
lookism 1

you're a normal kid in your original live. You died at the age of 13 because of an earthquake that crush you to death inside your room . You just live in a three story house with your family , your father , mother, older sister , and older brother . Your grades were kinda high but still normal ( you're in the 5th highest grade in class, out of 37 at middle school and 6th highest out of every six grade students at elementary school ) . You're kind of smart but lazy ( everything semester test come you always sleep early so you can not study , but if it is time you will do it seriously ) . You're kind of lazy and diligent at the same time ( your way of doing homework is finish it faster , the faster you finish it the more relax you can be and so you can watch or read anime, webtoon .. . )

your relationship with people is kind of weird , you have more boy than girl as friend . your childhood friend is still unknown if you're still friends. I never contact them first , sometimes I think that we're not even friends it's just me being delusional . you're the type of person that think about the future and usually doesn't keep being held by the past

You like watching anime, variety show, dramas , reading novels and webtoon .your favourite webtoon is lookism , you really like the plot in the webtoon . At your free time , you always wonder how you change the story if you ever go inside a webtoon , anime or anything . And from reading too much isekai , reincarnation, transmigration, and rebirth fanfic you kind of want to live in the fantasy world .

After death

when I open my eyes I see bright light flashing and 2 shadows . I close and open my eyes to adjust to the light . when I finish adjusting my eyes , I suddenly felt sleepy .

When I wake up again I was in the hands of what seems to be my mother and beside her is my father . They seem to be speaking Korean language that I understand a tiny bit , it seems my name is Sena Im . And I fall asleep again .

I try to understand what is happening and it seems like I was reborn as a baby girl again ( my last life was a girl ) . I am now not that freak out since I already freak out for a full one hour before calming down . I will miss my family and maybe friends ( if I have) , I hope they're safe . *sigh* even if I am not lonely now I am probably going to miss them in the future .

But thank you god for giving me the chance to live again . This time I'm going to live my live like I want . Now , am I born in a normal world like before or am I born in novel or anime or fantasy world . From what I remember it seems like I'm reborn in a modern world . Since I'm reborn am I going to have a system like those mc . umm , nah that's going to be to good.

1 months later

I am reborn in a rich family it seems but my parents seems to really love me and spend time with on their free time . My parents are really beautiful , am I going to receive their genes? I try to understand some words my parents sometimes tell me , it seems like they are protesting about their work to me . like , that person really make me tired with their babbling , my baby please grow not be like that person and nicely . my mom seem normal but my father seems to work as a CEO .

while I live in this world for one month , I act like a maybe normal baby or it was my instinct to cry when hungry , want to change the diaper , or uncomfortable . I seems to have a photographic memory now , I remember everything about the house , people , even my parents blabbering . After trying to understand and translate the language in my head , now I understand what they usually say to me , normal words and some complicated word .

I got this so I need to live a better life , better grades , and I must try to make a best friend this life ( since last life I don't know if they even saw me as a friend ) and if even if we're seperated I'm going to sometimes chat with them ( not like my last life when we seperate we didn't chat or anything and that , even thought we might still be friend but not best friend ) .

yes , I need to live my best life . let's start by moving around so I can start from this to running . After trying for an hour moving my hands and feets it seems like I have to wait for my body to grow , but if I keep moving like this , it's going to be easier walking or moving when my muscles and bone are strong enough.

my house is really big , the maids haven't show me all around the house , only from carrying me to the baby room to their work office at home .the house is really big , it has so many room , a gym , a dojo , a swimming pool , a basketball, football, and tennis court , a soccer field , and a golfing place I accidentally saw . let's just guess my house almost have anything , I won't be suprise to have a spa or anything now. but the technology is kind of a little from the past , but it seems like everything in this house is using the latest technology so I am probably born before 2000 .

oh and I hear something about my uncle's name is Steve hong . isn't jay's last name hong . ah , isn't Steve hong his father the chairman of h group . does that mean my family is really that important. oh, if I'm reborn in the lookism world in need to study martial arts and be strong . the plot of lookism start at 2010 or so from when they make the 4 men crew . it's maybe important so should I not care about changing the past story and only join the protagonist at j high .

if I'm cousin of jay , that's good because I like jay . I want to save Vasco but it's important for him to get strong .*sigh* I want to save Sinu Han but I still don't know the plot if it's important for him . what is the number , is it a fight for rich people to bet on , how about if I can't save Sinu Han I try to help by giving the district he's protecting money by buying stuff there or maybe just give the money and make them be indepted to me . ah , it's time to sleep again.

6 month later ( after reborn)

I am living by eat, sleep, cry,think about the plot while moving . I start to be able to crawl because I try really hard . And when there is no one I try to talk but only to say "uaaayaia" . I feel like wanting to bite something hard , it seems like my tooth is starting to come . at my last life I like to eat sweets so my teeth is bad and have to go to the dentist so frequently the doctor know me , this life I'm going to get a nice teeth and not go to the dentist. my parents are really pampering me , when I first start crawling they took so many picture and video .

9 month later( after being reborn )

I was trying to stand by holding my father's hand and my mother was taking picture and video of me standing . When they hear me speaking baby language , they try to make me say mom or dad . And every time they say that they seem to take a video and record the voice of me trying to say mom or dad .

After living for 9 months in this world , it seems like I was wrong about my mother being normal . my mother seems to be a CEO of a big company in China .my father seems to be CEO of the N group in South Korea . my mother's family is nice , my father's family too . my mother and father married because of love and it seems like their families were happy about it . my father is a nice , strict but caring and dependable father . my mother is nice , always on time , smart and caring mother . I know my mother is from China because I hear her speaking and usually working with Chinese task . and it seems like she is related to Vivi's father . man now this is complicated , my family is really important . did god do this ? if so thank you god . Ah , I want to hurry grow up and see the plot.