
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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340 Chs

Chapter 24

Looking at Bazett lying on the bed, her injuries hastily treated and her body wrapped in bandages, Shinji sat comfortably at the nearby desk, legs crossed, sipping the tea he had just brewed.

"She truly lives up to the title of the 'Lady in a Suit'; everything about her is perfect," Shinji thought to himself. Due to her rigorous training, Bazett's body, aside from the unscientifically large... assets, had no excess fat and was aesthetically pleasing.

Of course, this was merely an appreciative glance.

Bazett was one of the few women in the Fate world who could tear apart Servants with her bare hands. She was the contemporary strongest enforcer in the Mage's Association, deceived by Kirei and never even appearing in the Fifth Holy Grail War. She was a true powerhouse, unlike the carrier who bore him, who was dismissed by Zouken as a third-rate roadside mage.

From the moment he saw Bazett, Shinji had several ideas on how to utilize her. In fact, he had planned even before seeing her.

First, her involvement in this Holy Grail War, and her grudge against the tax evader Kirei Kotomine, could draw significant attention away from what he was planning to do in secret.

For Shinji, the other participants in this Holy Grail War were inconsequential. The only one he needed to be wary of was Kirei, especially with Gilgamesh at his disposal, who could end the war in a single night.

Moreover, Shinji believed that once his power was exposed, he would inevitably be placed under "Sealing Designation" by the Clock Tower (Mage's Association). Having a mole in the Mage's Association could be advantageous.

But what if this woman wouldn't cooperate as he wished?

[A man who can't even subdue a woman has no right to the throne.]

"Shut up," Shinji retorted, crossing his legs and pondering deeply.

Honestly, Shinji had many ways to make Bazett obedient, but most of them were inhumane and not to his liking, such as using heart-devouring curses.

While Shinji could take advantage of someone's misfortune, he preferred to use strategy to manipulate this woman, who, like Shirou, was full of contradictions.

Furthermore, upon seeing Bazett, Shinji was surprised. It seemed the time she had her Command Seals stolen was much earlier than in the original story.

If he remembered correctly, Bazett should have just summoned Lancer around this time. However, the signs of life in the room indicated she had been here for at least three days.

This meant Bazett had arrived in Fuyuki City earlier than in the original story, but he hadn't noticed.


As her hazy consciousness cleared, Bazett felt the morning light and fresh air even before opening her eyes.

Pain flooded her senses, especially the unbearable pain in her left arm, making it hard to breathe. But this pain was a good sign—it meant she was still alive.

Combined with the bright light and fresh air, it was undeniable proof she had survived.

"It hurts," Bazett whispered, slowly opening her eyes.

Seeing the familiar ceiling, Bazett realized she was still in the Twin House.

Did she make it through yesterday? Bazett wondered, remembering the blue-haired boy she saw before losing consciousness.

Was it a dream? Did she manage to save herself at the last moment?

"You're awake."

Hearing the door open and a man's voice, Bazett gritted her teeth and turned her head towards the bedroom door, seeing the blue-haired boy with a warm smile, carrying a tray.

So it wasn't a dream. Bazett frowned, confirming that she was saved by this unknown boy at the last moment.

"You should leave quickly; this place is dangerous," Bazett said weakly, her blood loss making even speaking difficult.

From the moment she saw Shinji, Bazett realized he wasn't a mage. He didn't have any magical energy.

Kirei, who stole her Command Seals and Servant, might return. In her current state, she couldn't fight, couldn't even lift her arm. If Kirei came now...

As Shinji approached and sat by the bed, pulling over a chair, Bazett tried to speak again but was stopped by the spoon he held to her mouth.

"Eat something first. You've lost a lot of blood. If you don't replenish your energy, you won't recover anytime soon."

"Listen to me! While I'm grateful you saved me, this place is very dan—"

Before she could finish, Shinji stuffed a spoonful of seafood porridge into her mouth.

"How is it? Tasty?" Shinji asked, smiling proudly. "It's my first time making it, but I think it turned out well. I hope you like it."

Swallowing the not-too-hot porridge, Bazett tried again, "I'm serious. This place is very dan—"

Again, she was interrupted by another spoonful of porridge.

"It seems like you're the one not listening. I asked how the porridge tastes," Shinji said, still smiling warmly.

Looking at Shinji's gentle smile, Bazett was momentarily at a loss for words. Before she could respond, Shinji continued, naturally scooping more porridge.

"Though I don't have magic circuits, I am the eldest son of a magical family. I know some tricks, so this house is temporarily safe."

"You're a mage too?" Bazett frowned, her expression turning cautious. She refused the next spoonful of porridge.

"Calm down. I'm just an ordinary person from a fallen magical family. I said I don't have a single magic circuit. My name is Shinji Matou."

"Matou... one of the Three Great Families, the Makiri..."

Taking advantage of the moment, Shinji fed her another spoonful. "Yes, but we're completely fallen. Especially my generation—we don't even have the basic qualifications to be mages."

"I see."

"So there's no need to be wary of me. I pose no threat. Honestly, saving you only to be met with suspicion is quite disheartening."

"Sorry," Bazett apologized, looking slightly embarrassed.

Huh? She believed me that easily? Shinji was slightly surprised. Did she trust him so readily?

"Ahem, of course, there's another important reason I saved you," Shinji said, feeding her more porridge and smiling charmingly. "Actually, my mother is a carrier too. Though she doesn't have any impressive abilities, unlike you."

"You can recognize my identity?"

Bazett's caution returned, but Shinji nonchalantly fed her another spoonful.

"Yes, maybe it's the only ability I inherited from my mother. Besides identifying kin, it's useless. We might even have a true blood relation from long ago. If that's the case, I couldn't just let you die."

Watching Shinji smile sincerely while offering her the spoon, Bazett was once again left speechless.

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