
Fate: As Gilgamesh

Alternative Title: Gilgamesh, The Star of Genesis that Illuminates Humanity. An empty soul without a name, which had reached the end of its life, lamented and awakened the all-seeing observer. With the intervention of the all-seeing observer, the empty soul that had reached the end of its life returned to the world as the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh. The golden king who watches over everything, marking the era of humanity. Witness the unexpected changes brought forth by this nameless empty soul within the vessel of the mightiest hero, and become a star that illuminates humanity with its uniqueness. ---This is not a story of the nameless soul manipulating a vessel to become his own, this is a story of the nameless soul's journey of self-discovery and seeing the world through the eyes of the King of Heroes and making his own mark on the world, not as King of Heroes Gilgamesh, but as..... *** You can indulge in more than 10 chapters ahead of the regular schedule by visiting our Patreon page and subscribing. Feel free to explore our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/KangTL Your support will enhance our productivity in creating more captivating and wonderful works. *** [TL] - Ryūga Fudagiri

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51 Chs


"Huh, I thought you would at least save yourselves from death, but both you and the Master are safe. I must praise you, Master. That Servant is undoubtedly a top-tier Heroic Spirit."

Giving his seal of approval, Caster smiles brightly.

It was truly impressive, and i thought so honestly.

Joining forces and overcoming difficulties. I had once given up on such things, thinking they were only found in stories and fairy tales.

Living in a world where such things had long lost their value, i had also witnessed friendship and effort being trampled by scheming and calculation.

Yet now, right in front of me, my beliefs were denied. There were undoubtedly things left behind, and they had undoubtedly achieved something.

――The result was truly heartwarming, and a smile unintentionally spread across my face.

"Go on, say something to your friends. They have finally taken their first step."

Without delay, i pushes her shoulders, and Olga Marie dashes toward them.

"Are you okay?! Ritsuka! Mash!"

"Of course! I'm here, alive and well! Thanks to Mash, you know."

"Yes... Thank you very much, Director... Thanks to your call and Senpai's help, I was able to activate my Noble Phantasm..."

"It's alright... You don't need to thank me for that... I'm just glad... that you're safe and sound!"

"They are spirited girls. If they were a bit older, I'd try to flirt with them."

"Oh? For a beast, you have a reasonable sense of justice. You're quite remarkable for a dog."

"Stop talking back to me. You're making me tense. Don't think you can scold me and watch from the sidelines. I don't want to hear that from someone acting all high and mighty."

"Then, let me scold you. She are my Master, calling me to her side to serve her. I won't tolerate half-hearted work. Well, she couldn't fully release my True Name, but it's not bad for a start."

"Start, huh? Are you someone who only accepts a perfect outcome or nothing at all?"

"It's too early to pass judgment. The one who just started wielding a brush deserves some leniency, don't you think?"

That's right, it doesn't have to be perfect. It's okay to take things step by step.

Keep moving forward without stopping or slacking. Even in such a desperate situation, or perhaps because of it.

Things of true value shine.

――I need to tighten my resolve as well.

As long as I rely on this vessel, I can't remain all soft and fluffy with my fighting style.

While there might be another King of Heroes for me as a Servant, there's no guarantee that the soul residing within them will be the same.

Feeling a premonition that the next battle will be the turning point, I take a deep breath, reaffirming my determination.

"I guess having someone around the same age makes a difference. I envy that kind of relationship."

"Doctor, I haven't heard anything about you lately, you must have been doing something."

"I was working, okay! The First Order is finally coming to an end. I found out the cause of the Singularities!"

"Really? The cause? Well, I already know what it is."

"Liar!? So, are you going to say that I missed Mash's growth all this time just to look for information that you already have?"

"You fool. It's unforgivable for someone calling themselves a parent to take their eyes off their child's growth. I'll punish you later for that."

"Oh, come on!..."


Under the guidance of Caster, the group continued to advance through the underground caves that followed the cause of the Singularities.

According to the discernment of the vessel's eyes, this place seemed to be a workshop jointly created by three prestigious families from Fuyuki, each pursuing their own goals.

All i could comprehend was that this was a handmade cave; i didn't know what those prestigious families had been aiming for.

Perhaps this event didn't even hold any value worth seeing for the vessel's interest.

"Let's take a break for a moment. It seems like activating circuits she rarely use suddenly caused Ritsuka's vital signs to drop lower than usual."

"Yeah, you're paying close attention, little girl. The next part will be the climax. It's better to be fully prepared."

"Hmm, you've become quite attentive, Director! Ah, finally breaking free from being a loner has given some mental space!"

"If you butt in one more time, Romani, I'll cut your pay."

"That's tyrannical!"

"Yeah! Break time~ I'm taking a rest."

"Are you sure about that, King of Heroes...?"

"If you collapse during the decisive battle, it'll be troublesome. I don't mind."

Ensuring one's readiness is never a bad thing.

―― And now, the inevitable farewell is approaching.


In conclusion, Olga Marie cannot leave this Singularity.

According to the vessel's discernment, her physical body has long been destroyed. What remains here is just a remnant of her consciousness, a lingering thought.

―― Ritsuka and Mash will lose their newly made friend.

"... What's wrong? Gil. You're staring at the Director."


Perhaps there are only words of resignation that i can send.

With no way to help, her life's flame has already been extinguished.

... Maybe me too soft-hearted.

If parting is unavoidable, maybe i shouldn't have helped from the beginning.

In the end, if death awaits, perhaps it would have been better if I had at least acted as the executioner myself.

... But as long as there is a will, a spirit, then nothing can replace the fact of being alive.

Otherwise, someone like me, who only has a soul, can no longer be considered truly alive. As a Servant, i may not possess a genuine life, but...

"No, it's nothing. Suddenly, offering my precious candy might not be a bad idea."

To talk about the past without a lid is foolish. Thinking it might have been better not to help is too arrogant.

Once i has picked up a life, i might as well bet on a small miracle.

Accepting my own uncertain existence, breaking a few rules now doesn't matter.

"Really!? Yay! Candy!"

"Senpai, I'm glad for you."

"Jeez, this is not bribery..."

"Well, it's not so bad, right? It's rare for him to give something generously. That's the truth."

"I agree. I wonder if I'll get some bonus too, Your Majesty."

"That's right. I'll give you some scandalous images of the idol you're so fond of."

"Please stop! Don't show me the dark side of idols! How do you even know about Magi☆Mari!?"


"King of Heroes, what's wrong? Everyone has already gone ahead..."

I stops Olga Marie.

"... Your judgment earlier was splendid. I commend your quick wit in noticing Master's condition."


I confirms her reaction and becomes certain.

She's not used to receiving praise. Rather, she must have been surrounded only by enemies.

With the King of Heroes cheat ability to see through, i makes a bet.

A cheat that only the King of Heroes can do, anticipating it.

No, it's not just the King of Heroes who can do it. I can also do it now.

"Here, keep it."

I reaches into the golden ripple and throws what i grabs at her.

"W-What is this?"

"It's an unusable container. I'll give it to you. Use it however you like. I permit it."

What i hands over is a golden cup the size of a mug.

"T-Thank you very much."

―― What lies ahead now, only God knows.

No, i won't pray to God. It feels like the worst taboo to rely on God with this vessel.

What's left is whether "it" will respond to Olga Marie or not.


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