
Fanfiction Dog


Pop_CornDig · Others
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253 Chs

Ch 5

Kakashi sighed as he entered the village. He was out in the woods looking for his student, yet there was no trace of him. Even with his tracking dogs, he couldn't find him. Looking up to the sky with his single, tired eye, he cursed to himself.

He couldn't help but blame himself for Naruto's current predicament. Since no one knew where Naruto was for the month before the third exam, many assumed that he was with Orochimaru. He didn't believe any of that for a second but his opinion hardly mattered at the moment.

There was no need to report to Danzo now so he made his way towards Training Ground 7. Expecting some free time of staring at the monument, he was surprised to see the familiar pink haired girl running towards him, followed by her black haired teammate.

"Kakashi-sensei, is it true what they say?" she asked with trepidation lacing her voice. "Is it true that Naruto is a… a traitor?"

Kakashi sighed before smiling slightly, placing his hand on her shoulder. "No, it's not true. I'm sure Naruto would never become a traitor," he finished, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly.

"The dobe must've realized how pathetic he was and decided to run away," Sasuke said with a scoff while looking away from the two. It was then that he felt a harsh pain on his face and he found himself sprawled on the ground.

A hard look covered Kakashi's face and in a flash he was standing over Sasuke's prone body with his arm outstretched. "I've looked past your arrogant behavior for a while now," Kakashi began with a cold voice. "I even stood up for you when we were late for the chunin exams. I always tried to swerve you away from your arrogance, to make you see your fellow comrades as your equals. But even today you see them all beneath you. Well, let me tell you something," he lowered himself and looked directly into Sasuke's eyes. "Naruto was always stronger than you."

With his eyes wide in shock, Sasuke watched as Kakashi turned around and left the training ground, followed by Sakura. The words of his sensei struck him deep and for the first time, he didn't know how to feel. He wanted to be angry and shout, show that he was better than everyone. Yet, at the same time he felt revulsion and regret for his actions. He wanted to scream but he settled for an angry growl.

With his jumbled thoughts, he turned around and left in a hurry.


Orochimaru screamed in anger as he finished reading the scroll on his desk. Killing intent rolled off of him in waves, scaring anyone in near vicinity. It was even worse for the Sound Four who were kneeling only a few feet away. They almost passed out from the sheer amount the man was producing.

"I-is e-everything alright, m-my lord?" Sakon asked with a trembling voice.

"No, it's not alright!" Orochimaru shouted angrily. "First Kabuto died then that fucker Danzo won't give me the Uchiha!" he screamed again and kicked his desk away. "Fucking Uzumaki!"

"S-should we head out and collect the Uchiha, Orochimaru-sama?" Kidomaru asked.

"No," Orochimaru replied, calming down slightly. "Danzo will watch him like a hawk from now on. There is no chance to enter the village undetected now."

He growled angrily as his eyes landed on the scroll. He was hoping that even though he didn't capture Naruto, Danzo would fulfill his end of the deal. But Danzo didn't give him Sasuke. And that pissed him off immensely. He lost his best underling in this failure of a deal and didn't even get anything in return. Now he couldn't even send his men to Konoha to capture the boy because Danzo would be there to stop them. His plans were crumbling to dust right before his eyes.

"What is the plan then, Orochimaru-sama?" Sakon asked without a stutter seeing his leader calm down a little.

"I need a new body," Orochimaru said without looking at him. "Everything else is of no importance to me now."

He didn't spare them another glance as he left the room.


Naruto groaned as he woke up. His entire body was stiff and moving only induced pain. Relaxing, he realized that he didn't feel the hardness of the forest ground but the softness of a mattress. His body went shock still at the thought of being captured while unconscious. He didn't hear anything around him and dared himself to open his eyes.

He was met by a wooden ceiling with. On his left was a wooden wall with a beautiful painting of a single Sakura tree and on his right a desk filled with makeup stuff and a mirror leaning on the wall, and a bookcase on its side. There was also a window by the bed that showed already darkening sky and a nightstand with a lamp as well as two doors which led outside and to the bathroom. Straining himself, he sat up and saw that he was only in his boxers. Looking around, he tried to find his gear. Luckily, his pouches were on the desk and he quickly threw the covers away before getting out of bed.

The first step made him stumble and a sharp pain passed through his midsection. He grabbed his side and stifled a groan before steadying himself. With two more painful steps he reached the desk and grabbed his pouches. He was just about to strap them when the door suddenly opened and his head snapped toward it.

One of the most beautiful women he had ever seen entered the room. She was almost as tall as him, with long straight brown hair and shiny green eyes. She was wearing a red silk short sleeved kimono that reached her thighs, which did nothing to hide her beautiful curves. Her face was that of an angel and her soft, fair skin seemed to glow in the dim lights of the room.

The moment she saw him standing there, she flashed him a beautiful smile and entered.

"I'm glad to see you're awake," she spoke with a soft and melodic voice, truly fitting with her physical beauty. "You were asleep for three whole days. We were worried."

Snapping out of his shock induced by her beauty and her voice, he processed what he heard. "T-three days?" that was almost as long as when he passed out after fighting Gaara. His face hardened then. "Where am I, who are you and why am I here?"

Seeing his tense posture, the woman smiled. "You are in a hostess club in a small town of the Land of Hot Water, my name is Izumi and why you're here," she tapped her cheek with a cute smile. "will explain someone else."

Naruto didn't like this situation at all but he only nodded as the beautiful Izumi left the room. She didn't attack him and he wasn't restrained so he would give her the benefit of the doubt. He was still standing and he could feel the pain in his midsection subside. It wasn't long until the door opened again but this time, it wasn't a beautiful woman who entered.

It was a big man with shaggy, long white hair. Naruto was immediately on edge when the man entered and he shifted his body more for running away than fighting. He could feel power rolling off the man and he knew he could not defeat him. The man closed the door behind him and stared the boy down. Seeing the boy's stance, the man broke in a grin.

"Glad to see you up and running, brat," he began. "I thought you'd be napping for few more days at least. Your intestines were like a mashed potato when I found you."

"You found me?" Naruto asked the man. "Why am I here? Who are you?"

"You are here because this is one of my rare safe spots that only I know. And for who I am," the man then grinned widely and dropped in a wide stance. "I am the great and powerful Jiraiya!"

Naruto looked at him skeptically before his eyes widened in realization. "You're the guy who wrote Icha Icha: Paradise!"

Jiraiya positively beamed at the boy and pulled out the book in question before rushing to the boy. "You know of my work?" he asked excitedly as he waved the book around.

"Hell yeah," Naruto replied and snatched the book from the man's hand. "Now I can finally read the second chapter."

Jiraiya pouted at the loss of his book but grinned again. "I'm happy to see the next generation growing up splendidly."

"Yeah, yeah," Naruto said absentmindedly as he stored the book safely in his hip pouch and placed both pouches on the desk. He then crossed his arms across his chest and looked at Jiraiya. "I'd like to get some answers now."

Jiraiya nodded. "Sit on the bed, this will take a while," he said and sat on the chair by the desk. Seeing the boy sit, he began. "But first I want to know why was Uzumaki Naruto branded as a traitor for cooperating with Orochimaru."

Naruto's eyes widened at the fact that the man knew him. "You know who I am?" Jiraiya nodded. "How?"

"Later," Jiraiya replied. "Now answer me."

Naruto clenched his fists in anger. "Danzo set me up. He sent me on a mission to locate a possible enemy camp but instead of some no name ninja, I was met by Orochimaru and his lackey. Orochimaru then left so I only fought Kabuto. He was stronger than I thought but he underestimated me greatly so I managed to kill him. He managed to cut me up nicely though."

Jiraiya frowned. "Why did Danzo set you up? Did they tell you?"

"Yeah, he wanted them to erase my memory so he could turn me into one of his Root ninja," Naruto said with an angry nod.

"Danzo wanted you under his thumb from the moment the Kyubi was sealed inside you so I can see that happening," Jiraiya said. "I don't see why Orochimaru would do that for him though. Did they tell you why?"

Naruto shook his head. "They only told me what I told you."

"So he branded you as a traitor out of necessity. No one would believe you if you told them about Danzo and he could freely take you after you've been captured," Jiraiya said thoughtfully. "You're lucky that I found you then."

"Yeah, I guess I am," Naruto replied with a sigh. "So how do you know who I am? I don't think I've ever seen you before."

"You haven't," Jiraiya said and smiled. "But I've seen you when you were just a baby. You looked just like your father it made me cry. Now you look even more like him, though you do have some of your mother's characteristics."

Naruto was now shocked beyond belief. "Y-you knew my parents?"

"Of course I did," Jiraiya replied with a small laugh. "I trained your father after all."

"W-who were they?" Naruto asked no begged the man.

Jiraiya gave the boy a sorrowful smile. "Your father was one of the strongest and kindest men I've ever had the chance to meet and your mother was one of the most beautiful women with a gentle heart and a strong temper. They were Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina."

"Y-yondaime," Naruto gasped. "He was my father?" Jiraiya nodded and the boy lowered his head. "I see."

Now that he found out that the Yondaime was his father, he suddenly understood why the Kyubi was sealed in him. If the Hokage wouldn't be willing to sacrifice his child then who else would? It didn't mean he liked it but he understood.

"I was also your godfather," Jiraiya suddenly added.

Naruto's head shot up and anger flashed in his eyes. "Why weren't you there for me then?"

Jiraiya sighed sadly. "I had a spy network to run. For years after the Kyubi attacked I had to scout for possible attacks. Konoha was in shambles, any hidden village could've destroyed us completely. I couldn't take a baby with me on dangerous missions," he rubbed his eyes. "I would've met you after I finally had time but I knew I could never stay for long and I never knew when I would be back."

Naruto gripped his forehead and shut his eyes tightly, holding back tears that threatened to spill. He didn't know how to feel after hearing all this information.

"Do you have a picture?" he asked quietly.

Jiraiya nodded and pulled out a small photo out of his pouch before handing it to Naruto. The moment the boy saw the contents of the photo was the moment when the tears broke through.

On the picture, two people sat on a grassy clearing. A smiling man with a blond spiky hair and blue eyes was holding a beautiful red haired woman with violet eyes. The happiness of the two was directed at a somewhat big lump on the woman's stomach. She was pregnant. With Naruto. The boy bit his lip to choke back a sob as he looked at the photo.

After a minute he put the photo aside and wiped his tears away. A small and sad smile adorned his fac. "After all these years of wondering about them, I finally know."

"They loved you, Naruto," Jiraiya said. "More than anything in this world."

Naruto gave the man a thankful look and smiled. "Thank you, for telling me."

Jiraiya waved him of and wiped a tear of his own before the boy could see it. "It was due time to tell you. I asked Sarutobi to let me be the one to tell you but I never thought it would take so long."

"Jiji knew?" he asked slightly surprised. "Who else knew?"

"Aside the two of us, there was only one other person who knew," Jiraiya replied. "I don't know who else figured it out though. I mean, you're the spitting image of your father."

Naruto gave a sad chuckle. "Can you tell me about them?"

Jiraiya sighed sadly. "Not today, I'm sorry. I have to leave today and I still have to tell you some very important things before I go."

"I understand," Naruto said with a sad expression.

"I'll tell you all about them when I return though," Jiraiya said with a small grin. "And I have plenty of stories."

Naruto chuckled quietly as his mood was slightly lifted. "Fair enough. So what else do you have to tell me?"

"First, I want to give you something," Jiraiya began as he pulled out a scroll and offered it to the blond. "During the Kyubi attack, your parents' house was destroyed. This was the only thing I managed to salvage."

"What is it?" Naruto asked.

"Open it. It belonged to your mother," Jiraiya replied with a small smile.

And Naruto did. Unrolling the scroll and unsealing its contents, a single item fell in his lap. The blond took it in his hands and gaped a little. It was a tanto about the length of his forearm. Its white sheath shined in the dim light of the room. The handle was black and had a white strap wrapped around it. It also had a shiny gold guard. Taking a hold of the handle, he pulled the beautiful weapon out of its sheath revealing the blade. It looked like a normal katana blade only much shorter. The blade was shiny and only by looking at it, Naruto could tell it was sharp. Extremely sharp.

He swung it around a few times, reveling in how light it was. It was a perfect fit for his hand, nothing like the Anbu ninjato he used before. Sheathing it, he put it to his side and bowed his head to Jiraiya.

"Thank you," he said. "A lot."

Jiraiya laughed lightly and waved him off. "Don't mention it kid," he said and pulled out two more scrolls. "I'm not finished though, I still got something for you. This scroll," he held one scroll a little higher. "Has your new clothes. Your old ones were full of blood and dirt so I figured new clothes would be better. And this one," he raised the second scroll. "Contains necessary material for one of your father's signature techniques."

Naruto's eyes widened. "My fathers… jutsu?"

"The Rasengan," Jiraiya said and opened his palm. Moments later a ball of wildly spinning chakra materialized in his hand. Naruto looked at the small ball of destruction in wonder. "It's a ball of condensed chakra capable of destroying practically anything."

"Awesome," Naruto whispered in excitement.

"It is," Jiraiya replied with a grin and took the third scroll. From it, he unsealed a single balloon filled with water. "This technique is learned in three steps. This is the first one," soon the balloon in his hand began to expand in certain places. Then it began to distort until it popped and the water spilled on the floor. Jiraiya chuckled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Well you might want to do that somewhere else."

"So I need to use my chakra to pop the balloon?" Naruto asked.

Jiraiya raised a brow at the boy's quick thinking and nodded.

"Seems simple enough," Naruto said scratching his cheek. "What are the other two steps?"

This time Jiraiya grinned. "You will have to find out those by yourself."

Naruto looked at him blankly.

Jiraiya laughed again. "I know you'll have no trouble doing that, trust me."

Naruto sighed. "Well I can't really complain. You've already given me so much."

"As I said, don't mention it," Jiraiya replied. "You can begin training tomorrow. But now I want to go through some things with you."

"What are they?" Naruto asked.

"I'm going back to the Land of Fire to find a certain person before Danzo does," Jiraiya began in a serious tone. "While I'm away, you have to be careful. You are safest here and you can trust Izumi. Don't leave the club during the day and avoid the streets during the night. While I doubt Konoha would send teams out of the country so soon, I don't want to risk. You can safely train inside, but don't destroy anything."

Naruto nodded. "Alright. Do you know when you'll be back?"

"I'll be away for at least a week," Jiraiya replied and stood up. "I expect you to master the Rasengan by then."

"I will, no doubt," Naruto replied with a smile.

"No doubt at all," Jiraiya said with his own grin. He turned towards the door and opened it but before he left, he turned to the blond one more time. "Oh and no shadow clones."

Naruto's smile became strained.

As the man left, Naruto released a long sigh. He was still processing all information he heard tonight. He was tired and sore and he really wanted to sleep now. He stood up and safely stored the photo of his parents in his pouch and placed his tanto by it. Then he lifted the covers of the bed and slipped inside, his eyes closing already. He was interrupted by the door, however, and he sat up ready to kick Jiraiya out, only to lock eyes with the beautiful Izumi.

"Ah I-Izumi-san," Naruto said with a small blush. "What do you need?"

The young woman smiled at him as she replied. "Seeing that Jiraiya-sama left, I was about to turn in for the night," she closed the door behind her.

"Um… here?"

"Well it is my room, Naruto-kun," she replied with a cute chuckle.

Naruto blushed slightly and began to raise the covers to get out of the bed. "T-then I'll sleep outside."

"Nonsense, the bed is big enough for both of us," she said with a smile as she sat on the bed. "Besides, I was by your side for the past two nights already so it shouldn't be a problem."

Naruto's blush intensified. He wordlessly moved all the way to the end of the bed, taking as little space as he could. He could hear her chuckle again as she laid in the bed.

"Goodnight, Naruto-kun," she said as she turned off the lamp.

"G-goodnight, Izumi-san."

It was going to be a long night.


When Naruto woke up the next morning, he was utterly shocked and surprised to find out that he was not alone in the bed. His mind took a moment to process what happened last night and he sighed in relief that he was not in enemy territory. However, as he looked down at his sleeping companion, he suddenly felt extremely embarrassed for she was very close to him.

Her right hand rested on his chest while her body rested against his side. Her head was on his shoulder and he could see every inch of her beautiful, sleeping face. Another shock was that, at some point during the night, he sneaked his right arm around her frame and pulled her closer to him. He was now effectively trapped and the only way to get out of bed was to wake her up.

Which he did not want to do.

That was when her green eyes opened and locked with his blue ones. A smile instantly appeared on her face. "Good morning, Naruto-kun," she said tiredly and yawned cutely.

"M-morning, Izumi-san," he replied with a higher voice than intended and a small blush crept on his cheeks.

As she stopped yawning, she noticed the position of her body and playfully smirked. "My my, Naruto-kun. I didn't think you were so bold. We only met yesterday."

Naruto's eyes widened and his blush intensified. "I-I'm sorry uh, I a-always sleep alone s-so…" he sputtered in embarrassment.

The beauty chuckled as she gently patted his chest in reassurance. "It's alright, Naruto-kun," she said and began to sit up. "You will have to forgive me but I have to prepare for the day."

And with that, she let the top of her kimono slip off her shoulders.

Naruto tried not to but his eyes succumbed to the soft skin of her shoulders and he spent next few moments just watching her. It didn't take long for him to snap out of his daze, Izumi's cute chuckle helped, and jump out of the bed, grabbing his pouches, scrolls and tanto before rushing to the door.

"I uh… I'm gonna go t-train," he said looking back at her before leaving the room.

Her amused chuckles could still be heard through the closed door.

Finally getting his embarrassment under control, he looked around. He was in a wide hallway which led to another door with a stairway branching in the middle. He remembered Jiraiya telling him he could train inside but he didn't really want to do that in the middle of the hall. So he went to the only other available door.

Opening it, Naruto found himself in a room that seemed more like a dance studio. It was bigger than Izumi's and the walls were covered by mirrors. Even the door had a mirror on its back so it didn't disturb the wide visage reflection. It was calm and quiet, perfect for any kind of training he did.

He was still only in his boxers though so he dropped everything on the floor except for a single scroll. Unrolling it, he unsealed its contents. Seeing the pieces of clothing appear in his hands, Naruto began to dress. Black pants and his knee high shinobi sandals came first. There were no gloves or his sleeveless shirt. Instead he had a sleeveless mesh shirt and a short sleeved grey kimono shirt. He didn't complain though as he put them on. Last of the items was his forehead protector. He sighed as his finger traced the leaf symbol on the metal plate. He wouldn't wear it yet, not until he cleared his name. With heavy heart, he stored it in his pouch.

Stretching out, he thought about what he should do first. He was interested in the technique Jiraiya showed him but first, he wanted to familiarize himself with the tanto of his mother. Taking the short blade of the floor, he pulled it out of the sheath. He gazed at the shiny blade and swung it a few times. It was really light yet it looked like it could block any attack.

Naruto then began going through the katas he learned while training with Danzo. His body moved gracefully, going through the motions with great care. He soon realized that the style he knew was not suited for the weapon he was using. Since the tanto was shorter than the ninjato, he needed to get closer to his opponent and the style he used didn't prepare him for that. He would have to do something about it if he ever wanted to use the weapon skillfully.

Sheathing the blade, he placed it on the ground before picking up the second scroll. He unsealed a single water balloon and held it gently in his open palm. Now he just had to pop it with only his chakra. Simple, right?

It wasn't though as he spent next ten minutes looking at the balloon that was only expanding horizontally. It didn't pop and the seemingly easy task became much harder. Naruto did not give up though and he spent next few hours trying. He forced his irritation down as his progress was nonexistent.

He really wished Jiraiya gave him more tips.


There was an all around somber mood in Konoha. The village was mostly repaired and its occupants began to return to the lives they had before the fiasco of the Chunin Exams. Ninja began to take on missions and the trade routes began to flow once again.

A certain group of Konoha genin was more somber than the others though. Teams 7, 8 and 10 gathered at the Training Ground 7 for the first time since they graduated. The excuse was to train and bond as Konoha shinobi yet there was no training today. One person was on their minds.

Uzumaki Naruto was a true mystery. He was the dead last of their class yet he was the strongest of them during the final exam. And now he was branded as a traitor of Konoha and teams actively hunted him across the land. They didn't know what they should believe. Their sensei told them to believe in Naruto yet many spoke differently. This gathering was also for the purpose of deciding where they stood. There was a heavy silence for a while now and one chunin finally had enough of it.

"This silence is really troublesome," Sikamaru began from his sitting position. "Sakura, you called us here so start talking."

Sakura, now center of attention, steeled herself. "Do you believe what they say?" she asked. "Do you believe that Naruto is traitor?"

Another bout of silence ensured.

"What do you believe in?" Shikamaru asked back.

"I believe that he is not a traitor," Sakura said with resolution. "Sure he did pranks as a kid but he would never go as far as to betray the village."

"And that is my answer as well," Shikamaru said. "I would sooner put my hand in a fire than think that for a second."

And he meant every word. Other than Danzo, he was the only one who paid the blond enough attention to realize that Naruto wore a mask. He didn't know why or what hid behind it but he knew it wasn't a traitor.

"But they found evidence!" Ino suddenly exclaimed.

"They could've easily been framed," strange enough, it came from Kiba. He might have not known about the mask but he knew he had fun pranking others with Naruto.

"It is highly possible," Shino said. It was something his father told him about the blond and what he held that spurred him to comply.

"And if they're not?" Ino asked.

"Then we won't hold back," Shikamaru said resolutely. "But until we see him again, I will believe they are."

"Right!" chubby Akimichi exclaimed. "Naruto loves ramen and no one who loves ramen would be able to be bad."

Ino sighed as she palmed her forehead. Her eyes then darted between the two who had yet to say anything. Hinata was unusually calm, her usually blushing cheeks were pale and her hands rested by her sides. Sasuke on the other hand was fidgety and restless. It was strange seeing the two practically switch personalities so suddenly.

"What do you think, Sasuke-kun?" she asked the boy whose head snapped towards her. His eyes were wide and brimming with emotions ranging from anger and confusion to disbelief.

"I… he… there's no way that the dobe went rouge," Uchiha replied angrily.

If she listened, Hinata would add a nod of her own but she was in her own world now.

Ino felt a bit embarrassed that she was the only one who doubted Naruto but she quickly regained her composure. "So what do we do now?"

"We wait," Shikamaru simply said. "We do missions and wait. When the time comes, we will see him again and find out the truth."

The mood significantly lightened after their conversation and soon they began the intended light training. Their thoughts were still on the blond boy though.


Naruto sneezed as he lay in bed with Izumi lying next to him. After their first morning of waking up together, Izumi had no qualms of resting her head on his shoulder when they went to bed. Naruto also relented after two nights and with a much smaller blush put his arm around her. After all, it was really comfortable.

"Someone must be talking about you, Naruto-kun," she said with a light giggle.

Naruto didn't reply as he glared at the single water balloon that rested on the desk. He was not getting any progress at all and his patience was wearing thin. Izumi noticed how tense he was and gently rubbed her hand on his bare chest.

"Naruto-kun," she said gently, making him break his glare and look at her. "You have been training almost all day every day with barely any rest. You really need to relax a little."

Naruto released a sigh. "I can't. I… if I don't train, I think I'm going to lose it."

"And yet you're losing it either way," Izumi replied flatly.

Naruto scoffed softly. "Yeah, you're right," he sighed again. "But all these thoughts just won't leave my head."

"Then let me help you banish those thoughts, Naruto-kun," she said in a tone Naruto didn't recognize. It was soft yet heavy and it carried some hidden meaning.

"What do you mean?" he asked unsure.

Her only answer was to move up and kiss his lips.

It was a soft kiss yet it shocked Naruto to the core. Her soft lips brushed gently against his, sending shivers through his body. She parted her lips slightly, placing kisses across his as her hand moved lower to rub his stomach. All the while Naruto was frozen in shock.

After a while she moved back slightly to look into his eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked seeing his expression. "Did you not like it?"

"Ah n-no nota t a-all," the blond replied as his face heated up. "It- it's just that I've n-never…"

"Done this before?" she finished for him and he nodded. She smiled. "Will you trust me?" he nodded. "Then just let go."

And then she captured his lips again, with a little more force this time. Her tongue began to lick his lips, asking for entrance, and the blond couldn't help but open them. Izumi wasted no time and pushed her tongue inside his mouth, looking for his own. Their tongues danced around, one skillfully while other inexperienced. She pulled back slightly to nibble at his lower lip, drawing a gasp from the blond.

While they kissed, her hand on his stomach moved lower and into his boxers, enveloping his slowly hardening penis in her soft hand. She gently stroked it as blood flowed through it, making it harder with each passing second. Soon enough, his dick was fully hard, visibly poking out of his boxers. She didn't stop stroking him as his groans became louder and soon she could feel the hard dick throb painfully.

Naruto was surprised and annoyed that her gentle hand stopped stroking him suddenly and her warm lips separated from his. Looking at her, she only smiled teasingly and moved back to straddle his legs. Wasting no time, she hooked her fingers at the hem of his boxers and pulled them off, revealing his hard and stiff member to the world. It twitched at the feel of cold air brushing against it.

Izumi saw how tortured it looked and swiftly moved lower to envelop the head with her lips. Naruto moaned as he felt her hot breath and her tongue caressing the head. Her hands were not idle and she stroked him, bringing him closer to the edge.

Moving her hand lower, she wrapped only her thumb and index finger around the base and squeezed lightly as her head lowered. Naruto moaned again as more and more of his dick disappeared in her warm and wet mouth. Her tongue danced around the hard rod, licking it and coating it with her saliva. She could feel the throbbing veins with the tip of her tongue.

With another loud moan, Naruto came inside her mouth, coating her throat with his cum. Feeling the first rope of the hot liquid hit the back of her throat, she pulled back, letting only the head stay between her lips. Her mouth filled with his cum, her cheeks puffing from the amount of thick semen. Some of it managed to sneak through her lips and a trail of cum trailed down her chin.

As he stopped cumming, Izumi allowed the head of his dick to fall out of her mouth. She then leaned her head back and swallowed until her mouth was free of sticky, white cum. She looked at him as she breathed harder, trying to catch her breath. She slowly scooped up the cum off her chin with her finger and licked it clean. The sight of that was enough to make Naruto hard again.

She smiled at him and undid her kimono, letting his eyes roam her now naked body. Izumi was gorgeous with fair skin, slender waist and large breasts and Naruto thought his dick would explode again from simply watching her. Izumi saw the lust and desire in his eyes and leaned down to kiss him again, this time more passionately and hungrily.

Meanwhile, her hips positioned above his raging hard on and the tip of his dick poked her wet opening. She began to lower her hips letting more and more of his dick to disappear inside her. They moaned in unison as Naruto sheathed himself fully inside her. Izumi took a moment to adjust before she began to ride him.

Moans of pleasure filled the room as she increased her pace. Her hands gripped his chest while his rested on her ass, squeezing it. He tried to match her pace with his own raising hips but he failed. Not that it bothered her at all.

Izumi then began to clench his dick tighter which made the blond groan in pleasure and his dick throbbed painfully. Her lips smashed against his as she felt herself getting closer to her climax. Naruto could also feel it as her walls clenched his member in a vice grip.

Her nails dug in his skin as she screamed her climax in his mouth. Naruto was not far away as his hands squeezed her as hard and he began to empty himself inside her groaning all the way.

It took a while before the two came down their high and Izumi slumped on his chest, his dick slipping out of her. They both panted heavily, their sweat mixing on their bodies.

"A-are you relaxed now," Izumi asked the boy beneath her with a panting giggle.

Naruto could only nod. "Y-yeah…" he gasped out.

Izumi giggled again and pulled the covers over them. With their breathing back to normal, she rested her head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around her waist. Their eyes began to close from exhaustion and the two could only wish each other goodnight with tired voices before they fell asleep.

Before his eyes fully closed, Naruto thought training would be much, much easier.