
Fanfiction Dog


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Chapter 37-39

Beatles." Stefan says from the backseat, making Elena scan her notebook and look to him.

"Nope. Already on here. Who else?" She asks as he furrows his brows.

"Stooges." Damon says confidently, as Elena nods with a smile and writes down the name.

"What do you think?" Elena asks as she holds the notebook up to Klaus as he drives.

"I don't think this is necessary. Kol has never had a problem acclimating to the modern world post dagger." Klaus says looking back to the road as she snorts.

"If by acclimate, you mean go on killing sprees and frolic around with witches, I'm aware. But I have it on good authority, my own super powers, that he loves modern day music. That's why you bought him this iPod. I'm gonna put tons of music on here for him." Elena says holding up the iPod as Klaus looks to her confused.

"I didn't buy that."

"You're credit card did." Elena mutters back as he raises a brow.

"Excuse me-" Damon interrupts with a head shake.

"Don't." He says making Klaus scoff.

"Do you just let her walk all over you?" He asks making eye contact with the brothers through the rearview mirror.

"In boots she bought with my stolen card." Damon Admits, making Elena giggle and turn to him with a flirty smile.

"You love it." She says making him smirk at her.

"I know for a fact that he likes, music, video games, baseball bats, and pretty little things with sharp tongues. I just need to find a way to incorporate all that into some kind of party to get him to like me." Elena says with a thoughtful expression.

"He's gonna like you." Klaus says with an eye roll.

"Once he sees past your face that is." He adds as she pouts.

"Why would being a doppelgänger matter?" Stefan asks.

"He wasn't very fond of Tatia. Though that could be because she drew the attention away from him for a single moment." Klaus says with irritation lacing his tone.

"It's true. I adore Kol, but he's a classic middle child." Elena tells the brothers.

"Were we friends with him?" Stefan asks, making her shake her head.

"No. None of us were on very good terms with his family." She says pointing to Klaus.

"But, he really disliked Damon." She says with a laugh as Damon scoffs, offended.

"Not possible. Everyone likes me." He says as the other three in the car look to him with pity and disbelief, causing him to huff and narrow his eyes.

Klaus's phone rings, he pulls it out of his pocket and greets the person on the other line.

"Brother, I trust you have good news." He says.

"Excellent. Meet you there." He hangs up and looks over to Elena.

"Elijah found Mikael." He says simply, making her nod.

"Awesome. We need to make a pit stop first."

"Hey, 'lijah. How are you?" Elena asks as soon as she and the hybrid exit the car, meeting Elijah in the cemetery.

"Good. And you, Ms. Gilbert?" He asks and she furrows her brows.

"I'm not really sure what the mood is here. I'm mean don't get me wrong, Mikael seriously sucks and not in the fun way, but he's your father. I'm not really sure how to act." She admits, slightly panicked as the original vampire smiles down at her softly.

"He stopped being my father a very long time ago, Elena. But thank you for your compassion." He tells her honestly, making her frown.

"I'm not compassionate. I'm a cold hearted bitch, like Kat." She says with a definitive nod, walking in the direction of a mausoleum.

"It's this way, Ms. Gilbert." He says with a trace of amusement as she huffs and turns around.

"I knew that. Got the stake?" She asks, turning to Klaus who is staring into space with a blank expression.

"Yo, ready to kill your dad?" She asks, tapping his arm, making him stand up straight with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"For a thousand years." He says turning around and opening the truck of his car, taking out a stake.

"Where did you find white oak?" Elijah asks, staring at the stake in a fascination and fear as Elena coughs and points to herself.

"The bridge my parents were supposed to die on was made from a white oak tree a really long time ago. We burned it to the ground and saved the sign to make that." She informs, pointing to the stake.

"And don't worry, he burned the rest, while I watched." She tells him as Klaus rolls his eyes and Elijah sends her an amused smile.

"He's in this one." Elijah says while walking towards a different mausoleum as Klaus follows.

"Okay. How do you want to do this?" Elena asks as they enter the small space.

"What do you mean?" He asks with confusion as he watches Elijah remove the top of Mikael's coffin.

"I mean, do you want to just stake him, and be done with it? Or do you want to wake him up, you know, a little psychological torture before we send if off to whatever the Viking version of hell is." Elena says as Klaus's eyes snap to her.

"What? Was me breaking that vamp dude's face with my boot not clear enough? Some people deserve to suffer." She shrugs as he looks at Mikael.

"Wake him." He says making Elijah raise a brow.

"I want him to know it's me that's killing him. I want him to spend his very last moments knowing his bastard son beat him." Klaus says as angrily, Elena makes a sad face and pats him on the arm as she makes her way over to a desiccated Mikael.

She reaches in her boot and pulls out a pocket knife, after cutting her arm, she places it above Mikael's mouth, letting her blood drip into his mouth.

As color returns to Mikael's face, Klaus walks closer to Elena and bites into his wrist, offering it to her.

"Thanks." She says and holds up her arm up, watching as the cut heals.

"Would it be weird if I offered to let you lick my arm?" She whispers as he stares blankly at her and Elijah sighs.

"Weird, right? Okay, later." She nods and turns back to Mikael as he starts to open his eyes.

"I think he sees us." Elena whispers as Mikael glares at the trio.

"Hello, Mikael." Klaus says with crazy eyes and an incredibly evil smirk.

"Been a while. How are you?" Klaus asks with fake sincerity.

"You've really woken me. How long do you believe these chains will hold me? Impatient as always, Niklaus." Mikael sneers as Klaus's smirk widens.

"They only need to hold you until you finish burning." He says with a shrug, holding up the stake, making Mikael's eyes widen.

"I suppose you're just going to stand there." Mikael says to a blank faced Elijah.

"I told you once, Mikael. I will always stand with him." Elijah says emotionlessly.

"And, you. I'm assuming you know what's to come. They're ruining your life, like your ancestors before you. You should have killed yourself the moment you learned of his existence." Mikael spits as Elena raises a brow.

"Oh, are you talking about the sacrifice?" Elena plays dumb.

"Hate to break it to you, buut…" Elena trails off, sending a look to Klaus who grins before transforming his face, revealing his now golden eyes.

"Surprise." Elena says cheerfully as Mikael glares with a hint of confusion.

When it's obvious no one is going to explain things to him, Mikael eyes narrow slightly in realization, finally understanding this is where he dies.

"Well, get on with it, boy." He hisses.

"With pleasure." Klaus replies, holding the stake above Mikael's heart.

"Just know, even in death, I will haunt you. You think this is the end? You're an abomination!" He says as Klaus pulls back with furrowed brows.

"Those are your last words?" Klaus asks with disbelief in a quiet tone, before glaring.

"A thousand years. Everything you've done. And that's what you chose?"

"Did you want me to apologize? Forgive you for killing my wife? Tell you I love you?" Mikael mocks with a laugh as tears burn Klaus's eyes.

"You are not my son. You never were. You're nothing but a bas-" Elena cuts him off angrily.

"Hey! Go fuck yourself, Mikael! God, you are such a prick!" She yells surprising the vampires.

"Guys, I need to talk to him for a minute. Can you?" She gestures to the exit before turning back to Mikael.

"You're pathetic." Elena says softly before taking a deep breath and smiling.

"You know, seeing you like this, you don't seem so scary." She says as she touches his chains.

"But we both know that's not true. We know that you're the worst kind of monster." His eyes follow her with question.

"Not the kind that they make teen fantasy shows about, but the kind that make women and children quake in fear. The kind that disgusts real men." She says with venom as Mikael glares.

"But I'm not here to discuss your sins, I was hoping to tell you a story." Elena tells him as his eyes narrow.

"I know what you're thinking, but I promise, it's interesting. It's about the first of one woman's many betrayals. It began about a thousand or so, years ago. It's about a barren witch. You see, this witch was so desperate to have children, she made a deal with her sister. Some would say selling your firstborn child is a bit heartless, but she figured she'd have many kids, what's one in the grand scheme of things?" Elena asks mockingly as Mikael's eyes widen slightly.

"Oh, damn. You heard this before? Well, just to recap, your wife sold your precious little Freya to her sister. And Dahlia, being the power hungry bitch she is, used your daughter as a magical battery for years. Wait, did I say used? I meant, using. Present tense. You may be asking yourself, how is that possible? Well, Dahlia put herself and Freya into this weird sleep thing where they only wake once every 100 years for a single year at a time. Yep, that's right. Freya lives." Elena whispers with a mocking edge as he stares at her in shock.

"And, want to know something funny? She's set to wake in a few years. But, I'm sure we can find a way to wake her sooner." Elena tells him with a smile.

"It's too bad you'll be long dead. I really wanted her to see first hand what a monster you became. Can you imagine her face as I tell her about all the horrible things you've done to the family, that even though she's never met, loves with all her being? Can you imagine how she'll feel when she learns that the man she loved and idolized for a thousand years, became a cruel and sadistic beast? Cause, I can." Elena tells him as a tear slides out of his cold eye.

"Do you think she'll cry as you do?" Elena asks as she forcefully wipes away the tear with her thumb, before sending him a lazy smile.

"Words cannot express what a pleasure it is that I will never truly know you. See you in hell, Mikey." She winks before turning around and exiting the mausoleum, coming face to face with two thoroughly confused originals.

"I'll explain later. Can you give us a minute?" She asks Elijah before her eyes follow his body as he walks away with a nod.

"Sister?" He asks as she shrugs.

"Sister." She nods.

"What is it you wanted to speak to me about?" He asks as he grips the stake in his hand.

"Okay, fair warning, I'm about to get pretty emotional. You good with that?" She asks as he nods with a puzzled expression.

"Nik, you owe Mikael nothing. I'm sorry he made you feel like you needed to prove yourself to him, but you didn't then and you don't now. It was never on you to prove that you were worthy of his love, because he was never worthy of yours. It was his job to love you, and he failed. Not you. So when you go in there, don't see this as killing your father or even the man who hunted you for a thousand years. See it as ending a vile man, who couldn't even love his own child." She finishes softly as he stares at her in bewilderment while tears stream down his face.

"Sorry I called you Nik. It felt right in the moment." She whispers as she wipes a tear from his cheek, far more gently than she did to Mikael.

"Do what you gotta do, I'll be there in a second." She tells him encouragingly before making her way back to the car.

After a few minutes of standing outside the mausoleum, Elijah and Klaus exit silently.

"I know you guys are in a weird mood, and this is probably gonna make it worse, so just please know, I'm very sorry." She says before entering the space leaving the brothers behind.

A moment of silence goes by, before they hear the unmistakable sound of a vacuum cleaner sounding loudly through the cemetery.

"I'm sorry." She says as she stands in front of them with a dust vac and a Mason jar filled with their father's ashes.

"This is the first time I've ever said this, but I think I'm tapping out." Elena says Klaus places another shot in front of her.

"I never thought I'd see the day." Damon says teasingly, taking her shot.

"I'm only but a human, Ocean Eyes." She says with an accent as she makes eye contact with the bartender for the fourth time that night.

"You gonna ditch us?" Stefan asks nodding towards the bar, Elena shakes her head then smirks.

"And leave you all without my company?" She asks as she watches Klaus silently pour himself another drink.

"How you doing?" She asks him, grimacing at the false nonchalance in her tone.

"I eliminated my greatest enemy. I'm fantastic." He punctuates by throwing back another shot.

"As much as I'd like to believe you, the way you're drinking isn't exactly celebratory." Elena says, subtly pulling the bottle away from him.

"What makes you say that?" He asks without interest as he pulls the bottle back.

"Just a hunch." She says before standing and holding out her hands to the vampires.

"Come on. I don't know how else to cheer you up. Something tells me a trip to New York won't work for you." She mutters as the Salvatores stand.

"What's the harm?" He asks rhetorically, taking another shot and grabbing her hand.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asks as they sway to the music.

"The things you said. Did you mean it?" He asks looking over her shoulder as she smiles.

"You're gonna be a little more specific, I say lots of things all the time. I literally never stop talking." She rambles teasingly as he rolls his eyes.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"Oh, do you mean when I said you're one of the favorite people on this planet and that you deserved so much better than the shit he put you through?" She asks as he pulls back looking down at her with a small grin.

"You didn't say that."

"I didn't?" She questions with a matching grin.

"I think you need a friend tonight. And sadly, I'm not as qualified as I'd like to be. But there is someone here who is." Elena trails off nodding her head towards Stefan.

"You should give him his memories. You need a brother right now." She tells him as he stares as Stefan with furrowed brows before nodding and pulling her with him to Stefan.

"Heads up." Elena says as they reach the brothers causing Stefan to look up.

"Remember." Klaus compels as Stefan pupils dilate then close. Stefan opens them again with a gasp.

"Nik." He says with a smile before frowning

"Why did you dagger Rebekah?" He scolds with disapproval making Elena giggle as Klaus blinks in surprise.

"Welcome back, old friend." Klaus says with a smirk.

"Rebekah, the sister you banged?" Damon asks Stefan, causing Klaus to glare at him.

"I mean dated." He corrects while holding his hands up.

"Rebekah is so amazing!" Elena exclaims with a smile.

"But tonight is not about your siblings, you two need to catch. Me and Dames will be at the bar." Elena says, pulling Damon away.

"What would you like?" The bartender flirts with Elena as they take a seat at the bar.

"Just some ice and to introduce myself, I'm El." Elena says holding her hand out to the bartender.

"It's nice to meet you, El. I'm Angie" the bartender says pointing to her name tag as Elena squints.

"Really? You don't look like an Angie." Elena says as she leans forward slightly.

"It's, uh, short for Angela." The girl says as Elena grins.

"Angela. Now that I can see. It's lovely to meet you, Angela." Elena says with a nod as the bartender blushes lightly.

"Um, I'm gonna get your ice." She says before turning around as Elena watches her walk away.

"I'm not invisible, right? I was sitting here the whole time." Damon says snapping Elena out her less than polite thoughts.

"What?" She asks.

"She didn't even look at me. I am sitting right next to you." He complains as he throws his hands up in frustration.

"Sorry, handsome." Elena apologizes before the bartender returns with her ice.

"Anything else?" She asks with a flirty tone.

"Yeah, what do you want, Day?" Elena asks, turning to him as the bartender looks to him in surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What can I get you?" She asks with pink cheeks.

"Just a bourbon." He says, making her nod and turn around.

"Do you think a threesome would cheer Klaus up?" Elena asks, making Damon's jaw drop.

"He just looks so sad. Mikael was such a prick to him." Elena says with a sigh as the bartender sets Damon's drink down.

"How was talking to the Destroyer?" Damon asks in a weird voice making her smile.

"He told me I should have killed myself, so not the worst."

"What did you say to him?" Damon asks as she raises a brow.

"Come on, I know you. He hit his kid. No way you didn't torture him a little." Damon says, making her smile in amusement.

"Just some stuff about his long lost daughter. I kinda wish we kept him alive a little longer, I had some great burns planned." Elena whines as Damon looks to her with a smirk and gestures for her to continue.

"Okay, I was gonna tell him that it was no surprise his wife cheated on him, and I had one about how Klaus's real dad kept it tight." She says making him snort.

"I wanted to call him a cuck, but Elijah was there, and that dude already has such a low opinion of me." Elena admits making Damon choke on his drink.

"Did you just call my father a cuck?" Klaus asks from behind her with amusement and disbelief.

"Yep. I really wish I could say it to his face." Elena says as Klaus takes a set next to her.

"Well, I for one, am glad he's too dead to hear it." He says as he waves the bartender over, but Elena's too distracted by a shadow in the corner of her eye to hear him.

"Hey. I'm off in 5. Wanna get out of here?" The bartender asks hopefully as Elena looks to the vampires. When they smile or shrug, Elena turns back to the girl.

"I'd love to." She replies with a smile as the girl nods and turns around.

"You sure? I can stay. We can spend the rest of the night talking about shitting dads." Elena offers as Klaus shakes his head.

"That's okay. And you had a shitty dad?" He asks as she nods.

"Two of them actually. Adopted remember." She says holding up two fingers.

"Hey, while we're on the subject of dads. I forgot to tell you, but since breaking your curse and unlocking your wolf side, courtesy of moi, you can have kids again." Elena says, leaving him speechless.

"You good?" She asks, waving a hand in front of his face.

"Are you joking?" He asks with disbelief.

"Nope. I'd start using protection if I were you." She pats his back before standing up.

"Try not to dwell on it." She says before kissing the brothers's cheeks and turning back to Klaus.

"For what it's worth, you'd make a fantastic father." She tells him honestly before joining the bartender.

On her way out of the bar with her arm around the bartender, Elena swears she saw someone resembling Mikael watch her walk away.

You can't just use your hybrids as slaves, Klaus." Elena says as she sits atop an examination table, swinging her legs back and forth.

"Of course I can, love. Did you grow a conscience overnight?" He asks with amusement.

"Obviously not, gross. But these people aren't just humans for you to use. They're gonna be your pack. You're a natural born alpha, it's your birthright. It was taken from you a thousand years ago, but you have a chance now, to lead like you were meant to." She tells him passionately as he leans back in his seat, crossing his arms with a thoughtful expression, "And the alpha protects the pack. But you have to understand that you can't force loyalty, Klaus." She says as he raises a brow.

"What would you suggest then?" He asks, leaning forward as she smiles proudly.

"I thought you'd never ask. When we find the pack, offer them a way to control the shift. Appear sympathetic, but don't try to hide that you're building an army. When the alpha says no, which they will, challenge them. They still live by the code. If you best them in a fight, they'll have no choice but to submit, causing the pack to follow." She instructs as he sends her a proud and impressed grin.

"Do you know what a sire bond is, Klaus?" She asked rhetorically with a smirk as he sends her a look.

"I'm a thousand years old, Love. What do you think?" He asks with an eye roll.

"Right. Then you know what it means when I say, the hybrids will all be sired to you." She says, making him chuckle.

"So when you said I can't force loyalty-" She interrupts.

"Yeah, I was speaking more ethically. But you really shouldn't use it. At least not yet. If you become the alpha, offer to turn those who agree, let some of them live to carry on the bloodlines, they may resent you, but they'll also respect you. And if the time comes when you need their absolute loyalty, invoke the bond without their knowledge. This way, they won't feel the need to break the bond and run from you." She tells him.

"Is that what happened last time?" He asks, making her nod, "But that doesn't matter, it's not gonna happen this time. In the meantime, you should try to find lone wolves. I have a guy, he can get the word out and you should compel some vampires to do the same." she says before the doctor enters the room with a knock.

"Hello Elena, it's time to prep for the operation. I'm sorry, but your husband needs to wait in the waiting room, we'll call him when you're done." She says looking to Klaus as Elena smirks widely and takes Klaus's hand.

"That's fine, Doctor. My husband and I, just can't thank you enough for squeezing us in on such short notice." She says in a fake emotional tone as Klaus barely keeps himself from rolling his eyes.

"Of course." The Doctor says with a smile as Klaus stands.

"I'll be here when you wake up." He says to Elena before turning to the doctor.

"Remember what I told you?" He asks as the doctor's pupils dilate.

"She's to receive the very best care possible and if anyone harms her, you'll kill everyone here." The Doctor says with fear lacing her tone before blinking rapidly, then smiling with slight confusion.

"A nurse will show you to the waiting room." The Doctor tells Klaus as Elena brings a hand to her heart.

"I shall see you soon, my love." She calls out to him dramatically, this time he doesn't suppress the eye roll.

"So sweet. How long have you been together?" The doctor asks.

"Thirty years." Elena says with a wistful smile, "How long am I gonna be out for?" Elena asks as the doctor looks to her confused before shaking her head and answering.

"Not long. You will most likely feel very tired, we recommend bed rest for the rest of the day."

"Cool. Well, let's suck these eggs out of me." Elena says, leaning back with her hands behind her head.

"This again?" Elena groans as she wakes up on the same road from her previous dream.

Walking down the road, in search of the warehouse, Elena feels eyes on her and quickly spins around, coming face to face with nothing.

She shrugs and continues forward.

Coming across the same warehouse. Elena skips happily up to the veil before walking through.

"Amara! Come out, come out, wherever you are." Elena yells as she walks through the building.

On her way to the back of the warehouse, hoping to find the storage room she found the immortal in last time, Elena is thrown to the ground with a hand around her throat.

"Shiiiit." Elena whines catching sight of her attacker.

"Doppelgänger." Mikael growls loudly, making her flinch slightly.

"Can't we talk this out?" She asks as he chuckles darkly, "I'm gonna take that as a no." She mutters, trying to force herself to relax.

"What have you done to me?" He asks threateningly as she stares blankly.

"What? Me? Nothing." Elena says as his hand tightens.

"Lies!" He yells, "three times I've been transported from my afterlife, each time I find myself next to you. And that mutt you call a friend." He adds with disgust.

"I knew I saw you" Elena whispers with realization.

"What have you done? Where are we?" He asks as she sends him a confused look.

"This isn't the otherside?" She questions, taking his silence as an answer, "Can you move now? You obviously can't kill me seeing as this is my dream." Elena says pushing him away from her and stands, pacing with furrowed brows.

"If you don't return me to this 'otherside' I will find a way to make every moment of your existence a living hell, I will-" Elena interrupts with an annoyed groan.

"Oh, my god. I get it. You're big and scary. Who cares? Shut the hell up, I'm trying to work something out." She snaps as he glares with hatred and steps forward, threateningly.

"Alright, when I died, the entity told me I would be haunted by the otherside, driving me insane, but then they said they had a solution. A few nights later, I had a dream of this place where I saw crazy pants. Cut to the cemetery, Klaus ends your pathetic excuse of a life and a few hours later I see you hanging around." Elena lists out as Mikael's glare intensifies.

'Rem season three?' Elena thinks to herself.

"You will show some respect." He demands with eye contact as she leans forward.

"Get fucked." She says before he slams her hard against a wall.

"I can see why you care for that bastard." He says as she glares, before a smug grin spreads across her lips.

"If this place isn't the otherside and is really just a part of my subconscious, that means this is basically a lucid dream." She says, placing her hands around his wrists, "Which means, we're not playing by Krueger rules. I'm in control here." Elena says as he pulls his hands away with a groan of pain.

"Hurts doesn't it?" She asks with a smile as she observes the burn marks on his arms.

"You think you can beat me?" He asks with a chuckle as she sends him a fake smile.

He charges, making Elena curl into herself with a yelp as she throws her hand out.

Elena peaks at him through her hand before giggling wildly as she sees his feet stuck in what looks to be a concrete box made of the same material as the warehouse's ground.

He bends down, punching the concrete around his feet, breaking it apart, making her panic and look around frantically.

Noticing metal pipes running along the wall, Elena envisions them bending and moving towards Mikael, curling around his arms and pulling him away.

As he stalks forward, Elena tries to will the idea into reality, just as he's about to grab her, his wrists are caught by the metal as he's dragged away.

"Holy shit." She mutters with fascination, "I can't believe that worked. Fuck! Why couldn't I have been a witch?" She says glaring up at the ceiling as Mikael pulls on the pipes, unable to move them.

"You said three times. When exactly were you taken from the otherside?" Elena questions as he only glares, causing her to roll her eyes with a groan.

"Dude. Seriously? We don't have a lot of time. Chop chop." She says with a snap.

"First after I died, you were gathering my ashes in a jar." He answers with annoyance as she smiles innocently, "Then while you were drinking at a bar with the beast." She rolls her eyes, "And lastly, I was transported here."

"At the cemetery, I wished for a moment that you weren't dead, because vacuuming your ashes felt too much like cleaning." Elena says more to herself with a thoughtful expression, "And at the bar, I was telling Damon that I wished you were still alive so I could insult you some more. That reminds me, uh, you're a cuckold." She insults weakly as he blinks in surprise, before clenching his jaw, "Damn. Not as good without Elijah's judgmental sigh." She says sadly before shaking her head, "What if I willed it?" Elena asks herself out loud.

"It's your choice to see me?" Mikael asks incredulously as a sinister smirk spreads across her face.

"I just realized something, you're not haunting me, Mikey. I'm haunting you."

Elena wakes slowing, flinching as the bright lights shine in her eyes. She blinks away the drowsiness with a yawn as someone clears their throat, causing her to look up with tired eyes.

"Ms. Gilbert." Elijah greets with a smile and a nod as he places a vase of her flowers down on the side table.

"You got me flowers?" She asks through a scratchy voice, "God, that's classy." She comments with head shake as he sends her an amused look.

"How do you feel?" He asks as he takes a seat next to her bed.

"Like I'm about to become the bio mom to a bunch of fetuses." She answers, taking the cup of water he hands her.

"Is this what you want, Elena? If Niklaus is forc-" She cuts him off with a grateful smile.

"This was my idea, 'lijah. Believe it or not, Klaus really isn't the villain of this story." She mock whispers the last part as he sends her a skeptical look, "Honest. He's my friend." She tells him matter of factly, before looking around, "Where is he? He said he would be here when I woke up." She says with pout.

"You're aunt Jenna called. She wished to give him specific instructions on how to care for you." He answers with a smile at her laugh.

"That's hilarious." She says with a tired smile as she closes her eyes and leans back into her pillow.

"If you don't want to give the eggs away, I'm sure I could find something to offer Klaus in exchange for waiting until you're older." He proposes with concern making her smile sadly at him.

"You're a good guy, Eli." She says, before sighing, "You don't deserve this." She says with slight anger as he raises a brow.

"Deserve what?"

"This. All this shit. And all the pain that comes with being the noble original." She says with distress, "You don't deserve any of it. Not after everything you've done to protect them." She says sadly, as he sends her a tight smile.

"My family?" He questions, she nods, "My family lay in boxes, Elena." He says with regret lacing his tone, "Some put there by my own hand, and others by my cowardice. I believe it's suffice to say, I failed." He explains with guilt." Failed to protect them. Failed to restore my brother's humanity. I broke my vow." He admits.

"Always and forever?" She asks as he nods and leans back, "Doesn't they name kinda suggest, that there's no way to break it? It lasts forever, right? So you have forever to make it up to them." She says with a bright smile.

"I suppose." He says with a small grin.

"And as for Klaus's humanity, you're kinda setting yourself up for failure." He raises a brow, "I feel like you keep comparing him to the brother you grew up with, rather than the man he's been for the last thousand years." She says with a shrug.

"He was good, Elena." Elijah tells her with a sad gleam in his eye, "An artist's soul. He was sweet, gentle, loving… good."

"I know. I saw it. But, people change, 'lijah. And if you keep holding on the image of the younger brother who painted with berries and couldn't stand up to his father, the one whose only heartbreak was from a woman who loved his brother, and not his own mother's betrayal, he'll never live up to your exceptions." Elena tells him softly as a thoughtful look crosses his features, "You gotta accept him for who he is now. The man that centuries of paranoia and running from your father turned him into. The Great Evil." Elena finishes teasingly as he cracks a smile.

"I prefer vampire boogeyman." Elijah says, making her giggle and nod.

"Me too." She agrees, "You wouldn't be betraying the man he used to be. You'd just be learning to love the one he is now." She says with shrugs as he furrows his brows.

"Shockingly poetic for someone who often says the most inappropriate things I've ever heard a woman say." Elijah remarks, making her smile teasingly.

"I've got layers." He smiles at her softly as Klaus walks into the room with a knowing expression.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as she gives him a thumbs up.

"Fine. Tired. What'd Jen say?" Elena asks with amusement as he breathes out a deep breath.

"She demanded I feed you fries and milkshakes while you recover. She always said that if you don't call her within the next 24 hours, she will rain psychological hell down upon me." He quotes, making her snicker.

"Sounds like her." Elena comments with a yawn. "Hey, have you thought about what I told you the other night?" She asks, referring to his new found ability to procreate as he takes a seat next to her bed.

"I have." He answers vaguely.

"And? Are you planning to have any puppies?" She asked as she sinks into her pillow.

"You should go to sleep." He says, avoiding the question as her eyes flutter shut.

"You'd be a great dad." She says as Elijah smiles at Klaus's soft expression. "I wish you were my dad." She mumbles as Klaus raises a brow in confusion and amusement. "-dy." She adds with a giggle as Elijah sighs. "Get it?" She asks before falling asleep.

"Yes." Klaus says as he smiles at her sleeping face.


"Jello." Elena says as she answers her phone.

"Ellie." Katherine greets with a strangely pleasant tone, surprising all four men in the vehicle.

"What it do, Kitty Kat?" Elena asks cheerfully, bouncing in her seat slightly as Katherine laughs softly.

"I'm fine. I'm just calling to let you know about Mason's pack." Katherine says as Klaus raises a brow from the driver's seat.

"You're still hanging out with Mason?" Elena asks with curiosity as Katherine sighs.

"He is very pretty." She says, emphasizing the very, making Elena laugh with a nod. "And I kinda like being 'Kathy'. At least until I find N-" Elena interrupts loudly.

"Blah blah blah. My god Kat, do you ever stop talking? I mean, am I right original brothers, Klaus and Elijah?" Elena asks pointedly as Katherine breaths in deeply.

"Where are you, Ellie?" Katherine asks cautiously.

"In a car with three of your former lovers and the guy who's been hunting you for 500 years." Ellie answers before correcting herself, "My bad, was hunting you."

"Salvatores. Mikaelsons. Long time no see." Katherine greets nonchalantly, making Elena throw her head back with a laugh.

"God, I miss you, Kat! It's just been me and all these guys for the last few months." Elena says with a pout before turning to Damon. "Ooh, gang bang." She says, making him open a notebook.

"Nice." He says, writing it down as Klaus looks at them in the rearview mirror.

"What is that?" He asks with slight amusement as he turns to look at the notebook in Damon's lap.

"Ellie's to do list." He answers as Elijah sighs and looks out the window, causing Elena and the Salvatore's eyes to snap towards him.

"Jar." They shout in sync as they point to a cup sitting in the cup holder, causing Elijah to reach into his pocket.

"What the hell is happening?" Katherine asks as Elena jumps slightly, forgetting she was on the phone.

"Eli's judgement jar." Elena answers. "We thought it would teach him to stop being so judgemental. Everytime he judges someone, he has to put money in the cup."

"If it's a cup, why do you shout Jar?" Katherine asks.

"I stole the idea from someone who used a jar. Plus, I love alliteration. But, since Elijah's wealth is endless, it's not really a deterrent. So we're just kinda… shaming him." Elena supplies as Katherine sighs.

"I think that's enough Ellie for today." She says as everyone in the car shrugs with a 'fair enough' expression. "As always, it was… weird talking to you, Ellie." Katherine hangs up after telling Elena about the pack.

"She's amazing." Elena says with a smile. "You know, I always kinda thought I would want to bone her, but I just get familial vibes." She narrows her eyes as Elijah goes completely still. "Jar." She says, making him turn to her.

"I didn't do anything." He defends.

"Yeah, but it was in your eyes." He rolls his eyes, reaching into his breast pocket.

"Christ! I'm freezing my balls off out here!" Elena exclaims through chattering teeth as she clings to Klaus's back.

"I told you could stay at the hotel." Klaus reminds with an eye roll as he adjusts her higher on his back.

"And miss you being all 'I am the alpha'? No, thank you. That's shit's hot as hell." She tells him as they trek farther up the mountain.

"Then stop complaining, Love. There is only so much I can take before I take you back to the car and leave you there." He snaps with irritation, making her bite his shoulder in retaliation.

"Is someone nervous?" She asks teasingly as he pretends to drop her, making her shriek and hold on to him tighter. "It's okay to be a little anxious, buddy. You've been waiting for this day for a thousand years." She tells him patting his head like a child as he huffs annoyed.

Elijah clears his throat, clearly uncomfortable with the banter. "I hear them." He says gesturing to the campsite in the distance.

"Showtime." Elena whispers as he sets her on her feet.

Klaus, Elijah, and Elena make their way up the trail, revealing themselves to the pack of wolves.

"Can we help you?" A man asks suspiciously as he sets down a bag and walks towards them.

"No, but can I help you." Klaus replies with a grin as Elena rolls her eyes and drops the backpack holding her blood bags.

"What-" Klaus interrupts.

"You see, my friend Ellie here," Elena waves with a large smile, "tells me I have a habit of being rather dramatic, so let's skip to the important part, shall we? My name is Klaus." He tells them as another man steps forward.

"You're the guy who put out a message to packless wolves." He says.

"Indeed." Klaus confirms walking farther into the campsite, effortlessly commanding the attention of everyone around him. "And I'm here to offer each of you a… gift of sorts." Klaus says thoughtfully as the wolves look to each other in confusion. "But first, I should probably share some things about myself." Klaus reveals his hybrid face and fangs making them all step back in fear.

"What the hell are you?" The first man asks with fear lacing his tone and wide eyes.

"A hybrid. The hybrid, actually. An original vampire born with the curse of a werewolf." He tells them as he looks around, gauging their reactions, they weren't great.

"That- that's impossible." He shakes his head in denial.

"And yet, here I stand, a vampire who can walk in the sun and a wolf who can change at will." Klaus tells them with his arms out.

"What do you want with us?" The man asks bravely, trying to cover his fear.

"Excellent question, mate. I want to help you." Klaus lays it on a little too thick causing Elena to grimace and subtly send him a 'cut it out' motion with her hand, he nods and continues,"And build myself an army in the process." He admits as the wolves protest and look to the alpha.

"No, we don't want anything to do with you. Leave." The alpha demands as Klaus smirks with amusement and looks to the other wolves.

"Is this how you all feel? Not one of you wishes to be released from the excruciating clutches of the moon?" He asks as they all nod, albeit hesitantly.

"We don't want to turn every month," The man admits before Elena interrupts.

"Yeah, that's gotta be ruff." She says sympathetically with a barely contained smirk as everyone ignores her.

"But we don't want to become vampires." He spits the last word with disgust as Klaus growls lowly.

"That's really too bad, because I always get what I want." He says threateningly as he steps closer to the alpha.

"Uh huh. He's like a dog with a bone." Elena adds earning an eye roll from everyone in the vicinity.

"You see, on any other occasion I'd leave being honorable to my brother here," He gestures to Elijah, who seems completely over his brother's theatrics, "but I'm willing to channel my inner Elijah and offer you a deal." Elena snorts and covers her mouth as Klaus's lip twitches. "Some of you agree to become one the strongest creatures on the planet and join me as I build my army or I challenge your alpha here and turn all of you willingly or not." He shrugs as the pack stiffens in fear. "What'll it be?" He asks the alpha with an intense look in his eye, making the man swallow.

"You'll have to kill me to get to my pack." He states bravely as Klaus looks to him with a slight gleam of respect.

"You'll make an excellent second in command." He says before throwing the first punch, dropping the man to the ground as the pack immediately crowds them.

"No, stop." The man holds out hands, "You're not allowed to interfere." He tells his pack who slowly back away as he stands.

The man rushes Klaus, making the hybrid duck and flip him over his shoulder. The man lands in the dirt with a groan, before standing back up.

"You don't actually think you can beat me?" Klaus asks with slight pity as the man shrugs.

"No, but what kind of leader would I be if I didn't fight for them?" The man responds, throwing a punch that Klaus catches.

"Admirable." He comments, dropping the alphas hand and stepping forward, biting his wrist, shoving it into the man's mouth and snapping his neck as the pack gasps in shock.

"I'd consider that a win." Klaus grins at Elena who gives him a thumbs up.

"He's your alpha now." Elena says to the pack while pointing to Klaus. "So this a safe place, free of judgement."

"Which of you would like to become the strongest apex predator to walk the earth? After me, of course." Klaus adds smugly as the pack looks to each other in worry.

"You said you'd turn us all. Why are you asking?" A woman asks, stepping forward with glare.

"Vampirism is not for the weak, sweetheart. If you can't handle it, that reflects badly on my ability to command." He tells her. "As a sign of goodwill, I'm willing to leave some of you mortal."

"Do any of you have kids?" Elena asks, causing three out the pack of fifteen to hesitantly raise their hands. "Any of you have any hard plans to procreate?" Four more raise their hands as Elena looks to Klaus. "Do your thing." She tells him with a grin he returns before turning to the soon to be hybrids.

While Klaus snaps the necks of his new pack, a woman walks into the campsite with shock written across her stunning face.

"Who the hell are you?" The woman asks the three as Elena's jaw drops and her brain short circuits.

"Holy shit." Elena mutters in awe as the original brothers look to the woman.

"Bit late to the party, love." Klaus says stepping forward as Elena puts her hand out shakes her head.

"Not her." She tells him before turning back to the woman while straightening her clothes and taking a deep breath.

"You're Hayley Marshall." Elena states as the woman raises a brow in question.

"How do you know that?" She asks defensively as a lazy grin overtakes Elena's face.

"You'd be amazed by the things I know." She flirts, surprising the wolf before shaking her head. "I know you're probably freaking out a little, sit with me." Elena says motioning to a log. "My name's Elena, but you can call me Ellie." She introduces herself with a hand shake.

"Hayley, but you knew that. Speaking of, how?" She demands, making Elena smile in admiration.

"Do you know what a doppelgänger is?" She asks as Hayley shakes her head no. "They're a magical occurrence, originating in Greece about 2000 years ago." She explains. "To make a long story short, I share this face with a lot of other women in my bloodline. That hunk of grade A man meat over there," Elena points to Klaus as Hayley looks to her amused, "is the original hybrid. He's turning the pack into vampires."

"I need to help them." Hayley says with conviction. "They're my pack." She adds with slightly less conviction.

"No they're not." Elena tells her, making Hayley's brows furrow. "You don't know why, but you've never felt connected to them in the way pack members are supposed to. Have you?" She asks, Hayley shakes her head slightly while looking down.

Elena gets distracted by Klaus as he feeds the last two wolves his blood, his sleeve is rolled to his elbow as he makes the wolf bite into his arm, Elena bites her lip lightly as the muscles on his back contract while he snaps the wolf's neck.

"Damn." Elena breathes out.

"Yeah." Hayley whispers, causing Elena to smirk when she follows her eye line straight to Elijah leaning against a tree watching his brother blankly.

"New Orleans." Elena says, making Hayley's gaze snap to her with question. "Crescent Wolf Pack. Around two decades ago a witch cursed the pack on the order of a vampire. The same year a baby girl was born to a royal werewolf bloodline, the Labonairs. The bloodline was wiped out when she was a baby, but the girl was given up for adoption. You know something weird, every member of the pack is born with this odd little birthmark." Elena's eyes trail Hayley's shoulder as she immediately moves her sweater out of the way revealing her birthmark.

"What are you saying?" Hayley asks hopefully as Elena smiles at her.

"I have been waiting to meet you for a very long time, Andrea Labonair." She says as Hayley mouths 'Andrea' to herself.

"Are you telling me the truth?" She asks, trying to rein in her excitement, Elena nods before Hayley brings her into a tight hug, repeatedly whispering her gratitude.

"Uh, beautiful, as much as I enjoy your body pressed up against me, it's a full moon and your strength is kinda at its peak." Elena struggles to say before Hayley releases her with a laugh.

"I'm sorry." She says with a smile as Elena nods, again uncomfortable with the look in the people she helps eyes.

"So, wanna be a hybrid?" Elena asks casually as Hayley sucks in a surprised breath.

"I-I don't know." Hayley says, making Elena shrug. "The curse on my pack, what is it?" Hayley changes the subject.

"Right. Fair warning, it's gonna piss you off." Elena says as Hayley nods, "the pack is stuck in wolf form until full moons, like tonight. They only get one night to walk on two legs." She tells her as Hayley crushes a piece of the log beneath them, with her hand.

"So I wouldn't be able to meet then?" Hayley asks sadly as Elena shakes her head.

"Not for a few years unless you can control the shift, by oh, I don't know, becoming a badass vampire/wolf hybrid." Elena says as Hayley raises a brow. "Or getting knocked up." She adds, making the wolf grimace.

"Ellie." Klaus calls out, making Elena stand and walk over to him. "They're waking up." He says looking over to Elijah, who grabs the backpack and opens it, taking out the blood bags, a cup, and a bag of medicine syringes.

"Where did you come up with this?" Klaus asks with amusement as Elena pours the blood into a cup.

"When Remy was little he refused to drink his medicine, I love the kid, but he was a real turd. We used to use the little syringes and shoot the medicine down his throat like-"

"No." Elijah interrupts sternly as Elena smirks.

"Jar." She whispers as she uses the syringe to measure out her blood.

Elena walks back over to Hayley as she sits on the log deep in thought.

"What if I become a hybrid and the pack doesn't accept me?" Hayley wonders out loud as Elena sighs.

"Then you can join my pack." She tells her honestly.

"These guys never felt-" Elena shakes her head.

"Not these wolves. My friends. Most of them are currently in Virginia. If being a hybrid is what you want and your pack doesn't see how awesome you are, you're always welcome with me." She bumps Hayley's shoulder with her own as the wolf sends her a grateful smile.

"What happens in a few years?" Hayley asks with curiosity.

"I can get in contact with a witch, who can reverse the curse." She answers.

"I don't think I can wait a few years to meet them. I want to turn." Hayley says definitively as Elena nods.

"To Klaus!" Elena and The Salvatore brothers cheer as they clink their shot glasses together, making Klaus smile and raise his shot.

"So how does it feel becoming the alpha?" Elena asks as she sits across from him on their hotel room's couch.

"I was always the alpha, love." He replies, making her laugh and nod.

"Indian or Thai?" Damon asks, taking a seat next to her, handing her another shot.

"Indian." She replies, tossing it back.

"Too bad, I want Thai, rock, paper, scissors?" He asks as Stefan groans and drops into the chair next to Klaus.

"Okay. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" They say at the same time, both choosing paper.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Both rock.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Rock again.

"You two are very similar." Klaus comments with amusement, gesturing between them with his drink as Stefan rolls his eyes.

"You have no idea." Stefan mutters with annoyance.

"Yep. Two peas in a pod, I'm the stars to her moon, she's the Stefan to my Lexi." He declares, throwing an arm around shoulder as she nods.

"Indeed." She agrees. "We shall be cell mates in hell!" She says loudly before shouting at the same time as him.

"I call top bunk!" She gets the words out first causing him to throw his head back with a groan as she sticks her tongue out, mockingly and gloats.

"I cannot handle the two of you right now." Stefan says standing and grabbing another drink.

"Aww, Stef. Go get someone to eat, you're not you when you're hungry." She teases, making him roll his eyes again.

"I'll come with. Love you, Ellie." He kisses Elena's head before leaving the room with Stefan.

Elena and Klaus sit in comfortable silence, sipping their drinks for a few minutes before Elena clicks her tongue in boredom and looks to Klaus.

"Wanna have sex." She asks, he raises a brow in surprise before nodding.

"Sure." He answers, standing up.

"Really?" She asks hopefully, raising from the couch.

"Yeah." He nods walking towards her.

"Yeah? Right, cool. Okay." She rambles before he brings her into a feverish kiss, backing her up into the wall behind them.

Klaus kisses down her neck as her head falls back against the wall. "If you call me Tatia, I'll kick your ass." She mumbles breathlessly, causing him to halt his actions and look at her with bewilderment. "Shit." She breathes with groan before he starts laughing, making her join him and rest her head against his shoulder.

"You really are mad." He says through a disbelievingly laugh as she hides her face in his neck.

"Did I ruin this?" She asks, smiling when he shakes his head.

"No." He answers before pulling her head back lightly by her hair, claiming her lips.

"You sure?" He asks, pulling away to find her eyes.

"Nice. Verbal consent for the win. Yes, I'm sure. You?" She asks, moving her gaze between his eyes and lips.

"Yes." He answers with a lazy smile before kissing her again.