
Farmer In The Apocalypse

An isolated high school student with his plants struggling to survive.

WinterLeaf_ · Action
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2 Chs

Day 1- Start(2)

It dashed below my groin area aiming for my legs. 

I couldn't react in time as it slashed two times at my right leg cutting deep into my skin. 

A searing pain that I never experienced shot up my left leg. 


I fell backwards screaming in pain as I try to scoot away from the source of pain.

Panic started to fill my whole being. 

I began to lose focus and concentration. I had nothing but fear inside my head. 

As I struggled to get up, the creature was watching me. 

It snickered as it licked the dagger relishing in my blood. 

It waited until I was able to get up fully. 

It was toying with me. Just like how a cat toys around with a rat before ending its life. 

As I barely stood up in pain with an obvious limp, it started walking towards me. 

One step at a time it came towards me. 

I looked at the door behind me, but I deemed it too late as I can't go far with my injury. I had to fight back in some way. 

As I searched for any weapons I can lay my hand on, it lunged at me again. Afraid that It may cut my body, I attempted to swat away its attacks. This only resulted in my right hand getting a dagger struck right in the middle of it. 

As a last ditch attempt I managed to shove the creature away, but it was prepared as it cut a long wound across my left forearm. 


I was cornered. 

A long gash on my arm with one of the daggers stuck in the hand of the other. One of my legs cut deep enough to see my bone. Adrenaline was rushing through my system but I knew I would lose consciousness soon as I was bleeding too much. 

I want to give up.

Just why? 

Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? 

I was always alone since the beginning, no family or friends. I didn't harm or steal from anyone. I only minded my business taking care of my plant. So, why is this happening? 

As I thought about my plant, I was reminded of what the bastard did. 

All the care and effort I had to go through to take care of the plant flashed by my eyes as I take in its tragic form. 

I could tell that the roots were severely damaged and the petals were stomped by something. 

An unimaginable anger started to boil inside of me like a white shirt dipped in wine. 

With adrenaline still rushing through my body, I took out the knife from my hand with great effort. 


I slightly winced at the remnants of pain but my nerves were already in the state of shock. 

Before I go down, I was going to take that little sh*t with me. 

The creature eyed me as it let out a smirk revealing its yellowing teeth. 

As I took a step forward it took a step back. 

That creature was an experienced hunter. It was letting its prey slowly bleed out to even fight back anymore. 

I knew instinctively that I needed to end this quickly. 

I lunged forward with all my strength and tackled it to the ground. During the process, I feel a sharp pain in my ribs as I found the creature fighting back. I gritted my teeth and with my left hand holding the dagger I strike its head. 


As I saw it slowly die out with green fluids coming out, the edges of my eyes started to darken. 

I was tunnel visioning due to blood loss it seems. 


As I see the blood stain on the ground, I knew it must have pierced my lungs. 

I knew my end was coming. 

I crawl towards the Orchid with great pain. 

"Sorry." I barely wheeze out the phrases as my crimson fingers touches the petals. I smile as I focus on the orchid as much as possible. However, my vision starts to go dark and I seem to see a slight hallucination of a blue rectangle.