
Fantasy Online System

A mysterious pandemic called "sleeping beauty syndrome" has terrorized the world, causing deaths everywhere. Fear and depression begin to envelop the world as people decide to end their lives. As the pandemic is getting worse, one of the famous game companies releases a game called FOS (Fantasy Online System), successfully reducing depression levels significantly making the game very popular throughout society. One day, a high school student named Ethan receives a mysterious message from someone named Athena while playing FOS. He finally tries to find out about the mysterious message which turns out to have something to do with the emergence of this pandemic. Will he successfully find out what the message means?

Little_BlackHorse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 5: Disaster

In front of them, there is a three-meter-high fence with razor wire surrounding it. Beside the fence, there is a vulnerable old man who is standing near a wooden plank. They both decide to have a conversation with the old man.

"Welcome to the Venus forest." The old man speaks with a raspy voice and a couple of coughs. "I am the guardian of the forest of venus, I hope you will not disturb it."

"Disturb It, what does the old man mean?"

The old man points his index finger at a board and there is an inscription about what is in this forest

Forest of Venus (part 1/2):

Welcome, players, to the forest of Venus located east of the village of Altaria. This forest is filled with passive plants that don't like to attack players, however, venus will become ferocious at the sight of "Fire", so, good luck!

Item drop: Flower nectar, chitin.

"Ash, look! That is the material we need." Chronos dilates his eyes and smiles.

"Yes, but it says don't use fire, what's wrong?" Asher's frown is visible on his forehead. "What will happen if we use "fire" in there?"

"I don't know, but we should not think too much about it and start looking for the items we need."

Asher and Chronos walk into the forest and the old man slowly closes the door behind them. The atmosphere in the forest is so quiet and they can hear their footsteps.

"Damn, this place is pretty dark and we can only rely on moonlight." Chrono cuts down the grass along the path they are walking.

"Hey Chronos, look at that."

Asher taps Chronos on the shoulder repeatedly and points his finger at a large green plant that doesn't seem to be moving at all. It is twice the size of a normal plant, has a very large mouth, and along the sides of its mouth are sharp thorns.

'Slash! Slash!"

Chronos' slash couples with his dash skill and quickly kills the plant.

'150 exp earned'

'You have obtained 50 gold coins, 1x flower nectar'

"Good, Chronos we just need to kill more of these plants." Asher strokes his chin. "I'm sure it will be quick."

Chronos nods and they continue searching for the whereabouts of the plant, but it turns out to be not as easy as imagined because the plant is hunted by many other players and rarely drops the items they are looking for.

'150 exp earned'

'You have obtained 20 gold coins

' 150 exp earned'

'You have obtained 10 gold coins

"Damn! We don't have any other items at all." Chronos grumbles in an annoyed tone. "I haven't seen this plant either." Chonos sit down and thrust his sword into the ground.

A few minutes later, the two of them heard a familiar sound a few meters ahead and walks toward the source of the sound which turns out to be the plant they are looking for. Chronos quickly uses his dash skill and points his sword forward, but his attack is suddenly blocked by something.


"Damn it! What are you doing?" Chronos furrowed his brow and glanced at the other players. "This plant is mine!"

"No, I see it first. The red-haired man used his small dagger. "Hey newbie, shut up!"

"Hey, what did you say!"

"Chronos, calm down." Asher tried to calm down Chronos who seemed will attack the man. "Don't act rashly."

The blood flowing in Chronos' head is flowing rapidly and his head starts getting hot. He doesn't care about Asher's words at all and immediately uses the dash skill toward the red-haired man.

"Speed up!" The red-haired man moved quickly to avoid every punch thrown.

"Sh**!" Chronos quickly drew his weapon but the man easily avoid it. "His movements are so fast!

Asher tries to stop the two of them, but their movements are so fast that he is unable to stop them.

"Cling! Cling!"

The sound of Chronos' sword and the man's dagger touching and deflecting each other's attacks. Their strength and speed matched so the fight feels very fierce.

"I have to stop them, but how?" Asher rolled his eyeballs upwards trying to find a way to stop the fierce fight.

However, Asher squints his eyes and sees the silhouette of a person walking slowly toward the plant while Chronos and the man are fighting.


Suddenly, a fireball shot through the tree directly attacking the plant, and died. The silhouette then vanishes amidst the trees.

"Hey!" Asher tries to pursue it, but the figure has already disappeared into nowhere.

A few minutes later, terrifying screams and clattering footsteps ring out, causing Chronos and the man to stop fighting.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Chronos looked sharply at the man.

"I don't do anything at all!" The man furrowed his brows. "Hey, you don't ...."

Suddenly the giant plant appears from behind the man and instantly swallows his body in one piece. The player's scream makes Chronos and Asher speechless.

"What the ...."

Fresh blood slowly flows from the mouth of the wild plant and instantly kills the player. The plant reveals his sharp sharpened tarring teeth and runs towards Asher.

"Ash, watch out!"

Chronos' shouts sounded so loud and Asher immediately dodged quickly.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?" Chronos cut down the vines of the plant and tried to help Asher.

"Argh! I must do something."

Asher immediately throws a bomb at the plant until the explosion kills it instantly.

'450 exp earned'

'You have obtained 80 gold coins

Asher tries to get rid of the plant, but it slowly appears and there are more and more of them.

"Chronos, we need to find a safe place." Asher tried to run back to the original place, but their surroundings are already surrounded by monstrous plants.

They run away from the group of plants by using Chronos' skill and Asher's item bomb.

"Ash, hurry up!" Chronos thrust his sword forward and continue to slash every vine trying to reach them.

However, one of the vines successfully pulls Asher, causing him to lose his balance and fall. He tries to grab something beside him but the plant immediately pulls Asher quickly and the plant slowly opens its wide mouth.


Chronos who sees his friend in danger immediately cuts down the plant and uses his item bomb to make the monster dies and drop Asher to the ground.

"Come on, hurry up!"

Chronos tugs on Asher's hand so they can finally escape from the group of plants.
