
The battle

In front of Cyllen there were thousands of monsters, all with different colors and shapes, beetles, cockroach, termites, fleas, spiders, scorpions, locusts, giant ants, Forficula, and many other unmentionables. All were united together by hate for humans.

There were also many Scutigera who instead of massacring their fellow men as they usually did, now they were looking only for human blood.

Fortunately, there were only a few flying insects and underground worms.

A gigantic armored Onisco armadillo level 6, was at the end of the great horde surrounded by smaller insects, it looked like a general who commands his troops from the rear.

Actrus with binoculars observes all the monsters from above the tower at a very high point, before the battle begins, he has sought the most useful information.

"Alfa3, Alfa4, you two cover me, Alfa2 you stay here to protect civilians."

"But Act ...., captain I want to come too!" Mey said

"Lieutenant this is an order, you must stay in the infirmary to treat people!"

"Ok! Ok! Act ...., captain!"

Actrus orders two hunters to open the heavy door, then followed by Yuki and Jenny heads out.

He has been waiting for this moment for several days and can no longer contain his great desire to fight.

It transforms into its green armor that from 1.80 meters makes it reach 1.90 meters in height, its huge scythes 2 meters long shine with a dark light.

From the stands of the walls, some hunters assist in its transformation and remain open-mouthed.

Everyone wonders "What kind of core did this man absorb?"

Like a farmer who mows the wheat, dozens of monsters are cut into pieces, all the monsters hit by the sharpest scythes are cut into pieces and destroyed.

Hunters look shocked at the battle, it seems that a God of Death has descended on Genesis.

A great Reaper that destroys everything in its path, the Reaper of the Death.

Hunters cannot believe their eyes, their mouths remain closed unable to pronounce words.

Thousands of monsters are swept away like leaves from the fury of Actrus.

Pieces and parts of monsters fill the great plain, small rivulets of blood can be found everywhere, a real abattoir.

One single man has killed and quartered thousands of monsters, only the immense and armored Armadillo Onisco remains.

Bonus chapter

OldMerlincreators' thoughts