
Fantastic Beasts: The Jade Bracelet

It's unlikely of reunions, one that leaves only confusion, questions, and danger. They knew each other in school, but haven't seen each other since Newt's expulsion. Rediscovering old connections, learning about new creatures amid two wizarding worlds, Newt Scamander and his old friend, Athena Liang, will have to work together to keep both of their worlds from falling apart.

eravicis · Movies
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Normal, pt. 4

"Either way, she must be lovely if you fancy her," says Athena. "What's she like?"

"She has these beautiful salamander eyes," Newt remarks idly, remembering her as though he just saw her yesterday. The easy way she smiles once she relaxes, and the way her eyes seem to gleam when she's caught on a lead.

"Newt, that's not what I asked," Athena laughs, throwing a balled parchment in his direction.

Pulled out of his reverie, he's unable to help the small laugh when she pelts him with another rolled up ball of parchment.

Athena snickers. "I'm glad you've moved on," she says with a firm nod of her head. "And I'm glad you're happy."

At that, he deflates, his smile vanishing. "I-I wouldn't say that much."

"Why? What's happened?" The amusement in her voice is gone, replaced by concern.

Newt doesn't get to answer as something sounds like a vase breaks upstairs.

They both stand, but Newt gestures for her to stay down here. Her gaze narrows. "I'm not—"


Athena sighs. "Alright, but check if Quicksilver is doing okay."

Newt gives her a nod and takes out his wand. Taking slow steps up to the kitchen, he pushes open the door. When he looks around the door, however, he finds Quicksilver greeting him with a slight purr around his legs. He lets out a breath, relieved that it's nothing more than just Quicksilver.

Picking up the feline, he says, "You know, you gave us quite the scare."

Quicksilver seems to understand, meowing in response. Tucking the creature under his arm, he flicks his wand to the broken vase and magically repairs it. When he heads back down, Athena is only too happy to take the feline into her arms and reassures her it was nothing more than a broken vase.

He hides a small laugh when she pouts, holding the cat to her chest.

But, it effectively cut their conversation short as they talk about Quicksilver's habits.

Over the next day or so, Newt is able to tell that Athena is trying to find time to ask, but it seems their lives had other plans in mind. He decides the day after that it is as good a time as any to try and appeal for the travel ban to be lifted. Athena is holding her cat when he zooms down the stairs and into the kitchen. He pauses, giving her a look and squints.

The cat is sitting on her chest, and the other part of it is wrapped around to rest on her head. Again, feline eyes are watching him and he's caught by a sensation that feels like he knows who this cat should or is. Quizzically, he tilts his head in question. But then, he notices she's dressed to go out.

Athena giggles. "Me and Quicksilver will still be here when you come back," she says with a smile, taking one of her cat's paws and making them wave.

Newt walks over and pets the cat, who meows in response. Pickett peeks out from his place in the jacket pocket. He trills at the cat and Quicksilver responds with another meow, taking a paw and starting to bat at the bowtruckle.

A protective hand, the one petting the cat, moves to quickly dislodge the incoming fight. The magizoologist is wary about the bowtruckle's long fingers from attacking the feline. But, even before he touches his chest where Pickett made a home for himself, the bowtruckle has already withdrawn.

"Keep Newt out of trouble for me, Pickett," says Athena, despite the fact she could no longer see the magical creature.

"Me? Keep me out of trouble?" Newt quirks a brow, dropping his hand. "I find that extremely unlikely."

"Says the person who ventured into a muggle coffeeshop?" Athena mimics him with a raise of her own brow, but he could see the corner of her lips curling.

"I'm sure you're quite aware of why I did," he reminds her with the tilt of his head.

Athena huffs, but she adjusts her hold on Quicksilver. "Mhm, now go—I hope they lift the travel ban for you." And again, lifts Quicksilver's paw with another wave.

Newt doesn't press or asks about where she might be going. Either way, he's sure that he'll find her waiting. The last thing he sees before he uses the floo powder to go to the Ministry is Athena with a grin and is waving with her cat's paw in the air.

— x —

Unfortunately, after venturing into the Ministry and finding with little success that the travel ban will ever be lifted, Newt surmises that marks the second time it's denied.

Not only that, but he's also noticed that Tina's stopped writing to him after the publication of his book. It's been a few weeks since her last letter and she's normally consistent in her writing ever since he'd left New York. She often shares her thoughts and her current cases, each letter well-thought-out and detailed that he's often left with flutters in his chest. Athena has been a welcome distraction, but the familiar dull ache of questions and to find out why she's stopped writing leaves discomfort. Again, he finds himself wondering if it's the magazine that's the cause.

But, with no way of confirming the details with Tina as she has stopped sending him letters altogether, Newt is left with little choice but to find where she's gone and see her personally.


Newt turns his head, facing the call of his name to find his brother walking in his direction. Immediately, he feels uneasy about the oncoming conversation for several reasons. One of them, he can only surmise, is about Athena. The other, he can only guess, might be about what Theseus tried to ask him last time.

"Hello, Theseus," Newt says, bowing his head and angling his head to look at the floor.

"Newt, do you have a minute?"

"Do I have a say in the matter?"

Theseus sticks his hands into his pockets, and Newt flicks his gaze up to see Theseus looking expectant. "Afraid not, not unless you want me to talk about it out here?" He glances to the left and right of them.

When Newt realizes he doesn't have a say, he reluctantly follows his brother into his office without another word. Again, the same assortment of documents is scattered across the desk. Some are files, slightly thicker than others, stacked neatly on one side of it.

With the flick of his wand, the door closes behind Newt.

"How are you doing?"

Newt doesn't answer, seeing as he's certain Theseus already knows that he'd rather be traveling instead of stuck in London.

Theseus sighs, but he leans against his desk with the cross of his arms. "How's that friend of yours doing, Newt?"

Newt looks up, regarding his brother with a squint of his eyes.

Since Newt isn't inclined to ask anything more about the reasons behind Athena's appearance and the danger she's in without disregarding her privacy, he's wary. He doesn't like the idea of being forced to do something against Athena's wishes, despite his concerns about her safety. He trusts that in due time, she will tell him of the dangers she's in without being pressured. Newt would rather she tell him than anyone else.

"Whatever it is you have to say, I'm not sure it's in the best interest for me to hear it." Newt is staring at another part of the room, eager to flee.

Theseus sighs. "Look, Newt, your friend is in deep trouble and you need to bring her in so that we can protect her."

Newt looks up again, frowning. Not to say that she doesn't need protection, but it seems she's doing well enough by herself rather than under the protection of Aurors. This leaves him apprehensive.

"Last I recall, were you not the one that told me that five Aurors have already died protecting her?" Newt clenches and unclenches his jaw, feeling a confrontation he doesn't want to have but is having it anyway. It's an uncomfortable feeling and something he'd prefer to avoid.

"Look, I'm not here to argue and I was only stating the facts." Theseus runs a hand down his face. He stands upright and crosses his arms across his chest. "She's your friend, I get that, but if I remember correctly, she's just as protective of you as you are of her."

Newt scrutinizes Theseus, uncertain by what he means by that.

"Anyway, please, for her safety and even yours, tell her she'd be safer here."

It's not like he intended to question his brother or question the danger Athena is in. "And on what basis is that on?"

Theseus regards him with a long look. After a moment, he clears his throat. "She's supposed to be in possession of something a crime syndicate wants. We don't know what it is or why they're after her—the aurors of the Chinese division aren't telling us anything aside from a need-to-know basis."

Newt briefly thinks of the ornate jade bangle wrapped around Athena's wrist. It couldn't be, could it? What for?

He bows his head with a curt nod. "I'll be sure to ask Athena and let her know."

"Newt, I wouldn't let anything happen to her, okay?"

Newt glances up at his brother, stiffly nodding and then resolutely staring at a spot on the desk. The idea of Athena having something that those dangerous men wanted makes him clench his jaw. He hasn't tried to ask Athena where she's received that other jade bangle or the story that happened for her to become the way she has. Something's happened and she hasn't been ready to share.

But, he knows his brother, knowing he means well.

"But, you didn't want to know anything more on the matter, right? Then, here—" Theseus offers a folder, carefully tied together, "—this is her file."

Newt regards the file with a long look and hesitantly takes it.

"You don't have to look at it, but in case she doesn't tell you anything," Theseus says with the lift of his hands, "I want you prepared. It seems people are looking for you too, since you helped her."

The folder is so slim, bearing nothing more than a couple of sheets of parchment, at best.

"She's in a lot of danger, Newt—take care of her."

But, he sets the documents to the side. Again, he'd rather Athena tell him what's going on. Theseus sighs, but picks up the folder and sifts through it to pull out a single document and what looks to be a photo. Picking up an envelope, he tucks the document into the envelope, along with the photo, and gives it to Newt.

"Take this, at least."

Newt sighs, seeing as Theseus is pressing this issue out of concern for him, and takes the envelope.

"Is that all?" Newt asks after a moment, tucking the envelope into his jacket.

"That's all." Theseus takes a step back and sticks his hands into his pocket. "You know I mean well, Newt—I'm worried."

Newt runs a hand down his face, agreeing with the sentiment that they're both worried.

"Thanks, Theseus—I best be off now." And he turns, opening the door.

"The offer still stands, Newt," Theseus calls out, just before he steps through the door.

He pauses, looking briefly back at his brother and steps through it, and closes the door behind him with a click.

When he gets back home, much later than he anticipated, he arrives to find the house quiet.


It's not like he's expecting her to be waiting for him, but with her being dressed to head out earlier, he wonders if she's even still here. Newt dusts himself off, walking through the house and heads down into the basement to see if she's there. After inquiring with Bunty (and making sure she isn't feeding the Kelpie) and dismissing her for the day, he finds that Athena isn't back yet.

The dragon egg is still resting comfortably in its nest and Newt has the expectations that Athena wouldn't just leave without it. She said she'd be here, right? Athena did say she and her cat would still be here, right?

Newt bounds up the stairs to check the room she's staying in. He lingers outside of the room—fidgets briefly—the door ajar that he knocks before he enters. Her things are still there, Quicksilver lifting his head to blink at him. "Sorry," he says to the sleepy cat, who makes a noise that he realizes might be a complaint.

The panic that she'd leave without notice slowly dissipates. (Panic?)

And then he hears the familiar sound of someone appearing in his living room that he pulls back the door, and turns to head down the stairs. Only, there's no sign of anyone in the living room, but as he continues to the kitchen, he finds the door left slightly ajar.

Moving through the stairs and to the habitat that they've set aside for the dragon egg, he finds her sitting in front of it with her back to him.

"Athena?" he calls out. Athena turns to Newt with a grim expression that doesn't bode well for what she's going to tell him.

"Oh, Newt," she greets him, dropping her gaze and then returning her attention back to the egg.

"What's wrong?" he asks, coming to crouch beside her.

"I met up with Kai," she states, immediately starting to fidget with her bangle. "And I'm afraid he doesn't have much of a way of good news for me."

Athena isn't focusing on him, her mind running a million miles a minute that he moves to sit down in front of her, touching lightly to her arm to help her relax.

"Athena, talk to me—what's going on?" he asks.

She sighs, looking up from her bangle to him. "They're taking the eggs to Paris and he doesn't know when the next time the eggs will appear."

"He-he doesn't know where the eggs are?"

"No," says Athena, twirling the bangle again, "he isn't sure of where they've gone and when they might appear again. Taking it when I did has sounded their alarms and they're wary of any more of the eggs being taken from them."

Newt can see why she's anxious. The dragon eggs going missing, without any further leads to its whereabouts, must be eating her from the inside out. When he worked with the Ukrainian Ironbellies, it was one of the most fascinating jobs he's had the pleasure to experience. But, in retrospect, he's also seen the darker side of things during the war when dragon egg dealers tried poaching the eggs and taking them to the market. In this case, for Athena, she's dealing with those very dealers and is trying to prevent them from taking them to the market. In that, his heart goes out to her.

"Is he keeping track in case the eggs ever pop up?" Newt asks, trying to focus on the silver lining.

"Yes, he is." Athena's calmed the twirling of the jade bangle. "He'll reach out to me the moment he hears the word of another deal with the dragon eggs."

"There, you see? We'll go and get them then." His tone is meant to sound reassuring, but she frowns, looking at him.

After a long pause, Athena slowly nods. "Right." And then she sighs again, the frown lessening until she's looking up at him in curiosity. "Would that be alright then if I stayed until we receive word? I know he's said that they've gone to Paris, but I like having the dragon egg here since I know they'd be safe with you." At that, a wave of warmth spread throughout Newt's chest. "Though, I suppose I could travel on a frequent basis to Paris, in the meantime, and gather information."

She's started rambling, moving to stand as she starts to pace in front of him. He sits back, watching as she animatedly talks to herself and partially to him about her plans to try and find the dragon eggs. Athena always has the energy to spare where he's never had any or rather, remains content with watching. In one way or another, she's always the one that takes him by the hand to jump into the fray.

"Anyway, I suppose that's set and there's nothing else I can do but wait," Athena says, pulling him out of his reverie. She leans close to him, regarding him with an expectant look. "Come on, Newt, let's continue compiling notes for your next edition, yes?" She offers him a hand to help him up.

Newt is unable to help the small twitch of a smile, taking her hand. Despite the fact he's been turned down for the travel ban lifting, Athena quickly distracts him and reminds him of other things. It's so casual in how she pulls him along.

It's when they're stripped of their outer coats and jackets that Athena asks when they're heading back into the basement. "Did they lift the travel ban? I'm sorry—I didn't get to ask you."

"They didn't lift it," he states bluntly.

"Why not?"

He doesn't respond and Athena doesn't press the inquiry. It's only when they've spent some time in the basement, taking care of the magical creatures, and have finally settled down for the evening to overlook where the kelpie's habitat that Athena speaks up.

"I think I'm going to go to Paris, Newt."

Newt looks up from staring at the makeshift scenery to where Athena is sitting on the stairs. Though her attention isn't on him, he stiffly moves his head back to view the scenery. The sound of the water hitting the edge of the habitat is soothing, despite his worry that she's leaving.

"I need to see if I can find any leads of where they could've taken the eggs and I—" Athena takes a shaky breath and Newt turns his gaze back to her, moving until he crouches in front of her. Her hands are covering her face.

"Athena." His voice is soft, reassuring. "It's alright if you need to go."

She removes her hands from her face to regard him with a look, worried. For a moment, she doesn't say anything, opening her mouth before she closes it. Setting her lips into a line, she slowly nods and smiles. "Thanks, Newt."

For a moment, he contemplates asking her if he could come with her, but with the stark reminder from earlier in the day that he's still banned from traveling leaves him wondering. After all, he did say that he would go with her to find the eggs, and that's something that's remained unchanged. However, that means he's going to need to try again sooner rather than later to have his travel ban lifted.

They don't continue the conversation and they eventually retire to their rooms for the night. They spend the next few days like this, in limbo, and distracted, that he doesn't have the heart to ask when she would be leaving. After more than a decade of separation, he's almost disinclined on parting.

With this in mind, he decides to leave the next week to try again. However, this time, he's been summoned for something else altogether on top of his request for the travel ban to be lifted.

"What would the Aurors want with you?" Athena asks, watching as he sets the letter down on the kitchen table.

Newt thinks back to his brother's request of him joining the aurors so that he could lift the travel ban. With international jurisdiction, he'd have nothing to stop him. But, Theseus never explained why it's such a good idea for him to join. Well, aside from his "out-of-the-box" creativity.

He leans back into his seat, crossing his arms. "I can only imagine it has something to do with what Theseus has been telling me to do every time I've gone in."

"And what's that?"

"He's asking me to become an Auror," Newt says, lifting his gaze to Athena, briefly, before refocusing his attention on the table.

Athena doesn't say anything for a moment. "Is it because of me?" Her voice is quiet.

"I'd want to say yes, but I think there's something else Theseus isn't telling me, on top of whatever trouble you're in."

She's quiet for a moment longer than Newt expected that he lifts his gaze again to find her staring at the letter, hands clenching the back of the chair as she bites her lower lip.

"Why don't you go and find out?" she asks, at last, her voice quiet, looking up as she eases her grip.


"Go and find out what they want, and whatever trouble I'm supposedly in," Athena explains. "I know I told you that I didn't want you involved with my problems, but it looks like it wants you regardless of what I want." She sighs, lifting both of her hands to rubbing the back of her neck. "And this—this would tell me what they know versus what I can explain to you if you have any questions."

"Are you sure about this?" Newt asks after a moment, recollecting the envelope in his jacket. "The Council and the Ministry don't exactly see eye-to-eye."

She nods, crossing her arms across her chest. "Yes," she says with a flicker of concern. "I don't think the Ministry knows everything." Athena starts pacing.

Newt notices that every time Athena starts pacing, it's always under some sort of duress. Worst yet, when she starts twirling her bangle, the one entwined with a phoenix feather, it's worrisome. And he's watching her fiddle with it now.

He rises to stand, but she stops abruptly, facing him with a realization. "No, wait, I can't ask you to do that—I-I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry—this is a terrible idea."

Blinking, he bows his head toward her, wanting to reassure her. "Now, if I remember right, I said that we were in this together, didn't I?" Newt asks, regarding her with an expectant look.

Athena makes a sheepish smile, relieved and her fiddling with the bangle stops along with her pacing. "Yes, you did."

He makes a small twitch of a smile.

"But," she says, frowning, and leaning close to him, "if anything goes wrong, you let me know, okay?"

Newt nods, averting his gaze.

With that set, Newt mentally prepares for the upcoming meeting.