
Fantasy 2-Sided Romance: The case of Amano Kazuki and Kunikida Misaki

This story takes place in two different ways. I: Amano Kazuki, is a second year high school student who with social problems, is a great friend of the most popular (but friendless) girl in his school known as Kunikida Misaki. II: The reality about [Magic] must be kept secret by members of a secret society known as [The Brotherhood]. A very select group of people who are in charge of hunting [Jäger], wild beasts that live among humanity in human form and who are in charge of protecting the branch of [Midgar] within the [World Tree] - [Yggsdrasil]. But at the end of the day, this story is about the same thing. It is simply the love of a young adolescent couple whose background is a more complex story in which each of the characters will be involved in some way or another. So, the question is, who is "Amano Kazuki" in the end? - All the characters involved in this story are over 18 years old. - The story contains descriptions not suitable for all audiences such as: adult situations, inappropriate language, drugs, murders, among others. - Brands, industries, corporations and places are used fictitiously, respecting the parameters of Copyright.

_kagamineakira · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Start Line, Passion and Neighbor

"We will send you money and call you, take care!"

"Don't kill yourself in progress, we want a stable family!"

Our parents let out those words that seemed to me more than a bucket of cold water on the head.

In my memory, those events are from a couple of hours ago. It's 10PM and I still don't think there's any indication we're going to sleep for today.

In other circumstances, she would have said it in the singular, but the situations in which Amano Kazuki and her sister... Kunikida, wait, I shouldn't refer to her that way anymore.

Well, I rectify myself. The recognition of errors is part of the fourth chapter of the [Canon of Adolescence].


I can no longer think only of myself, but also of the person who shares this unfortunate situation with me.

She is my only friend and my pillar of support when it comes to socializing. We are both sitting at the same table, but this time in the house where I have lived since my father abandoned my mother.

Our expressions cannot be more than pitiful...

─So your scream this afternoon was for this, uh... I got a message too, but I didn't want to scream for it.

─I assumed it was like that... tell me, Amano...

─You are also Amano now.

─Right! Damn, I was hoping to see my first name next to your last name on a marriage certificate and not on the family registry! I hate this!

Ugh... I'm flattered that she thinks that way, and it's probably best to keep quiet about it.

Don't worry, you're not the only one who wanted something like that.

But here is a problem.

─We cannot let anyone know about the change in our family status.

─You are absolutely right... if you allow me, I will continue to refer to you as Satou, you have the freedom to call me Kunikida as well.

─That would be very helpful to me, thank you.

─It's nothing, but... What are we going to do with all this?

─You ask me? I don't know, we can start unpacking. You don't mind if I see your underwear, do you?

─We have done things ten times more embarrassing than that, I don't see why I would be embarrassed now.

Mm. Good point.

There is both Kunikida's stuff here, as well as her mother's. I suppose I can leave Kunikida those of her mother since she will know how to organize them.

I use a letter opener and open a box at random, what's inside is an old pink futon.


Isn't there a bed?

Now that I notice, there is also no closet or something.

All there is is a small carry-on bag, and I doubt it's from Kunikida to be honest.

I see the futon again and then I see Kunikida again.

On second thought... there is no other room in this house apart from mine and my father's.

And I cannot allow Kunikida to sleep in my father's room, that would be somewhat careless to tell the truth. Besides that I use that place more like a warehouse than anything else.



It's a bit difficult for me to say this.

We've never been in the same bed together, and I know that's out of the question.

We're not going to end this today...

Fortunately, tomorrow is Saturday and we can use all of our free as much as we want to.

─You know... not because we're family now, it means we have to hold back. Well, ehm. We've already done a lot of shameful things in this house, so I was thinking, if just for today, you would want to sleep in my room.


Kunikida recoils at my words and taps her foot on one of the boxes.

That must have hurt...

I approach her to see how she is, she is rubbing a little the place where she was hit, it is a simple massage that calms the pain for now.

If she leaves a bruise, it would be more or less a problem.

But Kunikida wastes no time complaining to me.

─What... are you talking about, Amano?!

Her face turns completely red and she has a very cute expression right now.

She is not my sister, nor is she my lover, but she is the person capable of understanding me.

Of the many times that she has stayed to sleep at my house, there is not one in which we have not done adult things... although we have not slept in the same bed because of shame, she and I have the first experience of the other.

As much as I wanted to, I cannot convince myself that she is my little sister. Not for now. Maybe not for ever.

Everything is due to something very simple to understand, the simple fact that she and I have already given ourselves to a carnal relationship through the doors of adulthood.

I move a little closer to Kunikida... she tries to push me away from her with her hands, being ashamed to the core.

Her face is too cute right now... so, I take one of her hands and pulling her, I bring Kunikida towards me. Stealing her lips silently.

With our lips together in a kiss, I can feel the heat on Kunikida's cheeks currently, she is burning with embarrassment. But as I explore her roof of the mouth with my tongue, she begins to keep up with me more and more.

I make Kunikida lie down on the floor. She is less and less ashamed, starting to wrap her arms around my neck, she trusts me as our hearts begin to unite as one.

It is more than clear what we did...

We once again strengthened a relationship that normally other brothers would not have, all for momentarily filling the existential void in our hearts.


The next morning, I was a little happy to see Kunikida's face just when I woke up.

She is peaceful, sleeping peacefully.

The truth is, I do not understand the tranquility that I feel just to see her sleep in this way.

It is a very difficult feeling to explain.

I have never felt this way, since I do not fully know the concept of what others call "love". I don't even know if I can call what I feel "love" because it's probably an absolute mistake to even try.

There is nothing wrong with the relationship I have with Kunikida today.

So I think that no matter how much sex we have, there is no flaw in that. It's not like we like the other or if we like someone else. She and I don't look at each other that way. We just trust each other enough to do racy things all we want.

Yes, I admit that would be great.

Everything would be better if Kunikida and I had more feelings apart from sexual desire and trust towards each other.

But if I fell in love with Kunikida... I'm afraid that everything we've done so far will go to shit. I don't want something like this to happen, I want to continue to be by her side even if I am the second or third man to spare her.

● Author: [That's love]

As long as I'm able to continue seeing her... I don't care what kind of treatment she provides me.

Also... I know I need to start restraining myself a little more.

We will live together from now on, assuming the role of stepbrothers. I was born two months before her, so I have to take on the role of "big brother" and I guess a "big brother" is not one that lays hands on her "little sister" of hers.

I have to start caring for her like a brother from now on, that means that in another aspect, her importance status has increased again.

Since today is Saturday, I can take my time with everything.

But since I was the first to get up, I suppose I should take care of the first activities of the day. For the moment, I can put breakfast aside.

I'm sorry for my old man, but I'm going to have to put all his things in the attic. Box by box, I start charging on my own trying to be as quiet as possible. I don't want to wake Kunikida so early in the morning.

Although it took me a long time, I was able to finish cleaning my old man's room almost completely, I left the desk and the closet, empty. They can be of use to a girl like Kunikida. It is very likely that she appreciates them very much.

I turn on the handheld vacuum and start cleaning the dust from the surfaces. Oh yeah. I also had to change the set of sheets to make the room look more like a girl's.

The organization of the clothes will be left to Kunikida, she will know where to leave her things.

So all I have left is to upload the Kunikida boxes and my work will be done by now. Also the boxes from Kunikida's mother (whose name is Yukie by the way) had to go to the attic due to lack of space.

I go to look for the first of Kunikida's boxes and the first thing that comes to me is the smell of melted butter. My mouth started to salivate immediately, I started to feel hungry just for that simple aroma.

It's natural... I haven't eaten anything so far.

I woke up two hours ago, I guess it was time to feel hungry. Either way, I'm not the type to wake up looking for food in the morning unless I'm in a hurry.

Attracted by the smell, I go to the kitchen, where I am greeted by a pleasant setting that I would not normally be able to see...

They were many years ago.

Too much time.

Since the last time I looked at the dining room table so full... it was probably when I had to spend the holidays with my paternal grandparents since my old man was not at home.

In silence... I approach whoever has been cooking all this... there is a great variety of dishes, as if we were going to feed a whole family.

─Good morning... ─. I say being next to the person.

She, who already knew of my presence, looked at me with a small smile and answered the same.

─Good morning to you too, Amano. Sorry to be occupying your kitchen without asking you.

She seems a bit nervous at that fact.

But watching her skillfully chop chives to add to the miso soup on the stove, I realized that her cooking skills are light years better than mine.

I have tried several times to do it... I even wrote chapter six of the [Canon of Adolescence] based on my experience in the kitchen.

Seriously... no one ever has to read that book.

─Don't worry, now it's your kitchen too. Also, why did you cook so much? It's just us.

─That's true, but you sure feel tired after taking care of all those boxes. You deserve a reward, Amano. For that level of service I love you very much.

Kunikida puts a hand on my hair and tousles me even more than I already am.

She behaves like an older sister would sometimes... I guess this is one side of Kunikida that only I am able to see and no one else.

She is quite negative in thinking that no one approaches her out of fear, but she is fine for her to be this way.

I wouldn't want to imagine another man being spoiled by Kunikida ever...

I took the hand that Kunikida put on my hair and silently, I gave her a kiss on the back of the hand. I felt Kunikida tremble a little the moment I did that.

Very adorable behavior of her.

─I love you too, Misaki.

─Misaki...?! Ugh, stupid Kazuki, you started playing dirty... n-don't call my name so suddenly.

─It was just this once, Kunikida...

I say letting go of her hand and head towards the table in silence.

Seeing so much food in front of me, I doubt to wait for Kunikida while she finishes cooking...

But I am obliged to do so, apart from the fact that I want to eat something healthy and nutritious together with someone else after so long.


I feel like I'm forgetting something...

─Hey, Kazu-kun! I bring your breakfast made with all my love, I, your beloved girlfriend have come for you!

Different from how it normally is in school...

Our classmate, a natural beauty who behaves like a little girl around me only when we are alone. She is someone I entrusted with a key to my house since we live next door, in case of any emergency.

Let's take up notes.

Kanzaki Ichika has been my neighbor for two years. She moved from Kanagawa to Tokyo; And she certainly didn't have anyone to talk to after the move, so at some point, we started to be like a honey fly.

I don't consider her a friend of hers... well, for various reasons.

It was certainly only because of Kunikida that I managed to speak to her normally without feeling disgusted towards her.

She is not my friend, however, I am quite aware of her. She may be Satou's girlfriend, but that's just to gain status within the school, you know, when it comes to gallants, Satou wins first place by far.

─Huh...? Kazu-kun and... Kunikida-san?

The home invader realized that the two of us were staring at her.

She may be a bit stupid, but she can read moods, something I have yet to calibrate to improve my social skills.

Kanzaki places the plastic container that she was carrying in her hands on the dining room table and asks:

─You are not boyfriends, are you?

─Hey, no... ─. Kunikida hesitates.

─I don't think so. ─. I try to stay calm to credit Kunikida's hesitant words.

Kanzaki takes a seat.

And with great impetus and determination, she declares:

─I'm not going to let you steal my real boyfriend, not even you, Kunikida-san!

─Uh, but, uh... W-weren't you Satou-san's girlfriend?

─That's just for convenience, since my whole being belongs solely to Kazu-kun!

─Excuse me...? Amano, W-will you explain to me?

I guess that leaves me with no options.

I see Kanzaki with a hint of contempt, but I try not to be too rude with that look.

She looks back at me and smiles at me. She seriously she's an idiot when she comes to me.

I suppose that...


I must tell her?

Kunikida seems interested in the subject, and although she has mixed feelings about this situation, I suppose I can talk to her about it.


Let's go back to two years ago, the [Cultural Festival] of our last year of middle school.

I was coming back from turning down seventeen invitations to go out directed at Kunikida, exhaustion completely washing over me.

When I was about to collapse in my seat, Kunikida arrived in a hurry.

I looked at her confused, since this was not her classroom. During our junior year of high school, we were in different classrooms, which made it a bit difficult for us not to be too obvious about our relationship.

Kunikida took me by the shoulders, being honest, I was thinking that she was going to kiss me for the first time (that occasion could have been our first kiss with the other) or confess her feelings, after all, at that time of year it usually happens in several occasions.

She communicated to me:

"We have a problem. What we've been practicing for finally happened."

Her words hit me like lightning.

I felt like the rest of my energy was drained and I almost passed out in my place.

I had to get up from my seat and head as fast as I could towards the place indicated by Kunikida.

Arriving... at the railing of the auditorium, where in a few minutes a musical presentation was going to begin.

At that time she was not so conscious of fixing her appearance, she wore frame glasses and braids, but she was still as tall as ever.

Right there... I felt the grossness first hand, as if my stomach had turned over, I felt like vomiting for the first time in many years.


Simple. It is because there was someone there whom I believed I would never have to reject. I thought she was doing a good job being her friend, but that kind of kicked my ass back.

"Kazu-kun... this, is very embarrassing..."

She leaned closer to me, taking my hands.

At that time I believed that all the blood had been drained from my hands, as I could only feel cold.

Until then, only Kunikida had held my hands to help me practice, but at that moment, I realized that I still had a lot of practice left.

I just wanted to be friendly...

It's the fault of this face... and my stupid personality that puts several people before myself.

I didn't ask to be handsome, it was okay to even be a bald fat man, but I know that is very difficult even for me.

That day. A person I could not reject, but also could not accept finally arrived, to completely obliterate my trusting personality.

"I love you"

Your words hurt me.

She... Kanzaki Ichika was my first kiss and I was hers.

We kiss from the beginning of the presentation to the end. She and me. Even though I felt disgusted by her, even though I wanted to push her away from her... I couldn't be bothered with her.

She but with myself.

From that moment I decided to make a boundary line regarding my relationships with others and I began to trust Kunikida even more, overwriting my first kiss over and over again, to try to forget about it.

I felt like garbage...

But only Kanzaki Ichika, is the only girl that I cannot reject or accept. That is why she created a carefree behavior around me, she changed her image and began to use that good image to gain status and influence within the school.

She's not my friend... for other reasons, actually.

If I had to mention any.

It's probably because Kanzaki Ichika is a person who could destroy me both socially and emotionally.

It was my mistake not to have taken her away from her when she kissed me.


─Then that's it.

I had to get Kanzaki out of the house so I could communicate everything to Kunikida without hurting Kanzaki in the process.

The main reason I don't want Kanzaki to hear those words is because she would put me in a very complex position to be honest.

Kunikida was finishing her breakfast when she finished speaking. She had a blank look in her eyes.


Here's a bit of Kunikida's true nature.

At first I did not know.

I had no idea.

The truth is, I didn't think she was going to put a noose around my neck when accepting this relationship with Kunikida.

After spending dozens of hours with her, day after day, I learned above all else the true nature of her person.

Kunikida... gets up from the table.

She gets up and walks over to me, walking around the table. She, as if she did it all the time, sat on my lap.

She grabs my cheeks and sinks her tongue inside my lips. I hug her tightly, taking every drop of her into my mouth. A sweet sense of guilt. A deadly poison that would have driven me crazy if I had never had a taste of Kunikida's body.

She was quite self-conscious at first, but she got used to my passionate kisses over time, and she started doing these kinds of things too.

The act doesn't really matter.

What she worries about is why she is doing this right now.

If there is a feeling in which I can sum up Kunikida's true nature... then, I would say, [Jealousy].

But it's my fault that she has become like this.

I forced her to confront people who had feelings for me countless times. People who were determined to go all the way with me, while I was monopolizing Kunikida herself to satisfy my needs and desires.

She, at some point told me...

"I don't want anyone else to have you... you are mine"

Without realizing it, she had created a sense of dependency in Kunikida. I took too much advantage of her... even knowing a few details of what created in her her hatred of men.

But I've never done anything Kunikida didn't want to.


It wasn't just the sense of dependency.

Like now, she has attacked me several times after talking to her about how I improve my communication skills with the opposite sex.

Kunikida is easy to provoke when we talk about jealousy. She hates the idea of ​​seeing me with another woman, she has told me so many times while she has cried.

That's why I don't blame her.

I blame myself.

Because because of me, I created her jealousy. That is why I consider that I must take responsibility for my actions and embrace Kunikida with all my strength at times like this.

I carry Kunikida to carry her into her living room and lay her down on the couch.

Our lips part then... me with feelings of guilt and she with her jealousy. We must both ease this heaviness in our hearts right now.

Kunikida watches carefully as I remove her pajamas... leaving her underwear exposed, I open the front clasp of her bra, leaving her breasts in the open air. She is C cup, a considerable breast size.

Before going for the serious things... I decide to kiss her neck, she trembles a little, maybe because she tickled her.

Savoring Kunikida's salty sweat with my tongue, I sink my teeth into her right shoulder of hers. Kunikida, who has her hands on my shoulders, nails her nails hard, resisting the pain of biting her.

Kunikida pulls me to her and returns her favor on her left shoulder. We have done this a few times in the past, but for the first time, I don't feel pain doing it.

After leaving the mark of our bites on the other, we both stared at each other for a couple of seconds, I can see myself reflected in Kunikida's eyes, right now, only I am in this world for her. I feel the same way, therefore, taking the initiative from her, I give her a kiss as passionate as the previous one, where we tangled our tongues in a wet exchange of saliva.

I know that... I said that I must begin to contain myself much more, now that we are stepbrothers by fate. However, if she's the one who starts everything, even if it's to appease her jealousy... I won't be able to resist.

During the kiss, Kunikida digs her fang into my lower lip. I resist the pain it causes, while the taste of my blood is exchanged in both mouths.

Kunikida licks every last drop of my blood, sucking the wound site lovingly.

She usually does this when she's upset with me, so I'm quite used to her series of actions.

My blood spills a little from Kunikida's lips, but she continues to drink it like water. After finishing with my blood, it's my turn to be a little cruel to her, biting lightly on one of her nipples.

─Ah...! Kazu... ki... don't be too rude...

─You started, Misaki. Therefore, you have no right to complain to me.

After the brief exchange of words, I begin to travel over her body with my tongue. She trembles with excitement a bit, however, she doesn't reply at this.

I pass through her chest, down her stomach to her belly, where what interrupts me from going my way is the bottom of her pajamas.

Without any fear, I begin to remove both the baggy pajama pants and her underwear, proceeding with my journey towards her crotch. Once Kunikida is completely naked, for a moment I hesitate at what my eyes see.

She seems to be about to cry, but she doesn't stop me at all. Kunikida holds my head with a bit of suppressed excitement, like she's asking me to continue to the end of this.

I take off my shirt, exposing my upper body... and the scar on my right shoulder. Kunikida seeing this, runs his hand over what was once a difficult wound to heal, just as he did last night while we were doing the same, the result of one of the many fights between my father and mother, where I wanted to defend my father from mistreatment of that woman.

I feel ashamed of myself.

It's different from last night, where Kunikida could only feel the scar with her hands. Now she is able to see it in the daylight without any problem, which makes me feel ashamed of my own body.

A horrible wound, I know...

But if she hadn't stepped in there, giving up my right shoulder, Dad could be dead right now.

The mobility in my right arm is not that good, so for that reason, I had to put aside a lot of physical activities during my recovery and although I have already recovered a large part of these functions, it is not that I can resist extreme movement situations very well as sports.

I suppose it was a worthy sacrifice, to give my right shoulder a place to let my father be stabbed by that woman.

─Sure she hurt a lot... but you're a good person, Kazuki. You let this wound be done to protect your father, apart from being a good person, you are a good son.

When she said those words.

I rephrased for the first time the question she had been asking me for years. And along with it, the answer that it deserved to provide to make the complement to that question.

It was very difficult for me to accept it... but.

If it's Kunikida and as long as it's Kunikida, I...

Q: Can Amano Kazuki, fall in love with Kunikida Misaki, who is him younger stepsister, classmate, and him main social benefactor?

A: Yes