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Chapter 31-33

After picking Elena up and speeding her to his car Elijah sets her down with a small smile.

"There's something I don't understand." Elijah says after a moment of driving in silence.

"What might that be?" Elena asks teasingly, putting her head in her hand.

"If you could have contacted me yourself, why involve Rose-Marie and Trevor?" Elijah asks.

"I may have been playing matchmaker. Rose and Damon would be cute together." Elena says with a shrug.

Years ago, Elena decided she wouldn't be putting any work into character relationships, buuut… Klaroline rights!

"And Rose and Trevor's friendship warms my cold heart. Plus, I wanted Rose to be rewarded for staying by his side for 500 years. That's loyalty." Elena muses as Elijah nods.

"So, you gonna asks about your future?" Elena asks out of the blue, surprising him.

"I wasn't really sure how to ask." He admits making her laugh.

"You died." Elena says sadly as Elijah observes her curiously.

"You seem saddened by that. Why?" He asks, she shrugs.

"Because I am sad. I've grown rather attached to your family." Elena says looking out the window with furrowed brows.

"That's not happening this time." She says quietly.

"I won't let it." She says in a determined tone.

"I believe you." Elijah says looking at her.

"What's your last name, Elena?" Elijah asks deciding to learn more about the girl who just turned his life upside down.

"Gilbert. I can tell you my story if you'd like." Elena offers noticing his curiosity, he nods.

"Well, I was adopted by my birth father's brother and his wife. My bio parents were sixteen and didn't know how to be parents. My parents had been trying to have a baby for years and thought I was a miracle." Elena laughs softly with a smile.

"Boy, were they wrong." She says and he chuckles.

"Knowing all I did, I was exactly a normal child. Honestly, I was completely detached until they had my little brother." Elena smiles so bright it distracts him from the road.

"The light of my life, that kid. After he came along I started warming up to my parents. Well as warm as you can get when you know your parents are part of a secret society filled with vampire torturers. Anyway, I was so bored that I decided to learn as much as I possibly could. I speak a few languages and can play a couple instruments. I've read tons of books and learned to play hundreds of songs. As soon as I was able to hold a pencil I started to make a plan to change the future. So far I've changed some pretty major things." Elena trails off with a thoughtful expression.

"But I couldn't change my parents death. I tried. I don't know if it was fate for them to die or just a freak accident, but… I'm gonna save you, Elijah." She finishes with a nod.

"I'm very sorry about your parents, Elena." Elijah apologizes making her shake her head and smile.

"No. It's okay. One of the cool things about knowing a bunch of information about an alternate timeline is knowing that peace exists. And I know that they found it." Elena smiles at the thought of her parents.

"You understand that Klaus might not let me resurrect you, correct?" Elijah asks cautiously, feeling the need to warn the girl.

"He kinda has to. Long story short, your mom's a real bitch." Elena says bluntly causing Elijah to make a surprised face.

"Sorry. Forgot who I was talking to." Elena apologizes sheepishly.

"No, its okay. Though it is concerning you feel comfortable around an original vampire planning to sacrifice you." Elijah says with an amused smile.

"Yeah, all my friends say I lack survival instincts. But I think I'm just a good judge of character." Elena defends.

"Good judge of character?" He asks with furrowed brows.

"Yeah. I'd never mess around with someone who'd be willing to kill me. Plus, I'm too cute to kill. I mean, look at me. I'm fucking adorable." Elena bats her eyelashes causing Elijah to smile and turn back to the road.

After arriving at the boarding house Elijah grabs Elena's hand, stopping her from exiting the car.

"Do I ever wake my siblings?" He asks with a thoughtful expression.

"Yep. I have a plan for that too." Elena tells him as they exit the vehicle.

"Honey, I'm home!" Elena hollers walking into the house with an amused original following her.

As they walk into the living room Elijah clocks the Salvatores both looking her over, most likely checking for injuries.

He makes a note of this, knowing his brother won't be happy that his doppelganger as a two guard dogs.

"Can we have pizza for dinner?" Elena asks Damon flopping down on the couch and putting her feet in his lap.

"Ask your mother." Damon says not looking up from his book, Elena turns to Stefan with a hopeful expression.

"Sure." Stefan says with an amused smile pulling out his phone to place the order.

"Have a seat, E man." Elena says gesturing to the chair next to her.

"Earlier you mentioned you have a plan, may I ask what exactly you're going to offer my brother in exchange for your life?" Elijah asks making himself comfortable in the chair.

"You can ask, doesn't mean I'm gonna tell." Elena sasses playful, squeaking when Damon pinches her leg.

"What? I'm just kidding." She defends rubbing her leg and glaring at the elder Salvatore.

"He could still kill us." Damon halfheartedly reminds not truly believing it, remembering the fond look Elijah continues to send Elena.

"If they tried hard enough, anyone could kill us." Elena's phone buzzes interrupting her train of thought.

"It's Enzo. He said, that Slater said, that he gave Rose my number. Right. I totally forgot." Elena says as Damon's head snaps to her.

"Enzo? You're in contact with Enzo? Since when?" He asks.

"Did I not tell you that?" Elena asks with confusion.

"Uh, no. You did not." He responds with an eye roll.

"My bad. He agreed to come with us on our Mexican road trip. Wanna come?" Elena asks turning to the original.

As he just stares at her in confusion with a slightly open mouth she continues,

"Right. Sacrifice first. Authentic tacos later." She reminds herself with a nod.

"You asked about 'Operation Red Riding Hood?" Elena asks making Damon snort.

"Seriously? Bit on the nose." Damon making Elena smile.

"The big nose?" She asks cheekily making him rolls his eyes again.

"Is his commentary absolutely necessary?" Elijah asks already disliking the elder Salvatore.

"Yeah, Ocean eyes. Shut your trap." Elena squeals as he pinches her again.

"Alright, so you know that to break the curse Klaus has to drain the doppelganger until the point of her death, then he'll unlock his wolf side?" Elijah nods.

"Well, the process for making hybrids is to feed them Klaus's blood, kill them, then when they wake, transition using doppelblood. But if he kills me, no doppelblood for him. It's a truly fucked up loophole. Hey, maybe you got that from your mom." Elena muses as Elijah sits there stunned.

"So, had he killed Katerina, he wouldn't have been able to make hybrids?" Elijah asks rhetorically.

"And seeing as why the only reason he wants to be hybrid is to make more of him, he probably wouldn't have been a very happy puppy."

"Niklaus might accept this, but the rarest key to breaking the curse, disappeared with Katerina 500 years ago." Elijah says making Elena smirk.

"Oh, you mean the moonstone? I already have it." Elena tells him making him raise a brow.

"How thorough is this plan of yours?" He asks with an impressed expression.

"Let's see, I have the moonstone, the doppelganger, vampire blood to turn someone, a lovely sacrifice site, and my wolf should be here in 2-3 business days." Elena ends with a proud smile.

"That's very well thought out, Elena." Elijah compliments making her smile.

"Thank's, Eli. I've also had my blood bagged like 4 times a years since I was ten. And happen to know the location of one, 'Mikael the Destroyer'." She says making Elijah stiffen.

"Does he know about you? If he does we need to leave. He will kill you to spite Klaus." Elijah says as Elena shakes her head.

"No. Well, technically he does but, like 15 years ago he found me and a witch desiccated him to protect me. He currently resides in a cemetery in Charlotte. If you don't mind, could you compel some people to look for him?" She asks as he nods..

"Also, remember he only drinks from vampires, so probably send humans." Elena reminds.

The door bell rings making Damon hand Elena his wallet as she stand to get the pizza.

Elijah notices Damon staring after Elena concerned, as she walks away.

"Is she aware that once my brother knows about her and her blood she will never be free of him?" Elijah asks sadly, thinking of the girls now nonexistent future.

"Knowing Ellie, she probably doesn't even care as long as her friends and family are okay." Damon says with a frown and sighs.

"You don't have to call your brother. Ellie said she already took care of all the ways Klaus could find out about her. All you have to do is not make that call." Damon tells him as Elijah furrows his brows.

"But you will. Noble, my ass." Damon scoffs, standing and walking out the room.

"Hey, you hungry?" Elena asks sweetly making Elijah's chest tighten with guilt.

"Yes." He answers, taking note of her hopeful expression.

Elena sets the table and pulls out Elijah's chair for him, making his lips twitch.

After sitting down Elena slides him a wine glass of blood.

"Thank you." He says with an amused smile

Right before he's about to take a sip Elena places a pink silly straw in his glass, Elijah makes eye contact before sighing heavily, rubbing the corners of his eyes.

Stefan laughs quietly as Elena continues to smile innocently at Elijah.

"Not a problem, Eli." She responds making him smile.

"Is that why you made me buy those straws?" Stefan asks he with an amused smile.

"No, I asks you to buy them because they're awesome." She says using her own straw to sip her drink.

"Did you know Klaus is in New York?" Elena asks Elijah after a moment silence.

"No, but that isn't surprise. He does enjoy the art in large cities." Elijah responds.

"We went on Halloween and bumped into him in a club." Elena tells him making his eyes widen.

"I was in costume and ran before he realized it was me. We're like that hot maid and the guy with face blindness." Elena says with a sigh as they all look to her confused.

Stefan's eyes go wide. "Oh my god. Are you talking about Cinderella and Prince Charming?" Elena snaps her fingers and points at him.

"Yeah them!" She exclaims as the vampires shake their heads, smiling.

"I wouldn't mention meeting him if I were you. He won't take kindly to you slipping through his fingers." Elijah warns a smirk Elena.

"I know. He's gonna be so mad." She giggles thinking of his reaction.

"Do you visit New York often?" Elijah asks curious if his brother is already aware of the doppelganger.

"Sometimes. My bio dad is a hunter and trained me. There's a safe house for active hunters in New York. It also doubles as a training facility." Elena tells him surprising the brothers.

"You never mentioned that." Damon says.

"It never came up." Elena shrugs.

"Do you hunt with him?" Elijah asks curiously.

"I have before. It's not really my thing. I mean, the adrenaline is awesome and I love kicking ass, but I'm pretty lazy by nature. And I can't really justify traveling around the county and staying in motels when I could be home, eating junk food and playing video games with my brother." Elena shrugs as Elijah smiles at her with a wistful expression.

"What?" Elena asks with a laugh.

"Forgive me, it's just, you remind me of my younger brother, Kol." Elijah says making Elena smile wide.

"E man, you have no idea what a compliment that is. He is so awesome!" Elena exclaims bouncing in her seat.

"He'd be glad to know you think so." Elijah replies.

"Speaking of your delightfully psychotic siblings. Do you have a way to contact Klaus?" She asks making him nod.

"Cool. If I were you this is what I'd say, Niklaus-" Elena imitates his accent and tone making the brother stifle a laugh and Elijah look at her unimpressed.

"You are ruthless and cold hearted as they come, but I never for a second doubted your love for our siblings. I know you only daggered them to protect them from father. I have present for you." Elena finishes with a shrug.

"Or something along those lines. Just be careful with your wording because he will dagger you if given the opportunity." She warns.

As Elijah prepares to leave he turns to Elena with a regretful expression.

"Elena if I contact my brother, you will never be free. You won't ever get to live a normal life." Elijah tells her making her smile at him.

"Eli, I've been planning this for a very long time. I've always known my life would be tied to him. And believe it or not, I actually want to help him reclaim his true self." She says with a wink.

"Just, maybe don't tell him about my whole fortune teller thing. He's already insanely paranoid. I don't need him killing my friends to send a message." She tells him before kissing his cheek.

"I won't. It was nice to meet you, Elena. After so many years on this planet people rarely surprise me. You are a very notable exception." He tells her honestly before leaving.

He could have at least called, is all I'm saying." Elena says as Stefan carries her on his back to their shared history class.

"I feel like, the guy who's planning to sacrifice you not calling is probably a good thing." Stefan replies as they enter the classroom.

"No. He's definitely scheming. It's so weird not being in the loop. I'm so used to pulling all the strings. But with him, anything could happen." Elena says as he sets her down.

"I'm sorry. That must be hard." He comforts sympathetically.

"Are you kidding? This is awesome! Anything could happen. He could just pop up and take me. I'm always on edge. I love it!" She exclaims with a laugh as Stefan shakes his head with a smile.

"Right. I forgot how insane you are." He says taking a seat.

"Words hurt, Stef." She scolds making him smile at her.

"Alright, Class. In honor of the decade dance, today we are going over the highlights of the 50's." Alaric says as the last student's take their seats.

Elena's eyes narrow slightly at Alaric. Last she saw him, he was drowning his many sorrows at the Mystic grill and hadn't bothered to show up to class on time, certainly wasn't putting together lesson plans.

As though feeling Elena's gaze, Alaric turns his head, meeting her eyes.

She smiles brightly and waves as he let's out an almost unnoticeable breath, almost.

With an expressionless face, Elena stands up and walks out of the classroom.

Moments later, the fire alarm rings throughout the school.

Alaric and Stefan are the last ones out the door as the students hurry out of the classroom.

As they step out of the room, they see Elena leaning against the wall next to the doorway and as they walk towards her she grabs both their arms pulling them back into the class.

"The hell are you doing, Klaus?" Elena asks angrily as Stefan's eyes widen and the now revealed, Alariklaus's face contorts with surprise before schooling his features into a smirk that looked wrong on the teacher.

"Very good, Love." He mocks as Elena face scrunches in disgust.

"Ugh, gross. Don't use pet names in his body, it doesn't work." She says as Stefan stands there, still shocked.

"Very well. How'd you know it was me?" Alariklaus asks smugly leaning on the desk next to him.

"What the hell is going on, El?" Stefan asks looking between the two.

"I know everything." She answers in reflex, ignoring Stefan before shaking her head.

"No. We are not having this conversation. Go home, call your witch, and get out of my history teacher. Once you've done that, send him to the boarding house with a nice bottle of bourbon." She demands as Stefan waves his hands in front of her face.

"Seriously, El. What is happening?" Stefan asks only to be ignored again.

"I think you may be confused, sweetheart. I'm in charge here." His smirk turns into a glare as she groans again.

"What did I just say? No pet names." She says taking out her phone.

"Hello." A familiar voice plays through Elena's phone shocking Alariklaus.

"Tell your brother to get out of my teacher before I kick his ass." Elena says earning a sigh from Elijah.

"Niklaus, please remove yourself from the girl's teacher. We will speak about this later. Elena, I am very sorry for his behavior." Elijah apologizes making his brothers jaw drop in disbelief.

"It's all good, Eli. He isn't house trained. I get it." She says earning a light chuckle from the older Mikaelson and a growl from the younger.

"Perhaps we should meet. I'll send you my address." Elijah says.

"Sure thing, I felt like ditching anyway." Elena says with a laugh as she hangs up the phone.

"You heard him. Go home." She says as Stefan places himself in front of her.

"El, what is happening?" He practically yells.

"Chill, man. Klaus is possessing Alaric. I thought that was pretty obvious." She says making him throw his hand up in frustration.

"Why do you have my brother's number?" Alariklaus asks angrily.

"Because we're plotting to kill you." She deadpans causing him glare at her.

"I'm gonna go meet Elijah. Will you cover for me and can I borrow your car?" She asks as he nods pulling out his keys and handling them to her.

"Please be careful." He says hugging her.

"When am I not careful?" She asks making him scoff and hold up his hand.

"When you told me and Damon the truth, your meeting with Elijah, the entire Enzo operation, and just this morning, you put your hands over my eyes as I drove." He list off holding his fingers up ignoring the confused look being sent to him by Alariklaus.

"Ok, so sometimes I'm less than careful." She concedes kissing him on the cheek as she walks towards the door.

"Elijah's not going to hurt me and I promise to wear a seat belt. I love you." She says as she leaves the two men standing awkwardly next to each other.

"So uh, Klaus, huh?" Stefan tries to make conversation before shaking his head leaving the room.

"Hello, Elena. Please come in." Elijah greets as Elena enters the apartment.

"Sup, Eli. Nice digs." She says looking around as he smiles fondly at her.

"Again, I must apologize for my brother." Elijah says as Elena pats his arm.

"He's not your responsibility. Plus he didn't really do anything other than annoy me. And probably scar Ric for life." Elena muses.

"I wish that were true." Elijah says contemplating Elena's words.

"He's a big boy, E man. Now, what happened and why did he feel the need to spy on me?" Elena asks throwing herself down on his couch.

"I merely informed him of the doppelganger's whereabouts and proposed a truce between the two of us. When he didn't respond immediately I didn't think he would go behind my back to find you. Though, I'm not surprised. My brother remains as paranoid as ever. I fear he may never trust me." Elijah says with a sigh as he makes two drinks and hands one to her.

"Yeah, that's one tough nut to bust." She says as she pats his hand sympathetically.

At Elijah's utterly appalled expression, Elena believes this second life is heaven after all.

As Elijah continues to stare at Elena as though he's questioning if she's even real, she continues,

"So, wait. He didn't know we were in contact? That's why he looked shocked when you answered the phone? That's hilarious." Elena says with a laugh.

"We may have made him more suspicious." Elijah says.

"Yeah, probably didn't help that I said we were plotting his death." Elena says with a grimace as Elijah's eyes widen.

"Certainly not." He says with a nod as Elena's phone dings.

"It's Damon. He said Alaric just showed up at the boarding house." Elena relays the message.

"You should probably send Klaus this address, we need to have a chat." Elena tells him making him pull out his phone.

"Brother." Klaus greets with a smirk as Elijah opens the door.

"Niklaus." Elijah nods as Elena stands from the couch.

"Doppelganger." Klaus affectionately greets Elena with a glare.

"Prick." She greets with a smile as Elijah sighs.

"Perhaps antagonizing him isn't the smartest move." Elijah says as he moves to sit next to Elena.

"But it's just so cute the way he huffs and puffs." Elena whines with a smirk.

"Enough. Tell me how long have you two been conspiring against me." Klaus demands as Elijah and Elena look to each and rolls their eyes.

"what ever do you mean, Nik?" Elena asks as he glares and takes a step forward.

"Okay. We're not at the nickname stage yet. I totally understand. We'll get there." She says holding up her hands.

"Why don't we start over? Hi, I'm Ellie, future human sacrifice." She holds out her hand causing him to shake it with narrowed eyes.

"And you're Niklaus Mikealson, all around super scary dude and total smoke show." She says with a wink.

"Why don't you have a seat so we can discuss how I'm the answer to all your prayers." Elena says gesturing to the chair next to her leaning into the couch with a smug look as Elijah tries to smother a smile at his brother incredulous expression.

"How long have you known about her?" Klaus asks Elijah after taking a seat.

"Since the day before I contacted you." Elijah answers honestly as Elena nods.

"How did you find her?"

"She found me." Elijah responds as Klaus raises his eyebrows.

"Did she? Now, tell me sweetheart, what do you know about the sacrifice?" Klaus tries to compel Elena. She rolls her eyes.

"No need to compel me." She says as his eyes scan her for vervain jewelry.

"I'll tell you whatever you want. But first, Elijah." Elena gestures with her head to Klaus making Elijah's brows furrow.

"Elijah would like to make a deal. My full cooperation for your siblings." She says surprising the brothers.

"Elena-" she cuts Elijah off.

"This is him handing me over. Do you accept?" Elena asks Klaus.

"They're daggered for a very good reason, brother. You know this." Klaus says making Elijah clench his jaw.

"That was not our decision to make." Klaus scoffs.

"You're right. It was mine. Shall I make another?" Klaus threatens causing Elena to stand in front of Klaus.

"Can you not, with the hostility? We're not conspiring against you or plotting your death. The suit just wants your family back. It doesn't have to be today. Just give your word that they won't remain daggered forever." Elena tries to reason as Klaus stands over her.

"You should fear me." He states then looks to his brother.

"Why doesn't she fear me?" He asks, angrily glaring when she giggles.

"It's hard to fear you. Your just so damn cute. I mean, look at those eyes." Elena tilts her head as she flirts.

"You're flirting with me." He says confused and turns to his brother again.

"Why is she flirting with me?" He asks.

"I find myself asking that very question." Elijah says with a rare playful smirk aimed in her direction, she sends him a smile.

"Explain." Klaus demands flashing his vampire face.

"Something was stolen from you. I wish to return it." Elena says with a shrug.

Klaus pushes Elena against the nearest wall with his hand loosely around her throat as he glares.

She'd be a filthy liar if she claimed it didn't turn her on a little.

"Tell me what you know." He snarls.

"That's a pretty long conversation, Mr. Big Bad Wolf." Elena smirks as Klaus looks to his brother.

"You told her?" He asks making Elijah shake his head trying to hide a smile at his brothers very obvious irritation.

"You are gonna tell me everything you know or I will-"

He has fantastic lips. Elena thinks as she tunes out the soon to be hybrid's threats.

I mean, does he use tinted chapstick? Did he just make out with someone? Fillers? What is his secret? She asks herself as she stares at his moving lips.

"Do I make myself clear?" Klaus asks threateningly bringing Elena back to reality.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asks distractedly.

"Do I- do I make myself clear?" He asks more confused than threatening this time.

"Oh, I wasn't paying attention. You have great lips." She compliments as the lips she's staring at turn downwards.

"Elijah, I think this human's defective." He states turning around and walking away from her.

"Believe it or not, that is not the first time someone's said that about me." Elena says as Elijah smiles at her, he most certainly believed it.

"Let's just go over key points, I know about the curse, the sacrifice, your siblings, you mother, BT dubs Elijah knows about that." She says making Klaus's eyes snap to his brother.

"How long have you known?" Klaus asks.

"It doesn't matter, Niklaus." Elijah says confusing Klaus.

"Back to me, I'm completely willing to go along with the sacrifice, no interference from any of my friends, and I'll even provide the vampire, werewolf, and the moonstone." Elena states, Klaus turns to her with disbelief and suspicion written across his face.

"Exactly why is it you wish to help me?" Klaus asks in a tone that would scare anyone else.

"You deserve to be restored to your true self. Letting you walk around only half the person you were meant to be, doesn't sit right with me. It makes my heart hurt." She admits as he remains silent.

"Or maybe I just like your dimples." She eases the tension with a flirty grin as his brows remain furrowed.

"I don't believe you." Klaus states.

"No, for real. They're adorable. I mean, you don't smile often, but when you do, that shit's cute as hell." Elena tells him and let's out an annoyed huff.

"I don't believe you're willing to hand yourself over to be killed." He says.

"Killed then resurrected." She corrects as he raises a brow.

"And who said I would allow that?"

"Your mummy." Elena smirks at the confusion on his face.

"Uggghhh." Elena groans throwing herself down on the couch with head in Elijah's lap as he looks down at her with a raised brow.

"I'm so sick of explaining all this shit." She pouts.

"As you know, To break the curse you need to drain the doppelganger of her blood to the point of her death." Klaus nods.

"Well, for your hybrids to successfully transition, they need to drink the doppelganger's blood." Elena says simply as Klaus stands up and walks to the bar.

"Meaning, you can't make hybrids without breaking the curse and you can't break the curse if you want to make hybrids." She explains.

"Right. Awfully convenient. If it's true, how do you know this?" Klaus asks trying to hide worry.

"Same way I know about the curse, your siblings, your mother, New Orleans, and that you are a fantastic artist. I know everything." She says as he furrows his brows.

"I don't follow." He admits with a smirk.

"Eli, could you?" She gestures to klaus and closes her eyes.

"It would seem that the young Ms. Gilbert here, is a seer." Elijah says making Elena snort.

"Eh, close enough." She says.

"And you just took her word for it? I mean, honestly, Elijah. You never could resist a pretty face." Klaus scolds making Elena's eyes snap to him.

"You think I'm pretty?" She asks with playful hopefulness.

"I also think you're a liar." Klaus tells her making her roll her eyes.

"I'm not lying. I was born with knowledge of the past and possible future. I knew you were coming, that's why I reached out to Elijah. I was hoping to avoid you murdering my loved ones infront of me this time." Elena says bluntly as Elijah looks to her with a sad expression.

"You didn't tell me that." He says softly as she shrugs.

"Cause it doesn't matter. That's not happening this time. I've got everything planned. The full moon is coming up and as long as you have your witches, we're golden." Elena says to Klaus.

"If you are lying to me-" Elena interrupts.

"You'll kill everyone I've ever met. Yeah, I got that." She waves him off.

"You said you have a wolf. How did you find one? They are not easy to come by." Klaus asks accidentally showing his curiosity.

"He was a gift from Katerina." Elena says as the brothers eyes snap to her.

"You're in contact with Katerina? I want her location." Klaus demands.

"Hmm, let me think. Go fuck yourself." Elena tells him, Klaus growls and takes a threatening steps forward as Elijah puts his hand up.

"Calm yourself, Niklaus." Elijah tells his volatile brother before looking down at Elena.

"Katerina betrayed me. She owes me a debt that I wish to collect. Please give me her location." He says softly and Elena sits up next to him, grabbing his hand.

"Elijah, I respect and adore you very much, but imma need you to hop off that high horse." She says in the same tone making Klaus snort and Elijah glare at him.

"She was 18 and just found out that the man she loved was planning to sacrifice her. She did what anyone would have done." She tells him honestly.

"If she had just trusted me, I would have given her the elixir." Elijah argues.

"Okay. Say you did. How long before Klaus killed her to punish you? Or out of anger for his failed hybrids?" Elena asks and turns to Klaus.

"Speaking of, if you had sacrificed her you wouldn't have been able to make hybrids anyway and nobody would have known what she looked like to find the newest doppelganger." She tells him making him scoff.

"She stole the moonstone and made me chase her for five hundred years." He says.

"What? Was she just supposed to wait patiently for you to slaughter her?" Elena asks sarcastically as he smirks.

"You are." He says without his usual malice.

"Touché." She responds with smile.

"Look, I said what I needed to say. I'm gonna go. Thank you for having me, Eli. And please don't murder anyone I care about." She says turning to Klaus.

"I make no promises." He grins like a madman.

"Oh, before I go. I have a question." Elena says.

"Will you be my date to the dance tonight?" She asks as he stares at her incredulously.

"You're kidding." He says dryly as she smiles innocently.

"Nope. How do you know I'm not plotting against you if you don't keep an eye on me?" She asks with a smirk.

"Wear something leather. And tight." She adds while her eyes trail down his body.

"Bye, 'lijah!" She shouts walking out the door, leaving to stunned originals behind her.

"Salvatores!" Elena yells as she enters the boarding house.

"Oh, hey Ric. How you doin'?" She asks noticing Damon and Alaric sitting in the couch, drinks in hand.

"Oh, you know. A 1000 year old original vampire, I'm told that's one of the first vampires to walk the earth, possessed me to spy on one of my students that happens to be my wife's biological daughter and newest doppelganger in bloodline that goes back 2000 years. So, not fantastic." He replies in a monotone as Elena grimaces.

"Wow, uh. That's rough. Damon could you-" she gestures with her head to the kitchen making him nod.

"Christ, that dude's life sucks." Damon says as Elena pulls him into the kitchen.

"Tell me about it. What should we do?" Elena asks.

"How should I know?"

"Of the two of us, you have the most experience with emotionally fragile men, you know, being one yourself." She says with a smirk as he rolls his eyes.

"Hilarious. I thought letting him in on what's going on would distract him, but he seems even worse off." Damon says looking through the doorway.

"Well, I just came to return the Stefmobile and borrow a few 50's outfits for the dance. Why don't you tell him about Katherine or something. Try to bond with him." Elena says as she pats his shoulder and leaves the room.

"We are gonna look so hot!" Caroline exclaims with an excited squeal as Elena, Bonnie, and Vicki laugh.

"Speak for yourself, I'm already hot." Elena says flipping her hair behind her shoulder.

"Hey, do you guys think it's weird we don't hangout with anyone else?" Bonnie asks distractedly.

"No. Why?" Vicki asks with a laugh.

"Sarah Fell made a comment about it." Bonnie shrugs.

"Why do you care? We hate her. She's Ellie's nemesis." Caroline says making Elena nod.

"I know. It just got me thinking. You know none of us have ever went to a dance or town function without each other." Bonnie says.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter. She's just jealous because any of her friends would ditch her for one of us." Elena says as Vicki points to her.

"Exactly. She's been crushing on Ty for years and now Stefan. She wishes she was us." She says making Bonnie nod with a smile.

"Your right."

"Speaking of Ty, he's been really angsty this week and slept over with me last night. He's really feeling the full moon." Elena says as they all frown.

"We need to cheer him up. Should I throw a party?" Caroline asks making Vicki snort.

"Do you have any other moves?" She asks with a smile.

"I know my strengths. If we need someone to get his order wrong, we'll call you." Caroline sasses back making Vicki throw a fry at her.

"Bitch!" She says through a laugh as Caroline eats the fry.

"Guys, I have an idea. This Means War." Elena says with a smirk causing them to squeal.

"Yes! Omg, yes! This Means War." Caroline says bouncing up and down as the others cheer.

You look fantastic. The 50's suit you." Stefan compliments Elena as she walks into the gym.

"I agree. But not as well as me." Damon says smugly running his hands over his own chest.

"Well don't you look like a pair of dream boats." She says as her eyes trail over them.

"Dream boats?" Stefan asks with a laugh.

"I may have googled some 50's slang." Elena admits with a shrug.

"Now come on, let's rattle." She says pulling then to the dance floor.

"Ever seen someone twerk to Elvis? 'Cause you're about to." Elena says before Damon spins her with a laugh.

"You gonna tell them about Klaus?" He asks looking at the Scooby gang over her shoulder.

"I don't want them to worry." Elena says shaking her head.

"You know you're coming back, right? Then they have nothing to worry about." He tells her.

"There may be a very small chance I don't actually survive." Elena admits making him stop dancing and look to her with wide eyes.

"What? I thought you said Elijah had a potion or something."

"He does. I'm just not completely certain it will work. Look, forget I said anything. Klaus knows he needs my blood, so I'm sure he'll have his witches look into it." She assures, kicking herself for telling him.

"How'd you survive last time?" He asks with worry on his face.

"I don't wanna give you any ideas." She tells him with a slight laugh.

"You need to tell them. If there's even a slight chance you won't make it, you need to say goodbye." He tells her seriously.

"Okay. Enough with the emotions, please. You hunting wabbits now? When you'd you grow out your hero hair?" She jokes making him laugh.

"Rude!" Stefan shouts as he dances with Caroline making them crack up together.

"Sorry. I just don't wanna lose you." He tells her honestly.

"You're not. I'm sure Klaus will find a way to resurrect me if anything happens." She tells him as he spins her into Stefan.

"I thought the Elmer Fudd jokes died with the ripper?" He asks with a raised brow as she giggled.

"No way. You drank bunny blood. I will never let you live it down." She smirks as he rolls his eyes with a smile and spins her around.

"He's right though. Tell them." He says making her sigh.

"I will. Just not tonight. Tonight, I have something amazing planned." She says with a smirk when she hears someone clearing their throat.

"Mind if I cut it." Says a smug original. Stefan looks to Ellie and she nods.

"Not at all." Stefan says handing her to Klaus.

"You came." Elena says with a smile.

"Yes, well you did threaten me." He says with a dark tone making her roll her eyes.

"God! Does being a drama queen run in your family or something?" She says with a groan.

"We have been known to be rather theatrical." Klaus smirks and pulls her closer.

"As fun as this is, I much perfer the first time we dance together. Although I was high, that could be why." She ponders as he meets her eye.

"What?" He asks confused.

"Yeah, totally rolling. It was great." She says and cuts her off.

"Not the drugs. What do mean we danced to together?"

"I'm offended you don't recognize you. I was Poison Ivy. Here I was thinking you were my Prince Charming." She scoffs with a head shakes and he stills.

"I- we danced..." He trails off with a deadly look in his eye.

"You were right there!" He says loudly as she grabs his arm.

"In your defense, it was a very dark club." She tries to help as he seethes.

"If you had been anyone else, I might never have found you." He says with angry realization.

"If I was anyone else, I would have went home with you." She smirks and making him start dancing again.

"Stop dwelling on what ifs. It doesn't matter. You're here. And you're gonna break your curse. Just enjoy the win." She tells him honestly earning a small smile.

"He knows." Elena states noticing the look Klaus sends Stefan.

"About the 20's." She clarifies.

"How do you-" He cuts himself when she send him amused glance. He huffs and pulls her closer.

"I don't like that." He says making her laugh.

"No one does." She says pulling him from the dance floor.

"Come on. I want you to meet the people you are under no circumstances, allowed to hurt." She finishes as she reaches the refreshments table.

"Guys this is Klaus, Klaus this is Jenna, my aunt, Remy, my baby brother, Tyler, Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, and his sister, Vicki. And of course you know Stefan, and this is his brother, Damon." She introduces as they waves and greet him.

"Wait. Klaus. Like original vampire, Klaus?" Caroline as their eyes snap to her.

"Yup. He'll be in town a awhile for reasons I've yet to explain." She smirks when they all groan.

"He's cute." Caroline assesses with a nod as the other nod.

"Right. Look at that scruff." Jenna agrees.

"Yeah. It's gonna feel amazing against the inside of my thighs." Elena states making the others groan, laugh, or choke on their drinks as Klaus looks to her with wide eyes and dropped jaw.

"Ellie. Stop hitting on 1000 year old men." Jenna scolds as she puts her head in her hand.

"Who told you I hit on Elijah?" Elena asks looks to the Salvatores as Jenna's brows furrow.

"No one- You hit on another 1000 year old man?" She asks incredulously as the other laugh.

"Yes. But in my defense, all the originals are ridiculously attractive." Elena says holding up her hands.

"Can I have a-" Elena says gesturing to the bunch bowl making Tyler nods.

He hands her the drink and she scoffs.

"How dare you." She says in an offended tone making his eyes widen.

"This Means War." She declares seriously as a smile plays at the corner of his mouth before he narrows his eyes.

"Prepare to fall by my hand." He says loudly, storming away from a smiling Elena and three confused vampires.

"Seriously?" Matt asks with an exited smile when she nods.

"Come on." He says pulling Jeremy away from a groaning Jenna.

"That game is a danger to society." Jenna says shaking her head as Elena brings a hand to her heart.

"That hurts, Jenna. That "Game' is my baby." Elena says making her scoff.

"You broke your ankle, Jeremy broke his arm, and Bonnie fell out of a tree!" She says earning surprised faces from the brothers who look at the small girl.

"No one made her climb that tree. She was playing to win." Elena defends, high fiving the witch.

"Fine. But, no drinking. You guys are way too irresponsible at it is." Jenna says making Elena nod.

"Fine." She agrees as Jenna narrows her eyes.

"Or drugs." She says sternly as Elena's smirk fall.

"You're really killing this guardian thing, Jen." Elena says honestly making Jenna smile with glistening eyes.

"I'll be right back." Elena says before walking to the music both and requesting a song.

Elena runs back to the table and pulls Klaus to the dance floor before Elvis Presley's 'Hound Dog' plays through the gymnasium.

"You ain't nothing but a hound dog

Crying all the time

You ain't nothing but a hound dog

Crying all the time

Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit

And you ain't no friend of mine."

Elena sings as she spins around an unamused Klaus.

"Oh, come on. That was funny." She says with a smile as he shakes his head.

"No it wasn't." He denies as she nods her head.

"Yes it was. You can admit it. I'm growing on you." Elena says matter of factly.

"What is this game your aunt is talking about?" He changes the subject.

"Whenever one of us is feeling down we go out on the Lockwood property and shoot each other with Nerf guns. We used to play with water guns but Care Bear joined the green club and made us switch to conserve water." Elena says making him raise a brow.

"What? That's it? How did you get injured?" He asks.

"We- well, you see- sometimes, like we- um" she stutters out.

"We get pretty into it." She says with a nonchalant shrug.

"Arm yourselves and remember that tonight, there is no family and there is no love! Be prepared to betray those who trust you and prepare to be betrayed! Tonight, is every man for themselves! This is war!" Elena declares with a loud yell before dropping her serious face.

"I just said that for the game. I love you guys more than life itself." She says sweetly making the others laugh before resuming her battle face.

"I'm so confused. Ellie, what the hell is going on?" Damon asks for the third time since being dragged out into the woods.

"Did you not hear my speech? War, Damon. That's what's going on. Now, pick your weapon, you have five minutes to get in position. Remember that this treehouse is Switzerland and when this air horn goes off, the game has begun. You're allowed to team up, but last one standing wins." She explains making the Salvatores grin.

"Why am I not surprised you invented this?" Stefan asks rhetorically.

"Because I'm awesome-" Tyler cuts her off.

"She didn't invent this. Suzanne Collins invented it." He sends her a teasing smile as she rolls her eyes.

"Yes, I may have used the Hunger Games as inspiration, but the execution is all me. Now, go get your weapons and hide." She tells them before turning to a bored looking Klaus.

"Why am I here?" He asks her as she straps on her gun holsters.

"I wanted to win and you have super hearing. The view's just an added bonus." She says winking at him and loading her real weapon holsters with fake plastic guns.

"This is ridiculous. I'm a thousand years old. I'm not playing this game with you." He says making her groan.

"Ugh, why are you being so lame? Look, if you stay, I'll answer any questions you have, okay?" She asks as he narrows his eyes.

"Fine." He reluctantly agrees.

"Good, come along." She says pulling his arm as she walks though the woods.

"Why is your aunt your guardian?" He asks as she looks between the trees, trying to find the right one to hide behind.

"Dead parents. Shouldn't you know that? How long have you been stalking me?" She asks.

"Not long. I may have been little over enthusiastic and jumped into your teacher before doing any real research." He admits making her snort.

"You know, that happened last time. Why did you use him? Last time it was because he was apart of the Scooby gang and had his own place." Elena says.

"My witches over heard him talking to someone about being new in town and they found out he's a teacher. I thought I would go unnoticed." He shrugs.

"Well considering he only came into town to kill Damon, we've been keeping a pretty close eye on him." Elena says as he looks to her confused.

"Why-" She cuts him off.

"He witnessed Damon draining his wife."


"Who happens to be my birth mother."


"But then we explained to Ric that Damon fed her his blood before killing her, by her request." She finishes with a nod.

"Wow, that is-" she interrupts again.

"A whole lot of uncomfortable coincidence? I agree." She says as he nods.

"Which one of your friends is feeling down?" He asks.

"Hold that thought." Elena says before blowing the extremely loud air horn.

"Alright. Listen for any foot steps. And Ty. He's an untriggered wolf and the full moon always messes with him." She explained as a thoughtful look crosses his face.

"No. Absolutely not. If Ty, someday, wants to trigger it and become a hybrid that will be his choice. You leave him alone." She says sternly to a smirking Klaus.

"Wipe that stupid hot look off your face. Ty is too young to decide something like this. Plus his parents are head of the vampire council in this town, the last thing he needs is to be invited into his own home."

"Fine. Consider the subject dropped. Someone is walking towards us at 6 o'clock." He warns before she dives behind the neighboring tree and fires her gun, hitting who ever was coming towards them.

"Dammit! Every time!" Jeremy shouts as Elena stands up, laughing at him.

"Sorry, Rem. Every man for themselves. Even if you are too adorable to shoot." She says pinching his cheeks as he swipes her hands away.

"How is it always you that gets me?" He asks frustrated.

"Because you always seek me out. No go to the treehouse and play some video games, this could take awhile." She says patting his face and turning around as he mutters about stupid games and walks away.

"You have a history of shooting your brother?" He asks with a raised brow.

"Well, it's not a dagger but it gets the job done." She says with a smirk, blowing on her gun as he glares.

"Who did I kill last time?" He asks making her stiffen.

"Jenna." She answers shortly before continuing.

"Then you made Stef kill a bunch of people, then you turned Tyler, then you almost had Rem killed, but Alaric took his place. After that it was kinda a constant stream of threatening and blood-napping." She says making him stop walking next to her.

"Well, as long as you cooperate none of that will happen." He says causing her to snort.

"OG Elena did cooperate. It was her love stick guard dogs that fucked everything up." Elena says before walking forward.

"Should I be worried about Stefan then?" He asks making her turn to him with a puzzled expression.

"What?" She asks.

"Your boyfriend. Will he get in the way of our plans? Because if he does, I can't guarantee he will survive." Klaus says darkly before she laughs.

"Stefan is not my boyfriend." Corrects with an eye roll.

"Forgive me for my assumption, you did kiss him and say I love you this morning."

"On the cheek and I do love him, just not like that. You don't have to worry about any boy toys coming to my rescue." Elena says.

"So, you're unattached?" He asks with a raised brow as she turns to him suspiciously.

"Are you hitting in me? Because I should warn you, I only want you for your body." She states as he huffs.

"No, I'm not hitting on you. I'm just curious if you have any plans to continue the Petrova line." He says making her stop again.

"Umm, I can donate my eggs." She says.

"So, no little Lockwoods running around?" He asks with a teasing smirk.

"One, gross. He's like my brother. And two, definitely no kids. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm a little crazy and also 17. My only hard plans for the future involve you. So unless you plan to impregnate me. I think I'm good." She says with a smile that says 'I know something you don't know' and turning around.

"On the subject of the future, care to share mine?" He asks with suspicion.

"Not particularly." She answers without turning around, before he grabs her arm and pulls her back.

"That wasn't really a question-" she cuts him off by shoving him into a tree as a orange dart flies past where would have been. She winks as he rolls his eyes at her theatrics.

"I could have caught the thing." He says walking ahead of her.

"I just saved your life. You could at least thank me." She says teasingly.

"Thank you, Ms. Gilbert for saving be from that deadly piece of styrofoam. You're my hero." He says dryly making her giggle and grab his hand.

"You are very welcome, little lady. Try to stay out of trouble, you hear." She says in southern accent as he unlinks their hands with a glare, although she can see the corners of his mouth turn up slightly.

"See. I'm growing on you. And why shouldn't I be? I'm amazing." She says confidently.

"I suppose, I feel less inclined to murder all your friends. That could have something to do with you." He admits.

"Exactly. Amazing."

"Very confident. Though I guess walking around with all that knowledge, may do that." He ponders as she nods her head.

"Yep. It has it's perks. Though I am constantly bored." She admits before turning to him.

"But that's over now. You're here." She says excitedly bouncing on her feet.

"No one should be this excited about meeting their soon to be murder. Are you sure you're right in the head?" He ask making her laugh.

"Nope. But is anyone?" She asks as he stares at her puzzled.

After winning the game by climbing a tree and using Klaus as bait he silently drives Elena to the boarding house.

"I don't want to hurt your friends." He says after stopping the car.

"But if this is a trap or a ploy to kill me, I will not hesitate." He promises gravely as she nods.

"I know. I'm resigned to my fate Klaus. I'm actually kinda cool with it. I mean, there are way worse psychos I could be spending the rest of my life tied to. Look, you're gonna break your curse and become the most powerful being on the planet. I just want to warn you that making the hybrids won't give you what you're searching for." She tells him as he sighs.

"Elijah's gonna make me wake our family. They are gonna hate me." He admits with a shrug, trying to downplay his hurt.

"That's a real tough nut to bust." She repeats sympathetically and doesn't bother to contain her laughter as he makes the same horrified, albeit less judgmental expression.

"Oh my god, you really are brothers." She says through heavy laughter.

"I bet Kol will appreciate it more." She muses as Klaus stares at her like he has been all day, completely baffled.

"Don't worry so much, Klaus. I've got your back." Elena says leaning forward and kissing his cheek before jumping out of his car.

"And don't dagger Elijah!" She shouts as she backs away, leaving a very confused and slightly hopeful, soon to be hybrid in her wake.