

All the inhabitants of public house hated Actrus, when he passed he received only looks of hatred and contempt, his old dusty coat from Scavenger reminded them of the poverty.

All those men were fighting every day not against the monsters but only against the poverty.

Actrus entered his house, gave a lot of money to mother and sister, then he ran away for the adventure.

He had also passed the exam for Hunter two star, with his great strength it had been difficult to limit his strength at 2 stars but he succeeded.

Every night in his base he assimilated cores of monsters level 1-2, then he connected with the bracelet in the military channel looking for news, he had learned how to make traps.

One day back home he found an unknown man peeled with an ugly face, he did not want to know who he was, so he hunted him saying he never showed up again.

Outside the city several days later Actrus fought in the woods suddenly from under the foliage a huge centipede Scolopendra appears, it was just one level 4 monster but it was huge.

A corrosive black poisonous fluid flowed from his mouth with numerous teeth, Standing up his height reached the 10 meters.

Actrus trembling scared, if that corrosive fluid had hit his armor it would have been destroyed.

Actrus reaches the shoulders of the centipede and with his scythes he climbs, it's like a runaway horse trying to unsaddle.

Finally, he gets close to his head and tries to make a hole with his scythes.

The monster is more and more frenetic, liters of corrosive fluid come out of the mouth and corrode every plant in the forest.