
Fantasy 2-Sided Romance: The case of Amano Kazuki and Kunikida Misaki

This story takes place in two different ways. I: Amano Kazuki, is a second year high school student who with social problems, is a great friend of the most popular (but friendless) girl in his school known as Kunikida Misaki. II: The reality about [Magic] must be kept secret by members of a secret society known as [The Brotherhood]. A very select group of people who are in charge of hunting [Jäger], wild beasts that live among humanity in human form and who are in charge of protecting the branch of [Midgar] within the [World Tree] - [Yggsdrasil]. But at the end of the day, this story is about the same thing. It is simply the love of a young adolescent couple whose background is a more complex story in which each of the characters will be involved in some way or another. So, the question is, who is "Amano Kazuki" in the end? - All the characters involved in this story are over 18 years old. - The story contains descriptions not suitable for all audiences such as: adult situations, inappropriate language, drugs, murders, among others. - Brands, industries, corporations and places are used fictitiously, respecting the parameters of Copyright.

_kagamineakira · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Reality Underlines

After having another round of sex, Kunikida and I finished moving all the boxes. Right now she is in her room finishing organizing everything, while I stayed to clean in the living room.

This time we made it a little rougher than usual... starting with Kunikida having to let go of her feelings of jealousy in the process, I guess I put in a good effort this time.


Kunikida asked me not to be too nice to her while we were having sex this time.

She and I left some marks, which could get us in trouble if someone from the school saw them. That's pretty much my current concern.

It would be a very bad image to show the pacifiers Kunikida made on my neck, so I will try not to go out unless absolutely necessary.

I didn't want to help her finish her work since... I'm feeling a bit self-conscious around her.

Kunikida now... she seems much more attractive to me.

All because I reconsidered the question that had been in my head for several years now.

I have to admit it.

Kunikida is a person with a high attractiveness, both sentimental and sexual, she is the complete package when it comes to beauty. But she believes that she is like the rest, and that she doesn't have many friends because of her antisocial nature, but nothing to do with reality.

Now I have to start living with the same person who has been indulging my lustful desires loaded with youthful lust, a cruel joke of fate.

Although, I suppose I have enough to meet her needs as well.

Kunikida was very puritanical and stuff, but after experiencing sex, she put aside those stupid behaviors in my opinion. And we begin to give ourselves to the other from there, more and more times.

I don't know how Kunikida feels about it.

I have no idea...

To begin with, neither of us are in love with the other person.

We understand the limits of our relationship and we coexist knowing that. Kunikida isn't interested in me much more than she needs to be. Our simple interactions, both friendly and sexual encounters, are part of the [Canon of Adolescence] itself at its best.

But I guess I can save that for another time...

Finishing cleaning, I took my cell phone and saw that there had been a message posted for ten minutes.

Nonchalantly and without even unlocking the phone, I read the content of the message. I guess whoever sent it must be very upset with me right now.

- - -

[Satou]: We're close to your house, let's all have a fun time together, Amano.

- - -





What the fuck?! Is Satou coming here?!

Wait, but this message has been on my phone for ten minutes, that means there is little time to fix things!

I go up the stairs in another hurry... I open the door of Kunikida's room, where I see her, completely naked there.

Ah, she said she was going to take a shower. But I guess that's not important for now.

─Kunikida, we have problems!

─Important enough to break into my room?!

─I licked your whole body today, you idiot! That does not matter now! Satou and the others are about to come here!


Have you even forgotten how to make words?!

You just spoke in demon language, Kunikida!

Kunikida quickly puts on her underwear and begins dressing in lounge clothes at home. The view is somewhat erotic, but this is not the time to be thinking about it.

We have to act natural, natural!

That's when we hear the sound of the doorbell.

"Hey, Amano! We are here, we brought drinks and snacks, so don't worry!"

We both went into a total panic.

We go downstairs together and in a hurry, Kunikida grabs the air freshener to remove the smell of our bodily fluids on the adjoining sofa and cushions.

It would be a whole problem if they found out about it.

Especially if it's Satou...


After taking care of the bad smells and ushering in the visitors, Kunikida and I met quietly inside the kitchen to quickly discuss our strategy.

─We can't let Satou find out about anything we've done.

─Huh? Why Satou-san? Is there a problem?

I definitely can't tell her that Satou is blackmailing me into exposing our relationship to everyone as she would immediately be furious.

I don't want Kunikida furious, no, no. That is a mistake of life.

Kunikida must remain calm and peaceful, that is the notion that I have conceived for myself after seeing her angry on many previous occasions!

Oh well.

─It doesn't matter, just don't let him find out.

─Okay, we can't let anyone realize that we are brothers now, do you think Amano?

─No problem, Kunikida.

With that, our exchange ends and we bump our fists.

We gulped some saliva before walking through the kitchen door and did our best to maintain our usual expressions.

─Oh! How much did you guys talk about? They took a while. ─. Satou comments, drawing the group's attention to us.

It's the same group from yesterday.

Satou, Hyoudou, Kanzaki, Fuyumi and the other girl whose name I can't remember. Everyone except Kanzaki was a bit surprised seeing Kunikida in my house, but knowing that Kanzaki is not the same when we are alone than when we are in social groups, I know that she will not say anything too dangerous to tell the truth.

─Right, Amano. Why is Kunikida-chan at your house? Are they such good friends? ─. Hyoudou follows the thread of the conversation.

Seriously, can't I hit you?

Today I'm really looking forward to creating a new sport called [Hit Hyoudou], I can start it now.

─Kunikida was here to have fun, as you can see, the video game console has not been long since we turned it off.

─Oh, so Kunikida-chan plays video games too, that's a great thing to note! ─. Hyoudou keeps commenting like a complete idiot.

Seriously, can't I hit you?

Mm, I think I already asked that.

The truth is that it is quite irritating to have someone very noisy like Hyoudou in the house, but as long as he has his cell phone in hand, I doubt there is too much trouble with that.

─How about we play a few rounds of SSBU? ─. Satou asks me, with a competitive tone.

I see Kunikida out of the corner of my eye, to ask her with the gesture.

"Do you want to play too?"

She smiles a little and shrugs.

I guess I can take that as a "Yes".

Hyoudou and Satou made one team, while Kunikida and I made the other.

With four players involved, there are characters that are better based on the selection of your rivals. Some have advantages over others, however I think I'm fine playing Fox this time.

Hyoudou selects Link, while Satou selects Cloud Strife. Kunikida's choice, instead, was about the Joker from Persona 5.

So, as a stroke of luck, the scenario in which we will play is the same fact for Renren (one of the many nicknames of Joker in the adaptations of Persona 5). A stage full of red and black colors was where our characters appeared.

Three seconds later, the battle begins.

Pressing the buttons calmly and in sync, Kunikida and I began an attack on each of our rivals equally, where Fox, with his great agility and melee movements, could avoid with good feints the attacks made by Link's sword. .

While Joker on the other hand, he was taking care of Cloud with a perfect combo, leaving almost no room for Satou to even make a special move.

In no time, Kunikida and I raised the percentage of our opponents to the point where a single charged hit was enough to send them flying off the stage.

Immediately, Satou hits the pause button.

─What the hell with you? Has Kunikida-chan always been that good at video games? I did not have the opportunity to strike a single blow in all that I lasted.

─You too, Amano! You are too good for this, how can that be so?!

Kunikida and I made poker faces, proud of the efforts that cost us long hours of play and headaches wanting to throw control towards television.

We have basically played the game since it came out, without fail.

Since we don't need to study too much to be the best in our school, Kunikida and I who spend a lot of time together should get some hobbies. So, using our parents' income, we bought two Nintendo Switches to have a spare in case the first one breaks down.

We became good at SSBU for the same reason, after learning the attack patterns of all the characters and the different types of actions we can take to counter or improve them, Kunikida and I did not take more than three months to become adept in the game.

By the way, we are not only good at SSBU, our skill extended towards the mythical shogi and of course also the hanafuda cards. We are idle enough to put it simply.

After the first round, we won another four until finally Satou and Hyoudou resigned themselves to defeat.

That only fueled our monstrous ego, making us smile proud of ourselves.


After the one-sided massacre, the girls in the group wanted to play against Kunikida. I had to ask her not to be too rude when it came to playing against them or it wouldn't be fun, I think she listened to me.

We can put the girls aside for now, as the boys' conversation is of greater importance.

─I think... I like Fuyumi-chan... ─. Hyoudou whispers to us very carefully.

Well right now there are a lot of sound effects around the girls, who seem to be having fun, I doubt they will hear us speak.

But just in case, I'll keep the volume low too.

─So what are you going to do?

─I don't know dude! It's... the first time that a girl I like is kind to me... you know, I admit that my personality is not the best and that it scares the girls, but I think Fuyumi-chan doesn't seem to care.


It's the first time I've heard such sensible words coming out of Hyoudou's mouth, for the first time he doesn't sound like an idiot and his expression... fuck, that's the face of someone who cares if the other person feels the same .

I don't usually see this type of expression in him, since he is a natural idiot and quite dense.

But I think this is Hyoudou when he becomes aware of things. That pleases me.

─Easy, just take it easy and don't rush anything, okay? It would be a problem if it were so. To be honest, I think he likes you too, so the ideal is to go step by step.

─Amano...! For the first time I feel happy to call you my friend, seriously you fucking bastard!

─Hey, does that mean you hated the idea of ​​calling me like that before?

─Haha, basically! ─. Hyoudou replies with an idiotic smile.

─It's true, no one would dare to call you "friend" without even thinking about it ten times. ─. Add Satou to tease.

And speaking of taste shit...


Well... I don't have so much trouble with someone finally recognizing me as a true friend, expecting absolutely nothing in return and being happy to call me that.

It may be somewhat annoying, but Hyoudou is also a good friend from my point of view.

Maybe I need to reconsider our relationship a bit.

─By the way, Amano. I don't ask Ryuuji because he already has a girlfriend, but do you have someone you like?

Hyoudou... asks a very good question...

Very stupid, but that is pretty good.

If I didn't know Kunikida, I wouldn't say that she managed to split the video game frequency with our voices to hear our conversation. She is a terrifying woman who has monstrous control over her senses.

But I know she's not the only one listening, Kanzaki is listening too. That's why now that things turned in my direction, she started paying twice as much attention.

It's very difficult to say.

Kunikida... for me...

─Maybe you have someone in mind, the ideal girl for someone like me. ─. I start there.

Satou and Hyoudou eagerly await the rest of my reply.

Just like Kunikida and Kanzaki do.

─I mean, that person is very important to me. It's a bit annoying sometimes, but she's always well-meaning to me. I don't care about her beauty, or her personality, since that person understands me from beginning to end. I've never felt that way, but... I think with every moment we spend together, I fall even more in love with her.

There are my sincere feelings.

I can not lie.

I had Kunikida on my mind while she was saying all that, which brought a smile to my face.

If she heard everything I said... maybe she will give an ultimatum to those feelings I have for her.

This is Kunikida... she will reject me forcefully without giving me the opportunity to protest against it.

But not only that.

Since I myself, I had no idea of ​​the cloud that was going to hang over us for having chosen this destination.

Because not only Kunikida and I, but also many of those close to us were going to have problems after hearing this conversation.