
Farmer in a cultivation World

kedman · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnated

All of a sudden, I realized I was floating in a dark space, nobody around just a dim light pulling me in. The last thing that I remember is trying to go to sleep on the bus to our ski trip. I don't remember getting off the bus so appearing in an unfamiliar place, well not so great.

I tried to float around and see if there was anyone in the dark but to no avail, I did not know how to float the was I wanted to go, as the light started to get brighter and brighter I found myself in an unfamiliar room.

As I was trying to figure out where I was memories of this world and who I was started slowly following my mind.

To put it simply, this was another world, but strangely he had transmigrated into a body with the same name and the same age. Even their birthdays were the same.

I sorted through my memories until I figured out what my new identity was.

This world was a world of cultivation, but it was different from a normal world of cultivation since everyone relied on Cultivation pets to raise their cultivation.

While I was lost deep in thought, there was a sudden knock on my door.

"Wake up you lazy and get some breakfast so you can have some energy to work on the farm or I'll make sure you'll never wake up again!"

There was this tender, but blunt voice that came outside my door.

According to my memories, this should be the voice of the mother of this body, Sharon Prescott.

Unlike me who was someone without any talent, Sharon was a talented gold Level Three framer with a golden Level Four Cultivation field.

When I was still kids, she had always been loving and caring, but now she had turned much colder. If I had to guess what the reason was, it was probably because she was ashamed of her weak son who wasn't even able to cultivate even now.

In the end, I still quickly changed and went downstairs for breakfast.

There I met the rest of my family in this new world. My father in this world called Zackery Spence was gruff, but a handsome-looking man who was sitting at the table eating. My sister called Cora Waller in this world was still a beautiful looking young lady with a fine figure but looked quite tired.

In this world, my dad had been a hunter and his sister had been a pet breeder. They used to run a pet shop together where his dad found pets for his sister to breed and sell. That was until his father took a claw to the knee which gave him the limp that ended his career and my sister became ill, feeling the effects of illness even now.

Since they were both incapacitated, they could no longer run the shop, so my mother became the one tack over the shop and his father had become a laborer, leaving the farm to me, to give me a stable career since I had no talent for cultivation at all.

Seeing me come down the stairs, my mother set a place at the table for me and brought out his breakfast before saying, "You're still sleeping even though it's this late, hurry up or you'll be late for work. Come and grab some food before you leave though."

my father just flashed me a grin and said, "It's a big day for you today, I heard that the city has been investing in farms lately and they're sending a batch of fresh seeds for you to use."

I searched my memories and remembered that the local government in their nugget City had announced lately that to deal with the rise in beast swarms, they would be supporting all businesses that promoted the growth of Beast Masters, which naturally included pet shops and farms.

When I sat down, I could have sworn that he heard a clicking noise, but looking around, all I saw was his father eating while reading the newspaper and my mother coldly glaring at me when I looked at her.

Shaking off the strange feeling I had, I quickly finished off his breakfast since I was curious about the farm he was going to be running.

After finishing, I got up and shouted to my mom, "Mom, I'm all done. I'm heading to the farm to deal with the new shipment."

Not long after I had set out, I arrived at my farm.

The farm wasn't that far away from their house, but the farm was set up in the poor part of town, so there usually wasn't much traffic.

When I arrived, a truck and a person were standing by it waiting in front of his farm.

That person saw me come over and he waved at me, "Sir, are you the owner of this farm?"

I was surprised to see this person, but I quickly said, "Yes."

"Sir, I'm here to deliver the shipment from the government aid office." After saying this, that person reached out the pad in his hand, "If you could just confirm that you've received the shipment, I can be on my way."

The technology in this world was also quite advanced compared to my previous world. In this world, everything was stored on their ID pad, which included their identification, their wallets, and their bank accounts.

I didn't see any problem with this, so I tapped my pad against that man's outstretched pad.

After receiving confirmation, that man went to the back of his truck and took out three crates before saying, "Sir, this is the shipment that you are receiving today, please take care of them." After saying this, he began moving towards the truck to leave.

I was stunned the moment I saw the three crates because inside them were tomatoes seeds, corn seeds, and Apple seeds…

Before the delivery person could make their getaway, I quickly grabbed him and asked, "Are you sure that this is the delivery you're supposed to make?"

Seeing that I was questioning him, the delivery person's eyes filled with contempt, but he still seriously opened up a panel on his pad and showed it to me.

"This is the order from the government. Since your farm is only a low-level grade farm in this lowest-grade neighborhood, therefore you're only entitled to a first-grade subsidy. This first-grade subsidy is a total of three Iron Level seeds, this Earth tomato, this wind corn, and this ice Apple's, which have all been delivered." There was a trace of mockery in the delivery person's voice.

I knew that there was no arguing with him since I knew my farm was indeed quite shabby, so he just agreed with this and sent the delivery person on his way.

After taking the three crates into the shop, I finally got a good look at his farm.

To describe it with one word, it would be shabby!

Everything in the space looked like it was quite worn out and there wasn't a single thing that seemed new in this shop.

It seemed like everything in my new life was designed to make me feel despair. I had come to a cultivation world, but I couldn't cultivate. I had a shop, but it was completely run down. The only positive thing was that I had was a loving family. Well other than his new mother it seemed.

While I was wallowing in despair over my new reality, there was a book that had suddenly appeared before my eyes.

"A suitable host has been found. Currently receiving information."

I looked up in shock when I saw this. I quickly looked around while shouting, "Hello, is anyone there? What do you mean by host and information?"

There was no response for an entire minute before a voice rang out in my head.

"I'm sorry about that take some time to activate my voice. Congratulations host, you have been selected by the book to become the best farmer, owner."

"Book? To the best farmer?"

I was confused by everything that was happening.

But soon I reacted and my eyes lit up since the part of me that came from earth finally caught up with this new reality.


He was finally going to get his cheat!