
Fate Black Hound

A normal guy who finds himself involved with the Moonlit world through tragedy and will grow stronger so he doesn't lose anything else again *Strong MC *Alternate Universe *Other Character from other Franchise may appear

Hanmus · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Caster VS Lancer

*a few moment before Caster and Lancer leave to a suitable fighting area

Caster PoV

"Finally showing up Lancer, i have been waiting to fight you" finally he is finally arrived with his Master who now standing in front of my own Master

"Waiting for me ? sorry Caster but i already have appointment with Saber"

"let just say i made a deal with her and she hand over the right to fight you in her stead"

"What did you do Caster ?" Asked Lancer cautiously as he pointed his spear at me

"Like i said make a deal with her, dont worry she is unharmed"

"And how i can trust your words Caster ?"

"How about i tell you my true name as proof then ? it should prove my integrity and my reason to fight you Lancer"

i pulled down my hood and showing my face to Lancer

"Greeting Lancer I am Cu Culainn thr one known as Hound of Ulster at your service" i introduce myself with a little bow to mock Lancer

Lancer widened his eyes at Caster reveal of his identity and he finally understood why he want to fight him

"it's because my Class is it not ?" Asked Lancer with a wry smile

"That's right! if only i summoned first i will get that Lancer class but i suppose summoned as Caster is not that bad as my luck is not E"

"Heh sorry but not really sorry, it's a honor to fight legendary Irish Warrior even if he is summoned as Caster" Lancer jabbed at Caster class making my eyebrow twitched a bit

"Haa.. just follow me, i already prepared a place for our fight as to not disturb our Master fight" with that i am ump away and Lancer following him

they just missed a woman that come out from the hotel and see where the direction that both servant going

"Lancer..." Muttered the woman as she started following them

*Empty construction site few blocks away from Hyatt city

"Well then are you ready Lancer ?" i said as i bring out a coin and toss it in the air

"Bring it on Caster!" Answer Lancer and both of them waiting until the coin drop on the ground


And both of them rushed at each other

with i stopped midway with his staff at the ground and jumled back and cast a several fireball at Lancer

Lancer easily destroy it with his Anti Magic Spear but i am not done as a roots suddenly appear behind Lancer and attenpt to strike at him

Lancer turn around and cut off the roots in piece and coincidentally landed on the ground where i am backing off

a Fire run lit up beneath him and burst of fire almost engulfed him but Lancer manage to jump back to avoid the worst of it

he still have a few burn marks

"What a tricky battle" Commented Lancer

"well it's my class" i am shrugged and cast more fireball at Lancer but to my surprise Lancer throw his Anti Magic spear at his face

i forced to dodge it and almost get pierced by Lancer who already in front of him with his other spear

Caster blocked it with his staff and then he lit up the staff and swing it to Lancer

Lancer block it but immediatly jump back because the staff launching a fire burst attack at him.

"i dont expect you to react to my spear attack despite being a Caster" Said Lancer as he dematerealize the thrown spear and summoned it back to his other hand

"Of course i can dodge such a flimsy attack"

'that's nothing compared the brutal training under Teacher, if somehow she know i am unable to dodge that...let's just not thinking about that'

i shake my head out of that scary thought

the fight continue with i still holding back from using my Noble Phantasm as my current tactic is enough by chipping Lancer health bit by bit.

Then suddenly Lancer stopped in the middle of our fight.

"No!! My Lord!" He cried out his Master title

'it seem Master succeded in defeating Lancer Master' i was about to finish him off but then i detect something entering my bounded field

'Only a magus or other servants can enter it as i apply anti normal people aka with no Magic Circuit active cannot enter this place'

of course i also l prepared another back up bounded field just in case that ready to be activated

"Lancer!" A woman voice called out to Lancer and it is waking up Lancer from his shock

"Lady Sola!" Lancer retreat to that Woman Side

'Who is that ? And Lancer seem to know her, perhaps another Magus friend of Lancer Master'

"Forgive me My Lady for failing to protect my Lord and your fiancee Lord Kayneth El Melliol" Lancer reported that his Master just perished through their Link and he cannot feel it anymore

'Fiancee ? that Pompous Man bought his Fiancee to the Holy Grail War ? did he want her to die or what... no in closer inspection that woman has some connection to Lancer.'

So she is the not a mere Fiancee

"Oh..." The woman seem shocked at the news but i can see she is happy at that news

'A woman trouble ?' i shrugged it off and watch patiently as Lancer clearly still can fight with his Master dead

"Dont Worry My Lady! This Lancer promise to bring the Holy Grail to you so you can bring back our Lord" with that promise Lancer rushed to me once again but he is more faster than before like has a new resolve

i evaded the thrown spear and summoned a wooden hand to caught it in midair and throw it back at Lancer who surprised at my new counter action

he evaded it in time but he landed at one of fire rune trap that activated and exploded in his location

"Lancer!" That woman called out in worry

"Dont worry Lady Sola, i am still can fight" Replied Lancer as the smoke dissapear and showing a heavily burn Lancer

'it seem he manage to summon his Anti magic spear in time to defend himself from fully burned to death.

He prepared to charge at me once more but as he take a single forward he triggered a paralyzed trap rune that i placed in there so now he cannot move as he completely paralyzed

"Well i admit your determination for your lord and your Lady but this is the end and as the final parting gift i will let you taste my Noble Phantasm.

"i'll use my ace up my sleeve."

"Burn them completely, giant of all trees."

"Wicker Man"!

A giant composed by countless tree branches makes his appearance. Said giant wears flames on his body and applies intense heat and flame damage by rushing in on the target. This giant's torso is a cage, and it is primarily there to imprison a sacrifice. However, the storage of the cage on the giant's torso that appeared as a Noble Phantasm is empty, hence the giant rages while primarily seeking a sacrifice to make an offering to the gods

and the offering is the Paralyzed Lancer

it grab Lancer and throw him inside the empty cage and started burning itself before falling down and create an burning explosion and create a towering pillar of fire and burning surrounding area which i contained to avoid burning down the construction site

"No! Lancer!" The Woman crying out and trying to jump into the fire but i summoned a wooden roots and to knock her out and tied her up.

i waited for the fire to recede and not single remain of Lancer can be seen.

"it was a good fight Lancer .... goodbye" with that i carried the tied up woman and leave the construction area.

And thats when i saw you holding off Assassin that apparently has Multiple bodies.

I finished my tale of fighting Lancer and it's conclusion

"Now it's your turn Master" i eagerly listening to how his fight until how he is decided to use Assassin as training experience

"Hahahaha! Using Assassin as Practice partner how ingenious idea as expected of My Master" i praised his clever thinking to use the bad sItuation into his advantage

then i saw him yawning

"Take a rest Master, you need it after a long day.

I will protect you and that woman so sleep well"

and with that this day concluded with one Servant and their Master eliminated