
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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340 Chs

Chapter 292

A Summer Day on the Beach

The intense summer sunlight, the calm, endless sea, and the beautiful beach scenery perfectly fulfilled some of Shinji's otaku fantasies.

Of course, just as Ruby had mentioned, something was indeed missing. The girls playing around hadn't noticed that an "unexpected event" was quietly approaching.


Rin, wearing a bright red swimsuit, picked up the volleyball while strongly condemning Shinji's wasteful behavior of buying an entire island without anyone knowing.

"That guy really has no sense of thrift. Buying such a big island just to play at the beach, Sakura, you better watch out or your brother will bankrupt the Matou family."

Rin was genuinely upset. Given her relationship with Shinji, his money might become her money in the future. Such extravagance was intolerable.

On the other side of the net, Sakura, in a modest pink swimsuit that outshined Rin in certain aspects, laughed.

"Hehehe... I don't know much about the family business, but it seems my brother used to handle it all by himself, and now Rider mostly helps with it."

Luvia, in a glittering gold strapless swimsuit that barely contained her ample bosom, jumped and spiked the ball Rin had set up.

"Such plebeian remarks, Miss Tohsaka!"

Seeing Luvia bounce multiple times after landing, Rin instantly became irritated: "What did you say?!"

As usual, the two forgot about the game and started bickering.

Rider, who caught the ball, stopped playing as they started fighting. To avoid upsetting Sakura, Rider chose a conservative swimsuit, though her perfect figure still maximized its appeal.

Even a gentleman like Shinji couldn't help but steal a few glances.

"It's not just about that, Rin."

Though Rider appeared mature, she spoke gently: "This island isn't just for summer fun. Many of the company's servers are buried in the surrounding sea, and this island is necessary for their maintenance."

Hearing this, Rin, who had stopped fighting with Luvia, looked at Rider in surprise: "I've heard you help manage the Matou business, but I didn't know you were so knowledgeable and professional..."

"Well, I'm a Servant. I must fulfill any command from my Master diligently."

Rider nodded with a smile, then glanced at a small figure in a swimsuit chosen with Shinji's peculiar taste in mind.

Seeing Saber in a blue school swimsuit with "Saber-chan" written on the front, Rider couldn't help but smirk and continued lightly.

"Unlike some freeloaders who have doubled the household food expenses."

Saber, feeling insulted, retorted immediately, her ahoge swaying: "Wait a minute! Rider! I cannot agree with your assertion that all of the Master's orders must be followed!

"We are Servants! Our mission is to fight! Resting to fulfill our mission properly is not wrong!"

Rider responded indifferently: "So, if you don't have to fight for decades, will you just keep eating without contributing for decades?"

"That won't happen! Even in peace, Servants will still need to fight eventually, right?"

"No, I think it's very likely that we won't be needed." Rider's Mystic Eyes glinted as she looked at Saber again. "Besides, you probably haven't realized how powerful our Master has become. Frankly, he hardly needs our combat skills now."

"That... can't be..."

Saber's eyes widened, her pupils trembling.

"So, if you still value your dignity as a Servant, find ways to assist your Master..."

Rider's words turned sharper, showing her fangs: "Or, sever the contract and disappear, proving your Servant's dignity that way."

"Absolutely not!"

Saber immediately retorted, then had a sudden realization: "Right! The contract! That is the proof of us being Servants! As long as the contract remains, I am still the Master's sword! Whenever the Master needs, the sword will be ready! That is a Servant's duty!"


Before Rider could respond, Bazett, wearing a simple white swimsuit that matched her robust yet elegant figure, spoke up.

"The Master employs Servants, so it's their duty to provide for them! A Master must support their Servant's needs!"

"I don't quite agree with that..." Rin muttered, sweating.

"In any case, a Servant's responsibility is to manage themselves and perform at their best when needed. Asking a Servant to do household chores makes one a third-rate Master, right?"

After Bazett's speech, Saber felt a sense of camaraderie for the first time and sincerely agreed: "Well said! Exactly! I fully support your view, Miss Bazett!"

"Indeed, a Servant should focus on their primary role of fighting for their Master," Luvia interjected, earning Rin's mockery.

"Really? But you can't even command your own Servant, can you?"

"What nonsense!"

Luvia, hit where it hurt, retorted loudly: "I just haven't had to make him fight yet! The previous minor incidents didn't require his intervention!"

"Why are you so stubborn? It's not like that at all! You just chose a Servant who completely ignores orders!"

"I... I respect my Servant's autonomy!"

"Who'd believe that!"

Just as Rin and Luvia were about to fight again, they noticed something was off. They exchanged glances and looked around.

"Where is everyone else?"

They asked simultaneously, but before they could turn around, they heard Sakura's scream.

"Ah—! What is this? Ah—!"

Before they could react, Rin and Luvia felt something slimy wrap around their ankles.

Looking down, they saw purple-red octopus tentacles binding their ankles, then lifting them into the air.

"Ah—!" ×2


Watching from a distance as the girls screamed under the sudden attack of the giant octopus, Archer glanced silently at the instigator, Shinji, and then at Lancer, who had tried to help but was buried in the sand by Shinji.

Sorry, Rin. I can't save you.

After silently apologizing, Archer continued preparing the barbecue for lunch.

At this moment, Shinji suddenly stood up like a hero, his eyes burning as he looked at the giant octopus.

"Everyone! Don't worry! I'll save you now!"

If he hadn't been holding a camera steadily, no one would have doubted his heroism.

"Shinji-san, I, Ruby, cannot tolerate such bullying of girls! For justice, we must save these suffering girls!"

Ruby, with a determined voice, echoed his sentiments, also holding a video camera firmly.

Then, the two charged towards the giant octopus, covering fifty meters in three minutes.

"What are you doing?! Hurry up!"

Rin, still struggling in mid-air, shouted in shame and anger.

"Damn it! I can't break free!"

Bazett, tightly bound by an octopus tentacle, struggled futilely as her mana was being drained.

"These tentacles drain mana!"

Luvia, hanging upside down and trying to cover her exposed chest, shouted.

Rider, understanding that this might be her Master's doing, stayed calm and cooperative, while Sakura also played along, crying pitifully as if it were real.

"Everyone! Calm down! I'll save you soon! Just hold on a bit longer!"

Shinji shouted theatrically, one hand hitting the octopus while the other snapped photos at an incredible speed.

"Hohoho! I, Ruby, will not stand for this perverse octopus bullying girls!"

Ruby, while smashing the octopus tentacles with her wand, declared righteously, covering up her filming intentions.

After a few minutes, Shinji, feeling he had enough footage of Saber, Rin, Sakura, Rider, Bazett, and Luvia, decided it was time to end this "unexpected event."

However, at that moment...


Shinji froze at the sound.



Looking at the thoroughly dead giant octopus on the ground, Shinji then glanced at Saber, who had returned to her normal form.

Isn't she afraid of octopuses?!


Saber closed her eyes, exhaled, and then opened them with a refreshed expression, her hand on her chest.

"Rider, you were wrong. There are still opportunities for battle, just like just now."

Rider didn't respond but pointed at Saber's exposed body: "Saber, I think now isn't the time to say that. Your swimsuit is completely torn..."

"Huh?" Saber looked down, realizing her predicament.

"Ah—!!" Saber screamed.

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