
Fantasy Hunting Dimension

Thomas transmigrated to an isekai world. The previous owner of the body was depressed for not being strong like the younger sister. When Thomas took his place, he found that his younger sister loved him very much, his parents were very loving, unlike the parents he had. However, as soon as he fell asleep, he came to a strange dimension. He was killed by a man who appeared to be a pirate. To his surprise, despite the great pain he felt when he died, he was still alive...

Cristian666 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Why did she look at him like that?

Thomas went into the bathroom to wash his body as soon as the pain eased. While considering everything that happened.

Thomas realized that the former owner of the body was actually very worked up. He wasn't able to go back to being 100% the way he was before he was injured, but the training he did daily brought in pretty obvious muscles, which was enough for Thomas to quickly recover from the pain prior to the death experience.

Slamming a little hard on the bathroom wall, Thomas muttered, "What the fuck now?"

The pain was still there, how could a dream cause that kind of pain?

Getting out of the shower, he dried off and put on a clean school set.

Walking into the kitchen, the pain he felt was still irritating.

"My boy." A man with black hair and a well-shaped beard and wire-framed glasses smiled when he saw Thomas: "Finally you decided to wake up to life. Come, sit with your old man and eat your breakfast."

"Good Morning." Thomas scratched his head and remembered almost everything he knew about this man. Obviously, the father of former Thomas, he works as a prosecutor. His name was Minato Watanabe.

His father is Japanese, while his mother was Canadian who came to study abroad and ended up falling in love and marrying his father.

As Minato earned very well, his mother stayed to take care of the house.

Sitting in the chair beside his father, Thomas looked around and didn't see Alice.

His mother was preparing breakfast. Thomas didn't know what to say to his father, it was weird, but then his father started talking.

"How was going back to school, did anyone say harmed you? Tell your old man, I'm going to your school now and even if they are teenagers, those who dare to bully my child will suffer the consequences." Though he said it with a smile, Thomas could feel he was capable of doing what he said.

Thomas felt warm in his heart, he then said with a simple smile: "Nobody intimidated me. Although it's weird to come back after such a long time, Alice came to eat with me and it was relatively pleasant."

Minato nodded. His daughter was very kind and liked her brother a lot, it was good that the two were getting along so well. "Okay, and girls, you're a really nice guy, there must be some who were happy to see you again, right?"

"Minato!" His mother screamed as she turned.

"What's it? Did I say something wrong?" Minato arched his brow.

"No, I just wanted to compliment him on that observation, yes, Thomas inherited my genes, of course, he's charming, it wouldn't be logical if no girl wasn't thrilled to see him." The mother laughed as she said this in a confident tone.

"You know my genes were also part of this, yes?" Minato said.

"Of course, but our son's beauty was pulled from me, while intelligence, well, I can give you some credit~" She hissed.

Thomas laughed when he saw the two arguing for a few minutes saying how his nose was like hers, and his father saying how her mouth was like his...

"Good Morning." Alice entered with a sleepy expression.

It wasn't until she arrived that their parents stopped arguing about who Thomas took.

Alice was wearing her school uniform, but she was shabby, she didn't even get her blue bow tie right.

"Girl, did you even wash your face?" The mother sighed and said, "Go wash your face, breakfast is almost ready."

"Yess." In a lazy voice, she headed towards the living room bathroom.



After breakfast, Thomas and Alice went to Shuei High School.

This was the best high school in the city of Tokyo. Students within everyone have medium or higher talent. Thomas' talent was at the bottom of the group, while Alice's talent was at the top of the school.

Thomas looked to the side and saw Alice smiling politely.

As soon as she arrived, she caught the attention of the students there.

At school, she was a moral and capable student, academic and sporting. She was the obedient girl to teachers and the perfect child to other parents.

His act was never noticed. Her soft smile had countless ignorant girls calling her "Number 1 beauty" and countless guys falling in love with her.

Thomas had become the legendary useless older brother after he got hurt.

He wasn't so bad. It was just common to stop playing basketball.

Alice smiled as she made her way through the crowd, and the crowd automatically parted. Thomas followed her and approached. Everything was fine except being looked at with all kinds of killing intent.

But Thomas really didn't care what people looked like.

He was a sophomore while Alice was still a freshman. The two were not in the same class. After separating from Alice, Thomas went to his own class.

As soon as he sat down, Gabriel who was sitting in front of him stood up. She had fair skin and unruly blond hair and baby blue eyes. Due to her adorable and childlike appearance, many people say she is very cute.

Gabriel looked at Thomas for two seconds, before heading towards student Vigne. Thomas heard what she said: "Vigne, I'm hungry, give me something to eat."

"Gabriel, are you hungry?" A girl with red hair said with a tone of superiority.

Thomas tried to remember and soon learned that she was Satanichia Kurumizawa Mcdowell, she was in the same year as them, however, she was in the next room.

Holding a honey bun, she smiled smugly: "Beg me, and I'll let you..."

Before she could finish what she was going to do, she reached out her hand and said, "Mm, Satanichia, give me this to eat, please." There was not the slightest hint of sincerity in her tone.

But, Satanichia was so happy that her face looked like it was going to melt, she laughed out loud smugly and said, "Since you begged me." She hissed each syllable: "I'll give it to you, be grateful~"

"Yes Yes." Gabriel took the honey bun and went back to his desk and sat down in the chair.

The professor came in after a minute, causing Gabriel to gulp down the rest of the honey bun very quickly. Satanichia and other students from different classes left.

Soon, the class began.

The morning was math class and the afternoon was physical education. On the huge training grounds, all the sophomores were focused on playing football or volleyball.

When it came to strength, Takeo Gouda was the strongest in the class. Everyone avoided going against him in sports.

Thomas just ran around the court, he wasn't interested in participating even if he wanted to, the other students didn't want him on the team.