
Fanfiction Dog


Pop_CornDig · Others
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253 Chs

Ch 93-94

New Dawn, Unknown Sea.

The Sun and Moon Pirates ship was sailing towards a small island, all the girls were in tense mood, its been few hour since they left the Sabaody Archipelago, they all were waiting silently.

Although the newspaper already posted the news of Koch's death, but it will take a long time to distribute the newspaper to all over the sea, so the girls didn't know anything about Koch.

Suddenly the the cabin door was pushed opened, everyone on the deck looked at the direction of the cabin.

"I am back."

Koch came out from the door and looked at the girls.

Koch looked absolutely fine, every single injury was healed, even the scar which he got from the fight were gone, there was also his saber hanging on his waist.

Everyone looked at Koch, there was tear in their eyes, they excitedly ran towards koch.

"You are finally back." Gion hugged Koch tightly, even if she knew that Koch can be resurrected, she was still worried about him.

Shakky couldn't believe it, she was watching Koch, who was infront of her completely fine. She blamed herself for what had happened, now that Koch was back, she was crying with joy, she turned around and wiped her tears.

Gion looked at Koch and said with serious tone. "Koch, you can't do this again, we can fight alongside you in the future."

"Yes, we are getting stronger, we can also fight."

"Captain, we will also join the fight in the future, you can't leave us like this."

"We will never allow the captain to be bullied by those Marines again."

Koch looked at the girls, they wanted to fight alongside him, even little kuina was holding the sword tightly with firm gaze.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you like this again." Koch nodded at them.

The girls wanted to know, what actually happened in the Sabaody, so Koch start to explain everything in detail about his battle with the four Admirlas.

"Even Zephyr join the fight, Marines are too shameless. They already sent three Admirals, but that was not enough for them and they send another Admirlas of previous generation."

Hancock looked coldly towards the Sabaody Archipelago, she want to return back to Sabaody and beat all the Admirals.

"Don't worry we can take the revenge later."

Stussy hand was covered in lightning, she looked ta Koch and asked. "Captain, I think we should attack them right now."

Everyone looked at Koch, they really want to go back and beat those Admirals.

"Koch, you already used the resurrection for this month, so you should stay low for a month and stay at the ship, we will go the the Sabaody and take revenge for you." Gion said to Koch, she was angry and the powerful flames were burning around her.

"It is not urgent, this will not end so easily. we will take revenge for sure, but not right now, we need to find the perfect opportunity, but first we need to increase our strength." Koch reassured them.

Koch also want to return and fight again, the feeling of being surrounded and suppressed was not good, and the pain of death was also hard to bear, but he was the only one strong enough to fight the Admirals in the crew, all of them need to increase their strenght.

Koch looked at shakky apologetically, her bar was destroyed, and her whereabouts may have been exposed.

"Sister shakky, what are your next plan, I don't think you can return back to the Sabaody."

"If captain doesn't mind, I would like to follow the crew and travel together to the New World, I still have a little strength left, I will not hold back your crew, and my navigation skills were still great as ever."

Shakky already decided to travel together with the crew, she was homeless right now and she doesn't have any place to go, so she decided to travel with the Sun and Moon Pirates, she is also the part of the crew and the Pirate crew also need a navigator.

"Sister shakky, you don't have to be worried, I will awakened the ability to perform the Immortal Surgery as soon as possible, then you can be Immortal and be young forever." Belo Betty said to Shakky.

Shakky looked at Belo Betty, after they ran away from the Sabaody Archipelago, she learned many secrets of the Sun and Moon Pirates. Invincible defence, resurrection and ability to perform the Immortal Surgery, she was shocked to know all about this.

"Then I will wait for it." Shakky said to Belo Betty, but she was also clear, it will take many years before she will be able to perform the Immortal Surgery. Shakky only can hope that Belo Betty will be able to perform Immortal Surgery before she became too old.

"Sister, shakky you don't have to be worried, there is a Devil Fruit that can solve your problem immediately, but the Devil Fruit is in the New World, so our next destination is the New World." Koch said to shakky.

Shakky looked at Koch in surprise, the Devil Fruit that can stop the aging process were extremely rare, she couldn't believe that Koch knew the location of such Devil Fruit.

Shakky looked at Koch and don't know what to say, she find Koch extremely mysterious, he knew the location of the Ope-Ope Devil Fruit, and also the location of the Lightning Devil Fruit, and now he have the location of another Devil Fruit that can stop the erosion of time.

"What kid of Devil Fruit it is?, the Devil Fruit that have the ability to gave eternal youth were very rare." Shakky asked Koch.

"Mythical Zoan, Bat-Bat Fruit model Vampire. It has the ability to suck someone else's life-force either by biting the victim's neck or digging their nails into the victim's skin. By sucking the victim's life-force, the user can deage themselves to regain their own youth."

Koch told the name and the ability of the Devil Fruit to Shakky.

Shakky was even more shocked, this Devil Fruit was perfect for her.

"Koch, I don't know how to thank you, for everything you are going to do for me."

Koch looked at the excited shakky.

"Sister shakky, you are the member of my crew and also the navigator of this ship, as a captain I should think about my crew, this fruit is perfect for you."

"Then I will be the permanent member of this crew. so captain, please take care of me in the future." Shakky said seriously.

Shakky joined the crew officially, she is the navigator and intelligence officer of the ship.

[ Shakky joined the crew.

Combat power: 61,069]

(TN: shakky combat power is decreasing slowly because of old age.)

Koch looked at the system data and was happy, he finally got the 30k combat power that was remaining from the shakky.

"Our next destination od the New World, everyone be prepared."

Koch want to go the New Worls, he want to get the vampire devil fruit for shakky, and wait for the perfect opportunity to counterattack the Marines.

'pere pere pere pere pere'

'pere pere pere pere pere'

'pere pere pere pere pere'

The den den mushi rang, it was the call from Rayleigh.

New Dawn, Unknown Sea.

'pere pere pere pere pere'

'pere pere pere pere pere'

'pere pere pere pere pere'

The den den mushi rang, it was a call from Rayleigh, so shakky picked up the call.


"Rayleigh, what's the matter?"

Shakky was angry with Rayleigh, the three Admirals were hiding in the Sabaody Archipelago and Rayleigh didn't even find them, if Rayleigh found about the Marines, Koch wouldn't have to die.

On the other side of the call, Rayleigh felt silent, he gather all his courage to make this call to informed them about Koch death, he was also feeling guilty, the three Admirals were hiding in Sabaody and he didn't find any clue, he felt he was responsible for what happened to Koch.

"If you have something to say, then just say it, I don't have time." Shakky said bluntly, after Koch returned they were going to have banquet, so she doesn't have time to chat with Rayleigh.

Hearing shakky voice, Rayleigh didn't know how to say the news, if they heard the news about Koch death, they will be sad. Rayleigh gather his courage.

"Shakky, Koch has been killed in the Sabaody Archipelago. Akainu, Aokiji, Kuzan and Zephyr, all of them came to Sabaody, Koch couldn't survive the battle against the strenght of four Admirals."

Rayleigh's head start to hurt, he took out the sake bottle and start to drink.

"Rayleigh!" Shakky's angry voice came from the den den mushi.

"Please speak." Rayling stopped drinking and looked at the den den mushi.

"Sister shakky, stop teasing Rayleigh-San, he was already getting old, he can't take it anymore." Koch looked at shakky, he knew she was angry with Rayleigh.


On the other side of the den den mushi, Rayling was shocked.

"What is going on?" Rayleigh didn't know what is going on, he knew Koch died on Sabaody, but now he was hearing his voice from the den den mushi.

"Rayleigh-san, I am still alive, sorry to make you worried." Koch took the den den mushi from the shakky and Saif to Rayleigh.

Rayleigh was shocked and couldn't process just what is going on.

"How are you still alive, the whole Marine and the newspaper already publish your death with pictures."

"Sorry, I can't inform about this to you." Koch apologies.

Rayling looked at the den den mushi, that was imitating the appearance of Koch, he can tell that it was indeed Koch.

"How did you came back from dead?, and why are you on the ship?"

Rayleigh had lived a long life and have vast life experience, but this was the first time that he had seen someone came back to life from dead.

"It is a long story, but you can think of it as a Devil Fruit ability." The function of the system was hard to explain, especially the ability to resurrect every month, so it is best if other didn't find about it, after all it was not infinite resurrection, if you die second time in the same month, then that will be the real death.

"Is that so." Rayleigh didn't press on, he was not interested in others secrets, all of them are alive, he was fine with it.

Rayleigh was still thinking, just kind of ability was it, that can save Koch and also take him back to the ship. Rayleigh first thought it must be ability releated to space, but Akainu and other three Admirals were not idiots, they can tell if someone use the ability by their observations haki.

"Koch, you even lied to me." Rayleigh felt that he was left out, everyone from the ship must knew about this ability. He still have tears in his eyes, his emotions were wasted for nothing.

"Sorry about that, I was in a hurry and there were three Admirals, so I can't explain about the ability to you."

"If you are alive then everything is fine." Rayleigh can't blame Koch either.

Koch talked with Rayleigh for sometime.

"Koch, you should go to the New World as soon as possible, the Marine think that you are dead now, so it will be smooth sail for you guys." Rayleigh urged them to go to the New World.

"I know, our next destination is the New World. Rayleigh-San, where are you going next, you won't be able to go back to the Sabaody Archipelago in short time." Koch asked Rayleigh, Sabaody is in chaos right now and the bar was also destroyed.

"I don't know."

Rayleigh looked out to sea, Koch was still alive, and he was in happy mood. He didn't have many place to called home, but he can just go to small village and live there for sometime.

"By the way, shakky, where are you going?" Rayleigh cared about shakky.

"I will follow the crew to the New World, and now I am permanent member of the Sun and Moon pirates." Shakky happily showed off to Rayleigh, who was other side of the den den mushi.

"So you finally decided to join the Sun and Moon Pirates crew, congratulations to you." Rayleigh was shocked, he knew about shakky condition, she was also getting old, but now she decided to return to the sea to sail again, he was happy for her.

"Where are you going then, Rayleigh-San?, your whereabouts have been exposed to the marines, they may send troops to catch you, it is best if you leave Sabaody Archipelago and find somewhere else to live."

Koch asked with concern, although Rayleigh is strong, but it is still dangerous to face the marines alone, who knows they may send all three Admirals again. Koch was the reason that Rayleigh was exposed and Koch also didn't want to hear the news that Rayleigh was caught or killed by the marines.

Rayleigh was thinking for a while, he has some doubt in his heart, Koch was asking about him for a while now, does Koch want him to join the Sun and Moon pirate crew.

"Koch you don't have to worry about me, I can travel to any island and live there, or I can go and visit some old friend, Gaban went back to East Blue, I can also go the East Blue and live a normal life. I am already old, so I can't join your crew, it is the era of the young people like yourself."

Koch. "?"

'Look like you misunderstood my words.'

"Rayleigh, what nonsense are you talking about, when does captain invite you to the crew, you should go and live your old life with your old friends."

Shakky complained, there were only females on the ship, it will be very uncomfortable for everyone if Rayleigh joined their crew.

"Aren't you guys inviting me?" Rayleigh asked with sad tone.

"We are going to the Fishman island, who want to wait for you."

Rayleigh. "..."