
Fate/Dragon Ball Wars

A god was playing with some 'beads' when he had an idea. Why don't we start a Holy Grail War, but instead of the Holy Grail, the Servants and Masters have to compete for Dragon Balls? BOOM! Fuyuki City, 1994. The stage is set, and each Master receives one Dragon Ball and summons a random Servant. Saber: Yeah, it’s the usual cute King Arthur. Archer: It's the same usual arrogant prick wearing golden armor. But who the hell are these other Servants who don’t appear in human history?! Lancer: This Lancer is a 14-year-old magical girl with red hair. Rider: He is a certain prince of the Holy Britannian Empire who is extremely intelligent and rides a giant Gundam. Caster: He is a blond teenager who wants to duel with cards and has extremely high luck. Assassin: With a cross scar and red hair, he is the man-slayer. Berserker: No one can understand his origin since he could be in any class. He doesn’t speak, but his strength is no joke. --- English isn’t my first language, and I don’t own this story. If you have any complaints, please reach out in the comments or provide a review. I will be providing the necessary information since this fic includes many anime mixes. Anime so far: Fate franchise, Rurouni Kenshin, Code Geass, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Final Fantasy Read advance chapters here: www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Berserker! Go fight!

"Your assistant is a human with a lot of experience using firearms. But facing a magus, she probably wouldn't have thought I'd resort to something as 'unorthodox' as a bomb, right?"

The old adage held true: magic and technology were double-edged swords. Kiritsugu was a master of wielding both, and most other magi wouldn't dream of doing the same. Kirei couldn't see the harm in utilizing the occasional technological product, especially when it gave him an edge.

With that intention in mind, Kirei had meticulously crafted this trap, using Irisviel as bait.

You are indeed a guy who must be dealt with."

Kiritsugu forced out, his voice heavy with suppressed pain. Pushing aside the worry gnawing at him for Maiya and Airi, he focused on the immediate threat.

Saber's scabbard was missing, and its whereabouts were shrouded in mystery. The most likely scenario, however, was that Kirei himself possessed it, which presented a significant problem.

Even if Kiritsugu managed to inflict a severe but non-lethal wound, the scabbard's power would ensure Kirei's swift recovery. He probably won't die.

The more Kiritsugu contemplated this, the more a chilling realization settled in. Kirei was a formidable opponent – a magus who was both meticulous and unconventional in his methods. He was, in a way, a twisted reflection of Kiritsugu himself.

Eliminating Kirei here and now was paramount; leaving him unchecked would undoubtedly lead to further complications. He was just someone who can't be left alive.

'Assassin is already at a disadvantage and cannot come to help. Taking advantage of the moment when he is using magic, the Origin Bullet has a chance to severely injure him.'

Considering the magical effect of the scabbard, Kiritsugu found himself in a stalemate. A mere injury wouldn't be enough.

The crucial question remained unanswered: had Kirei truly embedded the scabbard within himself? This information was vital for Kiritsugu to formulate his next move.

'I can only try it out first. It's now or never.'

There was only one course of action – a test run. Kiritsugu decided to use regular bullets first, gauging Kirei's reaction. If the wounds healed rapidly, it would serve as undeniable proof that the scabbard was indeed at work.



The booming explosion drew the attention of Gilgamesh, the Archer-class Servant. Witnessing the entire exchange, a spark of amusement ignited within him.

"Hahahaha! It's an intriguing shift. Did you learn a trick or two from Assassin, perhaps?"

This supposed selfless priest, Kirei, was now dipping his toes into the waters he'd previously avoided. It was a delightful descent into moral decay! This mongrel, as Gilgamesh deemed him, was proving to be quite an entertaining spectacle.

"And it seems some reckless fools are itching to join the fray. Excellent. It appears it's time for my grand entrance!"

Gilgamesh declared, his voice resonating with self-importance.

"The time has come for these mongrels to witness the glory of my majestic form! Hahaha, my entry, it's going to be legendary!"

Ignoring any semblance of protocol from his Master, Gilgamesh vanished in a flash of golden light, his ornate armor gleaming in the aftermath.

"The hell?!"

Tokiomi, his Master stationed in the dimly lit basement, sputtered in disbelief. His gaze fell upon the Command Seal etched on his hand, a hint of hesitation crossing his features.

This wasn't the first time the King had taken it upon himself to act unilaterally. Previous attempts at communication had yielded nothing but frustration.

Tokiomi inwardly cringed, recalling Gilgamesh's scathing assessment of him: a "disappointing and utterly dull minister!" Despite his own shortcomings in the emotional intelligence department, Tokiomi couldn't help but feel utterly humiliated by the King's scathing remarks.

"Well, whatever. As long as he doesn't cause any irreversible damage, I suppose I can let him indulge himself."

Tokiomi massaged his temples.

The three Command Seals remained untouched, a constant reminder of the precariousness of their situation.

Risei Kotomine's support was a consolation, but looming threats necessitated caution.

Speaking of threats, Tokiomi furrowed his brow as he considered the troubling silence from the Matou family. His letter had gone unanswered, leaving him clueless about their intentions. A disciple's report confirmed they possessed a Berserker-class Servant, yet its identity remained a mystery.

The initial plan had been to forge an "alliance" to test the waters, but their complete disregard for his correspondence left him bewildered. The Matou's usual arrogance wouldn't have manifested as such blatant rejection.

"Is there any special reason?"

Uneasiness started haunting Tokiomi.

With a heavy heart, he dispatched his familiar to investigate the Matou situation firsthand.


Kariya, a man hardened by circumstance, had become accustomed to a peculiar routine. He walked the streets, a worn bag slung over his shoulder, keeping a watchful eye on Berserker, who had just finished his assigned task.

Berserker, a hulking figure once draped in ominous garb, now stood strangely at odds with his appearance. Dressed in ordinary clothes, he resembled an eager, kind-hearted young man. His true nature might be a fearsome legend, but here, he was content with helping people push carts, locate lost objects, or join children and older people in their games.

The children, especially a red-haired boy with eyes sparkling with curiosity, gravitated towards Berserker. Unlike the intimidating aura Berserker once projected, his gentle spirit shone through.

"Um, mister. Could I borrow this for a bit? I haven't finished the story, and I really want to know how it ends. I promise I'll return it by tonight!"

The boy piped up, clutching a thick, leather-bound book,

The book "Memories of the Sky" seemed to hold a particular fascination for Berserker. It could likely contain echoes of his own forgotten past within the heroic narrative.


Berserker simply nodded in response to the boy's request.

"Thank you so much, mister!"

The boy beamed, his heart brimming with joy at Berserker's tacit approval.

"Berserker, Sakura will be worried if you're late again."

Kariya spoke, a hint of concern lacing his voice.

He watched as the Berserker gazed after the boy's departing figure, a touch of longing lingering in his eyes. Adults who readily offered help, possessing seemingly limitless strength – that, in the child's eyes, was the epitome of cool.

"Are you sure it's alright to lend the book? I remember Sakura mentioning she was also quite invested in the story."

He had observed Berserker's interaction with the boy, a hint of unease crossing his mind.

However, seeing Berserker shake his head in silent dismissal, Kariya decided not to press the matter further. The intricacies of Berserker's actions were sometimes beyond his understanding.

Upon returning to the Matou household, they were met by a pouting Sakura at the entrance. Kariya winced inwardly, bracing himself for a scolding about their tardiness.

But his apprehension quickly evaporated as Sakura reached into her pocket and retrieved a large, intricately crafted bead. Its interior shimmered with a constellation of twinkling stars.

Recognition dawned on Kariya. This was a Dragon Ball – the very object Masters and Servants were locked in a desperate struggle to acquire. But what did Sakura's sudden display mean?

"Berserker, I've made a decision. I'm joining the war."

Sakura declared, her voice imbued with a newfound determination.

Kariya's jaw dropped. Sakura, who had previously held little interest in the conflict, was now volunteering herself?

"Sakura? Why the change of heart?"

"The war will end eventually, one way or another. And when it does… Berserker will disappear, right?"

Sakura's gaze hardened slightly.

"That's why I need to collect the other… Dragon Balls so that I can keep Berserker by my side."

Despite her young age, her words carried the weight of an insatiable desire. Kariya couldn't help but see through her facade.

"You will help me in this quest, right, Berserker?"

She inquired, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

Berserker let out a soft sigh as if burdened by an unseen weight. Yet, he didn't offer a refusal.

After all, he had entered this war solely to answer Sakura's pleas for help. The wish itself held little importance to him.

If he could honestly wish for something, it would be to restore the lives lost in the world-shattering disaster etched into his forgotten memories.

"Berserker! Go fight!"

Sakura raised her arm and issued her order.

As she spoke, the ominous dark armor materialized around Berserker's form, transforming him back into the imposing figure he once was. With a final, lingering glance at Sakura, the colossal warrior vanished into the night.


Sakura is giving some Illya level vibe.

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