
Fanfiction Dog


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Chapter 6-7

6Chapter 6

3rd Person's POV

A month had passed since Leaf decided to go with Ash on a journey, Ash happily accepted Leaf as her companion, much to Leaf's delight. With the given conditions Ash made, he and Leaf went on to an adventure.

And in that one month, various adventures and countless experience have been made, Leaf and Ash both grew strong and can handle pokemon battles very well.

Within that month, both of them caught various species of Pokemons. Ash's Charmeleon, Corvisquire, and Ralts had already evolved into their final evolutions, namely Charizard, Corviknight, and Shiny Gardevoir respectively. Along with his party, he also caught himself a Riolu, which evolved into a Lucario, a Froakie, which evolved into Greninja, and with the special bond they both made, he named it as Bond Phenomenon, which infact, a one in a million chance phenomenon together with a pokemon. Lastly, his Absol, with the mega stone in it, Ash found himself a keystone which is a gift from a professor in Kalos region named Professor Augustine Sycamore. He also had various pokemons which was left behind Professor Oak's lab.

Leaf has her full party too, with her Bulbasaur, who evolved into it's final evolution, Venasaur, she also caught herself a normal Ralts, which also evolved into Gardevoir, an Eevee, which evolved into Sylveon, a Fennekin, which evolved into Delphox, a Pidgey, which evolved into Pidgeot, and finally, a Galarian Rapidash, which is so beautiful to look at. Just like Ash, she also had various of pokemons that was also left back at Professor Oak's lab.

Too much in just a month, that's unlikely to happen, but with them, anything is possible.

Also in that month, they have also met countless rivals who made their journey more challenging.

Too many adventures happened in just a month of duration, and now, we can see them at Kalos region's Lumiose City, strolling around the area, both of them are still unfamiliar with the place, because it's their first time arriving on it.

"Brother, so this is what Lumiose City is." Leaf cheered as she walked with Ash, Ash looked at her and nodded.

"Yeah, the sceneries are nice, especially that tower." Ash said as he pointed out the Lumiose City's Lumiose Tower.

"Yeah, Lumiose Tower is surprisingly tall, I didn't expect that." Leaf said as they walked.

"I didn't regret coming with you."

"Glad to hear that, and from that angry Leaf from before, to a sweet little sister of mine." Ash chuckled as he said that.

"Hey! I'm still the old Leaf just like a month ago!" She raged playfully.

"Yeah, right." Ash said as he laughed and placed both of his hand behind his head.

Leaf just huffed at that.

Until they arrived at a small clearing, there are also a small crowd on it and a battle seems taking underway.

"Charizard, finish this with Thunderpunch!" A man with a blue scarf on his neck yelled out.

And with that, the blue Charizard's fists emitted electricity, before punching the foe's mega evolved Blaziken, the mega Blaziken took the hit but soon fainted.

"Alright, Charizard is the winner, that means Alain is the victor!" The referee announced.

The crowd claps at Alain's victory, Charizard and the fainted Blaziken reverted back to it's form and Blaziken was returned from it's pokeball.

The two shook hands off and the other trainer went off.

"Anyone wants to challenge Alain?" The referee asked to the crowd, murmurs were heard.

Ash sees Leaf's eyes getting excited, it's not really obvious, but to him, he can see through, which was pretty weird, but he just let it be.

Alain was sort of looking another challenger, and his eyes laid on Ash's.

"I want to challenge him on a battle!" Alain shouted as he pointed his finger onto him, the crowd followed his finger, and that meant all eyes were on him now.

Ash and Leaf proceeded to the crowd without saying anything, and stopped halfway. They both stared for a second then Ash said something.

"I'm not in the mood to battle right now, but she can take you on." Ash surprisingly said as she pointed out Leaf. Leaf on the other hand, was really excited.

"Really Ash?" She beamed as she jumped excitedly.

"Really? I challenged you and the kid will take responsibility?" Alain replied.

At that, the crowd laughed at his attic, Leaf just huffed.

"Oh, I assure you, you're gonna regret it." Ash said and smirked.

"Fine then, don't cry if I defeat you, little girl." Alain said confidently.

Ash just stood there with his hands still on the back of his head, Leaf and Alain proceeded to the small battlefield, with that, the referee took the cue.

"This will be a one on one battle between Alain and Leaf, trainers, reveal your pokemon!" The referee announced.

"Charizard, let's battle again!" Alain called out.

Charizard went out and gave a loud roar, gaining awes from the crowd.

"Charizard here didn't even had a scratch from the battle before, so this is just easy." Alain egoistically said, Charizard huffed some flames out.

"Oh? That's nice." Leaf replied, unimpressed, making Alain raise his brow.

"Show your pokemon, girl." Alain said.

"Hmm, hey brother, who do you think I should use?" Leaf asked Ash, who just spectated from behind.

"Whoever fits you." Ash said and winked.

"Are you seriously just playing off little girl?" Alain questioned.

"Yeah I do, and maybe I will do it with the rest of the battle, Gardevoir, battle time!" Leaf called out as she tossed Gardevoir's pokeball. Gardevoir went out and stared at her opponent, unfazed.

"Interesting, Charizard, this'll be easy, Flamethrower!" Alain commanded.

But to Alain's surprise, Leaf winked at Gardevoir, to which she evaded the attack professionally. That made Alain grow his curiosity.

"Charizard, Thunderpunch, don't let her rest!" Alain shouted.

But Leaf just chuckled, and with that Charizard is having a hard time landing a hit with Leaf's Gardevoir because it's just way too fast, and that ticked Alain pretty bad.

"Charizard, Steel Wing and hit that psychic pokemon!" Alain commanded, desperate to hit an attack at Gardevoir.

And by that, Leaf clapped her hands one time. Charizard charged at Gardevoir, but Gardevoir has her Moonblast ready, and unleashed it towards Charizard. It hit Charizard right ahead, and with the shock of the crowd, Charizard fainted.

"Ch-Charizard is unable to battle! Leaf and Gardevoir is the winner!" The referee stuttered as he announced.

"What... was that." Alain managed to say.

"You know, I just started my journey a month ago, fun fact." Leaf said as she returned her Gardevoir back, and with that, she went to Ash and shared him her victory.

"Next time, don't underestimate your opponent, you don't know what is coming." Ash said as he and Leaf went off, leaving Alain speechless.

"Diantha, you need to know this."

Good job taking on that Alain back there Leaf." I said to her.

"You should've done it though, you're the one being challenged." She replied and glared at me.

"You seem excited, and it's true that I'm not in the mood to battle." I replied back and sweatdropped.

"That's alright, Gardevoir needs some stretch too." She said and giggled.

"You're getting a hang of the teachings I taught you, I see." I commended her, she gave me her usual proud face.

"How did you do it though? Especially with you and your Greninja." Leaf asked in curiosity.

"I told you, it's one in a million chance, maybe you can do it too, soon, since you already have deep bonds with your pokemons." I assured her, and she just puffed her cheeks.

"That better be true." She said.

I just laughed at that and we continued to walk on the streets of Lumiose City.

?'s POV

It's been two days since we had arrive here in Kalos to have our vacation, Lumiose City is such a great place for vacation, but I admit I missed Galar, but it'll still be awhile before we go back there.

We're currently here at Professor Sycamore's lab, Dad, or should we say, Professor Sakuragi, had some errands to do together with the Kalos Professor, so here I am, and also, together with Gou, a friend who does nothing but catch lots and lots of pokemons in order to make his way towards Mew, well, that's what he always say.

He's always excited since he got here days ago, he sees loads of pokemons which isn't in Galar, and I admit, so do I.

Me and Gou went off for a walk, I just followed him since it's what Dad wants, so I cannot do anything about it, and it's really annoying with him around.

"Hey Koharu, look! It's a Helioptile." My thoughts were interrupted when Gou suddenly yelled as he pointed out a somewhat yellow lizard pokemon.

"Go catch it if you want." I said to him, slightly uninterested, but not enough for him to notice.

"You know I will, go pokeball!" Gou yelled as he throws a pokeball at the yellow lizard pokemon, it was sucked in and with the three wiggles, it was caught.

"Yes! I caught myself a Helioptile!" Gou cheered, while I just sweatdropped at him.

"I'm starting to think why are you successfully catching pokemons without battling them." I stated, he just grinned at that.

We made another walks, until we arrive at a small clearing, it was pretty peaceful, just few kilometers away from Lumiose City. Fletchlings and other pokemons strolled around, and ofcourse, it's Gou's cue.

"Yes I got it!

"Fletchlings mine!"

"Go pokeball!"

Those words are always let out whenever he gets a pokemon, as a matter of fact, he's doing it now. After that spree, we decided on continuing to walk onwards, and just moments later, me and Gou were shocked to see what is infront of us.

"K-Koharu...look at that." Gou manage to blurt out.

Even I can't believe what we are seeing.

"A...A light blue Gardevoir..." I muttered.

"I have to catch it!" Gou yelled, but as he stepped forward, it was gone.

"It's gone!" Gou yelled devastated.

"Gou, look at this." I said as I showed him my Rotom Phone. Gou was delighted.

"It's perfect Koharu! You're a lifesaver!" Gou said.

"We have to let your dad check this out!"

I just nodded at him and we went back to Professor Sycamore's lab.

Ash's POV

Me and Leaf just finished eating in a restaurant here in Lumiose, my Gardevoir decided to head out and also get herself a stretch, so I let her go and asked her to come back immediately, knowing her characteristics.

"It's been a while since we got to Professor Sycamore's lab, should we visit him?" Leaf asked as we walked.

"That's a good idea Leaf, but right now, let's admire the beauty of the city." I said to her, with that, she nodded.

As we go on, Gardevoir appeared right infront of us.

"How are you Gardevoir? Done stretching?" I asked her.

Gardevoir nodded but frowned at that. She closed her eyes and said something.

"What? You have been found?" I said in disbelief.

She bowed her head sadly.

"That's okay Gardevoir, I do think it wasn't your fault." I replied to her, hoping I can relieve her sadness. It was a success, she smiled at that.

"Mind returning?" I asked.

With that, she nodded, and I returned her back into her pokeball.

"Shall we visit now?" Leaf asked, she's impatient, but it can't be helped, it's really been a while.

"Alright, lead the way.

Koharu's POV

We arrived back at Professor Sycamore's lab, and we quickly saw Professor Sycamore and dad doing something, this might be a bad idea, but Gou decided to interrupt them.

"Professor Sakuragi! Look what we got!" Gou yelled, Dad looked at him, Gou still got my Rotom Phone. Gou showed my Dad Gardevoir's picture, Dad's eyes widened in shock and disbelief at what he was seeing.

"I...Is it true Gou? A light blue Gardevoir?" Dad managed to say.

"Positive, professor!" Gou replied excitedly.

"Light blue Gardevoir?" Professor Sycamore inserted.

"Yes Augustine, a light blue Gardevoir seen by these two! This is a huge discovery for us!" Dad cheered as he held the Rotom Phone.

"Just for you Sakuragi." Professor Sycamore said. Dad stopped cheering and looked at him.

"Why's that Augustine?" Dad asked him.

"That means he's here, together with his sister, you see, this particular Gardevoir has a trainer, a very special trainer I met a month ago, I also can't believe it, but he has it. You'll see when he gets in here again, I assure you that you'll be amazed with him and his pokemons, as well as his sister's" Professor Sycamore explained.

"Him? His little sister?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'd love to battle him!" Gou said excitedly.

"Not to let you down Gou but, I assure you that you can't do anything to him, not even his little sister." Professor Sycamore said, Gou just pouted.

"Is he that strong?" I asked.

"Yes Koharu, a trainer of many talents, a trainer that can rival that of a Champion, I haven't seen him and Diantha into a battle, but I'm looking forward to it." Professor Sycamore said.

"You seem talking so highly about this trainer, Augustine." Dad said.

"Yes I do, Sakuragi, infact, I even gave one of my keystone to him, as I am impressed with his skills, and I can ensure that he'll put it to good deeds." Professor Sycamore replied.

"Well then, I look forwa-"

"Hey professor!" Another voice came out from the entrance, two figures went into the lab and greeted Professor Sycamore.

"Ah, talk about coincidence."