
Fate: As Gilgamesh

Alternative Title: Gilgamesh, The Star of Genesis that Illuminates Humanity. An empty soul without a name, which had reached the end of its life, lamented and awakened the all-seeing observer. With the intervention of the all-seeing observer, the empty soul that had reached the end of its life returned to the world as the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh. The golden king who watches over everything, marking the era of humanity. Witness the unexpected changes brought forth by this nameless empty soul within the vessel of the mightiest hero, and become a star that illuminates humanity with its uniqueness. ---This is not a story of the nameless soul manipulating a vessel to become his own, this is a story of the nameless soul's journey of self-discovery and seeing the world through the eyes of the King of Heroes and making his own mark on the world, not as King of Heroes Gilgamesh, but as..... *** You can indulge in more than 10 chapters ahead of the regular schedule by visiting our Patreon page and subscribing. Feel free to explore our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/KangTL Your support will enhance our productivity in creating more captivating and wonderful works. *** [TL] - Ryūga Fudagiri

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Interlude - Summoning

Some find enjoyment in movement.

"Let's go, Mashu! Special Serve!"

"Yes! Activating Noble Phantasm!"

Some savor sweetness.

"Oh, how blissful. It's so heartwarming... Everyone would bid their farewells like this, without any regrets."

Some dedicate themselves to invention.

"That's right! Let's make it a unified switch! It'll be much easier to manage!"

Some provoke with their blog.

"Fou, Fou! (Take that, Merlin)."

A tranquil life at the summit of Chaldea, a paradise.

However, that tranquility is shattered by a command.

"――――Hear my voice! All personnel!! Assemble!!!"

Summoned by the King's command, all members of Chaldea gather.

Having been half-dozing, he was rudely awakened by the vessel, leading him to this moment.

"You called? Gilgamesh. Oh, Marie is here too."

"Gilgamesh called the assembly, but I have something to discuss."

"Hellooo? Miss Director, do you have a minute?"

"Don't speak until you've swallowed, you Otaku."

"That's harsh!"

"Is this about a mission, Director?"

"It's something important to Ritsuka."

Olga Marie stands formally and redirects her attention.

"From here on, we will conduct Heroic Spirit summoning!"

—Apparently, this is to reduce Gilgamesh's burden of investing in Chaldea and conducting battles, while also reinforcing Chaldea's combat capabilities by performing a ritual to summon more heroes.

"I didn't really care either way. Hahaha, though that little one teary-eyed told me, 'If you're gone, Chaldea will sink!' So I couldn't refuse. The dear child, but there won't be any flags raised between us, you know?"

"Wrong! I don't feel that way!"

Apparently, the way Olga Marie perceives the vessel is also as 'his treasure'. Well, he did give up his Holy Grail, so it's a reasonable point. He's like a much older brother who's playfully annoying, but since neither of them seems to mind, she won't stop him. It's good to have a relaxed atmosphere.

"From now on, the summoned Servants will generally stay at Chaldea and be called upon as needed during battles. Ritsuka, who's still inexperienced, should focus on following Gilgamesh and Mash's instructions. If necessary, summon the Servants as backup."

"Haha, am I being promoted to a main Servant too? It's no joke that the difficulty level = cheat."

The King of Heroes laughs merrily. It's his job to give substance to this confidence. He need to do his best.

"For some reason, I can always summon Gilgamesh. Is it because his Saint Graph is particularly robust?"

'—Perhaps, it might be due to my existence. As someone involved, am I being spoken to? I don't know whether I'm the cause or effect.'

Maybe it's telling him to struggle because everything is uncertain. Either way, he happy to be with Mash and the Master.

"There's nothing impossible for me."

Gilgamesh crosses his arms firmly. This vessel is dependable.

"You have a great persuasiveness, Senpai."

"Um... I'm scared. I wonder if there's anyone who'd lend me strength..."

"What's the matter? You look so modest."

"Yeah, now that I've grasped the situation, I'm feeling anxious all of a sudden..."

'...It's okay. I'm sure a hero who will support you will come.'

Even this unreliable soul wants to help you.

"Don't worry, face forward. As my Master, don't you dare glare at the heavens."


"Those who fret and then spoil their mood because they were relied upon are pathetic. In case of any trouble, Mashu and I are here. Summon ordinary Heroic Spirits without worry."

He pats her head lightly.

"Don't give up before even trying. That's disrespectful."

"I understand. I'll give it a shot."

"That's good. —Oh, yes, no matter the reason, do not summon the Mesopotamians. Kill them."



"Well then, I'll start by preparing the catalyst for the summoning."

"Wait, how do we do that?"

"I will use my... Holy Grail for that."

Olga Marie closes her eyes, and a Holy Grail materializes from her chest.

It has transformed from a mug to the size of a glass, changing from gold to a color combination of orange and white.

It looked almost like a physical embodiment of Olga Marie's soul. She picks up something drawn from it.

"I learned this from my mentor. Your wish to live can become a catalyst for summoning, depending on the interpretation."

"I pour connections into my Holy Grail to give it shape. Under the wish for assistance and to save humanity, I summon a hero who will help."

"Taking form, the symbol of connection... you could call it a summoning ticket."

"Marie, that's amazing! You've already established how to use the Holy Grail!"

"Both talent and circuits are top-notch. Once trivial entanglements are gone, it's self-evident that the essence of the soul will manifest."

Olga Marie had been pondering, her own way of contributing, her method.

"Fou! (A guaranteed 4-star ticket, huh~? Truly the Holy Grail. Master, it's something to crave for)"

"Don't overdo it, fatigue accumulates."

"Huff... huff... With this, you'll be the one to summon."

She hands the newly created symbol to Ritsuka.

"Summon your savior, your hero... I'm looking forward to it, Ritsuka."



"Summon program, start. Heroic spirit summoning, commence."

Leaving behind Mash's Noble Phantasm, the summoning begins.

――We're also looking forward to this. To converse with a genuine hero, like the former Caster, Cú Chulainn, would be a great stimulus, I believe.

Just like how the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh, talked to me in a dream back then, it's a chance to hear the real voices.

"Listen carefully, Master. You must absolutely summon the Maiden Knight."


"That's right. I implore you, oh gods... the gods of the drawing!"

What is he praying to the gods for? Didn't he tell them to perish, and they did!

"I personally have a special belief in certain gods. The gods of creation and the gods of drawing. The gods of drawing, especially, are good, the best. Maybe a bit too prolific. The ones who create are skilled, but tend to exaggerate..."

"Stabilizing Spirit Origin! I summon!"

Light races and fills the surroundings, then gradually fades.

"How is it? Blonde hair? A swordsman?"

What appeared was――

"My name is a fragment of Tamamo Nine, Tamamo Cat! Nice to meet you, my Lord."

"Isn't that Arcueid?!"

Gilgamesh pounds the table with a thud, Olga Marie jolts in response.

"Its work, gods of drawing!"

"Well, well. We've just started..."

"Are you my Master? Then give me a collar, and I want canned cat food."



"So cuuuute!!!"

"Oh, the Cat is making a good impression on the Master. I'm pleased. Should I register?"

"Congratulations, senpai!"

"...What class?"

"Berserker, it seems."

Indeed, quite cute. Wonder if that tail is real. I'd like to pet it.

I'll have to ask about that later. Maybe canned salmon?

"Next! Saber, it's Saber!"

"Fou (You're not avoiding it, are you?)"

"Spirit Origin pattern! Saber!"

"We won! We won, Romani!"

"Sit, sit!"

The light subsides. What appeared was...

"Hello, hello~! I'm Saber of the Shinsengumi! Saber of the Shinsengumi! A bit frail, but they say I have fast legs! Mysterious――"

"Okita Souji, Captain of the Shinsengumi's First Unit."

"What the!? Hey, don't hide your True Name in such a wimpy way!"


Gilgamesh shatters the table with a crash.

Okita Souji? Was there a woman in the Shinsengumi?

"To think you can't differentiate the cardboard box heroine! Has your skill dulled? Why serve soba to a customer who wants ramen! Different yet not different, a mixed-up solution! Change it up!"

"That's so mean! Boo-hoo!"

"So cute! Approved!"

"Let's move on! Next!"



"Servant, Heracles, huh. The great Greek hero! Incredible!"

"I wasn't expecting someone like a meat dumpling..."

"Is this okay? Are you okay, Ritsuka-kun?"

"Sturdy... Approved!"

"Next! The last one!"

Gilgamesh clenches his fist.

"This time, this time for sure... There are beautiful things that can't be obtained, but that's another matter!"

"Here it comes!"

Light emerges and eventually converges.


"Servant Archer. I have responded to your summon."



This vessel is at a loss for words. Instead, let's speak.


"Hello there."

"Macho! Approved!"

The summoning is complete. Quite the impressive group.

"Is this paradise?! Eden or Ryugu Castle? Was Laputa here all along?"

"Isn't this the best facility! Yatta!! Can we stay here forever? Yatta!!"


"...Unbelievable... Could it be a mistake? The King of Heroes, being cooperative...!? Did he cast a curse? Are we being deceived?"

"Die, plagiarist."

The Archer i fought back then. I know his skill. His strength seems incredible... Probably Strength B.

"Our forces are in place! Then, let's get started."

"We're not finished yet...!"

Muttering with irritation, I plunge my hand into the ripple.

There, rainbow-colored symbols are... Oh.

"If you won't come willingly, I'll drag you! My secret treasure, the '5-star Guaranteed Ticket'! I'll use this!!"

"Fou! Fou!! (You'll make enemies of FGO players!)"

"Wait! Don't use so many, we need to level them up!"

"Silence! Silence!! If I'm not satisfied, if I don't get what I want, it'll end in failure!!――Come forth, Saber!!"

Slamming the rainbow symbols onto the summoning circle. The summoning process begins.

...I'm genuinely frustrated, and that's fine by me. Dreams all shatter and vanish, but they're also meant to scatter knowing reality.

"I worked so hard on that!?"

Sorry, Marie. I'll apologize in your place.

"Saber!! Takeout is for you!!"

Rainbow light emerges and subsides.

"Servant Ruler! I'm so glad to meet you!"


―――King of Heroes

――Know the conclusion of a dream you did not see to the end... This is the logic you have shown.

An untitled proclamation. In Chaldea, the King of Heroes finally bent his knee.





Jeanne - A straw bed and a chapel.

Emiya - The second kitchen (a handmade restaurant aimed at those who want to experience the distinct flavors of homemade meals).

Okita - My turn!

Tamamo Cat - Wildness.


Promptly granted private rooms and wishes.

This vessel... was slightly moved to tears.




Interlude - End


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