
A dirty battle

Behind Actrus, Yuki and Jenny killed the few survivors still alive in the battle, with a stroke of his sword Jenny killed the insects that despite the wounds inflicted by Actrus were still able to move.

Actrus was alone against the great Armadillo Onisco, had tried several times to pierce the thick upper layer of the monster but it was useless.

The Onisco was a monster with an extreme defense, its heavy outer armor made up of many layers completely covered it in the upper part of the body.

Actrus with the microphone on the helmet began to speak

"Jenny, Yuki, you stay here I have to take away the Onisco from this flat area, I have to hit it in the lower part of the body, I will try to make me chase, you just have to stand still here!"

Jenny said, "Actrus can you do it alone?"

Actrus said, "I do not know, while I take him away from this area, I will try to kill him but if I can not at least have gained some time."

Actrus strikes with all his strength the black fortified shell of the Armadillo, but its scythes produce only minor scratches.

The Onisco roll up into a big ball and with its enormous bulk tries to crush Actrus, it's like a giant crazed wheel.

"Come small, follow dad!" Actrus said

Actrus opened the wings on his back and headed for the nearby forest of large trees, followed by the angry Armadillo.

The monster in a spherical shape destroyed everything on its path and not even the huge trees of the forest could hold it back.

Actrus with his speed could run away but always kept the same distance from the monster, waiting for the right time to hit.

Some large rocks are crumbled by the monster's advance but other rocks finally manage to stop it.

For a fraction of a second, the Onisco gets stuck between two huge rocks and that's what Actrus is waiting for.

Immediately he slipped in front of the lower part of the monster and began to hit the helpless stomach.

A deep gash opens, from which green liquids and guts emerge, Actrus enters the big stomach of the Onisco and hits the monster with its sickles from the inside.

Its mighty outer armor now can not do anything anymore, all its entrails are cut to pieces by the sickles of Actrus, its vitality is very great, it still tries to resist forming the wheel again and hitting the rocks.

With jolts and beatings, he would like to bring out that being from within his body but it's all useless.

After twenty minutes he stops moving and exhales his last breath.

Actrus is located underneath the monster and to get out must to dig into the ground, its body is completely covered with green fluids and stomach pieces mixed with dust and dirt.

Actrus exclaims "Bleeeeeaaahhh, how disgusting! And now how do I introduce myself in front of the girls?"

I greet all my readers who are gradually increasing.

OldMerlincreators' thoughts