
Fate as an Alchemist

FMA Alchemy in Nasuverse. Mc is one year younger than Waver Velvet and will participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. There are elements from Kara no Kyoukai, especially during volume 1 and 3, but not much and everything is explained. The mc is both an alchemist and a magus so don't expect him to be a hero. All the FMA alchemies are based on the 2009 anime. Ignore any knowledge or info you may have on the 2003 one.

Vitamin_F · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs


[ Dio pov ]

The trip back home was rather entertaining, at least when compared to the previous one, though it was mostly because I was in a great mood.

After getting off the plane and driving home, I was greeted by the sight of Medea and Diarmuid, both down on the lab, one playing with my lion and the other crafting something.

"Seems like you two are having fun." I said, entering the lab.

Diarmuid, who was running around the lab while occasionally jumping above my lion immediately stopped and looked at me with an awkward expression.

Medea, who had been crafting something that looked like a wand simply raised her head and smiled.

"How was your trip, my beloved?" she asked, getting up and coming to kiss me.

"It was great." I replied with a smile, embracing her for a moment. "Truly productive."

"That's great..." said Medea before separating and going back to the desk she was working at.

"And you?" I asked Diarmuid, who was now sitting on the couch like nothing happened.

"Ehmm, I was training Simba." he replied while nodding his head, as if proud with his answer.

"I see..." I muttered with an amused smile. "In that case I must thank you huh?"

"Well... I wouldn't go that far." he replied. "I was just doing it because it seemed right."

Shaking my head, I decided to just go with his story and not waste any more time on this.

"Bring me a feather and the whiteboard." I said, changing the subject.

"Sure." said Diarmuid, getting up from the couch, slightly glad for the concession.

Once he returned with the two objects, Medea stopped what she was doing and looked at me curiously.

I activated the world map in the whiteboard using the flaming feather while Medea began questioning me.

"We corrected the plan just a while ago." she said confused. "Did something happen that requires for it to be changed again?"

"Indeed." I replied, zooming in to Japan, where I painted the lands as top priority. "We will be going to Japan before going after the Church or the Democratic faction."

"Hmm, but we weren't planning on going after them soon." said Medea.

"I know, but I think we will be needing more time before starting that." I explained. "You see, I found a path to the fifth true magic and, despite having some knowledge of how to get it, I will need more time to make sure of it."

After a small pause, in which I finished painting Japan and changing the colours of the lands owned by the Church and the Democratic faction to 'least importance', I made the world disappear and cleaned the whiteboard.

"Besides, regardless of wether the method to achieve the fifth magic works, I won't be able to try it as long as the sorcerer that currently has it is alive." I continued explaining, getting down on the couch next to Diarmuid.

"Wait, there is another sorcerer?!" asked Medea with wide eyes.

"Indeed." I replied with a small smile. "She came and interrupted our trip to get revenge on her sister or something, I am honestly not quite sure of why she was doing this, but I do know that someone sent her."

"Someone sent her?" asked Diarmuid.

"Yes, someone must have told her where I was going, even though I, as always, kept it relatively well hidden." I said before continuing. "And she said something about a person telling her I was evil and a bunch of other stuff. The point is that someone sent her after me in hopes of getting rid of me, and until we find out who it is and why they did it, going after the Democratic faction and the Church is not a good idea."

"Makes sense..." muttered Diarmuid, staring at the ceiling. "Anything you need us to do?"

"Yes." I replied. "From now on I wont be moving alone, even if it is to go to classes. Either Giorno or you will be coming with me, the rest will take care of the house and make sure there are no familiars even remotely close to our bounded field, regardless of wether they can see through it or not."

I had already dedicated a lot of time and effort in making sure the house was well protected, but that wasn't enough now. I don't know if there are any other sorcerers out there, and I am not planning on finding out through by having my house destroyed.

"Medea, you will take a break from whatever you are doing and reinforce the territory protecting the house, make sure not even a fly can get in without permission." I said, which made a small smile grow on her face.

"Of course, my beloved."

"Good." I said in a happy tone. "I will be travelling more often from now on, so fell free to decide however you like who will be accompanying me."

Diarmuid and Medea nodded before I left.

It was time to visit remote places, backwater towns, anywhere that had people who wouldn't be missed.

"Let's create an army." I said with a smile on my face, going up the stairs. "An army of monsters..."


[ 3rd pov ]

On a mansion in Japan, a person suddenly appeared out of thin air in one of the empty rooms.

"That bastard..." said a woman, coughing some blood while her face and missing arm painted the floor red.

A maid, surprised by the noise, came in the room, where she was greeted by the sight of her master laying on a pool of her own blood, breathing heavily while her wounds glowed a bit.

"Aoko-sama!" said the maid, recognising her master despite the scarred face which lost all its beauty.

Before she could get any closer, Aoko interrupted her.

"Get me a doctor!" she said loudly, surprised both by the amount of pain she was feeling and by the fact that her wounds where not healing, even though she was actively using her fifth true magic to try and move her body to a time before she had an injury.

The maid nodded and hurriedly left the room to get help.

Now alone, Aoko continued to try to heal herself, making her body younger, but despite pushing herself even to her childhood, her missing arm didn't grow back, nor did the scars on her face disappear.

Now, with only one arm, one eye, and a lot of less blood, Aoko was left to curse at the man that pushed her to this state.

Because of the pain and wounds, Aoko failed to even notice that something else was missing, something far more important.

That day, the sorcerer of the fifth true magic forgot how she achieved it in the first place, and her shambled memories where unable to even recognise that she was missing something in the first place.

"I will kill you..." muttered Aoko, gritting her teeth in anger.

Her red hair matched the red that painted the floor, but it was the anger in her remaining blue eye that was a true spectacle to see.