

A teenage girl got kidnapped by one of the most feared men in the country and abroad but only to be protected by him, a girl who robbed him, his two highly trained assassin friends and a British American sweetheart.

ArmyTueme · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

[Tabby Blu' PVO]

As we made our way down the stairs, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity. Abby had shared only half of her story with me,and I was eager to hear what she had in store because so far no of what she said had a hint of why she was here.

"Am trying to build the mood her Tabby , I'll tell you the rest of the story soon."

Abby, always the mysterious one, gently pushed my hand to the side, signaling that it was not yet time to continue, we had already reached the main room; That was fast knowing how much stairs this mansion had.

We found ourselves in the main room, surrounded by the warm ambiance of soft lighting and plush furniture. It was a cozy space, perfect for intimate gatherings and deep conversations.it would have totally been a nice experience for me if it wasn't for the fact that I had been kidnapped for a reason I didn't know.

A familiar voice broke through my conversation with Abby. It was Will, calling out to us from the dinner table. I turned my head to see him casually leaning against the edge, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"I knew girls took a while to get ready, but I never imagined it would take more than forty-five minutes," Will teased, his laughter filling the room. I couldn't help but put out a slight smile.

Abby rolled her eyes playfully, her lips curling into a smirk. "Well, Will, we like to make sure we look our best, especially for such a special occasion," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm."you know being kidnapped and all" she added.

Rico was lounging on a massive couch nearby. He glanced up from his comfortable position, a lazy grin spreading across his face. "How rude making me wait for such slobs like you"

"I've been here for hours, and you're just now joining us," he said, his voice tinged with no care at all. -Calling is rude? Fuck his the one who kidnapped me, and almost skinned me alive.

The irresistible aroma of food wafted through the air, tantalizing my senses and reminding me of my growling stomach. I couldn't help but feel my mouth water as I caught a glimpse of the table, laden with an array of delectable dishes. It was a feast fit for royalty, and I couldn't wait to dig in.

Without hesitation, Will extended a hand towards us, his invitation clear. "Come join me, ladies. The food won't eat itself, you know," he said, his tone polite yet filled with anticipation.

My hunger got the better of me, and I eagerly accepted his invitation, making my way over to the table. As I surveyed the spread before me, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with delight. There were platters of succulent roasted meats, vibrant salads bursting with freshness, and a medley of sides that promised to satisfy even the most discerning palate.I filled my plate with a little bit of everything.

"Lunch will have to wait,"

the voice said, its tone urgent and commanding. I turned around to see he suit guy, I guess the boss, standing there with a stern expression on his face.

"We're leaving,"

he continued, his voice leaving no room for argument.

"But Liam," Will started to protest, only to be cut off by Liam's sharp response.

"NOW!" he demanded, his voice echoing through the room. Will's face fell, and he glanced at me and Abby with a look of apology. I knew then that we had no choice but to follow Liam's orders.

I didn't even have a chance to take a bite of my lunch before chaos erupted. Bullets whizzed through the air as everyone around us started moving swiftly, grabbing their guns and car keys. Confusion and panic filled the room as everyone was on a pace. Except for Rico, he was still on the plushy couch if possible; looking more relaxed?

"Will, pick one," Liam said, his voice cutting through the chaos. Will looked at Liam, confusion etched across his face. "What?" he stammered, clearly taken aback by Liam's sudden demand. "Pick one fucking girl to go with," Liam yelled, his frustration evident.

"How do you just say that out of nowhere?" Will asked, panic creeping into his voice. Liam's face contorted with anger as he shouted, "How the Hell are you a fucking coward working for me and still breathing and still got both arms and legs?"

I watched in disbelief as the argument unfolded before me. Abby, sensing the tension in the air, spoke up in a louder voice than before, her curiosity getting the better of her. "What's happening?" she asked, her eyes wide with confusion.

Liam shot her a deathly glare, his gaze filled with a mix of anger and warning. Ignoring Abby's question, he turned to Rico and Will, giving them orders.

"I'll go with Alex and Marcus," he said, pointing towards two other men in suits.

"Since this pussy isn't picking," he added, pointing at Will. "You go with all three girls," he told Rico.

Three? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Either I hadn't understood Liam correctly, or this Liam guy had skipped class when the teacher was teaching basic math. My mind raced and I wasn't able to move for a while, I just stood there watching the chaos.--how is this Rico , calm? Is he some kind of maniac?

As the bullets continued to rain down around us, Liam made a quick decision. He motioned for his two men to follow him and they swiftly made their way out of the main room, leaving Abby, Will, Rico, and me behind.

"PSYCHO," Abby muttered, her eyes fixed on Rico. It seemed like she had finally realized the gravity of the situation. Rico, on the other hand, seemed unfazed. In a matter of seconds, he had moved from the couch to standing chest-to-chest with Abby. How did he do that? It was as if he had teleported.

"Let's go," Rico said, his gaze locked with Abby's. We wasted no time in following him, our hearts pounding in our chests. We rushed towards the garage, and as the doors swung open, I was greeted by a sea of cars. It was overwhelming, but I knew I had to make a choice – stay and face the danger or make a run for it.

"I wouldn't try that, Blu," Rico's voice cut through my thoughts. He was standing dangerously close to me, his breath tickling my neck. How did he know what I was planning? Fear shot through me as I felt a sharp pain in my throat, and everything slowly went black , turning to the car only to find Abby being dragged In the back seat, I turned to Rico and saw him with a evil smirk as he waved at me.

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling disoriented and groggy. The throbbing pain in my throat served as a harsh reminder of what had transpired. As my vision cleared, I realized I was in a moving car.