
Fate Deified

Kei Sota's parents were killed in the Fuyuki Fire ten years ago. Not long after after, he was picked up by a passing magus due to his potential. A few years later, Kei killed him. Now, he's a Highschool Student and gang leader and the 5th Grail War is here. Second Person POV https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Second Day 10

"…Sakura…what happened to you?" Rin found herself asking when she finally found her voice, "How did you get….like this?"

"Did he not tell you about his mage craft?" Sakura blinked, tapping her chin, before shrugging and beaming, outright beaming at her! "Well, no matter. It was Kei-kun of course!" she happily answered.

"He gave me a brief overview." Rin grimaced slightly. She hadn't expected it to be actually so thorough, or quick, despite what she'd seen of Kei's abilities.

Foolish of her, for underestimating him when she saw him literally trade blows with perhaps one of the most powerful heroes that could be summoned as a servant at all.

"Well, I don't understand it all too much myself beyond the basics," Sakura shrugged, "But, he used the mess grandfather made of my body to improve everything about, according to Kei-kun, my prana output should be even higher than yours now!"

"…What?" Rin blanked on those words. No, that didn't make sense. The reason Sakura was sent off to go with the Matou was simply because of her greater magical circuit and prana output, and now she had the Tohsaka Crest backing her up on that front as well.

You couldn't just improve magic circuits and their performance ability that drastically, especially over night!

"That's not even the best of it!" Sakura suddenly grinned and stepped over to a large rock sitting in the garden, it had to weigh a good few hundred pounds at least and Rin's eyes widened in shock as her little sister, literally bent down and heaved it up without any strain at all, and she definitely wasn't reinforcing herself either, "My body is better than ever! According to Kei-kun, I'm even stronger and more durable than the average dead apostle!"

Insane, insane! Rin could barely even put her thoughts in order regarding all this. "…He…he can just do that? Upgrade basically everything about you?" Rin asked through a shocked sputter.

"More or less, though I'm a bit of a special case because of the Matou family stuff," Sakura replied, casually dumping the rock back down and dusting off her fingers, "I wouldn't really recommend going through that first, so if you want the package Kei-kun gave me, it might take a little bit longer."

"I see…" Rin calmed herself and nodded. So she could possibly get upgrades like her sister as well then? Enhanced magic circuits, superhuman physical characteristics…and even;

Rin's eyes briefly glanced at her sister's voluptuous chest before zipping back up to meet her eyes.

Sakura met her gaze with a wide smile and knowing gaze, eyebrows raised. Rin's cheeks flushed.

"He could probably make your breasts bigger as well if you want," Sakura giggled, "Though, I don't think you need to worry about your attractiveness Rin, Kei-kun was quite open about how beautiful he thinks you are."

That was true, he definitely wasn't shy about praising her, especially her ass. It looked like there was even more benefits to accepting his offer than she realised.

"…Well, he definitely didn't hide how much he liked my ass." Rin snorted.

"Yeah, he said as much to me as well earlier!" Sakura shamelessly revealed, and god how different she was now, "It is pretty nice I have to admit! And it stands out all the more because of how slim you are!"

It was so weird the first proper conversation she'd had with her former little sister, was something like this!

"Oh!" Sakura suddenly clapped, apparently thinking of something, "Do you want me to teach you how to twerk? I learned how to do it a while ago and I'm sure Kei-kun would love to have you do it."

"Twerk..?" Rin blinked, confused. That sounded vaguely familiar. Did Ayako mention it at some point?

"I'll show you!" Sakura grinned, grabbing her by the arm, "Let's put your stuff away and we can get right down to it, and we can even spend some time together like we used to!"

…How could she do anything but agree to that? Rin let her sister drag her along into the expansive, beautiful mansion before a thought occurred, "What about Kei?" she asked.

"Don't worry, Caster and Lancer will fix him up I'm sure!" Sakura waved off her concerns, "Besides, I sent Rider to keep an eye on him as well to make sure they don't push him too hard!"

If you want to see stuff a little bit early, feel free to check my pa--treon. You can find the link in any of my story descriptions.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts