
Fantasy Life Dream Diary

Rayne is person with pride and his goal is to be rich and successful someday. Unfortunately for him, life is unfair and he was not given a chance to rise in the field of his choice. He continue to struggle in life vying for a chance to succeed as he refuse to give up his ideals. In the midst of all this, he discovered a new life within the world of dream in the comfort of his bed. He embraced this brand new life. Armed with the knowledge he already have, he struggled in this new world as well and challenged himself to be a much better person that he can never be. This is the story of his fantasy life within a dream that changed his life in reality.

AresAcedia · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Adventurer Guild

Following Max's advise, Rayne went to the adventurer guild the next day to register. The guild was located near the east city gate. It was a 3-storey, U-shaped building and a large banner saying 'Adventurer Guild' was hung in front so its easily recognizable.

After entering the building, he beelined to one of the available counters and stated his business.

"I am here to register." he informed the clerk while presenting the recommendation letter Max had given him this morning. This is so he could skip the apprenticeship period, where he would be paired to a veteran adventurer to be tested, and become a full-fledged adventurer right away.

"Fill-up this form as I let someone verify this letter."

The clerk provided him with a form and pen, Then, he left for a bit taking the letter with him.

In the meantime, Rayne quickly fill-out the form with his basic information such as name, age, location and proficiency.

When the clerk return, he was accompanied by another person. A lady in glasses wearing a red long tunics.

Rayne turned in his form whom the clerk immediately checked.

"This is all good." the clerk said as he put away the form. "We also need a few drop of your blood."

The clerk provided him with a small flask and a needle.

Rayne immediately took the needle to prick one of his fingers. Then, took the small flask to gather a few drops of his blood, which he returned to the clerk after.

"Please wait a moment as we process this. In the meantime, my colleague has a few questions for you "


The clerk again left the counter leaving the lady in glasses.

"This is regarding your recommendation letter. We would like to know how did came to possess such letter?"

"Ahh. That. It was given to me this morning by uncle Max and as far as I know, he was a former adventurer."

"Uncle? Is he your relative?"

"No. We are not related."

"Then, what is your relationship with him?"

"His wife, aunt Lily is my benefactor who had helped me a lot. They took me in and now I live in the inn called Sleeping Roses his wife owned. I also do some odd jobs in the inn for them."

"I see. Thank you for the information. That would be all for me."

Then, lady in glasses left the counter after.

Switching her place was the clerk, who just return.

"Let me brief you first about our adventurer ranking system. Aside from the wood class, which is for apprentices, we have three major tiers. From lowest to highest, they are bronze, silver and gold. Each tier has 7 ranks, which is classified base on the number of stars. The more number of stars, the higher your rank in that tier. You will be awarded a star after successfully completing the certain number of quests depending on your tier. And to move up a tier, you have to successfully complete 10 different subjugation quests consecutively without failing. If you fail, you have to restart the count. Also, 10 consecutively failures and you will be banned from the guild. Of course there is always an exception to these, but that will depend on the adventurer guild's master and/or its officers. You can see all this together with the guild's rules that you must follow in this guidebook. Find time to read it."

The clerk handed him a small pocket size book.

"Another thing you need to know is the fact that you can join a adventurer group. For this, you can be directly approach them in person or you can inform us if you want join one so we could relay your intend to the adventurer group in question. For your information, silver tier is the bare minimum requirement to create a adventurer group but it can only be consist of 5-10 people. You can approach any counter to register your group and they will happily assist you. There is also a different ranking system for adventurer groups. From lowest to highest, they are emerald, sapphire, ruby, diamond and obsidian. The higher the rank, the bigger your adventurer group would be. A separate tag will then be issued to you which would contain the adventurer group's very own emblem and rank."

The clerk was about to stand up when the lady in glasses came back. She handed something to the clerk before leaving immediately.

"Oh. I was just about to get this inside but it was delivered instead. Here you go. This is your adventurer tag. This is a proof that you are part of the adventurer guild. This can also be used as your identification." the clerk said as he gave him what seems like a necklace with a bronze pendant.

Rayne immediately wore the adventurer tag. After careful look at it, it looks similar to that of the real world's military dog tags. On the bronze pendant, his name was carefully inscribe while the other side had the adventurer guilds emblem, a sword, a gauntlet and a spear in the shape of an asterisk enclosed by a gear.

"With that, you can now take part and participate in quests, but you can only take one quest at a time. Quests are divided into individual, small scale, midscale, and large scale. There are also something called special quests that the guild issue but it usually is for specific person or group. For now, you are only authorized to take or be a part of any quests that have been posted in the east quest hall. This is as long as you meet the quest's criteria. To accept a quest, you just have to take the quest poster to any of the counters for checking if you are eligible to take part in it and also for us to keep record. Some quests also have a specific duration to which it must completed, if not met means failure. Please keep that in mind. Do you have any question?" the clerk added.

Rayne shook his head and said, "None for now, Thank you."

He immediately left the premises and made his way back to the inn after the lengthy explanation of the clerk about the basics in the guild. He did not even bother to check the quest halls that the clerk mentioned.