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Pop_CornDig · Others
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Chapter 50 - Final

Natsu and the others head out to the Royal City from Edolas Fairy Tail despite opposition from their counterparts. Later joined by Edo-Lucy, the group purchases some weapons from the black market. Later, the group encounters Earthland Lucy and are surprised to see that she, unlike them, was able to use Magic in Edolas.

Lucy joins Natsu's rescue group and they head to the Royal City with Edo-Lucy and Edo-Natsu's help. Meanwhile, Gajeel and Satsuki meet their counterparts (with Satsuki being surprised that Edo-Satsuki and Edo-Gajeel were dating) and seems to formulate a plan with them.

The Earthland group arrives in the Royal City, finds the Lacrima containing Magnolia Town and formulates a plan to approach the King of Edolas. However, this plan fails as the three Mages, Natsu, Lucy, and Wendy, are captured while Happy, Carla, and Cain, referred to as Exceeds, are welcomed home.

Natsu, Wendy, and Lucy are in prison while Happy, Carla, and Cain are taken to Extalia and are treated like heroes.

In the Royal City, the ceremony has begun. In the crowd, Edo-Gajeel creates a firework that form the word "NORTH". Edo-Gajeel mutters that he'll leave the rest to his and Edo-Satsuki's counterparts. Gajeel and Satsuki understand the signal and Satsuki yells that there's something written there and that a suspicious fellow is after the Lacrima at the north of the plaza. This alerts the guards and some of them leave to go to the northern section. The people quickly move back, clearing the way.

Gajeel grins to himself before him and Satsuki begin their attacks. Before they even have the chance to make their first move, another cloaked figure interrupts the plan and begins attacking the guards. Gajeel and Satsuki watch the cloaked figure attack the guards one by one. "What does he think he's doing?" Gajeel asked himself.

"Quick! Attack him!" One of the guards orders the others to attacked the cloaked figure. The figure easily attacks them with punches and kicks.

"This wasn't part of the plan!" Edo-Gajeel watches the fight between the guards and the figure.

"Hey! Who are you?!" The guards yelled before attacking. A dozen guards jump on the figure, but he uses his Magic to defend himself.

"Water?" Gajeel exclaimed as he continues watching the figure.

Slowly, the hood on the figure reveals the back of his head. Long pastel blue hair was shown. "Water Dragon's Azurite Palm!" The figure attacks the Lacrima along with some guards.

"Poseidon?" Satsuki muttered.

"So this must be this world's Magic Council. Let's have some fun with this, shall we?" Aira removes his cloak and smirks at the guards. He fails to notice Gajeel and Satsuki in the distance. While Edo-Satsuki freezes in her spot, recalling her conversation with her counterpart.

"Satsuki." Edo-Satsuki spoke, getting her Earthland counterparts attention. "What's your world's Aira like?"

Satsuki snorts. "Poseidon has done nothing but piss me off constantly." She replied.

"She says that. But I think she has a crush on him." Gajeel teased.

"Shut up! Don't get me started with you and Levy!"

"I don't know what you're talkin' about! I don't like that shrimp!"

Satsuki sighs in irritation. "Anyway, why do you ask?" She questioned.

"No reason." Edo-Satsuki replied, making Edo-Gajeel look at her in worry.

Edo-Satsuki drops to the ground, getting Edo-Gajeel's attention as he looks at Aira.

"That bastard..." Edo-Gajeel mumbled, walking forward. That is, until Edo-Satsuki grabbed onto his wrist.

"I'm fine, Gajeel. Besides, that's not... our Aira." Edo-Satsuki reminded him. Edo-Gajeel gritted his teeth before staying back.

"He can use magic?!"


"Don't just stand there! Attack!" The guards charge at Aira, but he jumps up which causes them to crash into each other.

"Water Dragon's Blade!" Aira cloaked his hand in water before slashing at the Lacrima, causing it to shine brightly.

The spectators, Gajeel, and Satsuki are awestruck with the light that begins to appear from the Lacrima.

Aira jumps back down on the ground as he looks at the glowing Lacrima in confusion. "What?!"

Back in Extalia, Carla almost breaks down from the information she heard. She argued that she brought Wendy and the others to Edolas by her own free will. However, Nadi contradicts all of this and Nichiya tells her everything she's done was according to her orders. Happy reveals the memories he has with Natsu and their other friends. He steps in front of Carla and proclaims that they are not puppets and they're Fairy Tail Mages, with Cain backing him up. Nichiya and Nadi look surprised by Happy's declaration.

Meanwhile, Natsu, Wendy, and Lucy are still in prison.

Happy, Carla, and Cain escape Extalia, where they happen upon an old Exceed couple.

Lucky, the white Exceed, tells Marl, the blue Exceed, that it seems Happy, Cain, and Carla can fly after all. They both cry as they remember the time their child's egg had been taken from them. It is revealed that the couple's missing child is Happy, and they both reach out to his flying form with tears in their eyes, commenting that their son grew up to be a kind child with concern for others.