
Farmer In The Apocalypse

An isolated high school student with his plants struggling to survive.

WinterLeaf_ · Action
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2 Chs

Day 1- Start (1)

-First POV

*Beep *Beep *Beep


I open my eyes and wince as I see the bright light reflecting from my alarm clock. It was already 7:30 and I had an hour to get to school.

As I drag myself out of bed I look at myself in the mirror.

I saw dark eyes and dark hair that contrasts against a pale skin that seems almost unhealthy.

As I get up from my bed, the first thing I do is to water the plant.

It was an orchid. 

The orchid always brought color to my life as it had the brightness my life never had. Perhaps it was because the orchid was so different from my gray life that I cherished it. 

As I get up, I greet it.

"Hello." I say softly. 

Plants do not talk. They listen. 

The plants were my companion that would listen to my problems or issues. Some would call me crazy, but I have had always a strong connection with plants since I was young.

Unlike my appearance, I loved going outside or even hiking. I was able to see various plants and trees that gave me a breathe of freshness, away from people.

As I finish my morning routine, I get ready to step out the door.

I look back and see my very worn out apartment room with paints already coming off.

I seemed to see that the Orchid was waving at me. Although I know it may be the wind coming from the open window, I show a smile as I lock the door behind me as I get ready to go to my school.


As I walk to the familiar gates of the school I see a person standing there.

She had platinum blonde hair reaching all the way to her shoulder blades with slight curls in them. She had a doll like face that wouldn't lose to any celebrities we see on the TV. Perfectly bright blue eyes with lips pink with vitality. She was Heather Morozova.

"Hello, Nick." 

I acknowledge her with a simple nod, nothing more nothing less.

Heather gives me a short glance before looking away once more. She has been this way since the incident.


It was a uneventful afternoon with the boys and the girls getting ready to dress into P.E. uniforms.

As I opened my locker I found something that was foreign to me.





Yes, it was a woman's underwear.....A white one with a small teddy bear on it.

A scream came from down the hallways as a group of girls led by Heather was closing in on me. As Heather pointed at me, her face was red and flushed and her mouth was agape.

"You.....tt-that's my underwear."

The whole hallways erupted. Accusations and disgusts were hurled my way. My reputation didn't really help either as I didn't talk and my pale skin and dark hair only made me seem gloomy, perhaps creepy.

Now, I was known as the school pervert it seems. I couldn't care less as I tossed the underwear back to her.

She quickly hides it, but everyone saw it happening. A creep stole one the most popular girl's undergarment.

*Flashback end

This incident already happened 3 years ago.

My reputation among my peers were considered to be less than ideal.

Due to this, I was often isolated. But, I didn't mind the isolation as I had less people to interact with. My teachers also seemed to hide a face of slight disgust, especially the female teachers.

As I walk into the building, I take the obscure route to my class. Still, some frowns headed my way as I did so.

I stood next to the rowdy classroom. As I slid the door open, all conversations stopped.

I headed straight towards the furthest seat at the back next to the window.

As I put my head down on the table, I could hear murmurs around me but I couldn't care less.

As I wake up from a short nap, the whole class is rowdy once more. It seems like they were excited today was the last day of high-school.

Some were nervous and others were sad.


I came back home in exhaustion.

But, as I thought of seeing my two plants, a slight smile appeared on my face.

I opened the door and flicked on the lights.

But, what I saw in front of me froze me to my place as I struggled to comprehend.

A green humanoid creature was standing there about 4 feet tall.

It had yellow eyes and a prominent nose. It's ears were elongated with pierced gold earrings on them. It's two tiny hands held on to what it seems like daggers.

My whole room was thrashed.

I pinched my cheeks to see if what I was seeing is real.


Dread began to fill me as I stared back into the eyes of the creature. 

But, my eyes immediately darted towards my two plants.

One of them was broken. It was flattened on the ground as if someone stepped on it.

An unbridled anger started to come over me as I started to shake.

But, my thoughts were interrupted by a sound.


It was smiling.

Perhaps, it thought I was shaking in fear.

I instinctively knew it chose me as a prey.

It immediately lunged towards me with a smile that showed all of its yellowing teeth gleaming under the light.