
Fantasy: Life Simulation As A Sword

# DEMONSWORD Ning Xiu was transmigrated to a fantasy world and became a normal sword in a blacksmith. Fortunately, he had received the Life Simulation System. [Possible simulation: Normal Sword, Treasured Sword, Holy Sword, Demon Sword.] [Ding! Congratulations. You have chosen the Demon Sword path. The simulation will begin.] [Year 1: You remained in the blacksmith for the whole year because of your normal appearance.] [Year 2: A cultivator whose sect was annihilated chose you and carved the Blood-drinking Formation on you to obtain his revenge.] [Year 3: The cultivator had killed a lot of people. As you continued to drink the blood of his enemies, you became a Demon Sword that shocked the entire world.] [Year 4: The cultivator was pursued by the orthodox sects and was locked in the Demon-subduing Tower.] [Year 10: You have remained in the tower for the past six years. During that time, you were used to slaying all the demons in the tower and absorbed their powers.] [Year 30: After many years of holding yourself back, you have become stronger than everyone and everything else. You pierced through the tower from inside and became a sword with enough demonic energy to cover the entire world.] [Simulation has ended. Rank: S. You’ll be able to inherit part of the cultivation and talent gained from the simulation.] With the help of the system, Ning Xiu was able to become a demonic sword from a normal iron sword.

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40 Chs

Baron Grant's eyes were red from anxiety as he looked at the saleswoman in front of him. He continued to search the warehouse as he asked, "I dug out an iron sword from the ruins and left it in this warehouse. Where did the sword go?"

"I remember leaving it on the ground this morning because I was in a hurry."

Hearing the Baron talk about the sword, the saleswoman became even more excited. She thought the Baron must've realized that the sword had finally been sold and wanted to praise her work.

How happy would he be if he knew she had sold a low-grade magic tool for the price of a mid-grade magic tool?

She immediately raised her head confidently and shouted, "Dear Sir Grant, I sold that ugly iron sword when you weren't around!"

"Additionally, I managed to sell that low-grade magic tool for a high price of 700 gold coins. That price is nearly comparable to an intermediate magic tool!"

After that, the saleswoman stood quietly, ready to accept the praise. However, upon hearing the saleswoman, Baron Grant almost vomited blood from anger.

At that moment, his body trembled even more violently! However, the shiver he felt now was completely different from the shivers of excitement he had felt earlier.

Now, he was trembling with anger!

It was a holy weapon! A priceless sacred artifact!

Moreover, she only sold it for the price of an intermediate magic tool! Did she expect to be praised for that?

Now, Baron Grant even thought of killing the saleswoman!

However, this wasn't the right time. What he needed to do most was to get the holy weapon back!

"You idiot! Who bought the iron sword? Tell me now and I'll bring him back!"

"If the iron sword doesn't come back today, you don't need to come back forever!" Baron Grant almost roared out.

The saleswoman in front of him was stunned. No matter how stupid she was, she knew she had made a grave mistake!

However, she didn't understand why the Baron would be so angry after she sold that ugly iron sword at such a high price.

Nonetheless, now wasn't the time to wonder.

She hurriedly described Arthur's disheveled attire along with his physical appearance. Then, she pointed out which direction he went.

While under the confused gaze of the saleswoman, Baron Grant quickly rushed out toward the direction that Arthur had left. Baron Grant ordered all the workers to go out and look for Arthur when he left the shop.

He ran for dozens of miles and asked many people around him. However, he couldn't find any traces of Arthur.

Arthur had left a long time ago with the holy weapon! Looking at the empty wilderness in front of him, Baron Grant gave himself two tight slaps in anger.

That was a sacred weapon! That was a treasure that only appeared in legends, and he'd hung it on the wall of the warehouse for an entire year!

Furthermore, he even despised the holy weapon for being ugly. When he realized this sword wasn't ordinary, he casually left it on the ground!

What a foolish act!

Right now, he had just lost a holy weapon! He truly paid the most painful price in his life over his stupidity.

On the other hand, Arthur was carrying Lu Yu and walking toward the source of his vengeance. Along the way, Lu Yu heard everything Arthur mumbled in his mind.

When no one was around, he would talk to himself in pain. After a while, Lu Yu discovered the reason why Arthur's family was annihilated.

Arthur was born into an ordinary family but became a transcendent by accident. Additionally, his blood-drawing formation had also come from that accident.

Initially, becoming a transcendent would be a great blessing for a family.

However, reality was never that simple. After becoming a transcendent, Arthur's status rose. This threatened the reputation of another transcendent who lived in the same town.

Moreover, Arthur was kind-hearted. His various good deeds made people view him as the opposite of the other transcendent who bullied people. The other transcendent came from the Spencer family, which was under a Baron.

Finally, the young and ignorant Arthur was attacked by Baron Spencer, who was an energy level two user. Arthur couldn't defeat Baron Spencer because he was only energy level one.

In the end, the result of the battle was extremely tragic. Arthur himself had survived by pure luck.

However, his family had all died in that battle. So now, his only goal in life was to take revenge. Even if he died along with the Spencer family, he wouldn't hesitate.

Therefore, after the blood-drawing formation was successful, Arthur immediately went to Baron Spencer's territory. With such a powerful enchanted weapon, he might be able to drag the Spencer family down with him.

Moving forward in the wilderness, Arthur brought Lu Yu to a church. Broken marble pillars surrounded the church. Inspecting the interior, it was clear that this church was used to worship the gods.

But now, the church was already quite old. The statue in the middle was broken into pieces, and there were only some western patterns on it. The statue had lost its old value.

No matter how hard he tried to identify it, Lu Yu couldn't tell which god this church worshiped. Cobwebs were everywhere, and the stained glass windows were smashed into pieces. It was evident no one had been here for a long time.

Some worn-out goatskin papers were thrown to the ground, and the church's proverbs were now blurry and unreadable.

The sky outside had already darkened, and Arthur could hear the cries of crows from time to time. Nighttime was approaching.

Moving around in the wilderness at night, it was very likely that they would encounter wild beasts that were on the same level as transcendents. It was common for even powerful transcendents to die in the dark.

Thus, Arthur stopped. He prepared to rest in the church for the night and set off the following day.

He took out the bread and water he had prepared. The bread was as hard as a rock, and there was only a tiny amount of water. This was the food he had exchanged for with his remaining copper coins.

He placed Lu Yu to the side and quietly ate.

While Arthur was occupied, Lu Yu looked around and prepared for his second Life Simulation.

"Would you like to begin the Life Simulation?"
