
Glee Third Season

1 - Vacation is over and Daniel is back to McKinley. No only that, but that seems to be a new art teacher in school, Michael Sean.

Actually, Daniel met Michael during the game jam and they ended up dating. At the end of the jam, Daniel had to say goodbye to everyone, but he didn't want to say it to Mike. So though Daniel didn't know if it would work, he decided to keep a long distance relationship.

But Mike got the job as a art teacher in McKinley so that he could be with Daniel. But because he is a teacher and older, they have to keep their relationship a secret. But that didn't work so well, when Rachel and Finn finds out while having a date.

Daniel convinces them both to keep the secret after explaining that he really likes Mike and the age difference is not that much. Though Finn still thinks that's a bad idea, he agrees with keeping the secret.

In school, Daniel wanted to create a club to help LGBT students, but Kurt refuses to help because he's too busy. Luckily, Mike can help as a teacher, becoming the adviser for the club, so Daniel started the club, having only himself, called "Vale", in reference to the term from his country. The club doesn't seem to have any objective (for the school board), but since Mike agreed with the principal to keep the club as non curricular and just use free rooms after classes for reunion, the idea passed.

2 - Daniel doesn't want to audition for any parts in the play since he doesn't like acting. So he helps with the scenario together with Mike.

Daniel asks Kurt for help to attract more kids to join his Vale club, explaining that it can help kids that are confused. But Kurt refuses saying that he needs to focus in his campaign. Blaine joins the club saying that it is a great idea.

He hears Kurt saying to Brittany to tone down, so he comments to him that he should be proud of being who he is, that's the only way to change the school.

Kurt joins the club after seeing that he was too focused in the election and not being himself, and promises to help Daniel to get more members.

Mike keep trying to make advances with Daniel, but is always responded with the frozen reaction.

3 - Mike brings Daniel to Scandals to make him feel more comfortable with the skinship, but someone touch Daniel's butt in the bar, what brings unpleasant memories and he runs off of there.

Daniel gets ashamed for his reaction and avoids Mike for some days. He wants to talk to somebody about it, but is afraid of talking to Will or Emma since they are teachers. Then he sees Kurt and Blaine. Knowing they are boyfriends for a while he decides to see if they can help and call them to the cafe.

"So... I'm dating Mike." Daniel says hesitantly after getting their orders and sitting.

"I'm pretty sure he's straight. And dating Tina." Kurt responds

"Not Mike Chang. Michael Sean." Daniel corrects.

"You don't mean..." Blaine starts.

"Yes. The art teacher."

"Are you crazy?" Kurt almost scream

"Keep it down." Daniel rebukes softly. "I know that it can end badly, but i met him before he coming here to teach okay. He came to be with me."

"He is much older than you"

"Not that much, just around 5 years."

"That's a lot. He could go to jail." Says Blaine.

"It's okay, we're keeping it a secret."

"Okay, but that's not why you call us right?" Says Kurt taking a deep breath.

"Have you ever touch each other?" Daniel asks suddenly.

Kurt doesn't understand at first, but Blaine gets flustered.

"What are you asking? That's personal."

"Oh, no. I'm not talking about masturbation, I want to know if you have touch one another in a intimate way. I know that this is personal, but i need to know..." Daniel practically begs by the ends

Kurt understand what he wants to know and thinks about his trauma that Will said.

"Does it have something to do with why Mr. Schuster dispense you from the classes about sex last year?"

"Yes... I'm not very comfortable with sex." Daniel answers weakly.

"It's okay to explain why?" Blaine asks taking his hand for comfort.

"If you don't want to talk about it, you don't need." Kurt completes taking his other hand.

Daniel explains again what happened to them.

After hearing what happened, both Kurt and Blaine got very sad and angry, even more in the last part, when Daniel said that they thought he liked it.

Blaine and Kurt understood why Daniel asked what he asked them, so they stop to thinking for a bit, before Blaine answering.

"We do touch each other intimately. But that is no why we are together. Dating is not about the sex."

"Yeah. When you date someone, you don't date them because of sex or touches. You have to choose dating them because of love. Because you like being together." Kurt complemented.

"But, if you like someone you should be able to accept being touched, don't you?" Daniel asks confused.

"You are special, Daniel. You don't like being touched and that's okay. You can work it out little by little with him. You don't need to be allow him to touch you just to prove you love him."

After the conversation with Blaine and Kurt, Daniel decided to talk with Mike and explain he doesn't feel comfortable with being touched. Mike comfort him by saying that he could wait until he was ready. To celebrate, Daniel asked Mike to bring him again to the Scandal. He wanted to try going there a bit each time since he wanted to know more about the community. Mike promised to guard him everytime they go, so that nobody touches him.

4 - The mood in the glee club hadn't been great since Mercedes got out and the awkwardness between Santana and Daniel was not helping.

Even though Santana had apologized and Daniel had forgiven her, he still couldn't become friends with her again and he started to be annoyed by her. It didn't help when Mercedez went to the other team, as he felt like she betrayed him too.

So when the girl defected together, Daniel stop them on the way with venom in his tongue.

"Congratulation Santana, you finally got your objective of being the top bitch."

"Daniel, bug off."

"But what a pity of a team. A lazy ass traitor, a Manipulative bitch that thinks she is better than everybody and a airhead that believes everything others say." Daniel comments with sarcasm while they pass by.

"At least I will got what I want, not just accept a sugar daddy of consolation." Santana attacks back.

How she knew of Mike, Daniel didn't know, but he wasn't gonna stop because of confusion.

"You go get them then girl. Maybe you should start by getting another beard for you, since you made your last one run off. You should be careful, people will start to suspect." Daniel smirks before walking away.

Daniel went to watch the performance of the girls with Will. After the performance he applauds.

"Great, seems like the bad team is still good enough to sing. I better work hard then." He comments to them before leaving

Because he wanted to destroy the girls team, Daniel started to train more and be more participant in the club. He also takes advantage of the fact that he became friend with the owner of Scandal to make some shows there to train.

5 - Daniel has been doing shows in Scandals, so one day when he finishes his show, he sees Kurt and Blaine coming in. He goes greet them with Mike that was waiting him.

After a little chat Blaine and Kurt go with a friend of theirs, Sebastian. And Daniel go get a drink with Mike.

After meeting Dave, Kurt comments about Daniel bring there.

"I know. He's been doing shows here for a while now as training." Dave says.

"You should go talk to him."


"I know about you two."

"What? Who told you? Who else knows?" David gets a bit panicky.

"Whoa. Calm down. I don't know the details. I just know because Santana and Daniel had a big fight because of you."

"So everybody knows?"

"Not really, they know Daniel loved you, but not about you being gay since they avoided the topic. The same way you are avoiding the topic right now. Why haven't you talked to Daniel yet?"

Dave explains about how he saw Daniel making a show the first time some time ago. He thought it would be the perfect time to talk again, since now he could accept himself better. But then he saw Daniel kissing Mike and learned that he was dating, so he didn't want to get himself in any problem.

"I'm sure he already forgot about me now."

"So you should go to talk to him. You were friends before, right?"

After cheering each other up, Kurt went to the dance floor after Blaine and Dave went to look for Daniel.

"Dave?" Daniel gets surprise after seeing him.

"Dan..." Dave calls Daniel by his intimate name without realizing.

Daniel and Dave stay looking at each other for some moments, but are interrupted by Mike cleaning his throat.

*cough*"Aren't you going to introduce us, Daniel?" Mike says getting his arms around Daniel's neck.

Daniel breaks out of the state of being stunned and introduces both of them.

"Dave, this is my boyfriend Michael Sean. Mike, this is my... friend, David Karofsky." Daniel hesitates not knowing how to introduces Dave, but decides to go with friend.

Dave and Mike shake hands and exchange compliments. But as soon as they finish Daniel starts to excitedly interrogate Dave, about his life. Dave explain that he change school to avoid the rumors from prom.

"Can't you just accept and be open?" Daniel asks coming back to their fight from a while ago.

"So, it's now that you begin to judge me?"

"No, no. I just..." Daniel couldn't finish since they call him to sing again. "Sorry, I have to go. But let's talk again later. What's your number?"

After getting Dave's cellphone number, Daniel goes up to the stage.

"He really is amazing, isn't he? I'm very lucky to be his boyfriend." Mike comments after Daniel going, putting some emphasis in boyfriend.

Dave keeps quiet, not knowing how to answer and just decides to go away.

6 - While Puck was making his presentation, Daniel was in Coach Beiste Office.

"Daniel, I want you to play for the team."

"What?!" Daniel reacts reasonably confused.

"I saw how you play last year. You are a great player. And I happen to be missing a lot of players because of food poisoning."

"Coach, you know I'm gay right?"

"What does your sexual orientation has to do with playing football?"

"Maybe to you. But the other guys won't like it."

"They can suck it. I'm the coach, not they."

And with that Daniel joined the football team what caused a mess both at the glee club as at the team.

The club got worried about his safety, while the team started to insinuate that Daniel would be spying on them. After coach shut the team up and they training together, Daniel got included in the team very well enough for the game.

During the game Daniel was playing great, but after one of the players of the other team touched him in a bad way, he got more and more distracted. During the recess, coach asks what happened and Daniel explain how he was touched, but one of the players say that he probably like it, making Daniel remember his family and getting out.

Coach goes to Will to see if he can help her convince Daniel that it's just a provocation from the opponents, but when Will hears what happened he quickly goes after Daniel. He finds him hidden in the in the back of the stands and consoles him, before explaining what happened to him to coach Beiste.

After hearing Daniel's story, coach feels bad for not knowing how bad this felt to him, and starts going back to give her team a lesson, but is stopped but Daniel.

"Wait." He says, getting up. "I'll explain to them what happened. I owe them this much for not being able to go back to play."

With Will coming together for support, Daniel goes back in the changing room and explain what happened and that he wouldn't be able to help them win the game.

"It's okay. We will win for you." Says Finn for the team that got fired up.

"And take the chance to give that guy a special lesson." Completes Puck, with rage.

The guys come back and win the game, being specially strong when it came to the guy on the other team. Daniel watched the game from the bench and celebrated with them at the end. But in the next day he went to coach to explain that he can't keep playing. He should wait so that he get better before playing again if they still want him.

After going out he hears Santana and Finn fighting in the hallway. After hearing Santana insulting Finn, he decides to involve himself.

"I didn't know that besides a Manipulative bitch you were also such a bad player. What? Are you that scared of losing to us?"

"Sorry, but i don't involve myself with teacher pets. Maybe pet is not enough."

"What are you talking about now. Did you got out of insults so you starts to make up stories?"

"Make up? Please, you are so over him that I feel like throwing up. Tell me, is it fun to screw a teacher? Did you already did it in the school? I bet you love that feeling of forbidden, huh?"

Daniel gets really angry after hearing Santana, but even more heartbroken.

"You know what, Santana? Not everyone is a bitch like you. I wish I could screw him, but i can't even screw my own hand. So do me a favor and disappear from my life, please."

Daniel practically roars, his face red with anger, but his eyes moist with sadness.

Santana get surprise by Daniel outburst, but don't say anything even after he going away. Finn, gets angry with Santana for touching Daniel's scar and attacks where it hurts by talking about her being in the closet.

7 - Because of Santana's comment, the whole football team seems to be hating her and as she is about to be shoved out of the closet the guys in the club decides to help her accept herself, except for Daniel that stop talking with her totally.

Kurt tries to convince Daniel saying that Santana is also part of the community he promised to help when creating Vale, but Daniel says that he won't help her. Kurt doesn't understand why Daniel is so hurt by Santana.

Santana asks Finn why Daniel and everyone in the team was mad on her. Finn explain to her about Daniel's trauma and how all the team was in his side after the game. The other members of the club hears too, being shocked, besides Kurt, Blaine and Will that already knew.

Santana feels bad about it and tries to apologize, but Daniel is completely ignoring her, so Santana asks for help from the Glee club to get Daniel to the Auditorium and sing a song to him.

Will gets Daniel there with the excuse that he needs to help selecting the song for sectionals. Santana starts to sing "Til it happens to you" and everyone gets together to sing with her. Daniel gets up to go away after seeing Santana, but gets conquered by the song and starts crying, Will hugs him with tears in the eyes too.

After the song, Daniel and Santana talk with each other for a long time, making up with each other. After the talk, Daniel asks Will if he can sing his song for the assignment.

Daniel finally sings "True Colors" to Santana. Though he didn't explain, everyone realizes that he was practicing that song for a while, even though he was heartbroken with Santana.

Daniel and Santana become best friends after that.

8 -

needs to happened between 6 and 12

Daniel and Dave have become friends again, and they start going to each other house to play games and chat. Meanwhile, Mike gets more and more jealous and start having a case with Sebastian after a drunken night.

Because of the fight with Santana, the relationship between Daniel and Mike becomes a rumor around school, what causes trouble for Mike, since he's seen as not apt to teach. But after fighting for a while, he decides to resign for the position saying he prefers to have a open relationship with Daniel than a hidden one.

Daniel gets some students to visit his club and give them advice about what they are feeling, but none join the club, making him feel like the club is useless. But Finn helps by joining the club and explaining for everyone that the club is not just for LGBT people, but also for everyone that wants to help and support them.

Daniel gets angry after being said that he is not sexy and makes a show at Scandal using only sensual songs after inviting everyone.

(3, Billie bossa Nova, Don't Cha.)

During the song, Daniel provokes both Dave and Mike without realizing. Mike gets too drunk and tries to force himself into Daniel, Dave sees it and they have a big fight.

Daniel and Mike's relationship becomes more twisted because of jealousy, so Mike forces Daniel to choose between keeping the friendship with Dave or the relationship with him. Daniel, being afraid of being alone, decides to cut off Dave. Going less to his house and just lightly greet him from afar. What makes Dave realize that he still loves Daniel.

(These are just kinda in order. I will be including them when I decide where they fit better.)