
Fantasy Life Dream Diary

Rayne is person with pride and his goal is to be rich and successful someday. Unfortunately for him, life is unfair and he was not given a chance to rise in the field of his choice. He continue to struggle in life vying for a chance to succeed as he refuse to give up his ideals. In the midst of all this, he discovered a new life within the world of dream in the comfort of his bed. He embraced this brand new life. Armed with the knowledge he already have, he struggled in this new world as well and challenged himself to be a much better person that he can never be. This is the story of his fantasy life within a dream that changed his life in reality.

AresAcedia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 4 - Sparring with Max

"You seem to be having fun. What did we miss?" Max said hearing the laughter as he entered. Following behind him was Lily, his wife.

Max has a very imposing stature due to his large muscular frame, which was understandable as he was a former adventurer. Even now, he would still train his body and fighting skills. Although he may be very strict at times, he was actually an outgoing person and dotting parent to her daughters. As long as one don't cross his bottom line, he's so dependable.

He would also guide in Rayne's training sometimes, giving him advise and even sparring with him. Due to this, Rayne was able to improve his combat skills and swordsmanship.

"Pops. Good morning. We were just talking about sweets." Layla answered.

"Good morning, uncle Max." Rayne greeted.

"Dad, what took you so long? We've been waiting for you. Let's eat before the food gets cold." Lulu stood up and jump into his fathers arms for a hug, wanting to be spoiled.

"Alright, alright. Let's eat, then." Max said as he dotted on his youngest.

"""Thanks for the food."""

Everyone began stuffing food in their mouths as they savor the flavor of their hearty and sumptuous meal, which was accompanied by conversations and laughter.

After the meal, Layla immediately left with Lulu. They headed out holding hands as they chirpily talk about the strawberry tart they will partaking. Max also followed behind them.

"Aunt Lily, I'll be visiting Henry's house for training the day after tomorrow. Will it be okay?" Rayne said as he was just about to leave as well but remember to inform her his plan.

"Just take care of yourself and make sure to come home before dinner."


Rayne was on his way to the backyard when he came across Max in the hallway, already holding 2 wooden swords.

"Going on training?"


"Great. Let's go together."

When they arrived, Max throw him one of the wooden swords.

Catching it with one hand, Rayne swing the sword a couple of times, getting a feel of it. Even twirling it as he began to walk around, warning up.

The same can be seen with Max, who is currently stretching in a distance.

A while later, they face off with their respective stance, ready for battle.

Max was standing sideways with his dominant hand in front holding the wooden sword.

Rayne on the other hand, was standing firmly, right foot upfront with both hands holding the wooden sword while front facing Max.

Both lock eye contact, waiting for the other to attack.

Rayne was the one who made the first move, charging upfront while raising the wooden sword overhead and slashing it down.

[Clank] The crisp sound of wooden sword clashing as Max easily blocked the attack.

What happened next was an interchanging attack and defense. Although Max has the advantage in size and experience, they looked evenly match as he was matching his strength, raising the bar as the match goes on.

Rayne having seem these, he attack to his advantage, circling around his opponent as barrage him with slashes and strikes, vying for a hit.

[Clank. . Clank. . Clank. . Clank. .]

The both of them fought for almost 2 hours.

Just as the sun was as its pick, Rayne was already lying on the ground, full of dirt and sweat.

"You have improved since we last fought kiddo." Max complemented him as he drink some water. He then pass the water canteen to Rayne, which he chugged down before pouring what's left in his head.

"I'll be going inside first." Max said as he pat Rayne's shoulder before walking away.

"Wait. How much strength have you used in out sparring?" he asked Max as he sat up, gritting his teeth as he endure the pain he sustain from their sparring.

"Hmm. I would say I used around 60% of my physical body's strength." Max answered. He turned around and made his way inside. Then, he stop, looked at Rayne and said, "I think you should be strong enough to take missions as adventurer. You should register soon. This will also provide you what you lack the most, life and death combat experience. Even so, you should always exercise caution and be ready for anything. The world is cruel out there."

Rayne was left alone in the backyard.

But after hearing what Max said, he couldn't help but smile as he felt joy and excitement, proud of himself for his achievement.

After resting for a few more minutes, he began his sword training routine. This involve a variety of swings, slashes, strikes, and combinations. He focused himself to training for a couple of hours until he run out of stamina before calling it a day.

Max, who has just finish taking a shower, was about to call him out and tell him the shower is empty, saw his dedication and hard work couldn't help but nod a few times and smile. He let him be without informing him as he go to his day to day life.

- - - - - -

In an unknown location, there was table made up of solid black granite situated dead-center of a dimly lit room. This table was in the shape of a pentagon and a chair was placed on each of its side. In here, 5 human-like silhouettes can be seen hazily are just about to finish their discussion.

"Are you all agreeable with the plan?"


"Then, let me finish the preparations based on what we had just discussed. It would probably take 3 months to complete."

"That fast?"

"Yes. I have already started working on it right after our previous meeting."

"Great. Let's meet again in 3 months then. If you need anything else, voice it out now."

"I think its all good. I already have everything I need."

"Then we are all set. Dismiss."

One by one, they left their seat and leave the room thru different doors in succession, following a certain order. Silence had once again run supreme in the room, which will not be welcoming any guest for the next 3 months.