
Fanfiction Dog


Pop_CornDig · Others
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253 Chs

Ch 111-112

Dressrosa, Royal Palace.

All the Donquixote pirates looked at Sugar, with her ability they can turn everyone into toys and no one will remember them.

Monet, Sugar and Baby-5 were surprised, they couldn't believe that Sun and Moon Pirates want to recruit them.

"Why should I join your crew?" Baby-5 asked Hancock.

"You can be useful to our crew." Hancock said to Baby-5.

"Do you need me?" Baby-5 eye's were shining with excitement. She walked toward Hancock.

All the members of the Donquixote pirates were speechless.

"I am a member of the Donquixote pirates, I will not join your crew." Monet said to the girls.

Trebol and Diamante's face turned ugly, this was the perfect opportunity to turn the Sun and Moon Pirates into toys, they can't miss this chance.

"Monet, you need to sacrifice for the sake of the family, since the Sun and Moon Pirates want you, then you should join them with your sister." Trebol said to monet.

"Sister, let's join the Sun and Moon pirates." Sugar said to monet.

Monet looked at Sugar and understood their plan.

"Okay, we will join the Sun and Moon Pirates." Monet said as she carried Sugar and went towards the Sun and Moon Pirates.

"You, stay back." Hancock pointed at Sugar.

The expression of the Donquixote pirates turn ugly, looks like they were busted.

Gion looked at Hancock and was satisfied with her, although she didn't know the ability of sugar, but her instinct tell her to be wary of sugar.

"Hancock, you did a good job."

Koch walked in and praised Hancock.

"Really" Hancock hugged koch's arm excitedly.


The Donquixote pirates were terrified when Koch walked in, they opened their mouth wide. It was hard to believe that Koch was still alive.

'The captain of the Sun and Moon Pirates is still alive.'

Violet looked at Koch with surprised on her face, she was a huge fan of Koch, there were many pictures of koch in her room.

"Impossible, you were killed at Sabaody, how are you still alive?"

Trebol was terrified.

Koch ignored them, Doflamingo was not here and these weakling doesn't deserve his attention, Koch looked at Violet.

"You are the princess of Dressrosa, Violet, right?, Do you want to join the Sun and Moon Pirates?, we can save your kingdom and expose the darkness of the Shichibukai to the whole world."

Koch invite Violet to the Sun and Moon Pirates.

Violet looked at Koch in surprise, she couldn't belive it, it was like a dream to her, with koch's strength, Dressrosa can be saved.

"I do" Violet said with excitement.

Hancock who was next to Koch looked at Viola.

"Captain just asked you to join the Sun and Moon Pirates, he didn't asked you to marry him, why are so excited?"

[Violet joined the crew.

Combat power: 4831.]

Violet combat power was not high, but her Devil Fruit ability was very important to Koch.

Koch looked at Baby-5, Koch knew about her, she will be willing to join the crew easily.

"Baby-5, do you want be a member of the Sun and Moon Pirates?" Koch asked her directly.

Although Baby-5 was still young, around 13 years old, and her combat power was only average, but with her Devil Fruit she can be strong in the future, all she needed was a proper training.

"Do you need me?" Baby-5 asked Koch with excitement in her eyes.

"Yes, the Sun and Moon Pirates need you." Koch said to Baby-5.

The system light around her was shining brightly, Koch couldn't thelp but laugh, it was easy to recruit her, but her habit need to be change after she join the crew.

[Baby-5 joined the crew.

Combat power: 1965.]

Koch looked at Baby-5, with her Devil Fruit, she can be trained as a sniper. Koch, Gion, Stussy and Shakky were main fighter of the crew right now, so he need someone to take the sniper position. Although Stussy was also sniper, but she didn't use any gun, she only use finger Pistol.

Koch decide to train Baby-5 Devil Fruit ability, and asked Stussy to teach Baby-5.

Koch looked at Monet.

"I will not betray the Donquixote pirates." Monet said to Koch.

Although monet will be quite strong in the future, but if she was not interested in joining the Sun and Moon Pirates, there was nothing Koch can do about it.

Koch then looked at Sugar, her Devil Fruit ability was quite powerful, but there was nothing else about her. Her physical strength was equal to a kid and it will be hard to train her because of her Devil Fruit, and the only way to use her Devil Fruit ability, was to touch the opponent. Her Devil Fruit may work against weak people, but with strong people who possess high Armament haki, Conqueror's haki or Observation Haki, it will be impossible to use her ability against them.

"I will join your crew, I don't want to die." Sugar looked at Koch in fear.

But Koch didn't see the system light on sugar.

"Betty, put these two in custody first, let them witness the destruction of the Donquixote pirates, if they still can't change their mind, let them join the the Donquixote Pirate."

Koch didn't bother to spend his time on them.

"Kill them." Koch said to the girls.

"As you wish." Stussy snapped her finger and huge lightning fell from the sky and hit everyone. The Donquixote pirates were weak against Stussy and Shakky, the two girls wipe out the whole Donquixote Pirates. The only remaining members of the Donquixote pirates were Monet and Sugar, who were captured.

There was only less than a month remain until the Shichibukai establishment, and it will take more than a month to travel to Sabaody using the ship, so Koch decided to leave the ship at Dressrosa with few girls.

Gion turned into a phoenix and Koch took Hancock and sat on the back of the phoenix and flew away.

Shakky also carried Stussy and Belo Betty and flew away.

Koch looked at Gion, Hancock, Stussy, Shakky and Belo Beatty. They were the main force of the crew and they all were leaving towards the Sabaody Archipelago.

Their target is the Marine's Fleet Admiral, Sengoku.

Today is the day of Shichibukai establishment, many people wake up early in the morning, and went towards to newspaper office, only the newspaper office has the video den den mushi.

The Marines and World Government will announce the members of the Shichibukai today, and the Shichibukai system will be officially establish, many people were wating for three month for this special event.

The establishment of the Shichibukai system right above koch's grave.

Marine Headquarter, Marineford.

The Fleet Admiral of the Marines, Sengoku, woke up early in the morning, he was in a good mood, there was a smile on his face.

After the death of Koch, Sengoku has the big smile on his face everyday, most of the hair that was turned white were also dyed black.

He was walking towards to the meeting hall with high spirit, and a happy face. He pushed opened the door of the meeting hall and went inside.

All the Marines executives stood up, when sengoku enter the room. All of them arrived early in the morning, today was the big day for the marines.

Sengoku took his seat and looked at the marines executives.

"Is everything ready?"

Sengoku asked the marines. There cannot be any mistake today, it is the special event for the Marines and The World Government and everything will be broadcast to the whole world, even a small mistake can damage the reputation of the Marines and of the World Government.

"All the members of the Shichibukai have reached the Marine base of the Sabaody Archipelago, they all were kept in separate rooms and there wasn't any problem." A vice Admiral replied to Sengoku.

Sengoku nodded, all the Shichibukai were strong, but they were all pirates, it would be hard to control them if the start to fight eachother, so keeping them is separate room was a good decision.

"What about the other forces, especially Kaido and Big Mom?" Sengoku asked seriously.

The marines were keeping track of the sea emperors, it would be a huge problem if any sea emperor decided to attack them at the Sabaody, the Shichibukai system is going to be established to reduce the influence of the sea emperors

Sengoku knew about Whitebeard's character, Whitebeard won't attack them without any reason, so Sengoku was only worried about the Kaido and Big Mom, especially Kaido, that lunatic can do anything.

"The Whitebeard pirates were silent, but the first commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco, left the ship two month ago, and there isn't any news about him."

"It is also the same with Big Mom Pirates, there is also no movement from their side. Two months ago Katakuri and Smoothie leaved the Totto Land, but they have already returned back few days ago."

Sengoku was in a better mood hearing the news, if the Whitebeard pirates and Big Mom Pirates decided not to interfere, then the event will be successful peacefully.

"But kaido was creating chaos all over the New World, he even attack the Marine base in the New World again."

Sengoku frowned instantly, that lunatic Kaido. Sengoku hate Kaido more than Whitebeard and Big Mom. Whitebeard and Big Mom were not interested in fighting the marines without any reason, they will just stay at their territory but kaido was different from them, in last three month, kaido attack the Marine base three time.

"Don't worry about kaido, I am sure that kaido will try to attack us at Sabaody, so I already send Akainu and Kizaru and many warship to the New World, they will stop kaido if he make any move."

Sengoku already arranged everything, with the combined strenght of two Admirals and many warships, no one can leave the New World, even kaido didn't dare to fight with Akainu, Kizaru and many warship at the same time.

"What about the Red Haired Shanks and Revolutionary Army?"

Sengoku asked again, Shanks and Revolutionary Army were also gaining strength in the sea right now, and Revolutionary Army were going directly against the World Government, Sengoku was afraid that the Revolutionary Army may interfere in this event.

"Thr Red Haired pirates are still in the New World right now, and looks like they are not coming towards Sabaody Archipelago."

"The Revolutionary Army were still at four sea, there was no sign of them entering the Grand Line."

Sengoku smiled again. These are the only forces in the sea right now, that have strength to interfere today's event.

"They are very smart, they knew that today's event is important for the marines and the World Government, and they didn't dare to face the full strength of the Marines and World Government."

The marines executives were also in good mood, if the pirates didn't attack, then the event will end peacefully and they didn't have to do anything.

"These pirates are not strong enough to challane the full strength of the marines."

"If all of these pirates decide to join force and attack us, then they may have a chance, but these pirates were arrogant and will not cooperate."

The marines executives start to talk among themselves.

A proud smile appeared on the corners of Sengoku's mouth.

"Did you find the remaining members of the Sun and Moon Pirates?"


"We have totally lost them, looks like they were hiding in some remote place or some uninhabited island in the New World."

Sengoku's eyes were slightly cold, after the death of Koch three month ago, the marines were searching for the remaining member of the Sun and Moon pirates, all over the sea. Sengoku didn't understand how they even manage to reach the New World without coating their ship. The new world was vast and a perfect place to hide for any pirates.

"The Shichibukai establishment will be held right above Koch's grave, this is the greatest humiliation to their captain and their pirates crew, the remaining members of the Sun and Moon Pirates will definitely come to the Sabaody."

Sengoku was looking forward to the arrival of the Sun and Moon Pirates, the remaining members will also be killed right above Koch's grave, and if they didn't dare to come then, there was nothing he can do about it, but he was somehow sure that the Sun and Moon Pirates will come to the Sabaody.

"Let's go according to the plan, I and Vice Admiral Tsuru will go to Sabody with few warship."

Sengoku said to the marines executives.

"Sengoku, are you sure you don't want to bring the Admirals?"

Tsuru asked Sengoku, she was not feeling right about going to Sabaody with less troops.

"This is not necessary, Akainu and Kizaru are in New World, we need to stop kaido, if that lunatic decide to make any move. Aokiji is going to protect the headquarter. Zephyr is not healed properly and I don't trust Garp, he will cause more trouble for us than the pirates. The Shichibukai didn't dare to mess around, and the monsters from the New World couldn't come to the Sabaody."

"Sabody is closer to the Marineford, we can ask for reinforcement even if something goes bad, and there are also the Shichibukai, from today onward they are also the part of the world government, and they will support the marines in any fight, this was also written in the Shichibukai agreement."

Sengoku said to Tsuru, Sengoku doesn't think that there will be any problem in the event, and even if there will be any accident, Sengoku was confident that can be solved easily with the combined strength of the marines and the Shichibukai.

As the Fleet Admiral of the Marines, his combat power was stronger than the Admirals, and with seven strongest Shichibukai and many Vice Admirals with warships, any problem can be solved.

"Let's go." Sengoku ordered.

A high-spirited Sengoku with ten warship, set off from the Marine Headquarter.

'A new era is going to start today and I will start it with my own hand'