
Fate Black Hound

A normal guy who finds himself involved with the Moonlit world through tragedy and will grow stronger so he doesn't lose anything else again *Strong MC *Alternate Universe *Other Character from other Franchise may appear

Hanmus · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Interlude Kariya Matou

*1st Day

After Berserker Fall Back in the aftermath of Battle in the Docks

"Guh!" I coughed some blood because the Prana drain of Berserker but Berserker is proven strong enough against Tokiomi Archer Servant

"Hehehe Just wait Tokiomi i will make you pay for abandoned Sakura in that Hell!"

I coughed some more and making me difficult to walk but i need hold on until i arrive at my hideout

*Kariya Hideout

I look at the direction where Berserker stay in his spirit form and can sense he injured quite badly by Rider Chariot and needed to recover first

'Need to rest now" With that i closed my eyes and drifted to sleep

*2nd Day Next morning

With Berserker still recovering there is little i can do for now.

'Might need more training with my crest worms under Zouken today' I said the last words with much disgust and hatred


"You survived today training as well Kariya, i am impressed" The Monster praised me as i in the ground gasping from the Pain after our training.

and The worms eating my body form inside making me difficult to breathing

"Hah...hah... Can i see Sakura now?" I ask after steadying myself to sit on the floor and prepared to getting up

"Hmm... Sakura also done her own Training for today so you can see her in her room" He allowed me but when he say about training i am getting angry at him and it seem only amused him

'Calm Yourself Kariya!' I held back my anger after some difficulties and standing up ignoring Zouken and head toward Sakura Room.

I can only look helplessy at her blank expression

I hold her hand and promise her that i will save her and can only say sorry for cannot help her right now. and headback to my hideout

'If only i get a servant that may able to help her right away instead a Berserker.'

i have that thought since the summoning, A caster from throne of heroes possibly can take care Zouken Easily and save Sakura but Zouken definitely know about that too so he doesn't allow it by making sure i summoned a Berserker with the extra Chant

i shake my head to erase that thought

'It's useless to think what if, i need to focus!'

I look at Berserker and can see he recovering and should be alright tomorrow

'Tomorrow... i wil make Tokiomi Confront his action to give Sakura to Zouken and make Aoi sad' is what my last thought as i sleeping for today

*3rd Day since Holy Grail War officially started

i prepare myself for today by eating some breakfast and look toward Berserker and sense his condition

'He recovered already.... so Today is the day'

i started getting ready and head toward Tokiomi residence

*Tohsaka Residence

"Tokiomi Come out you bastard!"

I shouted near the entrance after having Berserker destroy the security bounded field to get his attention and bring me to the rooftop

Not long after that Tokiomi Tohsaka appear, and i glare when he give me disgusted look

"Well i wonder what magus that break my security but it was just a coward magus"

He said in dissapointing tone

"Tch! So what if i am coward! It doesnt Matter, But why you Give Sakura to Zouken?!"

Did he dont know of Zouken true nature and it also make Aoi sad

"Hmph! A Runaway Coward like you Kariya will not understand, but i suppose i cam share a bit of my wisdom if only to teach you something you dont know"

Tokiomi then Started explaining his reason to give Sakura to Zouken

"Both Rin and Sakura displayed uncommon promise as mages. Therefore, both required the protection that only an established mage family could offer. How could I, their father, sentence one of my daughters to failure, to ensure the other's chances?"

"I Aware that both my daughters possessed exceeding rare sorcery traits, Rin possessed all five elements while Sakura, though lacking all five, possessed Imaginary Numbers. The magical nature makes those who surpass the rules of reason attract equally extraordinary experiences. "

" I knew that the daughter i did not chose as his heir must be doomed to a life of disasters, and eventually would become a guinea pig on hands of the Mage's Association. In that matter, the adoption request of the Matou's family would come like a truly blessing, so that Sakura could fulfill her innate potential to become a powerful mage, and would be able to protect herself from others wishing to use her as a result of her lineage"

"In the future when Both of them confront each other i can think of nothing greater than for one daughter to be renowned as a legendary victor and her sister to be known as her formidable opponent. and whoever win will Make my Lineage either Tohsaka or Matou known to the world"

He finished his explanation woth a proud expression

"You ?! Did all of your daughter mean nothing except your Magus ambition Tokiomi? Aoi Happiness, and your Children Happiness.?!"

"Haa.. it seem you still dont understand Kariya, Of course they are inportant to me, and i knew they will be happy at the path of Mages that i have set for them"

I have Enough listening to this Bastard Magus Nonsense and so i summoned my Bladed Wings Worms from inside my body and make them charge at Tokiomi

Tokiomi created a barrier of Fire with his staff and instantly burned all of my worms but i dont care and summoned more to attack him

"Same technique ? You really dont have any elegance Kariya, Intensive Einäscherung"

The fire barrier moved toward me and burned all my worms that is in the way, forced me to dodge it.

'Tch! I can't get close!'

I summoned more worms ignoring how painful it for the worms comimg out of my body and make them circle around his location

I make some of them attack first and waited until Tokiomi use his fire barrier before command the rest to attack in that time gap

He indeed do as i think but the barrier of fire not dissappearing and when it almost burn my second batch worms he stumbled and making my worm able to injure him before he summoned fire again but it was much weaker

'What ? is he getting weaker ? it doesn't matter as i have opportunity to finish him off'

I ordered my Worms to attack again and indeed Tokiomi appear to be weakened as he barely able to summon his flame magecraft to defend himself

After some time Tokiomi seem cannot summon his Flame again and my worms able to cut one of his arm

Sadly it was not the arm with Command Spell

Realizing the danger he is in Tokiomi use his Command Spell

"Archer By my Command Spell, come to my side and protect myself!"

I widened my eyes and in a Flash Tokiomi Servant Archer appear

He look pissed and Berserker appeared incfornt him and start battling against Archer just like in the docks

"Guh!" I coughed blood again and looks toeard the both of them fighting

'I need to retreat, I have use Many worms today and Berserker Prana consumption is already strain the worms inside me'

Then i imagine what happen if i am die here

Sakura alone in that Hell and suffer under Zouken Care. That Thought filled me with horror and i force myself to stand upright

'If i die in here i cannot save Sakura!'

'Berserker by Command Spell protect me and retreat to our Hideout!"

I use Command Spell to boost Berserker so he doesnt need my prana for escaping from Archer Assault

Berserker grab me and jump from the rooftop while parrying Archer Assault to retreat for now

*Kariya Hideout

"Hah...Hah...Guh!" I coughed blood again as the worms started their work by eating my flesh and replenish their numbers

"It's a pity i cannot finish Tokiomi, but i will need to survive to save Sakura"

i give my servant one last look before drifted to sleep

Uknown to me a pair of Familliar is watching the moment i entering my hideout and have been observing me since My escape and wntering my Hideout without my knowledge

(Will fix some mistake later)