
FANGS: Red Tastes Better

The blood suckers had to attack. The last thing Sasha expected was loosing her only sister to the Vampires and becoming a savior overnight. Just imagine this: One second you are having the time of your life, the next, what you only read about in books becomes a reality. You move, living a big part of you behind, thinking you are moving away from the bad to a place of bliss. But everything gets worse. You can't beat yourself about it. All you have to do is fight with everything you've got to protect your family. Even if it's the last thing you do. This is not a cliché Vampire book. The storyline is twisted to keep you hooked from the first word to the very last. Enjoy.

Mabel_U · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter One

Present Day

I strolled to the sty to refill the water trough for the pigs,  this has been my duty every evening for the past five years,  since we arrived at the ranch.

My Uncle's ranch is the biggest in the town with over three hundred horses and about a hundred pigs. So imagine my luck.

The only good thing about this place that is at least bearable is the scenery,  every single thing was just beautiful. The flowers at the green house always caught the attention of visitors who visit the ranch to see the horses and go for a ride.

The main house is left out, it's very crepy, with tall trees everywhere blocking the sunlight and giving the place an eerie look everytime of the day.

I was almost at the last trough when Mama strolled in,  her face a mask of worry. Mama has been through a lot, her beautiful face was gradually fading. She doesn't smile anymore and she talks very little. There was a particular night I caught her weeping and talking to herself.

"Are you finished?" her tiny voice called out.

"I'm at the last one. You want something?"

"Your papa wants to see us,  he says it's urgent"

I paused and slowly raised my head to look at her. I was a little bit alarmed. The last time Pa called for a meeting, we ended up here, slaving away.

"You heard me? I said your Pa..."

"I heard you Ma,  I'll be there as soon as I'm done"

She gave me one last look and walked off.

I shook my head and went back to what I was doing, taking care to waste a lot of time.

By the time I walked into the room, an hour had passed. Everyone was seated, probably waiting for me. They all had a solemn look on their faces.

"What's going on" I wasted no time asking.

"Just have a seat" Pa gestured with his hand.

I look at my brother, he shrugged and looked away.

My brother, Micheal was much older than me,  he was the only boy my mama birthed. Next was my sister, Bree, then me, then Cherry.

I lowered myself slowly onto the only chair in the cramped room and looked up waiting for a response.

"Sasha, there's bad news..." Pa started " we might have to  move again"

"Why? What's happened?" I was already on panic mode. I can't move again, I've already settled here.

"Pa thinks there are vampires here too and Uncle is part of them" Bree whispered.

I paused for a second to let everything sink in then I started laughing.

Everyone was staring at me as if I've gone crazy.

"Really? Pa,  if Uncle was a vampire  don't you think I'ld know?" I was getting angry.

"And come to think of it, don't they feed on blood, why then are we still very much alive?" I added

"Will you raise your voice a little louder please?" the sarcasm in Bree's voice was so glaring.

"I'm sorry, but Pa..." I whispered

"Haven't anyone noticed, the late night meetings, the tall trees shielding the sunlight..." Pa was going on and on with everything he believed was enough evidence to brand my Uncle a vampire.

"Pa, all this could just be coincidental" Micheal whispered.

"Why are you all proving difficult? Are you blinded by the glaring facts..." Pa was on his feet now gesturing widely.

"Pa, we left our home because of these blood suckers. My sister's one of them for heaven's sake,  don't you think I'll know one when I see one?" I couldn't contain my anger anymore.

"I don't want to loose anyone of you again..."

"You are not going to lose us. What happened to Cherry was an accident,  I won't let it happen again"

I know deep down that what happened to my sister was all my fault, if only I had left her at home that day, if only I had looked for her. But it was too late now for regrets.

"Why did you have to say her name? You know how Ma feels about that" Bree was by Ma's side slightly rubbing her shoulders.

Ma slapped her hands off.

"I'm fine. I'm not bothered anymore"

But I knew she was lying.

"This was very exhausting" I said referring to the meeting.

"I'm going to bed now"

"It's not yet eight..." Bree started

"Good night" I interrupted and headed for the door.

I stepped out into the hall too buried in my thought that I didn't notice the dark eyes staring at me from the shadows.


I woke up very cold, surrounded by tall trees and grasses. I felt strange, weak and alone but more alive and aware of everything.

I was starving. I needed something to eat. A hare chose that moment to hop by, and without thinking I pounced on it. It tasted so delicious,  that I had no time to think, I devoured everything down to it's bones.

After the meal, I began wandering...I couldn't remember anything,  it was late at night,  the forest was thick and no one was in sight. I walked for hours when I stumbled upon a camp site...

"Miss, your Father seeks your presence" Shelly spoke jolting me back to the present. It's been five years already  but I still can't get the thoughts out of my head.

Shelly was human, she was the servant assigned to me by father when he took me in five years ago. I wonder how long before her presence is no longer needed and she's sucked dry and her body discarded among the heap in the valley.

"Thank you Shelly,  I'ld be there shortly"

She bowed and walked out the door.

What does Father want this time?

I shook my head slightly.

I got ready quickly and went down to meet Father.

The door to the throne room opened as soon as I got close. I walked in with my head held high,  not at all intimidated by the aura the room emitted.

Father was the king of the North side of the vampire district,  he was the most powerful among the other kings.

The Vampire District was another world of it's own, with kingdoms located at the four cardinal points, the North, South,   East and West. The North is the largest and the wealthiest and Father contributed immensely to it's growth. That's why he was highly respected and feared.

"Father, you sent for me" I bowed slightly as a mark of respect.

"I've sent out men to find your family, very soon they'll be located and you can exert your revenge on them as you wish" he said without mincing words.

The hatred I felt towards them came back stronger. I'm sure it showed in my eyes.

"It's about time Father. I can't wait to meet them" the anger was brewing again, this time hotter than ever.

"You will Cherry. You definitely  will"
