
Fanfiction Dog


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Chapter 25-27

Why are we going to New York again?" Stefan asks falling on Elena's bed with a groan.

"Because, my dear Stefan, one of my best friends and your brother, who you wuv is in pain and we gotta be there for him." Elena replies in a teasing tone while laying her clothes out to pack.

"I don't see why we can't be there for him here." Stefan says helping Elena fold her clothes.

"Because he loves New York and he needs to feed from the vein, which he can't do here. This also gives us a chance to test a theory of mine."

"Which is?" He asks.

"I think if you let go of all your guilt, you'd be able to feed properly." She says making his eyes go wide.

"What? No way, El. I don't want to kill anyone." Stefan says shaking his head.

"And you won't. I'll be there every step of the way. Look, we'll get drunk, cry, and tell awesome stories, you know, bond. Then will go from there." She assures placing her hands on his shoulders.

At his scared and conflicted expression Elena continues,

"Hey, I'm not gonna force you to do anything. If we get there and you don't want to, that's completely fine. I just want you to be happy with yourself." She says with a shrug making Stefan smile and bring her into a hug.

"Blessèd All Hallows' Eve eve, my Darlings." Elena says sitting down at the outdoor table occupied by the entire Scooby Gang.

"Hey, El. Jer." Matt greets with a nod as they all say hello.

"You all packed, Ellie?" Caroline asks.

"Yep. This afternoon me and the delicious Salvatore brothers set off to the big city for wine, woman, and song." She says dreamily making the group laugh.

"How's Damon?" Bonnie asks.

"Heartbroken. But not as bad as last time, I guess." She shrugs as they nod.

"Well, tell him if he needs anything, we're here for him." Caroline says like the sweetheart that she is.

"Yes, and by anything, we mean anything." Vicki assures with a smirk emphasizing the last word making the boys groan and the girls laugh.

Elena hears a car horn and runs out the door with her bags, already having said her goodbyes.

Outside Stefan meets her and carries her bags to the car while she jumps over the door landing in the back seat.

"How you doing, Day?" Elena asks leaning over the seat as Stefan gets in the car.

"Good, actually. Better if you'd get your shoes off the leather." He says gesturing to the way she sitting.

"Sure thing. Love the car by the way, it just screams 'my dad never loved me.' " She teases sitting back and taking off her boots, making Stefan laugh and Damon bring a hand to his heart in mock betrayal.

"Must you bring up all my emotional trauma? I'm mourning a lost love, Ellie. Have some compassion." He scolds.

"I would never steal Stefan's thing." She says offended leaning forward and kissing Stefan's cheek making him smile and Damon roll his eyes.

Hopping out of Damon's car Elena looks at the hotel in awe.

"Holy shit! This place is the tits!" She exclaims making the brothers laugh as they get out of the car.

"I agree. Your Barbie done good." Damon says throwing arm around her shoulder as Stefan gets the bags.

After checking into - compelling - their room Elena falls on one of the beds with an exhausted groan.

"Alright, Salvatores. What's the game plan?" She asks sitting up as they fall down next to her.

"This was your idea, I'm just along for the ride." Damon says.

"And I'm just here to make sure he doesn't kill too many people." Stefan says pointing at Damon causing him too shrug and Elena laugh.

"Well then, since I'm in charge, let's get dress and go grab dinner." She says standing up as they nod.

"Man, I do not know how vegans do it. I mean, I respect them. But, goddamn." Elena says taking a seat at the bar reminiscing about the very rare steak she devoured.

"Ellie, I don't think I've ever seen someone so small eat so much." Damon says sitting down with the shocked face he's had since they left the restaurant.

"I figured, I'm only gonna have this body for so long, might as well enjoy it." She shrugs.

"Yes, but biologically you shouldn't have that body. You've drank at least one milkshake a day since I've met you." Damon argues as Stefan sits quietly looking around.

"It's all Amara, baby. We've got the gods to thank for our hot ass bods. Amara and Silas ate leaves and berries so we can look this good." Elena says tapping a distracted Stefan's shoulder.

"Huh?" Stefan ask when she gets his attention.

"I was just bragging about how hot we are. Where's your head at?" She ask him confused.

"Do you really think it's because of the guilt?" Stefan asks her making Damon turn to them confused.

"Definitely. Why? Do you want to to try feeding?" She asks causing Damon to choke on his drink.

"Uh, Ellie. You are aware of ripper Stefan, correct?"

"Yes, Ocean Eyes. But I think he only gets like that because of all the guilt he feels." She says.

"And? What, suddenly he doesn't feel guilty anymore?" Damon ask amusement covering his curiosity.

"Of course he does, it's Stefan. But most of his guilt comes from making you turn. And you guys worked that out, right?" She asked and they both nod with a small smile.

"So what else is there? Here." She says grabbing a napkin and the pen from the bartenders shirt pocket.

"Let's see, hooking out with Kat even though you knew Damon loved her too?" She asks them writing it down.

"Check" Damon says confirming they already made peace.

"Thinking he could trust your dad and getting her 'killed'?"

"Check." Stefan says.

"Killing your father?"


"Who cares?" Stefan and Damon says at the same time making Elena smile in amusement.

"Forcing you to complete the transition?"

"Check." Damon says looking to his brother.

"From then on it's just ripper binges. So theoretically, if you could forgive yourself for killing all those people, then your golden." She says clicking the pen and turning to him.

"How exactly do I do that?" Stefan asks making Elena turn to Damon.

"How do you do it? You've killed tons of people, even with your humanity." Elena asks.

"Like Ellie said at the diner. Top of the food chain. They're our food, Stef. You don't see her all teary eyed for the cow she just ate." He says gesturing to Elena.

"As much as I enjoy you comparing humans to livestock, I think it's different." Elena says.

"How?" Damon scoffs out.

"Humans have been conditioned to accept it. Since we were kids, we were taught that that's just what you do. If everyone in the world is doing something horrible, but don't think so, is it really so bad?" She asks never having thought about it before.

"So do that." Damon says gesturing to Elena with his glass.

"What?" Stefan asks still confused.

"Accept it. Come to terms with the fact that humans are your food. You don't feel guilty about feeding on them, you feel guilt about killing them, which makes you kill them because you feel guilty, which makes you kill some more. It's a vicious cycle." Elena says.

"Just like that?" Stefan asks disbelieving.

"No, babe. It might take more than one conversation to change your entire thinking. Let's just hang out, okay? Don't worry so much. Remember? This is the first time to act like a real modern teenager. And we modern teens like to bury all our emotions under layers of false tranquility. And booze." She finishes taking Damon's drink and draining it.

"Right here mister barkeep." She hits the bar with her hand making the bartender turn to her with a brow raised in amusement.

"9 shots of your finest bourbon. And one of your fruitiest cocktails, por favor." She says making the brothers laugh and the bartender ask for her ID.

When Damon goes to compel him she puts a hand on his should with a mischievous smirk reaching into her bag.

"Katherine Pierce? 23, huh." The bartender says turning around to get their drinks.

"Seriously?" The older Salvatore asks incredulous throwing her into a fit of giggles.

"Christ, Ellie. Who the hell taught you to drink like this?" Damon asks her through a laugh as she slams back her ninth shot.

"Dude, I've been 'drinking like this' since I was 13." She says.

"No way." Damon replies shaking his head.

"It's true! Everyone thinks raising your kids is a small town will be good, but in reality we're so bored we just start partying early."

"Seriously?" Stefan asks.

"Yep. Small town kids are wild as fuck." She says sipping her cocktail.

"Is this what we're gonna do? Drink? I mean, I'm not opposed, I just thought you'd come of with something crazy." Damon states a little spaced.

"Tomorrow's Halloween and I didn't want your emotions to get in the way of my favorite holiday so, tonight we drink, tomorrow we party." She raises her glass.

"Hear, hear!" Stefan exclaims way to loudly, in his drunken state.

"Honestly, Stef. Ellie's had more than you. Tighten up." Damon reprimands his brother in an amused tone.

"What do you think would have happened if Katherine never came to town?" Stefan asks out of the blue surprising the rest of the trio.

"I would've died on the battlefield as some nameless soldier, fighting for something I didn't even believe in." Damon punctuates by taking a shot.

"Right. You were in the confederacy. Gross." Elena says with a disgusted face.

"I didn't believe in it. I just wanted to make my dad proud."

"Still gross." She says making him shrug.

"Do you think I would've gotten married or had kids?" Stefan asks off in his own world.

"If your friend knew something that they should probably tell you, but don't want to, because it would only cause you pain. Would you want to know?" Elena asks them way less subtle than she planned, thinking about Lillian and Valerie.

"You're very clearly talking about yourself. What do you know?" Damon asks her.

"Just answer the question" she says.

"Umm, sure. Wait, no. Maybe." Stefan says making the others laugh at his drunk state.

"I want to do it!" Stefan states loudly slamming his glass down.

"On the bar?" Elena ask with a raised brow.

"He means feed, you pervert." Damon laughs out.

"Okay. Take your pick." Elena says gesturing to the bar patrons.

As Stefan stand is to find his 'prey' Elena notices Damons sorrowful expression.

"Woah. What's going on up here?" Elena asks tapping his temple lightly.

"Did she ever love me?" He asks her making her rub his back gently.

"That's wasn't rhetorical. In the other timeline did she ever explain why she did what she did?"

"Yes, but I don't think it will make you feel better."

"I know what will though." She says after a few moments of contemplation cause him to raise a brow.

"More bourbon." She says calling the bartender over.

"I'M A VAMPIRE!" A very intoxicated Stefan yelled getting the trio kicked out of the bar.

"Why did they kick us out? Is it because I'm a vampire?" Stefan asks sadly grabbing Elena's hand.

"I think so. Prejudice bastards!" Elena yells at the building making Damon laugh and pull her away.

"Come on, I know a better place." Damon says.

"Does it hurt to be around me 'cause I look like her?" Elena asks curiously.

"No, you're too different. You don't have to stay away or anything." He says hoping she won't.

"Oh, I wasn't gonna stay away. I was just wondering." She says with shrug trying to hide a smirk.

"You're an asshole." Damon says with a laugh.

"I know." Elena replies with smile.

"You know honestly, I don't even care that much. So what if she faked her death? It happens." Damon says doing a shot making Elena nod her head.

"I know! I mean sure, she was smokin' hot, dangerous, mysterious, and made you see the world differently... What was I saying?" Elena asks after spacing out.

Percy Sledges 'When a Man Loves a Woman' plays as Damon takes a swig from the bottle of bourbon he's hugging.

"Why did she do it, Ellie? I would've done anything for her." He says laying his head on Elenas shoulder.

"I know, buddy. She doesn't deserve you." Elena comforts him.

"I mean, what more could I do? I gave her my whole heart. I died for her. I let her sleep with my little brother." Damon says turning to Ellie.

"I don't have any more brothers, Ellie!" He cries out, dramatically dropping his head to the bar.

It was right about here where Ellie blacked out.

Elena wakes up in between the brothers with a painful groan.

"Oh, my god. Kill me. God, please kill me." Elena moans.

"Shut the fuck up, El." Stefans groans covering his head with a pillow.

"Whoa, little harsh there, brother." Damon mock scolds Stefan reaching for the leftover 'blood cocktail' on the side table.

"You too. I swear to god, I'll kill you." Stefan says trying to sit up.

"Am I dead? Is this hell? Why is Stefan here?" Elena mutters crying a little.

"Up and at 'em, kids." Damon says opening the hotel curtains letting the very bright sun.

"Oh, dear god! Stefan, rip is head off! Don't you love that?" Elena dives under the bed.

"I knew there was a reason I always hated you!" Stefan yells running into the bathroom and slamming the door.

"Why is he hungover?" Elena asks putting on a pair of sunglasses she found on the floor.

"Because he has the tolerance of a potato or a high school girl." Damon adds with a smirk looking her over.

"Fuck you, Damon. I was fine 'till you grabbed the tequila. Who the hell mixes tequila and bourbon?"

"Here, this will help." He says handing her a glass of bourbon.

"Mix a little of that vamp juice in there and will talk." She says and he bites his hand letting some blood drip into the glass.

"Also, Stefan's not just hungover on alcohol, but blood. Our little boy's finally a man." Damon says throwing an arm over her shoulder.

"They grow up so fast." Elena plays along with a sigh feeling a lot better.

"Is that my blood?" Elena asks noticing his drink.

"Yep." He shrugs as Elena checks herself over.

"Why do I have a cut on my elbow?" She asks lifting her arm to look at it.

"Because you said if you squeeze your arm like this your 'juice' would come out faster." He says squeezing her arm together.

"Huh. Did it work?" She asks staring at her elbow curiously.

"I mean, kinda." He lifts his glass with an impressed expression.

"Let's do a group costume!" Stefan exclaims running around the Halloween shop like a hyperactive 10 year old.

"Sure thing, I just need to find a costume with a mask." Elena says with an amused smile at the younger Salvatore's antics.

Perusing the isles of costumes Elena turns to Damon with a smile and tilts her head towards Stefan, who's currently bouncing on the balls of his feet, waiting patiently for Elena to look around.

"I thought he'd calm down after eating breakfast but he seems to have gotten worse." She says making Damon nod his head in agreement.

"When do you think he'll come down?" She asks.

"I have not clue. This is the first time I've seen him feed without going all 'Rahh Grrrr.' It's honestly kinda weird." Damon adds after imitating a growl with his hands in claws.

"Let's just go with it, I guess." Elena shrugs turning back to the costumes.

"I fed, you guys! I fed, without ripping someone's head off and I didn't feel the need to kill anyone this morning, besides Damon. But that's normal. I don't have to eat dear anymore. I hate dear." Stefan rambles making Elena and Damon look at each other with a smirk.

"And we are so proud of you! But if you do rip someone's head off, we wont hold it against you." Elena says making Stefan lift her into a hug and spin.

"I know! Which is why I didn't kill anyone. There was no pressure, and it felt amazing!" He exclaims setting down a laughing Ellie.

"This could be good. Oh look, Catwoman and Poison Ivy both have masks." Elena says as they walk into the superhero isle.

"Oh this is perfect! I'll be Ivy and you guys be Batman and Robin." She says trying to keep a straight face at Damon'd disbelieving expression.

"I call Batman!" Stefan yells grabbing the black costume.

"No way in hell am I dressing in tights. Especially not red ones." Damon says snatching the costume out her hands and throwing it back on the rack.

"Okay, well it's either Robin or Bane. Your choice." She says holding up the two costumes.

"Fine. Bane it is. Why are you Poison Ivy instead of Catwoman or Supergirl?" Damon asks.

"Because Catwoman isn't nearly evil enough and Supergirl is not my style." She says holding up the red skirt.

"Plus Poison Ivy is totally hot and she banged Harley Quinn." Elena adds after a moment.

"True." Damon agreed.

"Why do you need a mask?" Stefan asks.

"This face is a hot commodity, Stef. And New York used to be Kitty Kat's stopping ground. That chick has tons of enemies of the attack first ask questions never variety." Elena shrugs.

"Why didn't you say anything before? Wait. Do you know where she is right now?" Damon asks.

"Because I like my heart where it is, thank you very much." She replies causing Damon to scoff.

"I would never hurt you." He rolls his eyes.

"This Damon wouldn't, but the emotionless, Katherine obsessed Damon from a few months ago would have."

"I wouldn't have and stop avoiding the question. Do you know where she is?"

"Yes, but I'm not gonna tell you." She says sternly.

"Why not?" He asks childishly.

"Because you're over it. That's what last night was about." She says like it's obvious.

"Fine." He concedes.

"We look awesome." Elena says after applying the last of her green makeup.

"I'm Batman." Stefan says in a gravelly tone flapping his cape making Damon roll his eyes.

"You merely adopted the dark, I was born- you get it." Damon gives up on the impression making Elena laugh.

"Alright, I'm ready. let's go." she says grabbing her bag.

The music drums through the warehouse filled with costumed bodies.

"God, I love this city." Elena says with a smirk adjusting her green masks, as they walk into the club.

"This is alright, but nothing will beat a 80's mosh pit." Damon says putting his arm around Ellie walking her to the bar.

"6 shots of vodka, please." Elena says, the bartender nods and turns around.

The bartender brings the shots and they take 2 each.

"Come on, let's dance." Elena says dragging them to the dance floor.

Elena is lost in the music when the pretty girl in a nurses costume she's dancing with turns her around.

"Feel like rolling down the hill? She asks while holding up a small baggy with jack-o-lantern shaped tablets.

"Only if your administering." Elena flirts making the girl grin and open her mouth, placing a tablet on her tongue.

Elena smirks and brings her into a kiss, transferring the pill to her own mouth.

Walking towards the bar Elena finds the brothers and pulls them into a hug.

"Hi guys." She says softly, rubbing Stefan's arm making him raise a brow.

"Hi, you good Ellie?" Damon asks in an amused tone causing her to release a relaxed breath.

"I don't think I have ever felt better." She says holding up the same small plastic baggy.

"What is that?" Stefan asks.

"Molly." Elena says a little to loudly.

"Where'd you get it?" Damon asks with a laugh, shaking his head.

"From the slutty nurse." Elena points in the girl's general direction.

"Why'd she give them to you?" Stefan asks confused, taking the bag from her hand.

"I don't finger bang and tell." Elena mock whispers earning a snort and a laugh from Damon.

"You gonna take it or not?" She asks Stefan who's looking at the pill curiously.

"It won't make me do anything crazy right?"

"No, it's basically just artificial serotonin." Elena shrugs.

"Don't mind if I do." Damon says with a smirk, taking a pill from Stefan and swallowing it.

"Alright, but if anything happens, you can't hold it against me." Stefan says taking the pill.

Dancing between two people, Elena reaches behind her and runs her hand through the short hair of the person behind her. While the girl in front of her runs her hand along Elena's neck.

As the girl is pulled away, Elena hears a very familiar voice.

"You're quite the dancer, love. Care to join me for a drink?" An amused Klaus Mikaelson says from behind her making Elena's breathing halt.

Whelp. There goes that high.

"Totally, but I've got to go to the restroom first." Elena says deepening her voice and all but sprinting away from him.

Elena power walks through the club looking for the brothers muttering under her breath.

"Shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit."

Elena spots Damon and runs over to him and claps her hands in front of his, and the girl he's attached to's face.

"Code red, Damon. Code mothafucking red!" She whisper shouts.

Damon apologizes to the girl as Elena drags him away, looking for Stefan.

"Hey, guys!" Stefan greets pleasantly with blood on his mouth, pulling away from the neck of a guy dressed like a vampire.

"Isn't his costume rude? I think it's rude. I don't look like that." He sneers at the compelled or intoxicated man.

"Stef, no time. We gotta go." Elena says pulling him away.

"It's derogatory, is all I'm saying." Stefan defends.

"Ellie, what's wrong?" Damon asks noticing the way she keeps looking over her shoulder.

Suddenly, Elena's eyes go wide when she spots the costumeless, soon to be hybrid and pushes the brothers into a hidden corner.

"El, what are-" Elena cuts him off.

"Stefan, I swear to god if you don't shut the fuck up, I will shove a bouquet of vervain so far up your ass it'll give you a sore throat!" The brothers eyes widen at the very graphic and very serious description.

Elena peeks around the corner and releases a breath.

"Okay, let's go." She pulls them out of the club.

Once Elena found a diner she plopped down in a booth with a groan and dropped her head on the table.

"Ugh, this sucks." She said with her head still face down.

"You gonna tell us what happened now?" Damon asks gently lift her head.

"You remember how I said this face is a hot commodity? Yeah? Well I just grinded on the reason why." She says with another groan, hitting the table with her head.

"I'll get the milkshakes." Stefan says with a sigh standing up and walking to the counter.

"And fries, please." Elena mumbles making the brothers smile at each other.

After Stefan walks back with the milkshakes Elena grabs one and immediately drink half.

"Aright, start from the beginning." Stefan says.

"Okay, 2000 years ago-" Damon interrupts.

"Maybe not that far back." He says with a grimace making her smile.

"Who was it you saw in the club?" He asks.

"Klaus Mikaelson."

"And who's he?" Stefan asks.

"The original hybrid."

"What now?" Damon asks confused

"Okay, you know the myth about the original vampires, the first vampires to ever walk the earth?" She asks making them nod.

"Well he's the fourth oldest."

"You said hybrid." Stefan says.

"You're not gonna understand unless I tell you the whole story."

"Okay. Start with him." Damon says.

"1000 years ago-" Damon interrupts again.

"Oh my god." He mutters making Elena roll her eyes at him.

"There was this Viking family who lost a child so they moved from Europe to, what is now, Mystic Falls. They then had a bunch more kids, then the youngest died, so the mother, who's a witch by the way, turned her kids and husband into the first vampires. But when they woke up they were hella blood thirsty and drained a bunch'a bitches. When the middle child, which does not surprise me, killed a someone, his bones started breaking and his eyes turned yellow. Spoiler alert! Mumsies was a huge hoe, and had, had and affair with one of the local werewolves, yes werewolves exist. Surprise! Anyway, thus the original hybrid! The witch bitch cursed her own kid and locked away his wolf using doppelblood. So Niklaus, his full name, has been looking for doppelgängers for a 1000 years. He caught one about 500 under years ago but she got away. Yes, your looks of realization are necessary. He's the reason Katherine, who used to be Katerina, faked her death in 1864." Elena takes a deep breath as the Salvatores process what she just told them.

"Sorry if I was all over the place, I'm still pretty loaded." She says slurping her milkshake.

"Okay, so because we are magical beings we can be used in spells?" Stefan asks making Elena nod her head.

"You stored your blood for him, doesn't that mean you're planning on meeting him anyway? Why'd you run?" Damon asks.

"Excellent question, Ocean Eyes. I have a plan. Bumping into him on the dance floor of a trashy warehouse party in New York on Halloween, is not in that plan. I still need Rose and Trevor to contact Eli, then convince him to give up his revenge plan, then I need to set a wolf trap, then we can contact klaus. I can't risk anything. As much as I adore him, he will kill you all the minute he thinks I'm playing him." She explains.

"He sounds delightful." Damon says sarcastically.

"Stefan thought so. They were in love in the 20's." Elena says causing Stefan to choke on his milkshake.

"What? I don't even know him." He says.

"Kidding. God, I wish. You were banging his sister. Klaus compelled you to forget them so papa OG wouldn't kill you." Elena says.

"What do you mean compelled?" Damon asks.

"Originals can compel other vampires, which means you need to start drinking vervain. You'll also build up a tolerance, just in case someone tries to hurt you." She tells them.

"But, the real question we need to be asking is if Klaus knows it was me." Elena says with a thoughtful expression.

"Because if he knew I was a doppelgänger, he could have been playing the long game. And he if didn't notice, he's the world worst super villain. Either way, we need to get the hell out of this city." She says.

"I doubt he knows, he wouldn't have let you out of his sight, right?" Damon asks.

"I guess. Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that if he didn't know it was me, he definitely wanted to fuck me. Or drain me. Honestly, I'd be into either. So hot." Elena says with a sigh making the brother roll their eyes, smiling, knowing she's back to normal.

"Come on, El. Let's go home." Stefan says staying up and taking her hand.

Sitting in front of the TV playing on the Playstation Ellie got him, Stefan hears a strange sound.

Pausing the game, Stefan stands up and walks through the room.

"Damon?" He asks cautiously.

"Are you messing with me? I hate it when you do this." He mutters the last part quickly turning around when he sees something out of the corner of his eye.

"Ellie? I'm not scared." He adds taking notice of his scared tone.

Turning around, Stefan is knocked down, landing on his stomach. He quickly flips himself over and someone pounces on him, vampire visage on full display.

"Lexi?" Stefan asks confused interrupting the vampire's hissing.

"Hi." She replies with a cute smile pulling away from him.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asks surprised with a smile as she pulls him to his feet.

"How could you even asks that?" She asks as he pulls her into a hug.

"I missed you." He says into her hair.

"Happy birthday." She says after pulling away.

"So, Katherine's alive?" Lexi asks confused, remembering Stefan telling her about the vampire.

"Yep." Stefan shrugs.

"Wow. And this, Ellie, knows the future?"

"Hmm hm. Well, kind of. She knows a version of the future that would have happened if she didn't interfere." Stefan explains.

"Makes sense. Anyway, what are we doing for your birthday?" Lexi says changing the subject.

"I don't know. I think Damon is planning something. He's been sneaking off with Caroline, the resident party planner."

"That is… so weird. Damon party planning?" She asks with a confused tone.

"I know, I know. But, he's really different. He forgave me and goes out of his way to spend time with me. I feel like I got my brother back." Stefan says with a smile making her smile back at him.

"I'm really happy, you're happy. Let's just hope it lasts." She tells him cautiously.

"I'm telling you, it's different this time. He's not pushing me to hurt people or making secret plans." Stefan defends his brother, Lexi sighs.

"I'll believe when I see it." She says.

"You will. I'm glad you're here, Lex." Stefan says hugging her again.

"Well, isn't this a surprise." Damon says in a teasing tone walking into the room with Stefan and Lexi.

"Hello, Lexi." Damon greets with his usual cockiness.

"Damon." She nods.

"As much as I'd like to, I'm not gonna flatter myself and believe you're here to see me. So you must be here for Stef's big day." Damon says patting Stefan's shoulder.

"Obviously." She says stiffly.

"What's with hostility? Didn't Stefan tell you? I'm one of the good guys now." He says mockingly with a playful smile as Stefan rolls his eyes.

"He did. Congratulations on no longer being a dick… oh wait." She says making Stefan laugh.

"That hurts, Lex." He says bringing a hand to his heart.

"I just came to tell Stefan about a party Ellie's Care Bear is planning for him." Damon informs them.

"Called it!" Stefan shouts cause Lexi to raise an amused brow.

"You only have a few hours until the party, go get ready." Damon tells Stefan nodding his head towards the bathroom.

"Fine. Play nice." Stefan tells then walking out of the room.

"Is this real?" Lexi asks bluntly.

"So you're feeling it too. I always knew you were the one." Damon says sitting down next to her.

"Ugh! Gross. You know that's not what I meant. Are you really back to being Stefan's brother?"

"I was always his brother. A brother who made it their mission to make his life miserable, but a brother nonetheless." Damon says teasingly.

"Guess that's my answer, goodbye, Damon." Lexi says standing up and Damon pulls her back down.

"Okay, okay. Yes, we made up. We're doing really well. And I, uh. I wanted to apologize." Damon says startling Lexi.


"In the 70's. I was a dick. What I did wasn't cool and I'm sorry." He says honestly.

"Who the hell are you and where is Damon Salvatore?" She asks only half joking and looking at him intently.

"I know. I've gone soft. Blame Ellie. Anyway, I've got to get going. Who knew party planning could be so time consuming." Damon says with his smirk back in place, standing up.

"Thank you, Damon." Lexi says softly and he nods his head, leaving the room.

"Yo, Steffy!" Elena calls out barging into the boarding house.

"I knew there was a reason I've always called you Sexy Lexi." Elena says tilting her head checking out Lexi's legs.

Standing in only a towel, Lexi stares at who she believes to be Katherine in shock.

"Katherine?" She asks.

"Oh, I see Stef forgot to mention my doppelhood. I'm Ellie. Not Kitty Kat. You can distinguish me by my nose piercing and lack of survival instincts. It's nice to meet you." Elena tells her with a smile, holding out her hand.

"I'm sorry. You look just like her." Lexi says still staring.

"I know. Freaky right?" She asks with teasing smile.

"El!" Stefan exclaims rushing down the stairs and lifting her into a hug.

"Hello to you too, Birthday boy!" She says with a laugh, kissing both his cheeks.

"What'd you come by for?" He asks setting her down.

"Well, I came to officially invite to your B-day bash, but I found something better to do with my time." Elena says tilting her head, checking lexi out again. Stefan rolls his eyes and Lexi laughs.

"She has a boyfriend." He scolds lightly as Lexi smirks.

"What? That means I can't look?" Elena asks mock scandalized making Stefan smile at her fondly.

"Kidding. I wanted to meet her."

"Now that I've done that, I should get back to the grill before Care drags be out of here by my hair." Elena says hugging Stefan goodbye and waving to Lexi.

"Almost forgot, Happy Birthday!" She says turning around and launching herself at him knocking him to the floor.

"Ugh! This venue does nothing for my vision!" Caroline says with a frustrated groan making Elena smile.

"We're at the grill, Care. I think calling it a venue is a bit of a stretch." She says as Caroline rolls her eyes.

"Ellie, I love you. I do. But this my area of expertise. Okay? This is the first party I get to plan this semester and it needs to me memorable! I'm Caroline Forbes! I have a reputation to uphold." She rants making Elena shake her head with a laugh.

"You're completely right, Care Bear. Tell me where you need me. No more questions."

"Good. I need you to do your charm thing with the band. They don't want us to play music from my mix in between their sets. I mean, come on. Who do they think they are? They go to the same school as us." She rambles again.

"I'm all over it. Or them. Damn." Elena adds looking over the band.

"Hi. I'm, Ellie. My friend over there mentioned something about not being able to work the CD player? I'm happy to help." Elena says, walking over to them, with her doe eyes and innocent smile on full display.

"Oh, uh. It's not- we can-" the cute drummer stutters out with red cheeks.

"Oh, it's fine. I can help if you'd like." She says leaning forward a bit.

"We just thought people should focus on the live music, not some CD." The lead guitarist says with a scoff. Elena resists the urge to roll her eyes and let's out a small bell like laugh.

"Of course. I totally understand. It's just that, well this is the first time she's letting me help and I really don't want to disappoint her." Elena says softly, looking over her shoulder at Caroline who's yelling at the boys she forced to help her set up.

"I don't think it's that big of a deal. We can help you out." The singer says, lightly placing a hand on her arm. Elena glances at his hand and suppresses a grimace.

"Omg! Thank you. Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me!" She says jumping up and down and brings the musicians into a group hug.

"God, boys are so easy." Elena says after walking back to Caroline.

"I don't know how you do that. But I'm very grateful for your powers." Caroline says.

"It's all about making yourself as weak as possible. It's in their code to want to protect what they perceive to be weaker than them, I simply manipulate that instinct." Elena shrugs with a smirk.

Sitting in the living room Lexi pulls out a red case filled with blood bags.

Stabbing a straw into the bag and taking a sip she sits back with a satisfied sigh.

"Want some?" She asks noticing the way he's watching her.

"Sure." He answers with a smirk making her jaw drop.

"I was kidding. Are you serious? Did Damon make you?" She rushes out question standing up and walking towards him.

"No, Lex. Calm down. It was El. She helped me. When we went to New York a few days ago, I fed for the first time without giving into the urge to kill. I've been drinking from blood bags everyday since." He says with a smile.

"How? I've known you for well over hundred years and you've never had control when your feeding." She says confused.

"It was the guilt. Apparently, I felt so guilty for killing my dad and making Damon turn, when I fed it was the only time to stop thinking and I always gave into my primal urges. I don't do that anymore. I'm in complete control now." He explains with a smile.

"Wow. That's great. I'm so happy for you. How do you feel? I know you don't like hurting people even if you don't kill them. How are you coping?" She asks concerned.

"Damon. He told me how he's able to feed without feeling guilty." He shugs.

"I'm proud of you, Stef. I'm sorry I wasn't able to figure out the guilt thing before. Maybe you wouldn't have had so many binges." She says feeling slightly guilty.

"It wasn't, isn't your job, Lexi. But thank you for always being there for me. I just hope you never have to be there for ripper me again."

"Come on, let's get to this party, if we're late I'm pretty sure Caroline with stake us." Stefan says dragging Lexi out of the boarding house.

"Hey, guys!" Elena exclaims throwing her arms around the vampires when they arrive at the party.

"Hey, El. This is… wow." He says looking around at all the people.

"Yep." She says with a smirk.

"Happy Birthday, Stefan!" Caroline says bringing him into a hug.

"Thank you, Caroline. This is great, you did amazing." Stefan says making her smile.

"Thank you, I agree. It's some of my best work." Caroline says looking around the grill making Elena smile at the girls confidence.

"Hey, I have a surprise. Follow me." Elena says grabbing Lexi and Stefan's hands and pulling them out the door.

While leading them across the street Stefan and Lexi hear Bon Jovi and look to each other confused.

"El, what is this?" Stefan asks looking around the gazebo lit with fairy lights, in awe.

"Classic misdirect, Stef. You didn't even see it coming." She smirks.

"Why-" Elena interrupts Lexi.

"Crowds aren't really his thing. I'm sure he'd rather spend his birthday hanging with you." Elena shrugs.

"This is perfect. Thank you." Stefan whispers in her ear after pulling her into a hug.

"No sweat, Stefano. You guys have fun." She says waving at them.

"Ellie." Damon jumps out at her making her punch him.

"Ouch! What the hell?!" He says hold his nose and glaring at her.

"Dude. What is your problem? Can you not greet me like a normal person or has years of being creepy completely warped your brain?" She says shaking her hand.

"Sorry. Damn. I was just gonna tell you that the deputies are roaming around and Noah's corpse is in my trunk. Let's do this." He says grabbing her hand and dragging her into the back alley.

"Ah, fond memories associated with this alley." Elena says with a mock nostalgic sigh making Damon smile at her.

"Alright, wait here. I'm gonna get Noah." Damon says walking away from here.

"I can't believe Ellie did all this!" Lexi exclaims looking around.

"I can. She does this all the time for her friends." Stefan says with fond smile.

"Although, I'm sure she conned one of the guys into doing all the work." He shrugs making Lexi laugh.

"She seems pretty great."

"She is. She's just, crazy and weird. And so random. Lately she's been making me 'act my bio age', as she puts it. I'm on the football team and I go to keggers with cheerleaders. It's crazy. She makes me want to act like a 17 year old." He says wistfully.

"Oh my god! You're in love with her." Lexi accuses making Stefan laugh.

"No. No, Uh, it's more than that. When I'm with El I feel like I can just be me, no matter what that implies, she's immediately on board."

"Well, whatever she is to you, I'm glad you've got someone to be here for you when I'm not." She tells him not totally convinced of his lack of feelings.

"Me too." He says with a smile.

"Okay. He's staked and I put some blood on his mouth. The rest is up to you. You sure you can cry on demand?" Damon asks walking towards her.

"Totally, I'm fucking crazy. All you got to do is bite me." She says tilting her head.

"Are you sure? We could just say he was going to bite you."

"No, you wouldn't have been able to stake him without an adrenaline rush and I doubt just seeing some perv in an alley would do it. We need to sell this. The council can't find out about you guys. This will work. Now, bite me." She says jokingly.

He nods and quickly bites into her neck as painlessly as possible.

"I was right, totally hot." She says with a smirk when he pulls away.

"Oh my god! You took my neck virginity." She says teasingly making him laugh.

"Alright, start crying. I'm gonna go find a deputy."

"Aye Aye, Captain." She nods as he backs away from her.

Elena stands there for a moment getting herself worked up. She thinks of her parents, the first and second set. When that doesn't quite get her there she thinks of something that never fails to make her cry, Klaus and Elijah sacrificing themselves. That did it. Here come the water works.

In the distance she hears foot steps running towards her and start breathing heavily and sobbing loudly.

"Oh my- are you okay?" The young deputy freaks out trying to calm her down as Damon hides a smile at her over dramatic acting.

"It hurts." She mumbles as the deputy radios Sheriff Forbes.

A few minutes later Liz shows up and immediately takes Elena into her arms.

"Elena, honey, I need you to breath. Okay? Can you tell me what happened?" She asks softly.

"I- I was walking into the grill when that guy grabbed and pulled me into the alley." She hiccups. Damn. She's killing this.

"He bit me. Why would he bite me. What kind of freak bites random girls?" She asks hysterically making Damon rolls his eyes.

"Then Damon came out of nowhere and pulled him off me. That weirdo tried to bite Damon too. Why is he covered in veins? What's going on Liz?" She sniffles.

"Drugs, Elena. We have been trying to keep it quiet but there has been a lot of new drug activity in town lately." Liz looks guilty lying to the girl she's watched grow up. Good.

"We need to get you to the hospital, you could be going into shock." Liz says.

"Can Damon take me?" She sniffles again.

"I don't mind, Liz. I'd really like to make sure she gets home safe." Damon says with false sincerity.

Liz agrees and Elena leaves with Damon. In the car Elena stops crying and looks over to him. They immediately start laughing and Elena high fives him.

"God! We are evil geniuses! You make one hell of a partner in crime." Elena says bouncing in her seat.

"No, all the credit goes to you. The dry heaving was a bit much, but that was fantastic! It's been an honor, Ellie." He says making her laugh.

"We're home!" Elena calls out as her and Damon walk through the front door.

"Hey, oh my god, El! What happened to your neck?" Stefan asks after rushing over to her.

"Damon bit me. He back to his evil, cannibalistic ways." She says as the brothers roll their eyes.

"Seriously. What happened?"

"It's no big deal. We got the town council to believe the vampire problem is solved. We just had to make it look realistic. Damon gonna heal me right now." She says making Damon walk over to the bar and grab a glass.

"Mmm. See, magic." She says after drinking the blood Damon spilled into the cup and pointing to her healing wound.

"Now, presents." She says digging through her bag.

"You didn't have to get me anything." He says as she sits him down next to Lexi.

"Well, it's less of a gift for you and more of a gift for us all." She says handing a small pouch to Lexi.

"Wh- what is this?" Lexi asks not wanting to get her hopes up.

"Daylight ring. Courtesy of Bon Bon's grams." Elena shrugs.

"It's really no big dea-" Lexi cuts her off my bringing her into a bone crushing hug.

"350 years. It's been 350 years since I've stood in the sun." Lexi says disbelievingly staring at the ring.

"I don't know how to replay you, Ellie." Lexi looks away from the ring to Elena.

"Consider it a thank you for taking care of Stefan all these years. Without you, I might never have met him." Elena shrugs a bit uncomfortable with the way Lexi staring at her like she's the messiah or something.

"And we can get one for your boy toy, provided he doesn't try to set anyone on fire." Elena says smiling at her own joke.

"What?" Lexi asks confused.

"Don't worry about it. Ellie has an annoying habit or making jokes only someone who knows the future could get." Damon says.

"But if you did get it, you'd know I killed it."