
Fanfiction Dog


Pop_CornDig · Others
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253 Chs

Ch 127-128

Marine Headquarter, Marineford.

The funeral of Sengoku was done peacefully, the turmoil inside marines was decreasing slowly.

Akainu took this chance and sailed towards the Holy Land, Mariejois.

There was only one purpose of his trip, he was eyeing on the position of the Fleet Admiral.

The next Fleet Admiral will be selected among the active Admirals. kizaru was lazy and taking a rest, Aokiji was with Garp, so Akainu took this chance.

"After I took the position of the Fleet Admiral, I will completely destroy all the pirates."

For the position of Fleet Admiral, Akainu was willing to pay any price. He was full of confidence and believed that he would be able to convince the Five Elders.

There were only two competitors, Aokiji and Kizaru.

With Kizaru's character, he won't be a problem for Akainu. So there is only one opponent, Aokiji. But Akainu believed that the Five Elders value him more than Aokiji.

The warship stopped at the Red Port. Akainu was excited, he already informed the Five Elders and they agreed to meet him, so he was confident that he was already the next Fleet Admiral.

"After I took the Fleet Admiral position, my first target will be Koch and the sea emperors."

The Holy Land, Five Elders Office.

The Five Elders were looking at the pictures, that just came from the marines branch of the New World.


One of the elder slammed the table.

"We were just thinking about making Akainu the next Fleet Admiral. How does Koch already knew about this?"

The Five Elders were looking at the pictures of the treasure box, that was thrown by shakky.

The box contain tens of millions of beri, and a letter from Koch.

'Congratulations to Akainu, for becoming the Fleet Admiral. Thank you for everything you have done for us, I hope we can cooperate even more in the future.'

The Five Elders were angry, as they read the letter.

"When Koch attacked and escaped from the Holy Land, it was Akainu that chased after him. Koch was weak at that time, but he still managed to escape from Akainu, and we lost a powerful Devil Fruit."

"It was also Akainu's plan to ambush Koch at the entrance of The New World, so he took all the force and went to New World, but Koch didn't went to the new world, instead he went to the East Blue."

"It was also Akainu's plan to ambush Koch at the reverse mountain which was full of loopholes."

"It was also Akainu, who killed Koch and he was also the one who declared Koch's death."

"It was also Akainu, who took Kizaru and went to protect the entrance of The New World, so there was no reinforcement to send to save Sengoku."

"It was Akainu, who wanted to become the Fleet Admiral the most."

The Five Elders were furious. They nearly lost their mind.

"Keep calm, this is obviously Koch's conspiracy."

One of the Five Elder reminded the others.

"This is Koch's plan to damage the relationship between the World Government and the Marines."

"Then, Why didn't Koch gave any gifts to Kizaru or Aokiji?, why only Akainu?"

The Five Elders were angry with koch, and also with the marines, especially Akainu.

An agent came inside the office.

"Admiral Akainu has arrived."

The Five Elders looked at eachother.

"Let him in."

After sometime Akainu enter the office, but looking at the face of the Five Elders, he knew something was wrong. This situation was like the last time, when he was scolded by the Five Elders.

Akainu calm himself down and looked at the Five Elders, he wanted to say something, but before he say anything he was stopped by the Five Elders.

"Congratulations Akainu for becoming the Fleet Admiral." One of the Five Elders said to Akainu.

Akainu was surprised to hear that, he wanted to convince the Five Elders, but before he say anything, the Five Elders Congratulate him for becoming the Fleet Admiral.

"Five Elders, please rest assured, after I took the position of the Fleet Adm.."


The Five Elders snorted and interrupted Akainu.

Akainu looked at Five Elders, the Five Elders didn't approve, instead they look like they were dissatisfied with him. He didn't understand.

"Akainu, how is your relationship with Koch?, how did he knew that, you were going to become the Fleet Admiral?"

The Five Elders slammed the table violently and asked Akainu.

Akainu was puzzled, he didn't know, just what is going on.

"See it yourself." The Five Elders threw the picture at Akainu.

Akainu picked up the pictures and looked at it.

"This is Koch's conspiracy, no one would believe it." Akainu said in panic.

"Do you really think that. What would people think after you take the Fleet Admiral seat?"

Akainu knew, after he took the Fleet Admiral seat, everyone would think that he and Koch are somehow connected, and people may even blame Sengoku's death on him.

"How many people know about this"

Akainu asked the Five Elders, this was his last hope, if there were only few people, the news can easily be stopped.

"This news came from the marines base, so everyone on that base knew about it."

Akainu last hope was also shattered, the salary of the normal marines was low, so they always sell some news to the newspapers for extra money, this news will be spread all over the sea.

"We already appointed someone else for the Fleet Admiral position. You can leave now."

The Five Elders looked at Akainu indifferently.

Akainu left the Five Elders Office and went back to the Marineford.

After venting their anger on Akainu, the Five Elders were less angry.

"Among the three Admirals, it was only Akainu that was qualified to become the Fleet Admiral, other two are still not qualified."

"Let Kong take the Fleet Admiral position again, there is no one qualified to take the position."



Garp and Aokiji were drinking tea, when they received the news about Koch's gift to Akainu.

"Looks like Akainu can't become the Fleet Admiral right now."

Garp never thought that Koch's method would work.

"Akainu came back with gloomy face just now, it's look like you don't have to take any action."

Garp looked at Aokiji. Garp want Aokiji to become the next Fleet Admiral instead of Akainu.

"I am afraid the Five Elders are not willing to make me the Fleet Admiral."

Aokiji knew his character was not pleasing to the world government and the Five Elders.

"As long as Akainu doesn't become the Fleet Admiral, I am fine with it."

Aokiji was not greedy for power. He just doesn't like Akainu's extreme way of handling things.

"Never thought that a pirate's word can change the World Government decision." Aokiji couldn't help but sigh.

"The Five Elders hate Koch so much that his every action was affecting the thinking of the Five Elders."


Kizaru was also drinking tea and enjoying his lazy life, suddenly a marine came to his office and gave him the news.

Kizaru was silent for a while.

"Sure enough, Koch is the most evil pirate, and I can't afford to offend him. I don't want to be like Akainu."

Marine Headquarter, Training Camp.

Zephyr was looking at his student with gloomy face, since the death of his good friend, he has never smiled.

But today there was a little smile on his face, a new Fleet Admiral will be selected today, and Akainu left for the Holy Land. Zephyr was confident that the next Fleet Admiral would be Akainu.

Zephyr wanted Aokiji to become the Fleet Admiral in the past, but now that was changed, he wanted Akainu to become the next Fleet Admiral.

"With Akainu extreme way of handling things, he will be able kill the Sun and Moon Pirates."

The student are training silent, they were little afraid of Zephyr, after the incident at the Sabaody Archipelago, their training was increased and Zephyr also become more strict.

Suddenly, a figure came to the training camp.

"Chief Kong, why are you here?"

Zephyr asked Kong, the previous Fleet Admiral and currently the World Government Commander-in-Chief.

Kong looked at Zephyr. Kong doesn't blamed Zephyr, but it is somewhat Zephyr fault for everything that was going on.

"Zephyr, the World Government and the Fleet Admiral made a decision that, you won't be the chief Instructor of the training camp anymore."

"what?, I don't think I have done something wrong enough to get fired."

Zephyr looked at the Kong in disbelief. He has been the Chief training instructor of the training camp for decades.

"Zephyr, this is the order from the Five Elders."

Kong looked at Zephyr, everything releated to Koch was somewhat connected to Zephyr.

"I have trained many Vice Admirals, and even the current Admirals used to be my students. I gave everything to the marines, and this is how the marines treat me."

"Zephyr, you are just fired from the Chief Instructor position, you can still be a Vice Admiral, or you can retire and enjoy your remaining life."

Kong said to Zephyr. He doesn't want this matter to get worse, he was given strict order from the World Government.

Zephyr pointed the new students.

"Ask them, if they needed me or not. I am the only person capable of training the next generation."

Kong looked at the students, all the students lower their head, they didn't say anything.

Zephyr stared blankly at his students, from anticipation, to disappointment, and finally to endless anger.

Kong looked at this scene.

'The Five Elders were right, Zephyr was not suitable for the position of the Chief Instructor.'

Zephyr walked out of the training area silently.

"Continue the training, a new Instructor will arrive soon."

Kong glanced at the students and leave the area.

After Kong and Zephyr leave the training camp, all the students looked at eachother.

"Have we gone too far, he is our teacher after all."

"But, he is so strict while training, and if we do something wrong there will be heavy punishment."

"This is not training camp, it looks like the punishment camp."

A distraught Zephyr, was wandering aimlessly at the Marine Headquarter, suddenly he saw another person like him, Akainu.


The news about kong taking the Fleet Admiral position again, spread all over the sea, and at the same time there was another news.' Because of koch, Akainu was rejected from the position of the Fleet Admiral'.

The news about Koch's gift to Akainu already spread all over the sea, and now Akainu was rejected from the Fleet Admiral position.

For many people it was hard to believe such news, they never would have thought that, Koch small action can change the candidate for the Fleet Admiral.


New Dawn was sailing with full speed towards Wanokuni.

Shakky just got the newspaper, she was shocked after reading the news.

She was the one who took that treasure box to the marines base, she never thought such small matter can the World Government decision.

"What's wrong?"

Gion, Stussy and the other girls approached Shakky with curiosity.

Shakky told them about everything.

"A small letter from Captain is so powerful."

"Don't listen to those rumors of the sea, these newspaper will post anything to attract the readers."

Koch said to the girls, almost all newspaper slightly change the news to attract the readers, some newspapers even posted that, Koch threatened the World Government or the world government were afraid of Koch.

"We will reach Wanokuni soon, everyone get ready."

"Violet, how far is Wanokuni?"

Koch asked Violet, her ability is pretty useful.

"There is still 200 kilometers, but I can't find kaido, and the Beast pirates base is almost empty."

Violet used her ability to check the situation of the Wanokuni.

"Looking at the time, they should have already returned back to wano."

"Did they escaped?"

Koch looked at Violet.

"Can you find them?"

Violet used her ability to search for the Beast pirates, after few minutes, her face stared to turn pale, but she didn't find kaido and the Beast pirates.

"You don't have to force yourself."

Koch stopped Violet.

"Let's enter the wano first, we can wait for kaido."

After sometime, wano appeared on the horizon.


"Boss, I found the Sun and Moon Pirates."

A man said to Big News Morgan. They arrived at Wanokuni three days ago, and were waiting for the Sun and Moon Pirates.

"They are finally here, the Sun and Moon Pirates came to Wanokuni, this is a Big News."

Morgan was excited.

"Koch VS kaido, Sun and Moon Pirates VS Beast Pirates. The sea is wating for this moment."


Inside Wanokuni.

After kaido left Wanokuni, Orochi become more crazy. Without kaido pressure, he was enjoying his moment.

A wandering girl looked at Orochi with hate and anger.

Inside Onigashima.

A girl wearing hannya mask, was wandering around the island, while dragging a mace.

"I'm hungry."

Deep inside the onigashima.

Two brother and sisters were sneaking around the treasure house.

"Kaido left the island, this is our chance, there must be few devil fruits inside the treasure house, after eating the Devil Fruit, we will become strong and no one will be able to bully us."

Page one and Ulti were trying to steal the Devil Fruit from the treasure house.