
Fate and Mystery

Mystery is used to enact magecraft. The stronger the mystery the more powerful said craft is. What if someone was born to solve and seize the mysteries for himself?

DenSai · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Wilbur sighed as he gazed at the blazing world of inferno. How many years had it been since he had discovered the truth of the world.

Though he would like to get rid of it now it seemed there was another group here.


Wilbur sat down as Okitan seemed to have an addiction to udon and chikuwabu. Single handedly finishing off his reserves in the cupboard and his workshop within a single week. He did have to give her props but then again. Seeing someone filled with happiness at the small cost of his portion made him happy. It only served to remind him of his goal and why he pursued it.

He played around with The One Ring as he rolled it around before snatching it mid air and placing it on his finger as the inscriptions grew bright as if it was hot red. The gold was perfectly cold to the feeling. While the surface inscription was the original, there was a hidden inscription on the underside that could only be seen by those who looked for it.

~Don't forget~

Wilbur had noticed that he had started forgetting things. Although he had lived... for quite a long time as his youth had stagnated. He could not bear all those years worth of memories. The inscription had a copy of his memories stored so he would not forget when he had to discard them. Though by the time he had realised what was happening he had long lost a good chunk of memories.

A knock on his door came. It seemed they were here. Chaldea, at least that's what the truth told him. Small whispers of truth started entering his ears, telling him what they were feeling, what they wanted, what they truly felt, what they thought. Wilbur shook his head as he shook his head at Okitan who had lifted her huge blade, ready to decimate any enemy who dared to try trespass in the kitchen.

Wilbur shouted from the couch as he couldn't be bothered moving. "Just come in." The door opened as a small group entered in. A black haired youth and an eggplant girl, behind them was a small group of servants. Most likely his contracted servants, his green eyes pierced the world to see the truth of their identities.

Cu Chulainn, the Hound of Ulster.

EMIYA, the Hero of Wrought Iron, a pitiful existence bound to the counterforce.

And finally Medusa, the youngest of the Gorgon Sisters.

Wilbur sighed as Emiya stared at Okitan. "Emiya senpai?"

"Majin-san? Aren't you bound to the counterforce?"

Okitan shook her head before pointing to Wilbur "He severed my connection." Emiya's eyes widened as there was someone who could sever the connection with the counterforce. Something he had long been searching for. Though it was put on hold due to the situation at hand.

Wilbur waved before asking them to sit down. "So I assume your little group from Chaldea is going to fix this mess?" The black haired teen nodded as he spoke "I'm Fujimaru Ritsuka and this is Mash. We're here to fix this singularity!"

Wilbur sighed "No point trying to fix this place. It's too far gone. Besides I'm ditching this place as soon as you guys finish your little adventure. I'll be tagging along with you."

Wilbur stood up as he headed towards his workshop only for Okitan to press herself into his arm. "We ran out of chikuwabu and udon." Her face was so cute that the usual hollow face and soul was filled with hope and happiness. Wilbur nodded as his arm was pressed further in between the two mountains. "Fine I'll get some later. Jeez acting like a spoiled little sister."

Okitan was confused as she thought "I'm a little sister? So Onii-chan?" Wilbur felt his heart being struck by many arrows as the cuteness was overwhelming as he steeled himself for his future actions.


"I see you people of Chaldea have finished what you needed to do. Unfortunately retrieving the grail will not help this world any longer. Return to where you came from. And please take care of Okitan."

"She makes a good little imouto."

The command seals blinked as the mastership was transferred to Ritsuka. "Farewell."

Their bodies started fading as the world around him continued to burn. "Looks like I'll need to relocate somewhere else."

"I won't be needing these for a bit. I'll regrow them at a later time after I finish adjusting."

Wilbur raised his hand to his eye as he plucked it straight out as it was ripped from its socket. Blood dripped as he hissed in pain, another eye was soon dropped as he wiped the blood from its empty sockets.

Slowly the world started being replaced by the truth as the very world was destroyed as it slowly crumbled. Wilbur focused the power of his world as he searched for a way out to a different one. Essentially using the second magic through his world.

His brown hair slowly faded to black as the magecraft changing it was dismissed after there was no need as he doubt he would be seeing anyone he knew.

He did not need to see the current world, he would rely only on his world. Slowly the small golden particles formed a link to the supposed new world. All that's left was to destroy the remaining surroundings and the world itself. In an instant the world was replaced by his world before they both disappeared as Wilbur was dragged by the link to whatever parallel world it was.


Wilbur felt himself falling a short distance as he fell onto the ground. A quick pull from his cloak as he wrapped white bandages around his empty eye sockets as he heard a figure approaching him.

"Hello are you okay? You fell from quite a height."

A female, he would have to get used to adjusting to his expanding and changing world before he could regrow his eyes. He quickly turned to the source of the voice "Hello? I assume I'm in some establishment?"

"You are currently in the Grand Narukami Shrine."

"I assume you are lost travel-"

She stopped as she noticed some blood bleeding through the bandages. At first she thought it was some training or functional blockage but the blood that had started seeping through was no matter.

"What happened?"

Wilbur shook his head "It's fine, it'll heal when it's ready. Mind asking what is this world?" Wilbur could honestly not give a crap about being from a different world. He wasn't going to hide it nor did he care if someone knew. He had a goal and he would not forget that goal.

Wilbur couldn't "see" her but he could feel her. Mana sense was something he knew long ago along with [Instinct] and [Clairvoyance], the world didn't care if he was an outsider, as far as this world was concerned, he was the world's advocate. It would tell him what she was thinking, what she would say.

Instinctively he felt a shift in the air and mood, clearly the female had a slight more cynical side that he had just felt. "No need to ruffle yourself up from realising I'm from a parallel world."

Another shift as cautiousness was thrown and instead replaced with ready hostility. "You know it would be great if we could introduce ourselves first."

"I'm Wilbur Thorn. You?"

He could sense the hesitation but she soon replied "Yae Miko"

Wilbur still remained on the floor as he talked to the truth of the world. "What does she look like?" Miko was confused as she watched the otherworlder speak to the emptiness.

Slowly whispers started entering Wilbur's ear.

"Ah pink hair, purple eyes and a shrine maiden? Also beautiful?"

Miko felt good at the compliment but the confusion came next. "Never knew the world had a sense of beauty as well."

Wilbur turned to her as he apologised "I apologise I wanted to know what you look like as I doubt you would tell me yourself."

"So I guess not hostilities?"

Miko instantly threw multiple strands of electricity in which Wilbur simply faded away as the lightning struck.

"I guess we can't talk this out?"

Wilbur watched as a she summoned a fox? The truth was instantly discerned as a pitch black sword with black wisps emerged as he cut down the fox as it dispersed before the blade sparked with the same purple electricity.

"Um sorry for whatever I did?"