
Fate/Dragon Ball Wars

A god was playing with some 'beads' when he had an idea. Why don't we start a Holy Grail War, but instead of the Holy Grail, the Servants and Masters have to compete for Dragon Balls? BOOM! Fuyuki City, 1994. The stage is set, and each Master receives one Dragon Ball and summons a random Servant. Saber: Yeah, it’s the usual cute King Arthur. Archer: It's the same usual arrogant prick wearing golden armor. But who the hell are these other Servants who don’t appear in human history?! Lancer: This Lancer is a 14-year-old magical girl with red hair. Rider: He is a certain prince of the Holy Britannian Empire who is extremely intelligent and rides a giant Gundam. Caster: He is a blond teenager who wants to duel with cards and has extremely high luck. Assassin: With a cross scar and red hair, he is the man-slayer. Berserker: No one can understand his origin since he could be in any class. He doesn’t speak, but his strength is no joke. --- English isn’t my first language, and I don’t own this story. If you have any complaints, please reach out in the comments or provide a review. I will be providing the necessary information since this fic includes many anime mixes. Anime so far: Fate franchise, Rurouni Kenshin, Code Geass, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Final Fantasy Read advance chapters here: www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: Caster’s and Lancer’s side

"Hah. Could other participants have caused last night's explosion?"

Jounouchi mumbled, peering out the window at the distant signs of destruction. He'd just woken up, the previous night's events still hazy in his mind.

He hadn't involved himself in the action yet, but it was clear this "War" had already begun in earnest.

"Alright! Time to find someone to duel!"

Jounouchi declared, his usual impulsive nature taking hold. He didn't overthink things; he followed his instincts.


His gaze fell upon the Duel Disk strapped to his arm. He frowned, noticing the spell and trap zones were already filled with cards, and his monster zone held nothing. The monster he'd previously summoned hadn't returned either.

"Heh, guess I gotta give it a shot."

He shrugged. As far as Jounouchi was concerned, this whole war was another high-stakes duel.

It would be a dream come true if he could somehow gather all seven mysterious "Dragon Balls" and make a wish. After all, there were so many of his fallen friends he yearned to bring back, and if this bizarre contest offered that chance, he wouldn't hesitate.


"What does this mean, Kirei?"

Gilgamesh, lounging on the sofa and leisurely sipping wine, eyed Kirei standing stiffly before him. On the table in front of the king sprawled a shimmering Dragon Ball.

"It's just a trade."

Kirei replied, his voice devoid of emotion. He wouldn't dare sit without permission, especially from the 'king.' It was the safest course of action.

"I see. Indeed, this orb... it's unlike anything I've ever encountered in my treasury. Its luster and value are beyond measure. Most impressive."

He glanced again at the ball, its surface glowing with two embedded stars. This creation, with its flawless craftsmanship, was utterly captivating.

Could it be the work of a god? Or perhaps an artifact from a lost civilization?

Regardless of its origin, it held a powerful allure for the king. After all, things he didn't possess naturally ignited a burning desire to claim them.

As "The King" Gilgamesh, he was compelled to own every treasure that had ever existed, existed, or ever would exist in this world.

"I see, I see! It seems you've carefully considered my desires. As a servant, this indeed pleases me!" Gilgamesh boomed, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

No wonder Kirei had taken such initiative. This peculiar Holy Grail War must have necessitated it.

"Hmm, very well then, Kirei Kotomine. You've piqued my interest. And naturally, a king must reward such a gesture."

Gilgamesh reached behind him with a flourish, and a ripple in the air materialized. From it emerged an item wrapped in a silken cloth.

"What is this?"

Kirei asked cautiously, catching the surprisingly weighty bag as it sailed towards him.

"An elixir. Known in some lands as the 'Immortal Pill.' It possesses the power to heal any wound, a possible treasure gifted by some deity. You intend to use it on your Assassin, wouldn't you?"

The king, ever wise, saw right through Kirei's facade. Even with his Master's skills, progress in this war would be impossible without a capable Servant by his side. To avoid a dire situation, Kirei wouldn't allow Assassin to remain critically injured.

Yet, fully restoring the Servant's health in such a short time wouldn't be easy. Thus, he'd sought the aid of the "King of Heroes," a decision kept secret from Tokiomi.

"Losing that bead means you no longer have the right to make a wish. Acting behind Tokiomi's back, you're not exactly the picture of loyalty, are you?"

"As long as I have a Servant, I can always seize new Dragon Balls from other participants. It's not a concern,"

Kirei countered without a flicker of hesitation in his voice.

"Hahaha! You see things quite clearly, Kirei. Indeed, this Holy Grail War is unlike any we've witnessed before. It presents a multitude of new amusements!"

The king's crimson eyes gleamed with excitement.

This peculiar war was unlike anything he'd ever encountered. Mysterious Dragon Balls, unknown Heroic Spirits, the complex interplay between Masters and Servants, the promise of granting wishes... even if he did nothing himself, the anticipation of the unfolding battles was thrilling.

"This is truly delightful, Kirei."


"How is it, Lancer? Not bad, right?"

Sola asked, her voice laced with satisfaction.

"Hmm, it's delicious!"

Kyoko, the Servant known as Lancer, replied with a contented hum, savoring the food.

Inside the hotel room, a stark contrast unfolded. While Kenneth meticulously set up magical barriers and wards, the Master-Servant pair were already enjoying their meal.

"I'm telling you, no matter how elaborate your magical defenses are, they're useless. Last night's bombardment, if aimed precisely, would have rendered all your efforts futile."

Kyoko turned her head towards Kenneth, her brow furrowed in concern. It was difficult for her to fathom his stubborn insistence on such impractical measures. Honestly, if it weren't for their Master-fiancé bond, she wouldn't waste her time humoring him.

"That's right. You even planned to send Lancer out last night. Luckily, I intervened. Otherwise, she might have ended up as badly injured as Assassin."

The memory of Kenneth's reckless order brought a sharp edge to Sola's words. Thankfully, she had stopped him from making a grave mistake. Not everyone was fortunate enough to survive such a devastating attack.

"Hmph, It was merely a precaution."

Kenneth conceded, however, that holding back last night was the prudent decision. The battle between Servants had escalated to an unforeseen level, exceeding his initial expectations.

It remained unclear whether the attack was a Noble Phantasm unleashed, and the opponent's identity remained a mystery.

However, judging by the sheer power, Caster seemed the most likely culprit.

"While secrecy has its merits, there are also those who disregard societal norms and operate independently. Your carefully constructed defenses could easily be rendered useless against such an opponent."

Kyoko knew that type of individual all too well. It mirrored the unwavering determination of a magical girl named Homura Akemi, who wouldn't waver in her pursuit of Madoka Kaname's well-being.

"Rather than wasting time with pointless chatter, why don't you use your skills as a Servant for their intended purpose? Intelligence gathering would be a far more productive use of your time than indulging in self-imposed tasks."

"Sorry, Kenneth, but Kyoko is right. You need to respect my authority as your fiancée."

Sola snorted at her fiancé.

Despite the repeated embarrassments he had endured at her hands, Kenneth remained composed.

After all, he had chosen to participate not as the Master, but as an assistant. Sola wouldn't have agreed to his presence otherwise.

"He has a point, I've had my fill. It's time to gather information on the other Masters and Servants. After all, I need to deliver some results."

Kyoko conceded, pushing back from the table.

Her purpose was clear-cut.

To save her colleague who had succumbed to the darkness of witch, she was prepared to explore any avenue. This time, victory was hers!

Read advance chapters here:

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