
Fanfiction Dog


Pop_CornDig · Others
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Chapter 1 Pokemon

Reincarnated Into The Pokemon World by TheCourageousReader

?'s POV

"Yo! Finished doing your work?" My co-workers asked.

"It'll not be long, maybe you guys go ahead without me." I replied to them with a wave.

"Okay then, make sure to follow us up okay?" They said and went out from the office, I sighed as the door closed.

Too much paperworks, but finally I can rest if I finish these things first, directing a Pokemon game sounds really difficult but at the same time, it's fun.

"About time I finish this up." I said to myself and continued on working with papers and computer.

Few minutes after, my work is finally done, I leaned on the office chair to rest for a bit.

"Good work sir, I assume you really need a rest?" My secretary walked up and beamed me with a smile.

"Hell yes, doing this stuff is really troublesome, but I did finish the arc though." I replied to her and scratched my head.

"It'll be a challenge for you sir, I do hope we'll finish the game by next month." She said and sighed.

"I really hope so." I replied back.

"Well, time for me to go."

I stood up and then greeted my secretary goodbye, she did the same and I took the chance to walk out from the office.

I took the sidewalk and did a small sightseeing of the place, full of buildings, signal and post lights, few people walking down the streets because it's already nighttime.

"I wonder where did those two went?" I asked to myself, they said they'll just be at a restaurant near the office.

But there's a lot of restaurants here.

I mentally facepalmed myself, how did I not ask what place will they go?

I sighed and then continued to walk onwards, I was about to take the pedestrian lane, when something just-


A truck hit me! I don't know what to do! I can feel blood on my head, my sight went blurry, I can't clearly determine but I'm pretty sure they're people who's trying to help me minimize the injury.

Is this it?

Is it my time already?

What about the Pokemon game?

I still have a long way to go.

Well then.

To my fellow co-workers.














'Young man.'

What... what's with that voice? It's clearly telepathy!

'Or should I say, young trainer.'

What does it mean young trainer? I'm just a co-worker.

'About time you step foot into another world.'

What does he mean by that? Who is he? What does he mean step foot in another world?

'Your career will change, step foot into the world of Pokemon, disaster will prevail soon.'

Pokemon? Is this real? But wait, if the world I will step foot will be the Pokemon world, then that mean this telepathic voice comes from-

'Move, young trainer, you know what to do, or do what you want.'

'No one knows you, do whatever you want to do, not until the disaster comes.'

No wai-!

















What's with that squawk? It's familiar.

I opened my eyes, ahead of my are leaves from trees swaying, a rather cool air passed through me as I stood up, and I realized it, I am in a forest, I look around, that's when my eyes widened.

"Are these..."

Yes it is, Pidgeys, Spearows, Rattatas, Caterpies, there's even a Starly and Teddiursa.

"Where am I?" I asked myself, I looked at my hand, which is surprisingly, there's gloves on it, I searched for a river, luckily there's one nearby, and I looked through my reflection, and I was shocked.

"I...I'm Ash? Ash Ketchum?" I was out of words, I'm the Ash Ketchum on the Pokemon story!

"Wait! What should I be doing now?" That's the first thing I thought, but wait, there's something the voice said.

'No one knows you, do whatever you want to do, not until the disaster comes.'

Does that mean I can start my own plot? As Ash Ketchum? What does he mean by disaster?

I looked through myself on my reflection on the river, still the same outfit of what he usually wear.

"Can't hurt to act like Ash Ketchum." I said to myself. I think I can live with that, but maybe I can change the way of training pokemons and challenging gyms.

Since I don't have pokemon yet, wouldn't hurt if I ask my starter pokemon, I still don't know where I am though.

Until few minutes later...

"Finally, I'm out from the forest!" I yelled, since there's no one here, I felt free to do whatever I want. I looked at the familiar scenery, this should be it!

"This is gotta be Pallet Town, I can ask a starter pokemon from Professor Oak!" I said to myself and then hurried to his lab, while walking, I thought about Ash's, or should I say, my mother, but on the other hand, from what the voice said to me, no one knows me, so I shouldn't bother going to 'my' house.

I found my way towards Professor Oak's lab, I knocked on the door three times, then it opened, thankfully, it's really the professor.

"Oh, welcome young man, what can I do for you?" Professor Oak asked.

"Uhh, will it be okay if I can get my starter pokemon?" I replied to him politely.

"So you're new? Sure you can young man! Please come inside." Professor replied and offered to let me come in to his lab.

"I assume you already knew the starters am I right?" he asked while taking the stairs. I just nodded in response and smiled.

"Well then, please choose your starter, young trainer." He said as he pointed out his hand towards the three pokeballs on a table.

I mentally smiled, since then, that pokemon is always my favourite starter, and since I'm here, might as well feel what's it like to train that pokemon.

"I have decided Professor, I'll choose Charmander!" I replied to him with excitement.

"Strong guts you've got there young man, Charmanders are always stubborn, but they're so caring if you train them properly and carefully." He said as he picked up Charmander's pokeball.

"Here you go young man, want to give it a nickname?" He asked as I recieved the pokeball.

"I'm just gonna stick with Charmander, professor." I replied to him, I'm not really good at naming Pokemons, not really fond of it.

"Okay then, here's a Pokedex and ten pokeballs for your journey." Professor Oak said as he gave me the pokedex and pokeballs.

'I expected five though, and this is a Kalos Pokedex, pretty neat.'I mentally said.

"Thank you very much professor!" I greeted him happily.

"No worries young man, it's a professor's job." he replied and chuckled.

"Off I go Professor Oak!" I yelled at him as I ran towards the lab's exit. He also waved back and I went out from the lab.

"Interesting trainer, I'm looking forward to his achievements." Oak said to himself.


I ran to a clearing, sat on the grassy field, and decided to take out Charmander from it's pokeball.

He was confused at the change of scenery at first but I did the first move.

"Hi Charmander, my name is Ash Ketchum, I aim to become the world's strongest pokemon trainer! And in order to do that, I need your help, together, we train and be strong, what do you think Charmander? Will you help me out?" I explained to him and asked.

He was confused and unwilling at first, but soon gave in and gave me a fistbump, indicating that he'll be with me on our journey.

This is what I want, Pokemon world, where I can train, raise, and let my companions become strong, as well as treat them like my family, I'm really looking forward to start my own journey, my own adventure.

My own plot.