

A teenage girl got kidnapped by one of the most feared men in the country and abroad but only to be protected by him, a girl who robbed him, his two highly trained assassin friends and a British American sweetheart.

ArmyTueme · Teen
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10 Chs

Freedom Stained In Blood

Abi Gail pvo


My mother's desperate screams echoed through the house as Michael closed in on me. Why? Why did I have to endure him as my father? From the earliest moments I can remember, he has been a constant source of pain for both me and my mom.

I dashed out of their bedroom, seeking refuge in the bathroom, but Michael was faster. Just as I reached for the lock, he burst through the door, his rage-filled eyes fixated on me. "Today, Abby, I'll give you a beatdown you'll never forget," he growled, his voice dripping with malice. "You'll always remember today, you little shit of a child."

But I was quick, agile. I managed to evade his grasp and locked him inside the bathroom. My heart pounded in my chest as I sprinted back to my mother. She lay unconscious on the floor, a victim of Michael's brutality. I couldn't bear it any longer. Something snapped inside me.

I stumbled into Michael's room, my hands trembling as I opened his drawer. There it was, his gun, a symbol of his power and control. I hesitated for a moment, contemplating the weight of my actions. But the thought of my mother's suffering, of my own endless torment, pushed me forward.

Returning to the bathroom, I found Michael breaking free from his temporary prison. "Are you going to shoot? I'd like to see you shoot your own father," he taunted, As he advanced towards me, I felt a surge of determination. I pulled the trigger, and the sound of the gunshot reverberated through the small room.

Michael's blood splattered across the walls, staining my face. In that moment, a sense of relief washed over me. I had finally rid myself of him, of the suffering he had brought into my life. There were no tears of regret or sorrow, only a twisted satisfaction.


It was a nightmare;Ever since that day, I haven't been visited by peaceful nights. The haunting memories of that fateful evening play on repeat in my mind, tormenting me relentlessly. The darkness that surrounds my dreams has become my only solace, a twisted refuge from the guilt that consumes me.

"I welcome all the dark dreams I get in return for murdering my father," I confessed to Will, my trusted confidant. His response was not the comforting reassurance I sought, but rather a chilling affirmation of his own dark side.

"Abby, you had to do it in self-defense, and relax, I've killed a lot of people. It's my thing. You'll get used to it soon take it from a pro."

;Not the words of comfort I was hoping for but okey. "Ahm, you didn't say why you stole from Liam."  He finally mustered the courage to ask.


"Sorry abby but we have terminated your scholarship, you'll be sponsoring yourself from next week."

As Victors word echoed through my head all night only reminded me that I had no one ; murdered my father and my mom had to pay the price for my actions.

_What am I going to do? Am so close to graduating this dump._

"Awwrn little lonely hag spending another holiday alone?";well the devil's daughter has arrived.-okey roommate.i can't even remember her name.

"To think you would actually be more attractive with the amount of makeup you apply on your face ... How sad" -note the sarcasm.

"Bitch you wish you were me" she said in a numb tone, assisted with eyerows.

"For start my dad is freaking Rich we practically bath in money and my lunch money can bye you whole pathetic family."

_am glad she's leaving and I wish she would take half of her pink side of the room , it looks like a makeup granade exploded in here.

" Don't miss me too much weirdo, I'll be back my dad pays alot of money to keep this school going"

; Her dad? His one of the three main sponsors of this crappy school. I hate his daughter.. and his turbine whole raised such a thing right? So it's okay for me to hate him too.

I quickly went to the school secretary office and downloaded all the database of the school and patiently waited for night;by then my shitty roommate would be gone.

I already knew what was going on in my head and I have done worse than this before: hello, I killed my dad without thinking twice. But this was more difficult for me for some reason.

_if am going to be kicked out of this school for being Open minded then I might as well payback for the treatment I got from the professors and the school.

I opened my laptop and got a list of the three school sponsors one of them was Mr. Callahan aka the owner of the little devil roommate of mine a smile on my face I was so ready to steal money from him , the whole amount in his account if I had to.;but he had nothing except debt from his past transaction database. Lucky bustard.

The second was Anderson Millers. Didn't have much in his account he actually had less than 50,000 large.-i think he'll notice if I took a even a dime?

_Liam Luciano_he recently made a traction from italy and it's worth 100,0000plus he dividend in sections.i can take about 1k and he wouldn't notice it would he? I highly doubt it and that's an advantage clearly his in italy he would get me even if he decoded my system from there.

I had made up my mind I'll take money from Liam Luciano. I started the wire transfer and at that time it was pass mid night the process took awhile than expected.

"It's at 50 percent, oh my God am really doing this?"

"80 percent, am a Cyber thief, it's too late to back down now" I couldn't practically breath at this point.

"99.. already? I'll have to move to Mexico , forge my identity and call myself Yorandah!" I could feel my eyes sorrowm up now.

"I was supposed to tell Tabby, but she hasn't woken up since the last time Rico drugged her. Are you sure she's okay, Will?"

"Rico must have overdosed her, so it might take a while, but I'm sure she'll be fine," Will assured me.

" I didn't get a chance to thank you before, if not for you I would've been a gonna by now"

;he saved me from death when Liam found out I'm the one who stole and wire transferred his money in my fake account.i was greatful I just forgot to tell him about it.

"Why did you do it though?" He asked with a straight face.


"Sorry abby but we have terminated your scholarship, you'll be sponsoring yourself from next week."

As Victors word echoed through my head all night only reminded me that I had no one ; murdered my father and my mom had to pay the price for my actions.

_What am I going to do? Am so close to graduating this dump._

"Awwrn little lonely hag spending another holiday alone?";well the devil's daughter has arrived.-okey roommate.i can't even remember her name.

"To think you would actually be more attractive with the amount of makeup you apply on your face ... How sad" -note the sarcasm.

"Bitch you wish you were me" she said in a numb tone, assisted with eyerows.

"For start my dad is freaking Rich we practically bath in money and my lunch money can bye you whole pathetic family."

_am glad she's leaving and I wish she would take half of her pink side of the room , it looks like a makeup granade exploded in here.

" Don't miss me too much weirdo, I'll be back my dad pays alot of money to keep this school going"

; Her dad? His one of the three main sponsors of this crappy school. I hate his daughter.. and his turbine whole raised such a thing right? So it's okay for me to hate him too.

I quickly went to the school secretary office and downloaded all the database of the school and patiently waited for night;by then my shitty roommate would be gone.

I already knew what was going on in my head and I have done worse than this before: hello, I killed my dad without thinking twice. But this was more difficult for me for some reason.

_if am going to be kicked out of this school for being Open minded then I might as well payback for the treatment I got from the professors and the school.

I opened my laptop and got a list of the three school sponsors one of them was Mr. Callahan aka the owner of the little devil roommate of mine a smile on my face I was so ready to steal money from him , the whole amount in his account if I had to.;but he had nothing except debt from his past transaction database. Lucky bustard.

The second was Anderson Millers. Didn't have much in his account he actually had less than 50,000 large.-i think he'll notice if I took a even a dime?

_Liam Luciano_he recently made a traction from italy and it's worth 100,0000plus he dividend in sections.i can take about 1k and he wouldn't notice it would he? I highly doubt it and that's an advantage clearly his in italy he would get me even if he decoded my system from there.

I had made up my mind I'll take money from Liam Luciano. I started the wire transfer and at that time it was pass mid night the process took awhile than expected.

"It's at 50 percent, oh my God am really doing this?"

"80 percent, am a Cyber thief, it's too late to back down now" I couldn't practically breath at this point.

"99.. already? I'll have to move to Mexico , forge my identity and call myself Yorandah!"

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