
Fate Dream Journey

The starting point of all illusions and dreams is also the ending point of all journeys. The future of humanity must be created, expanded, and protected by humans themselves... and not by impostors who lack the qualification of being 'human.' If you insist on interfering with the future of humanity, then whom can you save? Without obtaining the title of Grand Order, the 48th Master, 'Fujimaru Ritsuka,' is destined for destruction. And you cannot save anyone! As a parting gift, I bestow upon you a name: Suzuki Yuki. Singularity: -Pre-Fuyuki F -Battle of the Catalaunian Plains: Attila vs Aetius -Third Crusade: Richard I vs Saladin

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111 Chs

[FDJ]Chapter 25: New Servant

Attila held the Holy Grail without knowing how to use it, and she didn't inform anyone other than Archer. Initially, she discovered that this golden cup contained an enormous amount of magical energy, but using it proved to be very difficult. It was like grabbing a treasure chest that couldn't be opened no matter how much it was struck or battered. Only a small crack revealed the invaluable treasures of gold and silver inside the chest, and she could only pour out a few coins each day to satisfy her desires.

She believed that the future person in front of her should know how to use the Holy Grail. Missing this opportunity, it would be better to bring it out when needed in the future. Another matter of concern for Attila was...

"Suzuki Yuki, you come from the future. Do you know where I ultimately end up?"

It was more important than rare treasures like the Holy Grail. Attila, who was already over 45 years old, had witnessed the deaths of many people her age. Even if they didn't die on the battlefield, deaths from diseases or accidents often occurred. Not everyone could live for over a hundred years like practitioners of magecraft.

"Sorry, I haven't systematically studied history, so I only know about the heroic achievements and anecdotes. The Chaldea organization hasn't observed your arrival as a Servant, so I'm not clear about your outcome."

Suzuki lied here. Except for the last half of his sentence, everything he said was true. The Chaldea organization indeed had no information about Attila, and Suzuki hadn't studied the complete history of various civilizations. However, Attila, the King of the Huns, was a renowned conqueror in human history, and the short-lived Hun Empire deserved a five-minute summary from the instructor.


"In the previous class, we mentioned a group of Hun immigrants who migrated to Eastern Europe and assimilated into Chinese civilization. Originally, it wasn't necessary to spend time discussing these uncultured barbarians who left no cultural remnants. However, no one could have expected that in the 4th and 5th centuries, the descendants of these immigrants gradually established a multiethnic kingdom, or perhaps it's more appropriate to call it an alliance. And during the peak of this kingdom's growing strength, a unique emperor was born. Now, turn the book to the next page. Although the Chaldea database doesn't have information about this king, a basic understanding is still necessary so that you don't end up dying if you happen to encounter the Hunnic King Attila. Remember the last line: Attila is suspected to have died from respiratory obstruction caused by ruptured blood vessels due to excessive drinking. Countermeasures against such Servants..."


"Do you not know?" Attila could tell that Suzuki was reminiscing, and she was very curious to know about her future.

"I don't remember the details. Besides, the book describes you as a male, but..."

Attila laughed it off. "Perhaps my subjects didn't leave any books about me, and the Romans portrayed me as a demon who destroyed civilizations, right? Demons are usually depicted as fierce males, and the prisoners we captured in cities like Metz also described me as a monster with a bloodthirsty mouth that devours young girls."

"Maybe," Suzuki reluctantly replied. When it came to lying, he wasn't skilled.

"I see."

What matters more than one's journey is where their nation ends up. Attila could tell that Suzuki was lying, and it wasn't just a casual "possibility," but rather the future outcome: the Romans left historical records about the Huns.

There was no point in pursuing further questions. Even if she could defeat Aetius and his coalition that blocked her path, even if she reached the capital of the Western Roman Empire, Attila would still be a king worth recording in Roman history. When she was young, she studied Roman knowledge in their cities, passed down through generations. The noblewomen who taught her to read could unfold ancient scrolls made of papyrus, recounting the history that existed before the birth of Rome. On the other hand, with the Hun elders, Attila could only listen to the mythical legends of the past narrated by these old sorcerers.

"To be honest, I didn't initially think I could become a king. My brothers were much more outstanding than me. But later, I realized that I was even more exceptional than them, and so I became the king." After being sent back to her tribe, Attila rarely found someone to talk to. She stood out among the Huns, and she never expected that she would need a person from the future to answer her questions.

Tonight was the happiest day for Attila since the retreat from Constantinople. Suzuki didn't notice how many times the king smiled as she invited him for tea. She had completely shed her daytime majesty.

"It's okay. You remind me of my childhood companions in Rome. They were curious about the Hunnic way of life just like you. Seeing tea and books wouldn't astonish them, just like you, they were sincere."

Attila laughed again, reminiscing about the joyful moments of teasing her companions in her childhood. Although those defiant boys would always angrily say, "Wait until our leader returns, and he'll make you, a barbarian, understand that there's always someone better out there."

The exchange of hostages was a reciprocal act. Attila was a hostage sent by the Huns, and the Romans also sent a hostage named Aetius. He was a cunning magician who had learned the tricks of winning over various tribes of the Huns. If it weren't for Attila's timely order to prohibit the Huns from becoming mercenaries, there would have been a cavalry unit of their kin among the coalition forces trying to intercept them.

Attila told Suzuki about some of her memories of life in Rome. In her description, she didn't seem like a hostage but rather a distinguished guest of the nation. She was the mischievous son who played pranks on the prime minister and tripped the queen's maidservant, and no one cared when she sang the Hunnic folk songs at gatherings.

The magic lamp placed on the table dimmed as the magical energy in the gemstone inside it was depleted. Attila quickly got up and took out a magic gemstone from under her throne to use as fuel. She forgot where she had put the specialized ore for the lamp, and now she didn't want to be bothered by anything. After all, both the gemstone and the lamp could be bought with an equivalent weight of gold, or she could just snatch them directly without calculating the cost of gold.

"Where were we just now?" As Attila reminisced about her childhood memories, she didn't even notice the tea in the cup shaking. She was too focused.

Suddenly, the sound of urgent horse hooves came from outside the tent. According to regulations, riding horses freely within the camp was not allowed, especially directly to Attila's tent.

Suzuki was also drawn to the commotion outside the tent. Before he could stand up, two guards accompanied by an anxious soldier entered, dressed as cavalry.

"Report to the king, we did not encounter an assassin with the Divine Marksman but instead came across a strange swordsman wearing steel plates. The sword he wielded was as wide as a person and could create whirlwinds when swung. Your guest arrived after us and confirmed that the swordsman was someone she knew. They have already returned with the strange swordsman."

The description from the cavalry left Suzuki puzzled. The Servant he summoned was Jeanne d'Arc from the 15th century, so how could she possibly know someone from the 5th century? "Archer...how did the Divine Marksman refer to the strange swordsman?"


"The term used by the Norse to refer to berserk warriors on the battlefield? Let them in." Attila herself didn't mind having a Servant enter her camp, whether or not there was a conspiracy. Meeting Jeanne's acquaintance first would be more interesting.

Suzuki finally understood the situation. Archer followed the cavalry in pursuit and didn't encounter Assassin. Instead, they encountered the most unlikely hidden Berserker Servant, and Berserker happened to be acquainted with Jeanne.

Before long, accompanied by the guards, Attila and Suzuki walked out of the tent. Torchlight illuminated the midnight camp, and the two quickly saw Saber, Archer, and the Berserker they had "caught."

"So, that person is the Berserker-class Servant you mentioned? And the steel plate armor he's wearing is a combat outfit from a thousand years later?"

"Having this kind of protective armor in the 15th century is a status symbol." Suzuki still couldn't see Berserker's face clearly, but he could see the conspicuous plate armor. In his mind, the names of several famous commanders from the Hundred Years' War quickly flashed by. Their Noble Phantasms were not difficult to find, as Chaldea had observed data on them during the Subspecies Holy Grail War.

Only when Suzuki saw the twisted face of Berserker due to his madness, restrained by the heavy armor that could unleash his anger at any moment, and observed Jeanne's concerned expression towards Berserker, did he not need an introduction from Jeanne to know Berserker's true name.

"La Hire?"

Suzuki's act of speaking out the true name first seemed foolish to Attila, who was standing by. Who knows whether it would anger the irrational Servant... Fortunately, Jeanne immediately reached out to stop Berserker's gaze fixed on Suzuki.

"Master, please pay attention. After learning so much about the Holy Grail War, don't you know to be cautious around Berserker-class Servants?" Saber appeared somewhat angry.

"Anyway, you managed to subdue Berserker. Saber, Archer?"

Attila stepped forward to divert Suzuki's attention. Berserker's crimson eyes immediately locked onto Attila, who exuded a regal aura. Compared to the young magus who could speak his name, a king was far more dangerous.

"La Hire, calm down. She is our friend." Saber's displeasure extended to Attila as well. She was currently very anxious and didn't know how to calm down her former friend.

With a snort, Attila turned around to return to her tent. She saw another Servant, a Berserker that Jeanne could control. No longer curious, she just wanted to get a good night's sleep and continue studying tactics tomorrow. "Archer, find him a place to rest. You went all out."

The injuries on Berserker would heal, but the scars had not yet faded. If it were any other Servant, they would have fallen and dissipated after being continuously struck by Archer.

"Very well." Archer had been keeping her distance from Saber and Berserker since coming back. As she passed by Suzuki, she deliberately paused for a moment. "A Master who can see through true names, how unfortunate that your Servant's former companions have also joined this Holy Grail War. Also, I am indeed the hunter who participated in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar, Atalanta. Since Attila has acknowledged you, only for this time, I wish us a pleasant cooperation."


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