Grail has fallen into the hands of Attila the Hun, which will impact the human order. Additionally, the original Lancer, Brunhilda, seems to have other intentions as she took my Servant away." Suzuki Yuki spoke honestly and openly, unaware that he was being influenced by Aetius's suggestive magecraft.

"In the recorded history of the future, my army emerged victorious in this war, right? Why didn't you come to me first instead of going to the side that failed? Since the human order has collapsed, it would be more correct to cooperate with the side that originally emerged victorious, wouldn't it?" Aetius pressed on, hoping to extract all the information he wanted from Suzuki Yuki in one go.

"I didn't remember the outcome of the war. I went to the Hun camp after obtaining clues related to the Huns. It was only later that I gradually recalled these memories, and at the time, it appeared that your side had a numerical advantage in terms of Servants. I thought you were the ones affecting human order."

Suzuki Yuki's truthful answer left Aetius at a loss for words. He had always believed that his character was righteous and that Attila, who had marched through civilizations and brought destruction, was associated with evil demons. "Well, according to your principles of safeguarding human order, good and evil don't matter. I understand..."
