
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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340 Chs

Chapter 81

At 2:30 p.m., outside the Spring Sakura Amusement Park.

Even after Illya's figure disappeared from Shirou's sight, he couldn't understand why her childlike excitement had vanished so suddenly and why she had insisted on leaving early.

He had so many questions he wanted to ask, like the connection between him and the Einzbern family.

Shirou wasn't stupid. After linking his father's frequent travels abroad and mentions of Germany, he realized that the connection to the Einzbern must have something to do with his father. Kiritsugu's destination was likely the Einzbern family. But what was the nature of their connection? And what was Kiritsugu's true purpose in going to the Einzbern family?

Shirou couldn't figure it out and wanted to ask Illya, who seemed to know, but she had left early.

"Hey, are you feeling reluctant because you didn't get to spend more time with the little girl?" Shinji's voice brought Shirou back from his thoughts.

"Don't joke around. I was just thinking about some things." Shirou explained, then suddenly thought of something. "By the way, Shinji, do you know anything about the connection between the Einzbern and Kir—"

Shinji shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "I know a little bit, but don't expect me to tell you. Getting involved is too much trouble."

"True." Shirou nodded.

Seeing Shirou accept this reason, Shinji shook his head helplessly. "Anyway, even if you can't get the answer from me, you could ask someone involved in this war. They might know."

"Who? Illya?"

"No, that priest."

Kotomine Kirei. Just thinking about him gave Shirou an inexplicable feeling—not of danger or distrust, but a sense that meeting him would mean having all his beliefs challenged and possibly denied.

"No, wait," Shirou suddenly remembered. "That priest said I couldn't go to the church again unless I gave up my position as a Master."

"Are you an idiot?" Shinji frowned, raising a finger. "Listen, Emiya, those rules the priest set are for the magus fighting in this war, dictated by the Mage's Association. But you're not a formal magus nor are you affiliated with the Mage's Association. So those rules don't apply to you. Got it?"

After thinking for a moment, Shirou nodded.

"Yeah, but still, if I can avoid it, I'd rather not see him. That guy gives me a bad feeling."

"Whatever, but if you do go, take Saber with you. It might get late while you're talking, and it's dangerous to be out alone at night."

"Saber, huh." Shirou scratched his head, looking a bit troubled.

"What? Did you guys have a fight?"

"When I left, Saber insisted on coming with me because it was dangerous, but I refused. The agreement with Illya was just for the three of us. She's probably still mad."

"Hmm, so your first task is to make up with Saber?" Shinji thought for a moment. "I've got it. Buy some good food and clothes for her. She seems to have trouble turning into spirit form, so get her some clothes too. Good food and new clothes should do the trick."

"Are you sure?"


"But then there's the problem of sizing. She'd need to try them on, right? I don't know her sizes."

"Hmph!" Shinji crossed his arms and smirked. "I know!"


"Her height is about 154 cm, and her measurements are 73/53/76! She probably weighs around 42 kg!"

"How do you know her measurements so precisely?" Shirou's eye twitched.

"Just by looking!"

Shinji smirked again, with an expression that seemed to say, "Basic skills."

Shirou: Is there something wrong with my friend?

When Shirou finally emerged from the women's clothing store, carrying bags of clothes, his face was bright red.

Why was he blushing? It was probably because he had also bought underwear.

A pure-hearted boy like Shirou being asked by the saleslady about his girlfriend's preferences and being praised for knowing her sizes so well was almost enough to make him die of embarrassment.

Shinji, who had watched the entire process through the store window with great interest, especially when the saleslady asked Shirou to feel the fabric, couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Seeing Shinji turn away, covering his mouth, and his shoulders shaking with laughter, Shirou, for the first time, considered ending his friendship with this long-time friend.

When Shinji saw Shirou's deeply aggrieved look, he finally stopped laughing.

"Anyway, as compensation, I'll give you a ride home. I have to head back too."

"Enough talk! Just drive!" Shirou's ears were still red, and he swore he'd never come back here again.

It was already embarrassing enough without running into anyone he knew. If he had, he might have died on the spot.

Outside the Emiya residence.

Shinji, on his motorcycle, looked at Shirou, still carrying his bags, and suddenly thought of something.

"Emiya, even if you decide to participate in the war, you don't want to fight that girl (Illya), do you?"

Hearing this, Shirou stopped, then nodded after a moment of silence.

For Shirou, knowing that the tragic event from ten years ago was caused by the Holy Grail War meant he had already decided what to do next. But after seeing Illya's childlike behavior today, he didn't want to fight her.

Shirou was conflicted. The conflict wasn't about his own weakness or immaturity, which meant he might lose his life in this war. It was—

Because he couldn't ignore the war that caused the nightmare (the fire ten years ago), he declared he would participate. But he couldn't agree with hurting innocent people who had nothing to do with it.

Since that day ten years ago, Shirou had been training his magic to become a hero of justice. Although he didn't expect it to be under these circumstances, he couldn't regret his decision once made.

"Then, I suggest you tell her your true feelings next time you meet her, something like, 'Even though we are destined to fight as enemies in this war, I don't want to fight you.' If it's her, she might understand. That's all the advice I can give you. Goodbye."

Leaving those words, Shinji turned his bike and sped off, not giving Shirou a chance to ask more questions.

No one could have anticipated that the rhythm of this Holy Grail War was already being completely controlled by an outside hand...

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