
Fate and Mystery

Mystery is used to enact magecraft. The stronger the mystery the more powerful said craft is. What if someone was born to solve and seize the mysteries for himself?

DenSai · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

Wilbur stayed lying down on the chair as he air flicked Yae's head. "You haven't increased the temperature enough yet."

"How the hell do you make the lightning almost white?"

"Make it hot."


"Figure it out."

Yae gave up on trying to approach Wilbur's power. In fact she would rather not see the full extent on his power. Especially since she had seen that "sword" not the one he usually uses. But something he said "It's imbued with my own origin, even though it's only a copy. It is a perfect copy only because of my origin. It is a sword that existed before anything else existed. It is the sword that had seen the "truth" of the world. Where the concept of heaven and hell came from."

She shivered even remembering that "sword" it hurt trying to understand it. Though she had suspicion, but she felt like he could easily take on the archons. It came from a really big hunch. When asked what the "sword" did, he simply replied "Isn't it obvious? It returns everything back to the truth of what the sword had seen as it reenacts genesis."

Although Wilbur sweated remembering all the mystery cracking he had to do just to copy the Gate of Babylon. He had to keep look at the Gate being used multiple times and even hide his presence from the King just to copy it without a fuss. Eventually the mystery was cracked and added to his arsenal.

Though it was worth it, he never had to worry about money ever again.

Wilbur had been with her for over 30 years at this point and not once had he even shown signs of ageing. When asked, "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." She did not even know what his skin care routine was either, when asked "I don't." She was going to tear her hair out at this rate. She had her daily routine and even then only did her skin remain plump and beautiful.

Then this man just doesn't do anything and remains with perfectly good skin and doesn't age either. With the only excuses being "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" and "I don't" Though all anger and extra thoughts were washed away soon. This headpat thing was strange, it was very soothing and comfortable.

Very comfortable, his lap was also very comfortable. She slowly dozed off to sleep as he continued to give soft gentle pats. Wilbur sighed as he would soon doze off as well.


Wilbur sighed as he was so done with this. "Who the hell awakened that water hydra!?" Wilbur's eyes had long recovered, although instead of green it was a piercing blue this time. It signified the end of his world adjustment period. "Who the hell did it?"


He had quite a few years of peace. In fact so many he couldn't keep track. Time was not of concern, he would slowly one step at a time, find a way to reach his goal.

No matter what.

His eyes glowed as he looked into the past and present. "So this thing is causing trouble cause it can't be killed and some brat decided to unseal it?"

"I swear to-"

A flick of his wrist as thousands of red lines shot into the sky before condensing into the Sword of Rupture, Ea. Well his Ea and not Gilgamesh's Ea. Gilgamesh's Ea was limited by entities of the star attribute. However his Ea was far superior as it did not rely on the truth it saw but the embedded truth in all origin.

Yae stared at the sword once again. "Wait you're telling me that thing can kill Osial?"

Wilbur raised his eyebrows, "I think the faster way is, what can't be killed by this sword?" Wilbur waved goodbye as he disappeared in a flash of ice petals.


Osial was raging as disaster was brought forth by the monster. A single man appeared to stand in the air above the monster. Aether clearly saw it, a "sword" with three cylindrical sections with red lines marked all around it. Shaped like a drill with a golden tip.

The man chanted as everything could clearly be heard over the chaos. It was a declaration.

"I will tell you of the beginning."

Aether saw the three sections starting to spin and pick up speed as the sword was raised with a small red wisps circled around him.

"Heaven and Earth split apart. Nothingness congratulated creation."

The sword was raised as the spinning became faster and faster.

"My Sword of Rupture cleaved the world!"

In an instant the speed increased as waves of spacial fractures occurred. Red waves of mana flew and cracked the air itself as spacial distortions ripped apart the space around him.

"Mortar of the stars, heaven's hell is the eve of creation's celebration."

The red waves slowly compressed into the tip of the sword as it swirled on the tip.

Now you shall die and be silent..."

The small orb of compressed energy flared a bright gold as he swung at Osial.


The wave of energy that reenacted genesis hit the beast as his very nature was torn apart by the primal concept of truth before anything even existed. His being slowly corroded away as the beam continued to as the very earth started peeling apart to reveal the layer below.

After confirming that the thing was dead the sword stopped rotating as a barrier was instantly deployed as damage began to fix itself.


Wilbur was feeling very comfortable, he was currently experiencing the legendary lap pillow. The perfect thighs were behind him on his head as he closed his eyes in peace. "I feel at peace Yae."

Miko stared at him "Why?" she continued to play with his hair as he responded "I finally got rid of a nuisance that would have created trouble in the future."

"I see."

Wilbur sighed "So when are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Or rather the real one instead of the hollow puppet?"

Yae stopped playing with his hair as she pinched him on the cheek. "How on earth do you know that?"


"Clairvoyance of the greatest mages and the mentality to see through all heavily concealed truths."

Yae sighed "I'll never understand you."

"How cute."

Yae blushed as he Wilbur set himself back to sleep on the comfortable thighs.

He would not care as long as he could remain on these thighs until it was time to wake up.



"I've come again to challeng-!"

"Now you've done it."

Yae's face was a bit strange as she realised Itto might actually die this time.

"I will tell you of the beginning."

A panicked voice rang throughout the courtyard. "Wait, wait, wait!"

"Heaven and Earth split, nothingness congratulated creation.


"My Sword of Rupture cleaved the world!"

"I'll let you sleep on my lap for as long as you want tomorrow if you stop."

Instantly the swirl of spatial distortions stopped. The clouds gathered above as Wilbur gazed at Itto coldly.


Lightning zapped him with ferocity as a tornado formed quickly as it picked him up before throwing him all the way back to the entrance.

"Finally, peace."