
The band

The venomous centipede had a very hard resistant armor, the scythes could not pierce.

Actrus tried and tried to make a hole in the head and after many attempts, he succeeded.

His tail entered in the hole and filled it with poison.

The giant Scolopendra had the head full of scorpion venom, he was confused and was about to die, his last thoughts were to bite his killer.

A big bite rips a piece of armor from the chest of Actrus and finally the centipede it falls dead to the ground.

Actrus is full of wounds, if he had not the scorpion venom surely he would die but the attack from the centipede was so sudden that he could not escape.

Rips the nucleus and after hides the body of the centipede because no have force due to the numerous injuries.

Returns to his small underground base and he falls asleep exhausted.

Actrus is immune to poison scorpion but the venom centipede it also corrosive, on the body of Actrus pieces of chest skin has disappeared.

After many days Actrus has healed takes the nucleus black- brown Scolopendra centipede level 4 and assimilate it.

After 3 days Actrus has a new transformation, reinforced plate armor and the venom from his tail is boosted corrosive-poisonous, its strength has increased almost 5 stars, Hunter.

After almost a month he returns to home but has a bad surprise, there are three men waiting for him.