
Fate Black Hound

A normal guy who finds himself involved with the Moonlit world through tragedy and will grow stronger so he doesn't lose anything else again *Strong MC *Alternate Universe *Other Character from other Franchise may appear

Hanmus · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs


**Night Time**

Kaito PoV

"Are you sure you don't need to accompany you Kaito?" Bazett asked

"Yes, I will Handle the Matou family myself" I refused her assistance.

"If that's what you want, but please Be careful Kaito"

"I will, Thank you Bazett"

"No, Thank you, Kaito."

I watched as Bazett walk away into the Church.

"Well then Let's get started" I nodded toward my servants, Artoria Pendragon and Okita Souji.

"Stay safe Master, Senpai" Okita then left us to where Einzbern Manor was.

Leaving only me and Artoria to head toward Matou Mansion.

**Matou Household**

"Ah, you Came Right On time, Welcome" Zouken the one who greeted us after I rang the doorbell.

"Welcome Honored guest, My name is Sakura Matou. Pleased to meet you" Sakura greeted me with a monotone voice.

And I can see her eyes have no will anymore.

'I need to stay calm.' Doing my best to not show any reaction I return her greetings.

The moment I shake her hand for greetings I activated the runes on my palm that paralyze Sakura. I caught her body with one arm.

The moment I did that Caster and Assassin Appeared.

Caster appears in front of me with their body glowing up.

'Is she going to explode themselves?!'.

With my free other Arm, I channel Storm Flames and punch right through their body.

Then summoned the Gun with that hand while still piercing Caster's body.

As for Assassin, they appear behind me with their weapon an inch behind my neck.

I don't need to worry as Artoria pulls out her blade and intercepts it. The assassin was sent flying by the force.

"Ha ha ha what a foolish boy, you think an ordinary gun can harm-" Zouken monologue was cut off.

"Bang!" The bullet hit the Abomination right on the head.

"-Me?! Whaaaaaa is happening to me??" Zouken words become slurred as the Origin Bullet affects him.

Then his body explodes and turned into numerous abominations worms

The caster stopped glowing and went limp on my hand. And she started disappearing in gold dust.

'Ngh?!.' Then my heart throbbed and Instantly I knew what happen.

'My origin acting up.'

Knowing what happens, this time I try to do it without my origin taking over my will.

"Artoria! Use Avalon" Knowing I don't have time to use the one inside my body I called Artoria to use her own.

She pulled out Avalon and Invoke Its name.

"Avalon!" Then a Trasculent barrier envelops us.

The worms are instantly destroyed when the barrier touches them, including the one inside Sakura.

With Artoria Sheath Protection, I began my feeding.

Putting The gun back in my Inventory, I started 'Absorbing' Caster on my own.

While I processed Caster's body all of the bugs aka Zouken Matou's abomination familiar body. inside the Matou household show up and approach us but Artoria Avalon destroys them when they touch the barrier.

The other bugs can sense their life in danger and quickly move away to escape.

'Caster Class Medea of Colchis' I barely finished on time before The worms were able to escape the house.

Knowing it will be a bad situation if I let them out of the house I ignore the Information of Medea in the back of my mind and quickly draw 9 primordial runes and activated the bounded field that Cu Culain rip off from his teacher Scathach.

Creating big enough bounded fields that envelop the entire Matou Mansion.

All of the bugs instantly vaporized on the spot.

Taking a breath to calm myself I ask Artoria while checking Sakura.

"Artoria how is the Assassin?"

"Taken care of" I looked in her direction and saw she standing beside Assassin's body which also quickly turn into gold dust.

'She is healthy as if all her body never got through abuse in Matou Family. It seems when Artoria uses Avalon, the effect is more potent than when I use it on my own.'

With this, the Holy Grail War was officially over and I was the winner. If I ordered Okita to kill themselves that is.

'I also 'Eat' Caster, so the Grail should not manifest themselves.' That means Ilyasviel will not become the Grail vessel just like Ms. Irisviel.

Still Medea of Colchis, now I know what the Dagger is. It's her Noble Phantasm, Rule Breaker.

A Blade that is capable of severing any kind of Magecraft.

'What a Dangerous Noble Phantasm, I am glad I managed to take it from Caster in the temple'

Still, I can ponder about Medea and her noble Phantasm later. Now I need to deliver Sakura to the church. At very last Rin might be able to take care of her after I explain her condition and Matou Magecraft.

'Master! There is something dangerous happening in Einzbern Mansion!' Suddenly Okita's voice rang out.

'What?! Be careful Okita! I am on my way!'

Using brief knowledge I got from Medea I teleported directly In front of the Church, Artoria opened the door while I carried Sakura in my arms. Inside I saw Bazett with Rin attending to Caren who was on the ground.

"Sakura?!" Rin was the one to speak first and she quickly run to me.

"You! What are you doing to her?!" Rin is about to attack me but Bazett already moved behind her and restrained her.

"Move another muscle, and I will break your neck" Bazett threaten her.

"She is safe, I just saving her from Matou Family," I told her briefly while putting her on the church bench.

"Saving? Just what happened at Matou's house Kaito?" Bazett ask.

"I don't have time to explain, if the worst happens get out of the City"

I moved toward Artoria and grab her shoulder and teleported to near Okita.

"Master!" Okita called out as I arrived with Artoria.

I saw she is holding unconscious one of Ilyasviel Maid's in her arms, Then I look forward and saw one of the worst possible outcomes happen.

"Ara Kaito-san you arrived, now we can be together forever" Ilyasviel was covered in Black mud just like Ms. Irisviel speak up.

"Angra Mainyu!" I called out the name that make Ilyasviel like that.

"Oh? Do you know me? Then I don't need to waste my time!" Ilyasviel moved her hand forward and Tidal of Mud moved toward us.

Knowing what happens if the Mud touches us, Artoria moved in front of me and uses Avalon once again.


Avalon barrier protects us from Angra Mainyu mud of Corruption.

"Hoo? Avalon? Then you must be King Arthur, Strange you, Kaito, and Saber over there look already touched by my mud. But you don't look affected." Angra Maintu in Ilyasviel's body commented.

"How you manifest yourself Angra Mainyu?!"

I ask the Avenger Class.

"Who knows?" She shrugged off my question and then with another wave of motion from her hand the mud moved toward us again.

But the Avalon barrier still protected us.

"Tch, when an eyesore barrier" This time she moved her hand again but I saw she sport an evil smile.

Immediately I put my hands on the ground and use 1 boost of Command Seals on myself to create a forest of trees that surrounds us and Einzbern Mansion.

The mud of corruption halted by my forest of trees.

"...Created an entire forest of trees, you are not ordinary magus" Angra Mainyu narrowed her eyes as she saw her mud corruption stopped but then her expression turned malicious.

"But how long can you keep it up?!" The Mud slowly burns my tress with its cursed elements.

I cannot restore the cursed burning trees and am forced to create another batch of trees behind the cursed ones.

'I can't keep this forever!' I am sorry Ilyasviel'

"Artoria by my Command Seal unleash your noble Phantasm at Angra Mainyu!"

"...Excalibur Morgan!" Artoria unleashes her noble Phantasm at Ilyasviel.

"Boom!" a loud explosion rang out as Artoria's beam hit her target.

When I can see again I saw that Ilyasviel is no more but why was the mud still here?

Then to my horror a silhouette formed where Ilyasviel destroyed body is.

Then Angra Mainyu appeared once again.

"Fu fu fu, surprised? I will not tell you the secret though," She mocked With a demented expression that doesn't fit Ilyasviel's face.

'Is the Grail supplied her Mana?'. That is the only possible way for her to recover herself.

That is only possible because Ilyasviel is a Grail vessel that is connected to the Grail.

Then that means I need to cut the connection.

'I don't think I need to use Rule Breaker as soon I understand it.'

"Once Again By My Command Seal Artoria unleashes your Noble Phantasm at Angra Mainyu!"

"It's Useless how many times you do it!"

Artoria Excalibur hit Angra Mainyu once again and just like before she formed herself again.

But this time I teleported behind her and with a Rule breaker in my hands.

"Wha-?!" Angra Manyu sensed it too late as she just formed herself and found The Rule Breaker stabbed in her back.

"Rule Breaker!" The connection between Ilyasviel and the grail was cut off.

She swings her hand at me but with her connection to the Grail cut off Ilyasviel's body is just slightly above normal humans and compared to me she is weak.

I caught her hand with my other free hand, while I put the Rule breaker in my Inventory. Then hug Ilyasviel possessed body with said hand.

"-What are you doing?!" Angra Mainyu struggled in my hold and I use the opportunity to use Avalon inside me to purge Angra Mainyu from Ilyasviel's body.

"! Let go of me!" Angra Mainyu struggled as she was being exorcised from Ilyasviel's body.

But she is unable to free herself and after some time she is purged from Ilyasviel's body.

"No!!!" This is Angra Mainyu's last words as she is gone from Ilyasviel's body.

I hold into Ilyasviel's body as she appears unconscious. Then I felt something happen to my connection to Okita.

I looked toward where Okita and saw she submerged herself in the remains of the mud.

"What?! Okita!" Carrying Ilyasviel I teleport beside Artoria as the Avalon barrier is strangely absent.

"Okita!" I shouted worriedly.

'Is she being possessed by Angra Maintu?!'

Then I saw Okita walk out from the mud toward me.

"Angra Mainyu?!" I moved behind Artoria but to my confusion Okita? Stopped in front of Artoria and then she pulled out Avalon from her body.

"Thank you senpai, with this I can stay beside Master" Okita handed Avalon back to Artoria.

"Hmph! No Need for thanks, although I still have some doubts. You are worthy enough as a Kaito servant" Artoria commented as she put Avalon back inside her body.

"What? Just what happened?" I am confused

"No need to be Confused Kaito, I just told Okita the method to make her have Incarnated body so she can stay as your servant after Holy Grail War is over"


"Indeed it's the same one I use to be Incarnated and to be your maidservant Kaito"

I still look at her in confusion

"Ah about Angra Mainyu Corruption?, you don't need to worry Kaito. That's the reason I lend her Avalon so she doesn't get corruption and is safe from it's influence"


"It's Indeed as Senpai Artoria said, I want to be your Servant Permanently Master Kaito and Senpai provided her assistance in that matter and she agreed if I also become your Maid Master"

"You still need to prove yourself worthy to be Kaito's servant maid Okita"

"I Promise I will prove myself Senpai!"

"We will see, and that's why and how Kaito. Okita becomes your servant permanently." Artoria ended her explanation with a proud expression.

I have so many questions but It looks like What I got was Okita want just to be like Artoria and become my Servant maid.

I massaged my head to nurse my headache at the fact that Okita went through Artoria's way to be Incarnated.

I look around and saw the Mud corruption start to disappear.

"...Let's just go back to the church" There is still a matter of if Angra Mainyu's influence is still at The Grail.

'I will leave it at the teacher's hand regarding that matter'

Then I saw a piece of paper floating in front of my eyes.

'Good Job My apprentice! I will handle it, No need to worry about it. And As a good work, I will reward you when you are back!'.

Signed your Awesome Teacher, Zeltrech.

'...Let's just go back to the church'. Pocketed the note I teleport all of us back to the front of the church.

**3 Command Seal used in this chapter, 16 - 3 =

13 Command seals left**