
Fate as an Alchemist

FMA Alchemy in Nasuverse. Mc is one year younger than Waver Velvet and will participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. There are elements from Kara no Kyoukai, especially during volume 1 and 3, but not much and everything is explained. The mc is both an alchemist and a magus so don't expect him to be a hero. All the FMA alchemies are based on the 2009 anime. Ignore any knowledge or info you may have on the 2003 one.

Vitamin_F · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

Villain vs Hero 2/2

As I continued going through the empty hallways, I couldn't help but understand why my professor was so mad at this guy in the anime. Kiritsugu is an actual capable magus, the guy is really talented and a great fighter, so why the f*ck does he need to place a bunch of useless traps all over the place when he knows they will do nothing more than annoy me?!

*Bam* *Bam*

A vein popped in my forehead as countless bullets entered my body. It would have been a waste of time to go deactivate one trap at a time, so I just chose to go ahead and keep walking. This however meant that I had to tank each and every single trap with my body, and it got increasingly annoying.

"Sigh... you know what? F*ck this." I say while my eyes began glowing red. The slit on my forehead, which was uncovered because I lost the bandage in Saber's attack, opened and countless lines appeared everywhere.

The walls of the hallways began to crack and in mere seconds they all broke down before rising up, making a storm of rubble and death grow around me.

After a few seconds of this, bullets began raining down on me from the other end of the hallway, however before I could focus my attention there, the person that had been shooting was gone.

"Am I really supposed to fall for that?" I ask to myself while deactivating my eyes. "I mean it is obvious that they want me to go in that direction, so why would I do that? There will obviously be a rocket launcher or something similar waiting for me at the other side so no thanks."

Activating my eyes once more, I destroyed the wall and went into the other hallway directly, were my suspicions were confirmed.

"Die." said Maiya as she pointed the rocket launcher in my direction.

"I refuse." I reply with a smile, my eyes destroying the rocket launcher before she could open fire.

Maia stared at the broken weapon that turned to dust for a second before pulling to a gun and shooting me. The bullets hurt, each one making it's way through my body and making me feel like I was burning alive.

"You really laced the bullets with poison?" I say while looking at the holes from which my blood was turning black. "There really is no limit to how shameless you can be huh?" I continue speaking as I made my way closer to her.

Seeing the effect of the poison was nonexistent, Maiya pulled out a knife and tried to slit my throat, however after being able to dodge nearly twenty attacks in a row from Diarmuid, dodging one attack from this b*tch doesn't even count as child's play.

Moving to the side to avoid the knife I grabbed her arm and turned my fingers into spears, stabbing them all over her arm and causing her to drop the knife. After the first successful attack, I went on to stab her in the abdomen as well with my fingers before cutting the tendons on her legs.

With only one working arm, she wasn't even worthy of focusing on, so I grabbed her by the hair and began dragging her throughout the mansion.

"Hey Kiritsugu!" I say loudly. "I have your little lover over here, why don't you come out and get her!"

I was annoyed.... truly annoyed. I had wasted my time here with her, which meant that Kiritsugu was elsewhere, most likely fighting Giorno.

Instead of Kiritsugu showing up, Medea appeared.

She looked at me and it was beyond evident that she was pissed.

"What happened?" I ask after not seeing Irisviel with her.

"The bastard shot me with a weird bullet that didn't let me use magic for two seconds." she said as veins popped on her forehead. "And then fired a rocket launcher at me!"

Medea's tone was clearly laced with rage, she must have felt beyond annoyed as well seeing that Kiritsugu managed hurt her.

"And where is Irisviel?" I ask.

"When I regained consciousness five seconds later after reforming, they were already gone. I suspect he summoned Saber and got her to take them away or something." explained Medea.

"I see..." I mutter. "Well, this is the thing with heroes, if they can't win they manage to escape... and then return after a training arc very op." I say with a calm expression.

Dropping Maiya on the floor, I went to the nearest column and began to kick it. "F*cking bastard, I am so going to kill you!" I say loudly while the column begins to show cracks.

After a few more seconds of throwing a childish tantrum, I took a deep breath and turned around, only to find Giorno and Diarmuid there, both with equally annoyed expressions.

"Holy sh*t." I say, noticing all four of us have the same expression on our faces. "So he managed to annoy all of us in like ten minutes without even showing his face?" I say while chuckling a bit. "Damn... now I feel like a fucking idiot."